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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Took this picture this morning as I was getting to work. Was on the phone with my wife letting her know I had got to work OK and said something about the pond being froze. She said get a picture. I only had minutes to get to my desk and clocked in, so I took 2 pictures barely paying attention and this is what came out. I believe I am going to have it framed. I couldn't have got a better picture had I tried.
    7 points
  2. Everything is getting "melty" here.  I have driven to and from work both Monday and Tuesday (4runner).     While our street is still covered in ice and snow, the ruts are melting and the trash collection did make it by today.       _____ Here's a little fun for the ones with young kids/grandkids:  ... my experience this morning.   Fatherhood 400 level course - Class exercise: 1) Preparation: Ensure kids are well clothed when sledding to avoid abraisions from ice, small bumps to head, frostbite, windburn, etc. 2) Setup: Check on kids' welfare occasionally... Do not bother to dress warmly when you do this. A white T-shirt, old blue jeans, and boat shoes with no socks are appropriate attire. 3) Action: Say, "yes!" when the kids ask if you will sled down the hill with them one last time. Give no regard to dressing for the activity. It "will be over before you know it."  smile emoticon In case of a spill, remember to contort your body appropriately so as not to land on/contact/injure your children. 4) Clean Up: Symmetry.... Allow the kids to apply peroxide to your abrasions (As you've told them, ice can cut you!). Laugh through the sting and watch them do the same. 5) Review: Cherish the memory forever!
    4 points
  3. Spend a little more and get a Zero Tolerance 0350, trust me on this 
    4 points
  4. I have a feeling that the guy in the video had little or no prior experience with guns. He was trusting the guy filming or a third party and they were more interested in "punking" him so they could laugh at him than in making sure he had a safe, positive experience. I know people like that who will lie and tell someone that a heavy thumper shotgun, etc. doesn't kick just so they can laugh at the 'victim's' reaction. I personally don't find such asshattery funny in the least. To me, that seems like a good way to turn a person who was open to learning about guns into a person who has no interest in firearms. But maybe my funny bone is just not working right.
    4 points
  5. Folks, here's my "primitive" hunting gear for my traditional hunts. The rifle is a .75 cal (12 ga) cut down Brown Bess Musket. It patterns number 5 shot in an awesome manner. I Squirrel and Rabbit hunt with it. I only Squirrel hunt in my Native kit. Plus I'm a Native Reenactor and I love it!!!! Dave
    3 points
  6. I'd have raised three kinds of hell.  Teach the kids about how to take action when you see something that is wrong.
    3 points
  7. I'm here for you buddy :hat:
    3 points
  8. Yes, definitely.  You should have loudly called him out on it.  :)
    3 points
  9. Mine's mid 18th century Southern frontiersman. One of these days we might have to have a fight :D
    3 points
  10. I have turned it down before.  My standards might be low but I still have them
    3 points
  11. Seems like I recall the promise of continuous protests until "things change".... but haven't heard of any since it started to get <45 degrees outside.... Hrmmmm
    2 points
  12. Hey.. thats my birfday...lol   I love bacon :love:
    2 points
  13. All them sissy mary hippies cant take cold weather.  Their feet freeze in their birkenstocks and they lose the will to protest.
    2 points
  14.   I flew in and out of BNA several times in the last two days. You couldn't pay me enough to do it on that single "cleared" runway if live's weren't on the line. It was seriously 2 of the most sketchy landings I've been through, one in a King Air and the other in a 31a. Also apparently one of the main commercial carriers(southwest I'm assuming due to all the cancellations) ran out of de-icing solution. 
    2 points
  15. What ever DaveS says about his hawk, I will take his word for it.
    2 points
  16. Either way would work. Personally, the more forthcoming you are with information, the more likely I am to purchase from you.   I try to tell all and let the chips fall where they may. I'd rather lose a buck or two than to sell someone something and later find out they weren't happy or felt misled. A man's reputation is worth something.
    2 points
  17.   It's a good thing you are well armed when you're on-shore.  ;)
    2 points
  18. Everyone involved deserves the award. http://youtu.be/oe3ompzpJl8
    1 point
  19. I wonder how many would cry foul were they on the recieving end of the deal?
    1 point
  20. Audubon Guide to Mushrooms is a must have if you are interested in shroom hunting. The pocket sized guide is great. They also offer an iphone app for about 5 bucks. I watch for shrooms while turkey scouting/hunting. Pull the guide up and check them if I find something other than Morels. 
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Looks like whenever he's confronted with a fight or flight situation he chooses FLIGHT
    1 point
  23. We are having home made Chicken and Dumplins tonight YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY
    1 point
  24.   Unfortunately this one was out of our hands. There isn't a whole lot that will keep us from shooting, but breaking and entering is at the top of the list...
    1 point
  25. Mike some people have No standards, I have a un-named relative that just has a grading system, he culls absolutely none. I have personally seen some really scary looking ones he had, I have been very, very, very drunk more than once, but not that drunk. Btw I am not bragging about getting drunk, in fact I don't drink anymore. Alcoholics go to AA meetings, drunks do not.
    1 point
  26.   Yes. For the last 5 seasons and there's no end in sight.
    1 point
  27. The big draw in season 1 and in the sporadic "good" episodes ever since then is fear. The viewer experiences that when a character in whom we're invested or the group as a whole is in danger. The bridge scene in this week's episode had the zombies, but I felt no fear. It's just rote skull-stabbing, not unlike clearing the fences at the prison. Even when Sasha went rogue I didn't really feel drawn in to any kind of fear. They set up some fear well with the Zs attacking the barn door during the storm. That was cool. I thought they were going to bust through the door and start a big melee brawl for survival, so imagine my let down when we instantly go from "OMG! I'm slipping in the dirt trying to hold this door closed against the wind and an army of the undead!" to everyone's asleep with early morning light streaming in and birds chirping. WTH? It was a good setup, but only 10 seconds of potential fear. I say potential because they keep doing crap like that so even when they do a good setup for what should make me be afraid for them, I'm not because it all has a reasonably high chance of turning out to be much ado about nothing.   That fear is what made Breaking Bad such a good show. The viewer is in fear for someone important in nearly every episode. Often times that tension ran the entire episode with only a few pressure-reliefs with some dark comedy but the tension overall mounted as the episode went one, then left you wanting for more. TWD writers need to figure out how to do that again. They did it in S1 and I think they can do it again. Right now I get to the end of a TWD episode and think that overall it was alright and I'll watch next week too, but I don't want to watch next week's show the way I used to.
    1 point
  28.   You don't have to maintain 1.1" for an OAL, but keep in mind that your pressures will increase if you go shorter and decrease if you go longer.  I usually leave myself some wiggle room with a longer OAL in case a miss-crimped bullet gets pushed in during the cycling process. 
    1 point
  29. I own and use the old Keurig model and was going to buy the new model 2.0 but didnt do to the fact of what Keurig did....untill I found out about what the Rodger's family have done....Way to go Rodger's family     http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/13/keurig-coffee-kcups-jailbreak-the-machine_n_6680498.html?utm_hp_ref=media&ir=Media
    1 point
  30. The 19 over the 17 for smaller size and concealed carry. 9 over 45 for increased capacity. Glock over the 1911, because they listened to the guys kicking in the doors.
    1 point
  31. Zero Tolerance 350. Jump on Willis68 deal.
    1 point
  32. Greed vs Ingenuity. I love the outcome.   Wonder what Keurig's reaction will be to this little give-away?
    1 point
  33.   Talk to Voldmort...if he can even still own a gun or carry one. I'm sure he'd love to give it a try!
    1 point
  34. Make it to Nashville and I've got a set :up:
    1 point
  35. I always laugh at the milk and bread deal but dang I called to check on my aunt today and she said she was fine but she was out of milk haha I bought 2 gallons Sunday morning. My kids drink more milk than calves. My wife usually shops once a pay period so basically every 2 weeks-she buys 7 gallons at a time. She was sick last week so she didn't get to do the full shopping trip so we ran out and I had to grab a couple after my trash run. some of it I think stems from my wife and her siblings not being allowed to drink milk when they were kids bc her mom didn't want to buy it bc it was expensive. Rather buy pills I reckon. Either way ours kids drink all they want and we needs a dadgum milk cow.
    1 point
  36. It is actually not as hard as you think. With the right gear and training anyone can get decent at it. I had never dreamed of it, but one week at the All Navy Matches, with a good instructor and I had them all in the black at 600 yards prone, open sights, with a loaner gun. Most people are just to proud to learn the right way to do it, always reverting to bad habits they learned while hunting with Granpa'...
    1 point
  37. It was apparent from the beginning with his body language, that he did not know how or need to be in safe control of a weapon.
    1 point
  38. Congrats on your success and recent acquisitions. I've worked on literally thousands of guns, and find that almost anything can be made to function reliably given enough effort and attention. Many times its just a proper cleaning and lube, sometimes different ammo or a repair. But I wouldn't classify a Sig 1911 or PK380 as problematic, those guns run all day long. Try your luck with a Jennings, Lorcin, Bryco, or some of the really old junk guns and see how well you can do. They are still doable but more of a challenge, especially after some idiot has been at them with a dremel or worse.
    1 point
  39. I picked up a few pounds of IMR's new powder from midsouth to reload my .270 and 5.56. IMR 4451 and 4166.  Since its new I am not sure how good it is, but its still available while others are hard to come by: http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/Dept/reloading/smokeless-powder?FilterBy=InstockOnly&CurrentPage=1  
    1 point
  40. I would suggest loading up a few different power levels. Many starting 9mm loads won't have enough oomph to cycle stiffly sprung guns. When starting new bullet/powder combo I usually do 10-15 each of about 3 or 4 loads, depending on how wide the charge weight range is. I usually space them about .2 or .3 gr apart, as most 9mm loads are roughly .8-1.4gr min to max spread. It's a big deal for me to try a bunch at a time, because I don't get to the range often and I can't shoot at home. I need to make sure I have enough loads worked up to find a good one on my first time out so I can pick one and then get to cranking them out. Also, I've decided to stick to 124gr bullets for plinking as I feel they allow me a little more wiggle room with cycling. Caveat: I'm not a professional, and have not tried a whole ton of powder/bullet combos as 9 is a new caliber to me. I just felt like the starting and even medium loads for many powders with 115gr bullets would not cycle properly in 3 of my guns. I had to get much closer to max than I like for plinking loads. When I moved up to 124gr I still experienced the same with starting loads, but once I bumped up to the middle of the range the function with most powders became 100%. The only powder I've not been satisfied with in 9mm is Zip. I've fallen in love with the Accurate Arms powders, especially 2 and 5. Let us know what you find out!
    1 point
  41. Reckon he prefers Hot Wheels over Mattel? I've got both.
    1 point
  42. I'm gonna load the powder and primers tomarrow in some brass and do some test firing :ugh: . Mainly hoping for good functioning/cycling right now. I'll worry about accuracy later on. I think I'm gonna test them in my Ruger P94 since it's built like a tank. I'll load them lightly and at the minumum load as I can . Like I mentioned , I'm all new to this so I'm taking baby steps.
    1 point
  43.   They say everyone's life has a price.  :)   But seriously, the major roads are mostly clear it seems.  The secondary roads are probably a little sketchy still, and the tertiary roads I've been on out in the county are still covered with ice.  Be careful.
    1 point
  44. If anyone is interested in collecting or maybe identifying something you've inherited, the Kindle version is an excellent resource for $25 or so. There's a lot of information that was overwhelming to me at first, but if there are specific models you're looking for, it's nice to be able to access that info should you run across a pawn shop find.
    1 point
  45. To those of you that didn't get I was joking... lighten up, lol
    1 point
  46. Maybe the government needs to tap into this market. People would go crazy over the FAST AND FURIOUS line of bling. They could hand them out with the monthly checks and deny knowing where they came from.
    1 point
  47. You know if Colt was smart they would make a reproduction of the Python and sale it around 600 to 800 dollars and they would make a killing. Like what Smith and Wesson did with the Model 29 a few years ago.
    1 point
  48. What bothers me is I wonder if at some point in the future they will determine the steel jackets of cheap combloc ammunition to be AP as well. Then we will really be screwed.   If every person who bought a case would send an email to their representatives as well as the ATF comment email this would get squashed. But now all the gougers are buying up the ammunition and praying it is banned so they can make a buck off of their fellow gun owners. It sickens me to no end to see supposed gun owners doing stuff like this to fellow gun owners.   There will not be a push back. If the Sig brace decision didn't do it nothing will. It will be the usual bitch and complain anonymously on the net by gun owners because they are too scared to put a name with an email. Way too many gun owners are paranoid and probably a bit delusional when it comes to voicing their opinion. A lot of gun owners think if they disagree with the government they will come kick the door in and kill their family. Anyone who thinks that will happen over an email probably should not be around guns.   BTW, this will not affect me in the least. My hand loads will still defeat body armor as well as, probably better than, M855.
    1 point
  49. And as usual the gun community is going to sit around and bitch about it without even sending a single email or making a single phone call. Just think of how bad it will be is all you can get is the super expensive commercial ammunition.
    1 point
  50. Raildog nailed it!   Welding aluminum is a real BEOTCH by itself.  Welding an AR receiver is a true Mother *&(*&((* ;o) ... You can stick a lighter to the side of an AR reciever for 5 minutes it seems and that puppy will pull to the side a few thousandths ... it's not hard at all to jack one up in a heartbeat.   It could be repaired by those more skillful than me (I am not a welder by any stretch) but due to the aluminum and heat disbursment it would be a tidius job .. family heirloom maybe but short of a $25K registered receiver M16 I wouldn't worry about that level of correction.  I do have a buddy who helps me who can weld on water ...  he can fix it but you're definitely then looking at a refinish, cleanup, etc.   Back when John Norell (infamous C2 from the 70s/80s) did a lot of demil jobs (old M16 receivers cut in half), he used all kind of jigs to hold things together .. aluminum shrinks too so he had to compensate for heat and shrinkange .. a true master when you look at his work...but none of that really applies here as you're hole isn't in a location I'd be that concern with.   If it were me, I'd just mill the area a bit to clean it up and make it looks as nice as it could - as if it were meant to be ... there's nothing underneath that needs the hole filled up other than your pride ;o) .. the trigger will pivot on its horizontal pin .. so short of the aesthetic attributes, it won't hurt anything to remain.   If you're going to do this in the future, you can get pretty decent results using a mill bit in a drill press WITH a milling vise.... the kind with the X-Y axis handles... you can get an adeuate one on ebay for $50-$60...drilling lifting, moving over, drilling .. it's going to look choppy and that's a very nice receiver blank you have there.   But looks is all you hurt... as other have suggested you could epoxy something, cut a small piece of aluminum and put it inside to cover, options are endless...   I'll be happy to help you clean it up a bit unless you want to remain loyal to the post and use only common tools someone would have lying around.  I can cheat a bit with the equipment I have lying around ;o)   Best of luck though.. I'll be around next week if you wanted to drive down and let me take a closer look...happy to do so...  but seriously, if you had to go and blow a hole somewhere, you nailed the best sacrificial spot ;o) 
    1 point
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