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I have now been tobacco-free for 1 year. I had used tobacco products for the last 25 years, and I went cold turkey March 1, 2014. I think I have the addiction beat now. :-)15 points
7 points
5 points
From Traction Control, here's an "atta-boy" to Para USA:5 points
4 points
This so far has been the Best way to end a week, First I got to come home after 42 days at Sea and be with my loving family, Then I Bought my Dream Motorcycle( Pick it up after my upgrades are installed) And today I got this Big Box from my Pals at Protech, The weather actually delayed my having this package earlier, The plan was to surprise you all by having them shipped out to you by the end of today, I will do my Best to have them all shipped by the time the mail is collected Monday3 points
Me personally I would shoot and enjoy it. But I would also shoot a $4,000 mint condition Colt Combat Python. Firearms are meant to be shot and/or carried.3 points
3 points
They should be delivered to me today, If all goes well they should all be shipped out by Monday afternoon3 points
Lotta folks use saddle soap, mink oil, whatever on leather to make it more soft and/or supple. Good idea maybe for jackets and furniture, not so much for holsters. - OS3 points
3 points
Let me guess... you ordered one and got double of what you ordered. And the price you are selling it for is what it came out to with your shipping cost.3 points
Why is it once you obtain fame and fortune you feel your opinions have any value to the general public? Is it the elitist lifestyle you live that makes you soooo much of an expert on anything? You don't really produce anything but 1 to 2 hours of entertainment. Your career is promoting a fantasy world and somehow your view of the real world is relative? Get a real job and shut the eff up3 points
Got this cool little blade back from heat treat today, cryo to -300 degrees! The blade is SOO thin I'm surprised It didn't warp! It's gonna be a hell of a slicer! A little acid etch and a stonewash and there Ya have it! Now for the scales!2 points
Im selling my PRE-ban SS109 penetrator snow shovel. Get it now before the price goes up. With current legislation they won't be making these babies for public use anymore! $500 firm. $625 firm2 points
You're not capable of governing yourself, but you can vote for someone to govern you and millions of others.2 points
2 points
This could be a discrimination case for an NRA lawyer to take. It should happen for the principle of it, it is clear discrimination period.2 points
Back when I was 6 years old I had an old man that lived next store to us and he grew huge flower beds and people would come from Chicago and buy flowers from him. In his spare time he took me fishing with old cane poles in ponds behind our home. As time went on he taught me how to catch night crawlers at night after a rain so we didn't have to dig worms and we put them in a worm bed that old man and I built. We fed them old bread , egg shells and coffee grounds. As time went on and I turned 7 the old man taught me how to watch the time of the year that the baby painted turtles would hatch and I could catch about 100 or more that didn't get ran over crossing the road we lived on. When I turned 10 the old man figured it was time for me to move up to the bigger and better things and we began building cages all winter, getting ready for Spring. Then I got my training on another turtle. The Snapper which took a lot more teaching. Keeping all my fingers was priority 1. A farmer about 3 miles down the road supplied us with chicken guts when he cleaned chickens and we would put turtle lines out in the ponds. I was having a lot of fun but was not aware that the old man was preparing me to become a business man. Once we got the snapping turtle down to a fine science he began to show me the business end of it all. First thing we did was take a trip to town with my mothers help and made stops at both pet shops in town with the little painted turtles. I was able to sell all I had for 25 cents each which added up to $21.75 for 87 turtles. Then he had my mother take us around to several small grocery stores and we put up a small sign on their out side note boards that I had live snapping turtles for sale and my phoe number. In a few days I began getting calls from folks wanting to come and buy a turtle. We had 27 turtles in cages and I sold 12 of them the first week. Depending on the size, the small ones up to 12 lbs went for $4.00 and the big ones up to 20lbs for $6.00. I kept Turtle lines out to restock. Sent folks home with a big turtle in a burlap bag and a smile. Now comes the night Crawler business. We had a river that ran through my hometown and it was full of carp and bullheads and every weekend during the summer the African Americans would come out of Chicago to fish on Saturday and Sunday. They would buy their bait before leaving Chicago and paying top dollar for night crawlers. I went up there to the river bank with a buddy of mine and took 20 tin cans of night crawlers with 25 crawlers per can. I ask a few guys what they were paying for night crawlers and they said $.99 + tax for 10 worms. I told them I would sell them 25 crawlers for $.70 with a $.10 deposit on the can. If they came back the next week and bought baits from me and had the old can they would get the baits for $.60. In no time I had a really good bait business with one problem. Bait was getting scarce cause it was not raining enough. The old man laughed and said that was the only thing he could not help me with is Mother Nature. Well, that is why I have always said it is great to have friends in the right places. One of my friends parents owned a golf course and they watered in dry spells everyday. I got permission to go crawler hunting on the golf course as long ans I stayed off the greens. in 1 night me and two buddies filled a 5 gallon pail with night crawlers and I put them in the worm beds. Never has a shortage of crawlers again. If it was not for this old man my childhood would have been a lot like most others. When he passed away I knew I had lost my best friend forever. In the peak months of Summer I made more money per week than my father did driving truck over the road. I was able to give my parents money to help with house bills, food and even bought school clothes for my 3 older brothers which were for the most part lazy bums. They might cut a lawn for someone for spending money but to actually work was not happening for them. I just wanted to share what my childhood was all about and I grew up never changing my outlook of being a hard worker. I look back at those days with great memories. Mostly I remember my old Friend Mr Gueson.2 points
If I'm not going to shoot it, I don't need to pay for it. A good picture is as useful as an unfired gun.2 points
In this day and age an NFA background check should not be instant. The background for NFA transfers is no more in depth than a standard check. It isn't like they are doing a credit check or even local checks, just a criminal history check at the federal level to make sure you are not a felon. The reason it takes so long is because there is a line, not because the checks take so much longer. Or at a minimum make a frequent flyer program for those who transfer more than once a year. Or for trusts make it instant because you cannot do a background on an entity like a trust or business. And as far as the $200 stamp cost for any NFA it is discriminating against those with a reduced incomes. Anyone, regardless of their financial status, should be able to own the best weapon to protect themselves without the additional costs associated with anything NFA. And by limiting availability they have increased the cost of machine guns to a point only the super rich can afford them, again denying the average person the ability to use a machine gun for self defense if they feel that is the best weapon to use.2 points
Who is going to earn the money that is given to everyone not earning a basic income? :stunned:2 points
^^ saw the same thing. I find it hard to distinguish between what is real and what is money-making, click-generating half-truth crud.2 points
2 points
I re purpose old wine bottles into new storage devices for my new honemade wine. :D2 points
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2 points
It's not just old, but a bad fit to begin with. Here's a G26 in a soft Remora. Notice how much more of the firearm (esp. the trigger guard) it covers than the one in the OP. I have no issues with using the soft Remora holster.2 points
Ouch, that's got to smart a bit. Seems like more of a PMCS issue than a soft holster issue though. That indentation looks to be old, should of been replaced some time ago.2 points
I think we should challenge the notion that civilians cant have AP ammo in the first place. I suppose they would have us believe criminals dont have armor (LA Shootout). Of course, the purpose of the The 2nd Amendment is to guard us against tyranny. Tyrants usually have armor.2 points
BOTH ITEMS HAVE BEEN SPOKEN FOR! EDIT: Cherokee Slim has taken the press. EDIT: otnman has taken the magazines. As the title states, I'm giving these items away to the next to people who sign up for a Benefactor subscription. The first person to show proof of purchase will get first pick. If we cannot arrange for local pickup, I will ship on my dime. First item is a Lee reloading press. It appears to have be used very little. Second item(s) are two Ram-Line 10/22 - 77/22 magazines. One is a 50-round, and the other is a 20-round.1 point
A funny video my dad and I did this weekend.....If you think its funny feel free to share it http://youtu.be/0-jflQThRBQ1 point
I'd say he was just taking rule number one for gun safety a bit too far. I'd never tell anyone what to do with their weapon, unless they were a danger to those around them, but some people just need to feel special I guess.1 point
1 point
I only got one mag with it so I'm sure it's been worked in a little so should be fine I would think. But I'll look into the tweaking via search, thanks for the info. I figure if I'm ever on a hill and my truck won't stay, I'll throw that mag under the wheel lol You are so right! I was gonna post this picture in the OP and forgot HA HA! LMAO Not in a million years! And as a Glock owner I will say Glocks aren't pretty but these tanks here are crossed between a hat full of buttholes and raccoon embryo!1 point
1 point
That magazine base plate is sweet! I love how they camouflage it to make it look like a battery pack. In all seriousness, I would buy one if presented with the right deal on one. Let us know how she (?) runs.1 point
That's awesome thanks for all your hard work can't wait! Congrats on your new bike.1 point
We had the chance to stop this from happening 2 years ago, but people are so short-sighted that all they knew is they didn't like Romney. So they didn't go vote, and here we are. Those same people are now running around with their heads about to pop off trying to figure out what's going on. Hopefully everyone has learned their lessons and they'll be able to trouble themselves to go out and vote in 2016.1 point
Yeah and their giving away 1.2 billion in food stamps.1 point
People can laugh, but out of all my nice, expensive guns, my hipoint has the most sentimental value. It's the first Christmas present my now wife got me when we were dating. I take it on the boat, the 4 wheeler, things like that.1 point
Reducing the NFA tax to a flat $5 would be nice. Hell, even if it was $100 more people would go for Title II weapons1 point
Sweet baby Jesus, the comments on that article make me want to have my own negligent discharge while eyeing the barrel. "Glocks need a grip safety"1 point
Article said it is essentially Social Security for everyone. Everyone pays and everyone gets a payment. Just another name for redistributing wealth.1 point
Hey Bersa ain't it funny how you can remember times like that. I have always tried to live by the adage take your kids hunting and fishing and you won't have to be hunting them. I have as much fun fishing with my grandkids as probably anything on this earth. Over the last 2 years I have taken my oldest 2 bream fishing and I was the official cricket baiter and fish remover, those 2 can go thru 100 crickets pretty danged fast. I hope to break in my youngest which just turned 4, I can't wait til he gets his first fish. I am ready for this cold weather and white stuff to leave so I can get back to my fondest hobby, putting fish in the boat!!!1 point
1 point
Now apparently ATF claims that was a "publishing error": http://controversialtimes.com/news/breaking-atf-issues-statement-saying-paperwork-showing-m855-banned-was-publishing-error/ - OS1 point
I made a Christmas tree once For this past Christmas my family drew names and the deal was we had to make the gift lol. Sent1 point
Right on the money here. Appears to be a doctored pic (by a kydex mfgr perhaps) for leather to be bent around the trigger like that. Dont believe everything you see on the internet.1 point
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