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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2015 in all areas
He's probably been on a grizzly-bear wrestling marathon or something. Or maybe riding a girl's bike wearing Mom jeans. Oh wait, that's our president.7 points
I love the "sporting purposes" title they use. :down: The second amendment had nothing to do with sporting and hunting and this title should not be used in determining 2A rights.7 points
I bought this when I got home, had several upgrades done to it and today i got to pick it up a week early!! i the bike sounds unbelievable I absolutely love it6 points
"Except I didn't want you to carry your heater in the National Parks that you own." - OS6 points
5 points
4 points
I don't keep Pringles around the house for that reason. Once the can is open it is gone. JTM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
he signed on when it was obvious the new regulation was a non starter. BATFE was backing away when he signed on. He did not change anyone's mind Dude is a joke and anyone who voted for him ought to be ashamed.4 points
HiPoints are like ugly chicks who can cook. You might not show em off but you don't mind going home to em.4 points
Sleeping with the fishes is the expression. But then again, it is Putin we're talking about. ;) - OS3 points
Innocent people were already caught up in it. You had a predatory gang preying on a disenfranchised population as a source of revenue. Holder and Obama aren't the only racists in this picture.3 points
3 points
Unfortunately, this approach has practically ZERO effect on people who are immersed in their own self-importance and sense of superiority-- which describes the current leadership oligarchy. Anything short of a political bitch-slap (losing an election) is ineffective, and we just missed our opportunity this last cycle. Get used to it, at least for the foreseeable future. As long as RINOS call the shots, we will be fed occasional crumbs of "feel-good" gun legislation just enough for them to proclaim how pro-2A they are come re-election time. We were incredibly lucky that the knife legislation went through last year... honestly, I think the bulk of them didn't even read it.3 points
3 points
The grand delusion of "Armor piercing". *scoff* People truly labor unr the delusion that AP ammo is the evil that defeats armor. First myth: .223 ammo is NOT armor peircing in the traditional sense. It's only function is to defeat soft armor worn by people. It's pretty sad when usd against ARMOR such as an APC or a tank. The old black tip '06 was meant to punch through concrete walls and LIGHT armor. Second myth: And this is something the left PROBABLY shouldn't be educated on. Punching a hole in armor is not the only way to defeat it. I highly doubt a .50 cal muzzle loader will penetrate a high quality Kevlar vest, I don't know. I DO KNOW, if hit by one and it doesn't penetrate....you STILL won't be in th action. 12g slugs, my .358 Winchester with a 230g cast bullet @ 2000fps....none of these penetrate quality vests. ALL of these will likely break ribs, crack a sternum, collapse a lung, rupture a spleen, cause cardiac arrest and who knows what else. Phrase of the day? Blunt force trauma. ....and as far as hard armor goes, insurgents have proven, the most rudimentary homemade weapon works wonders. Flammable liquid in a glass bottle. Armor is still intact sure but unless there's an on board oxygen supply, a blanket of fire will suck all the oxygen out of the armored structure/vehicle. Chances are, you WILL come out or die, thereby essentially defeating the armor. All these things are just moves in a chess match and anyone with a little common sense understands that.3 points
2A was about being able to shoot at gov't officials.. If they had to duck to run out of the capitol building they might have a different attitude.3 points
It's like a potato eatin' vodka drinkin' Waldo over in Russia! Putin not seen in public for 8 days? Hmmm. Plot thickens. Wonder what kind of azzhat replaces him should he turn up swimming with the fishies in lake Baikal? http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2015/03/13/259703/wheres-putin-dont-ask-the-white.html2 points
Regions honestly earned every crappy review they have been given. We ended up with an account with them after they bought the small local bank we were using. Put up with their nonsense for a year before we could get everything switched to TVA Credit Union. We are much happier with the service we get from them.2 points
Harwell is the weak link... She is ripe for being put out of a job, it wouldn't be too hard to successfully challenge her the primary by going hard right, but we'd loose the seat in the general election. But honestly I think it would be worth loosing the seat.2 points
2 points
You're trying to get me run out of the neighborhood aren't you? I like the idea though. I'll try and put something together in the spring.2 points
Sprinkle the rifle with salt and holy oil (holy water would probably cause holy oxidation). Wait seven minutes, if the stock gets cold, get rid of the rifle. It's occupied by a vengeful spirit. If the stock is room temp, it's safe to keep in the home.2 points
2 points
Sounds like someone who watches Ghost Hunter reality TV while on the edge of the bean bag chair. Probably has a mood ring and an ora orb somewhere on them at all times lol2 points
2 points
Here's the truth, anyone CAN carry a gun, and use a gun for violent crime, ANYWHERE in this country, and they do often..Thats why the good people of this state and country go thru the often times painstaking process of being able to LEGALLY carry a firearm for protection...Thats the truth the gun grabbers don't want to tell... I say too bad, you cant have our guns, because our constitution says you can't2 points
2 points
My weakness would be homemade suasage balls and they even have the added benefit of working better than ex-lax!!2 points
2 points
Hmmmm. Now that's a good idea. I might just try that in my neighborhood. It can't tick off the lefties any more than I already have. I pissed off one by giving his 4 year old a bag of soldiers and some small vehicles. He had a fit. Took them from the boy and broke all the guns off. The kid plays with dolls. I think he's already lost.2 points
I have a Runt (not the TGO model, unfortunately) and I've learned to hook my index finger under it to pull ito out of my pocket instead of grasping it. It took a ruined pants pocket to learn that lesson, but could have been worse.2 points
Friday update (three days after shipping to Vortex) I emailed my customer service contact to find out if I would be contacted during the repair/replacement process and could I expect a tracking number notification since I requested a Signature on Delivery. Here is her response: We will only contact you during the repair process if we have additional questions or concerns. You will, however, receive an email from Fed Ex once it has been repaired notifying you it is on its way back to you with the tracking information. In fact, I just checked on your scope and see our technician repaired it late yesterday and it will be shipping back to you today! We are shipping it back to you via Fed Ex Overnight, so it should be back in your hands very shortly. I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to contact me with any further concerns. Thank you for your patience in this matter!2 points
Would like to see a ride out Natchez Trace way, Williamson Co. I rode this route for the first time last summer with Jaysan60, nice roads tailored for group rides!2 points
Nah.... needs more black. Black forks, black mirrors, black valve covers... :)2 points
Well, there comes a point... they been around a *while* now. There are KT guns that are 15 years old or more .... worn out, changed hands 10 times or more, shot to death, bubba'ed, and even models no longer made. Does colt still repair 1911s from pre WW1 for free? Will browning repair your 75 year old A-5 for free? You probably not the original owner of those, given the ages of them, are you? No, no one else does this either. I don't see how its a deal breaker to do the exact same thing every other gun company does. They still fix the gun for free if you bought it new -- which is exactly what everyone else in the industry does. It is not economically viable to do repairs on every item ever made once your company reaches a certain age...2 points
Aside from the Miami shoot out and the North Hollywood Bank Robbery have there been that many shoot outs where the bad guys used rifles to shoot cops? Maybe I just didn't notice, or I don't remember. I do remember the ATF shooting and killing innocent people at Ruby Ridge, jack booted masked government agents busting into the home of the guardians of Elian Gonzalez just to send him back to Cuba, and also remember watching the ATF bulldozing and setting buildings on fire which contained innocent women and children in Waco. I remember them allowing Mexican Cartels to buy guns illegally here and take them back to Mexico, and one or more of them later to be used to kill U.S Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, but I must have missed something that happened in order for it to justify this administration's attitude towards gun owners in general, but specifically AR-15 owners.2 points
2 points
All that said, betcha a quarter he runs for Senate. Unless the right magic happened and he gets a chance for the presidency. You gotta know the latter is Big Jim's Big Dream for him and gawd knows how many bucks he's spent in one way or another just to help get him to where he is now. - OS2 points
DaveS, I am still planning to haul your wrinkly old butt out on a turkey hunt this season. I'll wait till it's warm enough for ticks, so you have something to complain about. :D1 point
One of the best rides anywhere in the Southeast. Here are a couple of shots from the last time I rode the Cherohala in November of last year. I doubt we would have to deal with the snow and ice this time of year.1 point
I wanted that style HD when I got back from my last deployment but alas, my situation at the time only allowed me the Streetbob. Those type tires is more conducive to my riding style than the ones I got. Congrats.......1 point
Now you just need to get a really large machete(custom of course) and some sweet leather and strap it on. Wouldn't be right if you didn't have a sweet matching blade.1 point
Very nice. All these bike pics have me itching to get out riding. Been out of the country for a bit and can't wait to get back Saturday and get mine cleaned up. We did a TGO ride last year in Middle TN. We will do another one ( I may go ahead and put out a feeler for dates). If you ever want someone to ride with, let me know, it always nice to have someone to do a bit of running around with on the bikes.1 point
"is that a pistol in your pocket of are you just happy to see me? No ma'am, I pack a rifle."1 point
And we just keep buying the cheep crap from the little communist when are we going to learn1 point
Who puts a guy with a letter for a first name in charge of anything anyway? :shrug: I think it's about time for B. Todd to B. going, the guys obviously a special kind of stupid.1 point
1 point
Out of the 7 or so Keltecs I have had over the years the only one I have hung on to is the P32. I tried many mouse guns but have yet to find one as thin, light weight with reliability as the P32.1 point
1 point
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