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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2015 in all areas

  1. hopefully all the people who bought tons hoping to make a killing reselling it at double lost there butts. :rofl:
    7 points
  2. I've heard a lot of BS from Walmart employees that wasn't true. I'd wait for an official statement from Walmart before I believed that. :up:
    7 points
  3. And of course, the price for said ammo will immediately drop back to pre-panic levels.   Right.
    5 points
  4.   I think this is the case. I emailed, phoned a little, and got involved with everything that was sending letters and emails to our representatives in D.C. that I could find.   The response must have worn out a few fax machines in state and national offices. I know I sent them emails every day from home and thru the sites on GB/AllOutdoors, and others.   Guys, I don't intend to stop and I hope you won't either.   The quieter we are on these issues, the more they will occur. And maybe not as blatantly obvious as this one has been.
    4 points
  5. [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/8882151A-5E16-419A-AB6B-206174F6FE78_zpsy31rjozt.jpg.html][/URL]
    4 points
  6. Better later than now. Just have to be vigilant and continue to fight. Obama has too many years left and Lord knows who we'll have after that.
    4 points
  7. I went to the range with my brother today to shoot some stuff for his birthday. After we had been there about 2 hrs this older gentleman pulls up and gets out with a bag, he stands behind us until we are done shooting and while we are talking he stats walking around picking up brass. Well after a few minutes this asshat says "hey buddy that's my brass your picking up do you work here or something?" To witch the older gentleman said " I am so sorry I didn't see you picking any up so I thought you were going to leave it, you see me and a couple other Vets get together and reload ammo and talk on the weekends and we ran low on brass this weekend". After that I, yes I am the ASSHAT, helped him pick up the rest and thanked him for his service to our country.  After I removed my foot from my mouth my brother and I sat there for another hour just talking to this wonderful gentleman, it turned out to be a very nice day, and I know he should have asked before picking up someones brass, but yes I still feel like a total asshat for disrespecting that nice older gentelman. 
    3 points
  8.   For the first knife of next year, I plan on doing a Rockeye that will be a work horse and not so pretty,one that will be cool but also one we will all be proud to use and abuse 
    3 points
  9. I was going to go see it, but then my dentist offered to give me a root canal with no Novocaine. I think I made the right choice. 
    3 points
  10. And can someone edit the title of this thread. My OCD is acting up.
    3 points
  11. I feel like I missed something
    3 points
  12. So the sales clerk at the ammo counter told you this?
    3 points
  13. My dad suffered respiratory arrest early Sunday morning. My brother didn't think he would still be with us by the time I got to the hospital. Some good nursing and help from above (the nurses and Dr. say that's what did it) brought him back around.  Back to his old self. Yesterday the hospitalist came to see him and asked several questions. Some went like this: Dr.  - "How much do you weigh? Dad - "155 pounds" Dr.  - "what's the most you ever weighed'? Dad - "205 pounds" Dr  - "What's the least you ever weighed"? Dad - " 7 pounds 8 ounces" Yep. That's my dad alright.    He is on the mend but any additional prayers would be appreciated. Thanks. He's a tough old bird that served in Germany post WW2.
    2 points
  14. No words needed. Self explanatory!!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFaLokC9hqk
    2 points
  15.   I disagree,  this show is amazing.  NOt slow at all.   The background on Mike is some of the best TV ever.
    2 points
  16. I won't buy it or pay to see it in the theaters, but I can't promise I won't watch it on satellite when they start playing it.  He's a douchenozzle but I still like the roles he plays.
    2 points
  17. As many of us talk about, if we own guns or not is nobody's business, and I would imagine that there were a at least a few gun owners who refused to participate, thus skewing the sample.
    2 points
  18. Yep. Toxic lead particles being released into the atmosphere will  poison all the little children.
    2 points
  19. I just browsed gunbroker and got a chuckle out of the current bidding. You have got to feel like a jackass if your the last bid at $0.60 or higher when that letter dropped. No backing out now
    2 points
  20. When in doubt, reply "I am on crutches because I shoved my foot so far up some senile old jerk's ass that I broke 16 bones dragging it out"
    2 points
  21. Like Hipower said these are smaller than I was expecting.  These are going to feel like I am not carrying anything after carrying the LG101 since I got it.  I really like both of the blades.     These really exceed my expectations.  :up:   Thanks Willis!
    2 points
  22. Got mine today too! You're right Hipower, seeing the numbers and holding it are two very different things lol.   These are some really handsome knives. I got some really nice scales on both of mine but my tanto has scales to die for :D   Upgrading the button on these was a damn good call Willis, I was a bit skeptical at paying more for a purely cosmetic feature, but damn. This is one well specced out knife, as usual. :up:   After getting them in hand I'm going to have to go back on a previous statement, these are NOT replacing the Rockeye as everyday work knives, they'll fall into carry rotation for times when I want a knife but don't expect to use one for more than opening a box or two or the like, they are just so pretty i 'd hate to see anything happen to them.       Thanks again Willis, very happy camper over here.
    2 points
  23. I think some of the lure is that we have attachments to the characters from BB and long for more of the story. That's what I enjoy anyway.
    2 points
  24. GOT MY TGO Runts!!! Waited for the mail this morning with anxious feelings. I knew they would be here today. I was not disappointed. They are here!!! First impressions. Wow they are slick looking little knives!! And I stress little. Actually smaller than my Gerber LST folder. Yes, I know we knew the dimensions, but seeing the sizes in print, and then seeing the actual knife is quite different. They are smaller than I was expecting, but easily held and open like...well I really don't have a good term for it. But the release is quick and definite. A good solid sound and feel as it releases and locks up. The release button is a little harder to use than the other knives we've gotten. But I think that's because of the smaller frame. Takes a definite, firm push to release the blade. But that's a good thing, isn't it? I do find that I like the stonewash finish better now than the blackened blade. Yeah, I'm being a little nit-picky. And as much as I rave about Tanto blades, I have to say I really like the standard blade better. It just plain looks great. But I'm not complaining at all. These are great! Just wish I could post a couple of pics to show you all how beautiful they really are, but you'll just have to see yours when you open the box. Great job, willis!!!
    2 points
  25. I got off the phone with Russell at Glock and he informed me they will be replacing the slide, at no charge, and it should arrive to me within the next 2 weeks. Great customer service folks! :up:   Russell told me that they have only seen this type of failure with Glocks that have been dropped therefore bending that particular area...and that there obviously was no indication of that ever happening to my gun.   I appreciate the excellent customer service from Glock.   So...could I have noticed there was a problem by/when cleaning and inspecting my gun prior to this? I doubt it. But I'll be looking more carefully at all of my guns and their stress areas when doing cleaning and PM on 'em.   I'll be glad to have my 19 back in my holster. :pleased:
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. I have thought a lot about this and it still pisses me off something fierce. I wish I could give you the body of a 19yr old, fresh out of Marine Corp Basic......I bet you could have got that guys head pretty far up his own azz.
    2 points
  28. I'm sure it's "classified." I bet he'd show me his collection of thigh rigs though!
    2 points
  29.   I wouldn't trust this guy if he said rain was wet based on tales like that.  Tell him you'd love to see the permit, or even check out the stamps in his passport.  I'd bet my remaining stock of green tip M855 that you don't get to see either. 
    2 points
  30. Walmart will sell whatever the public wants to buy. People want ARs. That's about as deep as their policy is going to go.
    2 points
  31. Actually your not the one who was out of line the fellow flinching your brass was and his doing so in the manner you've described indicates he's done so before. I'm all about AMVETS and DV but have seen more than a few use it to their advantage to get their way or get away with some act of rudeness or such. Your kindness and forbearance towards the individual in question speaks well of you.  
    2 points
  32. Yeah, might as well ask the door greeter who's 90 and got one eye lookin off to the left.
    2 points
  33. I think the horse is a metaphor for the group in Alexandria.  When it was free, it managed to survive without help for months.  Once it got penned, the walkers got it.  Those walls in the compound are great to keep out the dead, but what happens if the people inside need to flee?   Anyone else think that the little bit of stolen chocolate is going to cause Carol more trouble than the guns?  I have a feeling the guns weren't even inventoried, but the food is strictly controlled.  May put Rick in an awkward position if he is expected to enforce a punishment on Carol.
    2 points
  34. He should have asked first.  It's only common courtesy no matter how old you are.   
    2 points
  35.   Funny thing is that is how I clear a path at the gun show. I am on crutches and when things start moving a bit slow I tell my wife my polio is acting up. People look around to see some guy, me, on crutches and no doubt want to get as far away from me as possible.
    2 points
  36. Well obviously that was a prime example of alzheimers. However if you decide to go back and kick his ass give me a call cause I wanna drive.
    2 points
  37. This too shall pass man lol...You did the absolute right thing by walking away from this..He was obviously crippled mentally...
    2 points
  38. How dare you wish to deal with people on a voluntary basis without the use of force and violence to enforce your will on them. Don't you know it is only right that you be threatened with kidnapping or murder if you refuse to pay tribute to pay their salary. How dare you fail to provide the proper deference and worship, let alone wish to unsubscribe from their "service". The gall of people like you is amazing. You really should hop on a flight to somewhere else and deal with another gang of murderous robbers who call themselves a "government".
    2 points
  39. I saw lots of good, upstanding, anti-obama conservatives selling M855 for up to $1/round today.  I assume they were conservative as they were at a gun show and assuredly voted the right way.
    2 points
  40. yep he should have axed you before taking it.   I deal with lots of old vets at the store.  Some of them need to get help,  some of them are jerks and some are truly nice people.   None of them have a right to take brass off the ground that was mine.  Ask me and I will help you pick it up. I don't want it.  But don't assume because you are old and have a vet story that you are exempt from common courtesy.   Glad it worked out for all involved.
    1 point
  41. CTD can KMA.  They have to gouge on ammo to make up for that $1,000,000 donation that had to make a couple of years ago for jacking everyone around lol.
    1 point
  42. The ATF has decided to put the ammo ban on the back burner, for the time being... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/10/atf-shelves-controversial-bullet-ban-proposal/
    1 point
  43. Now I will say that they do hire security for places in Africa. I was looking at doing security for some sort of African oil company at one point but it seemed a bit to sketchy for me. I also met a guy who does a religious mission in Africa who was back in the states picking up some supplies and he said they were ALWAYS armed. Heck, the guy might even have a gun license for the country he works in but I seriously doubt it is an "international" license. And anyone who talks about those things is generally a braggart with 90% of what he says being embellishments.   As far as stamped passports mine is not stamped for any of the places I went. I traveled on a different passport but kept my civilian with me in case something happened and I had to get out of country as a civilian.   I would never step foot in Africa for several reasons. I just had a really good friend spend 6 months in an Africa jail. He was going to be partners in a resort. He hired a "handler", which he was told was required for licensing, to get all his property in country. He had jet skis for the resort, personal stuff as well as a few weapons that he was told he could bring. When the container hit the shores he went to get it and he was arrested for trying to import items without proper paperwork. And guess what? His handler fell off the face of the earth with the $30K my friend gave her to make sure everything went smoothly. In the end he was able to buy himself out of prison but not until he had been there for like 6 months. That friend and I had been through a lot of stuff together.   I do regret the one time I had a chance to go to Liberia and did not go. I would never step foot anywhere in west Africa now no matter how much they paid me.
    1 point
  44. If you like theme parks, go to Disney World (no one is more detailed in design).  If like amusement parks, go to Dollywood.  If you like the county fair but don't want to wait until fall, go to Lake Winnepesaukah.  I tell people that Lake Winnie is like the fair with the wheels removed, and without the weekly inspection that comes with assembling a ride in a new location each week.  The roller coaster has seat belts that look like they came from a 70 or 80's GM car.  My son loves it (he was 7 the last time we went).
    1 point
  45. If they want to help the poor, they should invest that money into manufacturing in the area that will employ people. Now that the word is out they are passing out money, they will have all kinds of freeloaders, scammers, and criminals from all over the country headed their way. Some of those locals are going to need to take jobs as cops.
    1 point
  46. Here is the one I picked up last weekend. Can't wait to get it out. Few small things to do to make it mine. [URL=http://s119.photobucket.com/user/MudBugjr/media/buell1_zpsuigty62m.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s119.photobucket.com/user/MudBugjr/media/buell_zpscheui4j5.jpg.html] [/URL]
    1 point
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