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9 points
Was out in this mess early this morning due to staying overnight with some guys from Room In The Inn last night. At 0600 there was probably only a 1/2" or so of ice, but it was slick. Luckily there weren't too many cars on the road, yet. Looking forward to staying in the rest of the day. Weather like this really means something when you're homeless. Usually when we have dinner with the guys, they're talkative. Last night, there was nothing but concern about what the weather was going to do, and the fact that a lot of the normal places to shelter would be closed today. Everyone was in bed early. I find myself really thankful to be able to observe the weather through a window. Not everyone is that fortunate.7 points
Last year LWRC debuted their PDW at SHOT. I ordered one pretty quickly and have been waiting on them and the ATF. I wanted to do something cool with it since I had seen Modern Outfitters do some really cool stuff. The form 3 cleared today and they finished the coating process. Hope you like .....5 points
5 points
Fixed it for you :woohoo: Besides, if they have no more forethought than that about food what are they going to come at me with, a selfie stick and an app on their smart phone ???4 points
Just been cleaning off my driveway this morning in Kingston Springs. Still have a little more snow to clean off. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Snow_zpsfqs9s6mm.jpg.html][/URL]4 points
What a waste of what could have been a beautiful snow , 27 and raining ... :(4 points
I should have been a damn weatherman. What other job....besides POTUS maybe....can you screw up day after day ....get a pay raise and still be popular?4 points
As far as I'm concerned CTD is no longer in business. They'll never see another dime from me.4 points
Hopefully this bad weather has allowed every member of TGO to contact the appropriate representatives and organizations opposing this ban. I have lost count of the emails sent and voicemails left. I also have letters ready to be mailed tomorrow. If you do not stand up and speak then you are part of the problem. I can guarantee you the anti-gun folks are out in force and making sure their voices are heard. With record sales of guns and ammunition over the last few years the pro-gun voice should be loud, strong and be roaring in our representatives ears. If every gun owner will speak up that voice will be heard. For those who are afraid to put your name in an email, to a phone call or in a letter, You have already lost.3 points
3 points
Tell AGore to come back home for a visit. We need some global warming this week. A short speech from him would thaw out the state.3 points
Send that one to Channel 4, they will have an on-air weathergasm!!! Lol, seriously, they get so hyped up that you'd think the world is ending:) "Welcome to Tennessee...the patron State of shooting stuff"3 points
Just sleet and ice in Maury County between Columbia and Lewisburg. Gonna get the Jeep out in a little bit and play. I was supposed to drive to Michigan today to deliver a load tomorrow but I called my boss this morning after looking at the road cams for KY and said nope. He agreed so I get a snow day at home! Maybe 2...3 points
3 points
That's slicker than my ice covered driveway... Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk2 points
Words don't do it justice. I had a hard time not singing the Star-Spangled Banner in my living room.2 points
Snapped a few pictures while the youngins were playin outside. Thought this grill shot was pretty cool! I'm always amazed at how pretty the trees are covered with ice. Even though it usually comes with trouble as far as power lines go. Trampoline net was solid ice Top of the tool box was about 3/4 inch of ice. Cool shot of the bird feeder. I didn't even try to fill it once they emptied what I filled the night before. I dumped about 15 pounds of feed on the back deck a couple pounds at a time today and the birds were loving it! Ice height on the deck rail My daughter's rose bush tried to hold up the weight but all branches weren't strong enough and were laying on the ground. Thought this was a neat angle picture. Our little tree and the neighbor's in the background covered in ice. My mud puddle that was frozen over till I busted through it with the truck to take the youngins for some fishtailing on the back roads.2 points
I didn't need many supplies for the storm, enough spiced rum, bourbon, and whisky to last at least a month if not two and plenty of food. I did get some bar oil for the chainsaw just in case the ice brought down the tree threatening my driveway. Neighbor thought I was crazy putting chains on my car yesterday about 4pm. 6:30am rolled around this morning and I was out of the driveway first try inside 5 min. from walking out the front door while he was still trying to get his truck's door open. (I put a small ceramic heater inside my car on a timer set for 5am) I was at the hospital by 7am, and the car's all plugged up in the garage ready for the return trip this evening if I ever get off. :cool:2 points
Why haven't yall put enough of this stuff away already? You knew this coming. It's not like its a surprise.2 points
2 points
Snowing and sleeting in Gladeville. Kids in the yard having a large time riding the garbage can lids down the hill. Wilson County called school out for Tuesday at 1pm.2 points
We are a little west of Livingston in Jackson county, and it is now snowing like crazy. The house sits at 1206' above sea level and it is magnificent up here.2 points
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It may not be snow but 2 inches of icey mix makes for some nice sledding. Kids and I went out after lunch. The house sits on a hill about 200 yds off the road. Of course Dad had to check it out and be the first one down. Wasn't quite the Clark Griswald run but it was fast enough for me to realize the road to the hospital was probably pretty icey if I cracked up on this run. Then I had to walk back up! 3xdown was enough for me. Kids are still at it.2 points
A few more pics of the ice progression around the house... The fencing out back by the field... [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_122958672_zpsh6zchb5d.jpg.html][/URL] Small pines down by the creek... [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_123052371_zps1qu6zahh.jpg.html][/URL] Another small branch from a large limb bent waaay over in the back yard... [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_123148134_zpsdpewuoyz.jpg.html][/URL] A strand of barbed wire... [URL=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_125001704_zpsprmtmo0t.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
It is amazing. The missus & I were at Walmart Sunday and already the milk and bread were selling out... So...Just in case you folks know someone that picked up excess bread and milk...here a kickass Bread Pudding recipe. :pleased: http://www.landolakes.com/recipe/1914/old-fashioned-bread-pudding-with-vanilla-sauce Man...I hope they grabbed some raisins too! :cool:2 points
Some pics from around the homestead... The front of the truck... [url=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_105738284_HDR_zpse0vpzbar.jpg.html][/URL] the front of the old camry.. [url=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_105753669_zpsudebgbdp.jpg.html][/URL] The side of the wife's suburban... [url=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_110257903_zpsawzlwvs0.jpg.html][/URL] The shop.... [url=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_105804741_HDR_zpsg3sjpvfv.jpg.html][/URL] A branch... [url=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_110314558_zps2492127w.jpg.html][/URL] the road in front of my house... [url=http://s82.photobucket.com/user/wayne121170/media/IMG_20150216_110355987_zpsz4pjtfcg.jpg.html][/URL] and me ice skating on my road lol :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl87UZae4M42 points
Been buzzing around Brentwood all morning. Figured it's a good time to get bills paid, clean out a few drawers, and list some more guns to sell. This week looks to be a total wash as far as work. Oh well, I'm powerless over the weather too:) The 4wheel drive Tundra loves this stuff::)) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
I just spoke with the American Ballistics folks. They're phone is going straight to voice mail due to a heavy call volume. Left a message and they called me right back. They do still have both loaded and component M855. Tips are .12 each/K, loaded is $400/K. The guy on the phone was nice and feels as many of us do here regarding all this BS and about those who might be buying to resell and jack up. They are in GA so shipping is reasonable and though they have a ton of orders they are still getting stuff out pretty quick.2 points
They had a good run in the late 80s/early 90s with cast members like Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman, and Chris Farley. Other time spans have had a good one or two cast members plus a bunch of mediocre ones. Billy Crystal, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, etc.2 points
West Nashville. ice, then sleet, then rain, then ice, then sleet... rinse and repeat. Our Radio Flyer sled is perrrrrfect for this! The sleet here is good for driving if you are one of the first few on it. Once it gets packed down, it will get ugly.2 points
Yesterday, the weather man got my kids all fired up for a big snow today. Then, last night, changed the tune to ice and freezing rain. Now, it's looking like it will possibly warm up just enough here north of Chattanooga to rain all day. I enjoy our mild winters as much as anybody, but I was hoping for one big snow this year. So, Cleveland is still dry ATM2 points
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2 points
I bet there are a lot more people upset over the Sig brace than will be over an ammunition ban. Seem to recall there was a great uprising when 7N6 was banned, not. Same thing will happen with this, people will just assume it is business as usual and not do a damn thing about it. People, especially gun owners, do not want to even send an email to protect their rights. I send emails at least once a week, should be more often, which is a lot more often than most gun owners who proclaim to be pissed off at everything going on. Anytime I hear anyone complaining about something I ask what have they done and most give a blank stare. I ask if they have made any phone calls or send emails and I get one of two responses, either "I don't have time for that" or "What good would that do?". To that I say it can change everything if just 10% of the current gun owners called or emailed their representatives weekly.2 points
Still snowing pretty hard in Bristol. Looks like at least 6 inches of snow. Dinner is over, the wife went to bed to "read", and the dog is snoring. Guess it's time to pour a drink and settle in. Everybody stay safe and warm.1 point
1 point
I'm out in Nashville railroading. Be here till midnight. Thank you and good night.1 point
Yes, the ice is still accumulating here in Inglewood too. Starting to see branches breaking off the Magnolia in the front yard. With all the older trees in this area, I won't be surprised if we start getting some power outages around here as well.1 point
it has gotten bad here. My gravel driveway is near covered in a layer of ice. Got a call from the store. Closing at 6 today, I was given the option of not coming in. I took it. Can't remember the last time I got a snow day.1 point
1 point
Yes, lots of this do not survive life. But I've learned one thing in all my years of accumulating stuff. Do it only if you like it and want to have fun with it. The days of big payoffs for things are few and far between now. Production numbers in the millions on items assure there will be many available to us later in life. Yes...there are exceptions to this as well. But I stand by it. Don't get into "collecting" if you are doing it for big money. Very likely the only big money will be what you spend on getting your stuff.1 point
All sleet and freezing rain in Spring Hill. Both my wife's and my office closed. Nasty outside.1 point
Unless she told you to go get it right now and don't come back until you have one, take your time. :)1 point
Tray of meatballs 4 loaves of bread 4 cases of Stella Artois 4 850s of crown 12 frozen pizzas Case of cokes Weapons checked 2 off duty strippers to talk to in case of power outage Pls distribute as needed!1 point
And as usual the gun community is going to sit around and bitch about it without even sending a single email or making a single phone call. Just think of how bad it will be is all you can get is the super expensive commercial ammunition.1 point
See, this lil guy will talk her into getting a .45, he'll take her to the range and "teach" her to shoot it, she'll hate the recoil, miss her target, develop a permanent flinch reflex, and learn to hate guns and shooting....all because of this idiot.1 point
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