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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2015 in all areas

  1. A funny video my dad and I did this weekend.....If you think its funny feel free to share it   http://youtu.be/0-jflQThRBQ
    3 points
  2. I haven't put anything up in a few days so here are a few more...
    3 points
  3. It's amazing what happens when ignorance, rumors and greed all meet.
    2 points
  4. I guess this is one of the few instances where you want the least bang for your buck
    2 points
  5. Time for what? Are you expecting some goodies by mail? lol
    2 points
  6. So here I am thinking you borrowed the Gen Lee for the vid, but low and behold you pull along side me on 41A going into gate4 this morning.  Just had to look to see who was driving and even got to see your temp tags, had me cracking up; other drivers probably thought I was nuts.  Would of waved to say hi, but I didn't want you to think I was a Gen Lee fanboy.
    2 points
  7. Well, I bought a Tundra 3 weeks ago, only because my Fix Or Repair Daily truck has a "known defect" in the engine block design and I needed a new block. No thanks. After fixing a problem with a transmission leak in December, that again is a 'known issue' (pass through connector seal on the tranny was leaking because ford used rubber o-rings). Since I was just outside of the extended warranty it was out of my pocket to fix KNOWN problems with the design of the FORD. No thanks. Our last ford (a windstar) also had problems with ford using rubber where they shouldn't. Had to take the top part of the engine off to replace 6 bolts that had rubber seals with new ones that were of another material. When will ford learn not to use rubber seals when there is contact with petroleum products? Because I'll get asked :) the problem on my truck was that the rear passenger side of the engine was not getting enough oil so the cam phaser when out cause a horrendous "ticking" sound, so bad that my gas engine sounded like a diesel at idle. Two shops both said that they could replace the passenger side parts, but the problem would return, don't know when, could replace both sides and the problem would return, or, replace the engine block with a "redesigned" one that solves the oil flow problem (and replace a slew of parts along the way). Google "Ford engine tick" for more information. If you have a 2006 - 2010ish F150 might be worth while to check it out before you have the problem.
    2 points
  8. https://www.flickr.com/photos/125920344@N08/ Above is the link to some of the pictures I have taken in the last 10 months since i got bit by the photo bug.
    2 points
  9. Move to West Tennessee, everyone is leaving here, plenty of numbers available.  We might go back to 3-digit phone numbers ...
    2 points
  10. :rofl: Sweet car (other than the paint job)! This one belongs to a friend...
    2 points
  11. I thought it was funny. I really don't think the producers of the Dukes Of Hazzard had any kind of racist message or intent when they made the show back then, back then a rebel flag wasn't that much of a big deal as it is nowadays, southern bands like Lynard Skynard and Charlie Daniels Band used to put the flag on their album covers, they were all over the place at NASCAR races. Back in the 70's and 80's many people just viewed the flag as a southern thing, I don't think their intent was to promote racism, (for some people). I am aware it is commonly flown by idiot rasist aryan groups and the KKK but so is the Stars and Stripes. I can see how some black Americans, especially those of age where they grew up in a racist atmosphere in the south would be offended by the flag.
    2 points
  12. LOL   I supervise 12 officers: 2 white females 2 asian males 1 black male 7 white males   HR would go into cardiac arrest if they attended one of our rollcalls. You were in the military...you know what I'm talking about (anyone see the HBO series "Generation Kill"?).  Good natured, equal opportunity cracking, with a bunch of adults not looking to be "offended." I can't think of one that wouldn't run to a gunfight to save the other.
    2 points
  13. [URL=http://s1119.photobucket.com/user/johns455jr/media/10382741_548898925241701_4086100687692234769_n_zpsp4eu65vl.jpg.html][/URL] Lilly Mae Scheffers my beautiful Granddaughter
    2 points
  14. Or just don't buy it because it's not even that good of ammo to start with. People never cease to amaze me.
    2 points
  15. I will have to turn on my PC tomorrow to get a few good ones but I have one I did on my phone a while back with one of my G Shock watches with my Jeep in the background. G-Shock actually used this pic for their background on their North American facebook page for a while.
    2 points
  16. My daughter Shayelan has been a guard at the Newport jail for a while now with the plan of becoming a Police officer, and Sheriff Fontes told her today that he is going to make her a reserve deputy for and if she does a good job and get good reports from her supervising officers the county will send her to police academy in October. I am very proud of her, she is a single mother who works 2 jobs to support herself and my Granddaughter and really deserves a good break. So if your in Cocke County next year and get pulled over by a pretty blond cop tell her to say hi to her daddy John for ya it might get you out of a ticket lol :up:
    1 point
  17. I just watched the premiere of The Last Man on Earth on Fox. It has to be the funiest show I have ever seen. I can't count how many times I laughed watching it. Must watch. Ready for next week.
    1 point
  18. Once all of thes new blades get back from heat treat, I'm gonna be swamped!
    1 point
  19. I love a baitcaster too.  I picked up a Abu Garcia Revo SX gen 2 mounted on a Vendetta 6'6" and love it. I have 10lb flourocarbon on it and use it for anything it will cast  :pleased: .  I use an Abu Cardinal SX20 7' spinning rod/reel with 6lb stren mono for anything else. 
    1 point
  20. I am still using the same open-face browning I had as a kid. I've caught my biggest and smallest fish on it. I don't know if it's lucky or not but it's still my favorite. 
    1 point
  21. ... just heard on a local news station...  reporting at a grocery store... about the grocery carts.      "As you can see these carts have been in and out of the store all day and have water droplets on them.  If they freeze over tonight, they will form ice droplets."     ... that was really her destination point.  I did not edit.    I have to remember whenever they report on something that fires me up.  "ice droplets"
    1 point
  22. Go to Lowe's. Pick a color that you like. See if it's on sale. Call it a day.
    1 point
  23. I batted that idea around in my head for a while. Where did he find a Diesel engine? Out of a Navara?
    1 point
  24. All .25/round or less .223 and 7.62x39 availability is now officially about the same as .22LR.   - OS
    1 point
  25.     Its a Wilson Combat model.  Grips are made by VZ for Wilson. 
    1 point
  26. That was a plethora of win.
    1 point
  27. I bought the Hogue finger groove grip for the K/L frame. Bought one used for $15. I wish they made this grip without finger grooves.
    1 point
  28. Luigi's honeymoon                         After returning from his honeymoon in Florida with his new bride,             Virginia, Luigi stopped by his old barbershop in Jersey to say hello             to his friends.             Giovanni said, "Hey Luigi, how wassa da treep?"             Luigi said, "Everyting wasa perfecto except for da train ride down."             "Whata you mean, Luigi?" asked Giovanni.             "Well, we boarda da train at Grana Central Station.             My beautiful Virginia , she pack a biga basketa food. She bringa             davino, some nice cigars for me, and we were lookina forward to da             trip, and open upa da luncha basket .             The conductore come aby, wagga his finger at us anda say, 'no eat in             disa car. Musta use a dining car..'             So, me and my beautiful Virginia, we go to da dining car, eat a biga             lunch and starta at open da bottle of a nice a vino!             Conductor ewalka by again, waga his finger and say, 'No drinka in disa             car! Musta use a cluba car.' So, we go to cluba car.             While a drinkina davino, I starta to lighta my biga cigar.             The conductore, he waga is finger again and say, 'No a smokina in             disa car. Musta go to a smokina car ..'             "We go to a smokina car and I smoke a my biga cigar.             Then my beautiful Virginia and I, we go to a sleeper car anda go to bed.             We just about to go bada boom bada boom and the conductore, he walka             through da hallway shouting at a top of his a voice..             'Nofolka Virginia !             Nofolka Virginia !'             "Nexta time, I'ma just gonna taka da bus."  
    1 point
  29.     I can't comprehend why it wouldn't be. Go for it! :up:
    1 point
  30. I'm gonna use a new material to me called Shockwood. It's a resin kinda material and I bought it on a whim. I'm gonna use mosaic decorative pins and because it's a modified Persian style blade, I'm gonna call it " The Pimped Persian!"
    1 point
  31. That would be Grady Jones, but I'll have to check. He may be officially retired now. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Racist??? There's nothing racist about a grown black man at home enjoying a nice puzzle. Seriously, that was very funny, I almost fell off the toilet. Well done sir.
    1 point
  33. Priceless, especially your dad's expression when he looks at the camera. My opinion: stereo types are funny when coupled with intelligent humor and comedy. Thanks for posting, haven't heard from you lately.
    1 point
  34. v Thought we were discussing hearing....
    1 point
  35. good, good, good.  man i needed that today.  
    1 point
  36. Literally laughed my ass off. No, seriously, it fell on the floor and I had to duct tape it back on. 
    1 point
  37. Good job. Got a good laugh from it.    Now...can I borrow the car this weekend?
    1 point
  38. Hmmmmm......, its hitting a nice lope at idle.   383 or 440?   BUT..., using State Department acceptable speech and expression standards, that T-Shirt is Racist.  It advocates and supports the sunset to sunrise killing of all those poor out-of-work, misunderstood, culturally sensitive job-seekers in several middle eastern locations!   ;)  
    1 point
  39. Why would that be racist? It's just an orange car with a Malcolm X sign decorated with stars. I'm offended because you opened the door to get out instead of climbing thru the window.
    1 point
  40. [URL=http://s957.photobucket.com/user/Loon160T/media/IMG_5564_Snapseed_500px_zpsva7xfyyw.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. You are little more restricted with the square butt. I normally use the old Pachmyer Gripper grips on a square butt model. If you can find them though the Uncle Mike's square butt, K-frame boot grips are probably the best all around for a carry square butt model. Assuming those the Targets came with that gun, that Smith is worth 50-100 bucks more with those grips. http://files.harrispublications.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2011/11/uncle-mikee28099s-square-butt-rubber-grips.jpg
    1 point
  43. I'll share a couple; Dave
    1 point
  44. I have plenty of h110 and 296 both are the same powder also lil gun
    1 point
  45. Smokies, Cherokee Orchard Road.
    1 point
  46. I don't know the torque required to say if the stress would cause it to be damaged by tightening. However, Aluminum nut on aluminum threads will stick horribly and gall. Use anti-seize.
    1 point
  47. It seems like their latest offerings all came out of Star Wars .......
    1 point
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