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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2015 in all areas
I couldn't think of a more deserving person to have a ship named after them... Sent from the future using my time machine made out of a Pontiac Fiero17 points
What OS said. Though the big question is...hair stylist? I thought men went to barber's. ;)6 points
Dang my lack of abilities here. I just saw this on my Comcast startup page. We/I have lost an idol. One of the greatest(arguably for many) actors of tv, screen and stage passed away this afternoon. His influence on a probable 4 generations of entertainment junkies is impossible to measure. You will be missed "Mr. Spock" Live Long and Prosper in our memories.4 points
After a suitable amount of time to grieve, they should make an episode of BBT where Sheldon makes a clone of him. He DOES have his DNA afterall. :pleased:4 points
I know we have a lot of photographers here on TGO, myself included. There was another thread of this type a while back but it is so old a lot of the links to the photo hosting sites are no longer good so I thought that I would start a new thread so we could share our work with one another. Please contribute your own work. Here are a few of my favorites from the past couple of years. I don't care if you use my pictures for private use, I would appreciate a PM if anyone intends to use them for any other purpose. Little Tennessee River Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Fall Creek Falls Bald River Falls3 points
3 points
Guys, If all goes well, I will be shipping these Bad Boys to all on March 7th, a week ahead of schedule!!!!3 points
2 points
[URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/SW%20family%20photos/IMG_1252.jpg.html][/URL] Oh I don't know. Maybe something along this line? :usa:2 points
Bass Pro has Unique and Bullseye available online. Choose ship to store to avoid shipping and hazmat fee's2 points
2 points
If you're doing time bonuses anyway, why not offer the option to unpin the plate racks for more bonus time?2 points
2 points
Man I'm getting hyped waiting for these to come in. I have a sneaking suspicion that my LG Rockeye is about to be semi retired by these two beauties.2 points
I would consider changing the sight to metal a minor issue, if everything else is good to go. I have never owned a single firearm that I didn't want to change at least something on anyways.2 points
The number of comments I could make that would probably get me removed from this forum... That said, I know it isn't, but it should be an unarmed recon ship that is sent into hostile waters daily... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._military_vessels_named_after_women2 points
[url=http://s957.photobucket.com/user/Loon160T/media/IMG_5799_Snapseed_500px_zpsmbdo3qrx.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
I will have to turn on my PC tomorrow to get a few good ones but I have one I did on my phone a while back with one of my G Shock watches with my Jeep in the background. G-Shock actually used this pic for their background on their North American facebook page for a while.1 point
1 point
Another vote for a nice double action revolver. Smith & Wesson has many options, but the nicest that you can get at a reasonable price will be the 686. New or old they are hard to beat. They are a far better range/target gun that any Tupperware gun, (I own many Tupperware guns and they are what I mainly carry) and the triggers can be made as smooth as glass.1 point
Update!!!! 10 second bonus for unpinned "PPR's". [URL=http://s250.photobucket.com/user/JRFinkle/media/outlaw%20steel%2002-28-2015.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
How about 5 second bonus each rack(10sec total)for unpinned? Somebody will be able to zero the stage. I guess that would be divide by zero. The Nook's CPU would explode. Worth trying. Maybe no bonus for optics or MP5s.1 point
1 point
Of course he will be Spock and always be Spock, and I really appreciate that he was in the two new Star Trek movies, but to me his favorite portraying will probably always be William Bell.1 point
Good looking stages! I'm bringing the entire crew and them some. It'll be a great day!1 point
Belatedly caught your video. From German occupied Belgium to the beautiful countryside of East Tennessee. Every time you handle the patina of that beauty I'm sure you wonder about its travels over the years. Thanks for the video.1 point
My understanding is that the powers that be want March 10-11 to be "Gun week", line them up and kill them all in one fell swoop, so they can get on to other more important theft of Rights/money unimpeded.1 point
The two that I will never part with are: Glock 23 (I have a complete 19 upper and 9mm conversion barrel also) S&W 65 3" That said, a S&W 642 and Shield 9mm serve as my only carry pieces nowadays.1 point
Yep, demand has overridden MSRP by far on those .357 lever guns for many years now. By sheer luck, I scored my Marlin at a WalMart for $485 about 4 years ago. - OS1 point
Oak Hill has an additional requirement. You have to get a signed note from the Lord himself to have any hope of getting anything done.1 point
The HiPower gets some interest because of my interest in old/surplus guns.1 point
No idea, but I'd like to see an animated simulation of the carnage that would ensue if it happened. It might be the funniest thing I've ever seen; Seeing the "Industrial Technological System" as ole' Ted put it, crumble. Some people can't wipe their own azz unless they google it first.1 point
Or a S&W 627-5, 8 shot 4" barrel 357 magnum. I love mine1 point
Glock 19, bottom line. If you don't like the Glock then S&W M&P 9 The first handgun I ever bought was a Glock 19, and I will never sell it unless we're about to starve1 point
Great, great advice here. I prefer a Smith 19 or 686, but the GP is a great option, and I've had all three but I still have the 19. I'll get another 686 first, and THEN the GP. The Ruger is a total tank, and will handle some nuclear handloads. I simply prefer the slightly more refined (and to my eyes, beautiful) Smith offerings. I would suggest taking the time to find a nice pre-lock model. There's nothing like shooting a fine, full-size revolver in single-action.1 point
And a truly wide open internet is one of the best ways to accomplish that. I hope no one is surprised by the net neutrality vote today. Slower service at a higher price is in our future. There is a plan and for all the public bellyaching the big companies are doing about it you know they are on board or it wouldn't be happening in the first place. As much as I think Google is as deep in the middle of the political mess as can be at least it is ostensibly a free market offering.1 point
Just save up a few more shekels and get a new $500-600 AR or AK and be done with that part sooner rather than later. Seriously. - OS1 point
I just have to ask what you have heard concerning the history of the Hi Point?1 point
Guys be very careful calling this number from a business phone. That's how I lost my mall security job.1 point
I love my EAA Witness Elite Match. Mine is a 10MM, but they are available in 9, 40, 45, and 38 super as well. It's their version of a CZ 75 and it's pretty flippin sweet. You can find them for around $600 OTD. It's one of many great options out there. Have fun in your search. That's half the fun, anyways!1 point
Everyone should own an AR imo, and there's never been a better time price wise to get into one. You mentioned "home defense if possible", I'm not seeing any options other than the Hipoint carbine mentioned that would double in that role. Trust me when I say you could do much worse than a hipoint carbine.1 point
I would suggest a H&R Handy Rifle in .223. It is a single shot. I believe when I bought mine new it was around $200. .223 is fairly cheap when bought in bulk and is the next step up from a .22 even though it is much more powerful.1 point
For what it's worth, when I make code changes to the site, I test the ever loving shit out of them across platforms and devices. Windows with Firefox Windows with Chrome Windows with MSIE (bleh) Mac with Firefox Mac with Chrome Mac with Safari (bleh) iPhone Android Tablet What I don't do is turn my monitors on their head. That practice will most certainly not change.1 point
Here ya go, 15 lb steel ball coverd in 1/2 inch rope. [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/Monkey%20fist/monkeyfist3_zps220a6064.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
1 point
I've copied the sample letter below that they posted with their video and I'm not sure if their letter is the best approach to take. What do you think? It seems to me that the BAFTE's response would be something to the effect of, "thanks for reminding us that the M193 ammo will defeat the armor as well. We'll be sure to add it to the list." I know they would have a harder time trying to regulate that ammo since it doesn't meet the normal AP description but it seems to be just their next step if they are able to do this to the M855 ammo. To whom it may concern, I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the proposed change to current law that would make it illegal to manufacture, import or sell on the open market M855 / SS109 ammunition. The claimed purpose of this change is to “protect the lives and safety of law enforcement officers from the threat posed by ammunition capable of penetrating a protective vest when fired from a handgun”. As the Technical Branch well knows, all rifle ammunition of a common caliber such as .223 / 5.56 is capable of penetrating threat level IIA and IIIA body armor regardless of the firearm that is used to fire it. M855 / SS109 is no more of a threat to law enforcement than M193 or Horandy VMAX loads are. It’s also worth noting that rifle caliber pistols are rarely used in violent crime, their usage is a statistical zero for all practical purposes, which further begs the question as to why this proposed rule change is being considered. Banning the availability of affordable surplus ammunition under the false pretense that it’s in the name of officer safety is a clear violation of our 2nd Amendment rights. Thank you for your time and consideration, FULL NAME CITY / STATE1 point
It may be classy but it is an abaolute piece of crap for the role it's being used in. Despite what it may seem like on the surface, 357 ain't exactly easy to find compard to 9,40&45 It's heavy, GODAWFUL loud and pathetically slow to reload. AND, this stomps a lot of toes out there but revolvers can and do malfunction.....only when they malfunction, you can't just clear it and rock on. In a Walking Dead world, revolvers suck, about half the 1911's suck, all your oddball pistols suck, there's very little REAL choice. A solid reliable PROVEN automatic in one of the 3 dominant calibers by one of big boys in the industry. Glock, M&P, XD this is not a time to try to express your individuality. It's classy and elegant and out of my price range but if I was given one like Rick's, I'd trade it for a pair of Glocks.1 point
I'll miss the gaming social group. Though somewhat limited, it was active from time to time. However, if its departure makes way for additional forum improvements, all I can say is:1 point
Ramjo, Got to Love a Happy Ending to your HP story. And Kudos to your gun shop for stepping up and fixing the issue! :up:1 point
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