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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Tray of meatballs 4 loaves of bread 4 cases of Stella Artois 4 850s of crown 12 frozen pizzas Case of cokes Weapons checked 2 off duty strippers to talk to in case of power outage Pls distribute as needed!
    7 points
  2. Here is the latest forecast according to my sources.
    7 points
  3. Holy crap... you're all over the place with indecision.  Wait!  Don't buy anything until you know what you want.  It's called "COLD hard cash" for a reason; it's not really going to burn a hole in your pocket.
    4 points
  4. Find another $150, a used 21, and do both! :-D
    4 points
  5. I think that picture of your cousins' house is an example of why you never hear of people retiring to the north.
    4 points
  6. The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want   I pledge alliegence to the flag of the United States of America   Homosexuality is a wrong lifestyle choice   Jesus is the Christ, the Only begotten Son of God   All these are my free speech and someone, somewhere, will object to it. The crime is not the words or their meaning but the actions others choose to do in objection to them. You have the right to speak your mind, you have the right to be offended by others yelling "aloha snackbar" in a public place. The offense can be as simple as wearing white after Labor Day but as soon as you decide to harm another person because of something you don't like...you have crossed the line into criminality. I am highly offended by "artists" submerging Christian items in urine and calling it art....but their heads are not mine to remove.  I will not hide among others of like mind so as to not offend. I will not succomb to political correctness so others might feel good in their debauching and destructive behaviour. Wicked people are the source of wicked actions and must be stopped by people that have a moral backbone. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. I will not do nothing. We are being pushed into a decision, as our forefathers were pushed into one. My free speech is now "hate" speech to those that disagree yet my disagreement is also "hate" speech...
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. That's it, I'm going to Dustbuster's house!
    3 points
  9. Nashville's meteorologists couldn't accurately predict if the sun will rise tomorrow. No real surprise there.
    3 points
  10. Hopefully this free speech goes a long way to offsetting the damage done by those cruel, callous cartoonist bastards. Happy to do my part to ensure that no terrorist scum bags feelings get hurt over a little old picture. :up: [url=http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/TrickyNickyII/media/cartoon.jpg.html][/URL] I did one more just to show that I am able to empathize and feel the plight of the terrorist. [URL=http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/TrickyNickyII/media/Untitled.png.html][/URL]
    3 points
  11.   Everyone can pack up and move!  It's still a CHOICE!  They're not victims!  More money is a choice, family is a choice, steady job is a choice!  I didn't stay in Michigan for the snow, I stayed for the money.   I didn't stay in WV for family, I left for money.  It was my choice, and I chose money.  It was the right choice for me - I wasn't a victim.     Now I'm in Tennessee, and I have less money,no family in the state, no job, and I love it!  Still don't feel like a victim.  I'm here as a result of my choices.
    3 points
  12. Lol. Sounds like a text I received earlier today. I have a vehicle listed for sale on CL and had a guy interested in coming to look at it. So he emails Wednesday and says he will call Saturday to set up a time for today. Well Saturday came and went without a peep. Whatever, no big deal . About 1 today I get a text. "Hey just wanted to let you know I am waiting for this terrible weather to pass before I come look at your truck" WTF ? He lives 30 minutes from me,lmao. So I tell my wife and she says "that's either a weak cop out or he's the biggest pu##y of a man I have heard of. Weather man done got a lot of people skeered :)
    2 points
  13. Funny, I was in the market for a blinged out Detroit bracelet too. :rolleyes:    They'd have better luck turning them into grills. I'd get my teeth done up if they had serial numbers and headstamps :rofl:
    2 points
  14. I'm getting earthquakes. Anything is better than Nickelback. Looks like we both got lucky.
    2 points
  15. Whew, just missed Nickelback. That was a close one.
    2 points
  16. Very cool. My favorite Floyd song. This rendition gives me chills... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kqXD5NKj4d4
    2 points
  17. Obviously the reported location of NY is wrong because we know people from the north can drive in snow...
    2 points
  18. One of my quirks involved comics. Mom and Dad just shook their heads at me and my strangeness. "I just don't know where he gets it" was a common refrain about me. Did it from age 10 to 19 or so. Moved. School. The usual things. Then we, parents, myself and wife to be , were in the old garage on hot summer afternoon helping move some boxes. I found an old boot box and thought it looked familiar. Panic stricken that this was being thrown in the trash, I grabbed it and ran to the table to open it. I screamed like a little girl given a new pony. All three of them looked at me like I was a little "touched" as the country folk called it. I was bouncing around, almost dancing, looking pretty silly I guess. But inside were the first 66 issues of the Marvel "X-Men." All neatly sealed in comic bags. Completely intact! I was just in utter amazement. I'd been told that all my comics had been thrown out, never to be seen again. I was a total waste the rest of the day. They just put up with me and kindly didn't say too much about it to neighbors and family afterwards. I lovingly protected those thru all the intervening years...and until the 2010 Floods kept them warm, safe and dry. Sob... And that's just one of the saner bits in my "collecting adventures."
    2 points
  19. One of my favorites at the moment There Is A Time - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band: http://youtu.be/_YKY_GzYEnU This has always been my go to music. Heavy dark outlaw country. Language and NSFW warning for any thing by Hank the Third 3 Shades of Black - Hank Williams III: http://youtu.be/GkzSyvCl9ic
    2 points
  20. +1   Monday I am going to become a thorn in anyone's side who can have an affect on this.
    2 points
  21. Here is a petition if you want to sign at whitehouse.gov. Don't forget to email and call. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/stop-batfe-banning-xm855-ammunition/XrvVh1cj
    2 points
  22. What the ATF doesn't realize is ANY 223/5.56 round will easily pass through the soft body armor worn by most officers. Even an ice pick will easily defeat it. The other part is use in a pistol and they seem to think an AR pistol is as easy to conceal and then employ as a standard handgun which is totally false. I would like to see someone conceal and AR pistol, which weighs 6+ pounds and is 20"+ long, in a way that makes it easy to employ in a hurry. I say it is not possible and most criminals would not risk carrying something that big and obvious. The original law about AP rounds in pistols was meant for the pistols most commonly encountered by LE at the time and not rifles that met the definition of pistol. So I think they are well outside the bounds of the spirit of the law as it was passed. I would like to hear about the statistics regarding the criminals using AR, or 5.45 AK, pistols against LE officers but I bet they are as rare as hens teeth. Standard AR rifles far outnumber AR pistols and crimes involving AR rifles are extremely rare so I would say the odds of an officer being shot with an AR pistol loaded with M855 would be greater than winning the Power Ball.   Also, the idea of a 25 ACP being able to penetrate armor is ludicrous. This alone tells me they are not going with the spirit of the law as passed.
    2 points
  23. Tennessee is a state that even owning NFA items you can still be arrested. (I can't remember the term) but the proper documentation is a defense to prosecution and they are trying to pass language that precludes you from even being arrested in the first place. As I understand it, this is a good bill.
    2 points
  24. Nothing disturbes me more than someone who plays guitar better than me than someone who looks bored doing it .....
    2 points
  25. I vehemently disagree with every sentiment in this post.
    2 points
  26.   Sadly, it looks like the terrorists have already defeated you.   For free speech to be truly cherished, we must have a society where people feel safe to voice their views and opinions.  Don't like someone's view?  Then discuss it in a civilized, rational way. Or ignore it.  It is these terrorists that do not want you to have freedom..........freedom of anything.  They want to impose their views on you, or kill you if you won't accept them.  It is they that bring the mayhem onto the innocent bystanders, not the cartoonists.
    2 points
  27. Those people live in Boston by choice. We live in Tennessee by choice. They have snowblowers, we don't. I don't feel sorry for them
    2 points
  28. Screw this! I'm heading back to Florida for another couple months.
    2 points
  29. I'm thinking about trying a pair of these. Made in Tennessee. Levi's and Wrangler's no longer are made in USA.   http://www.americangusset.com/
    2 points
  30. :rofl: Slappy, I'm all about fair hunting, I'll lay another one on the ground so they have the option of picking it up to defend themselves with! HA HA 
    2 points
  31. Well they know now what Mel Gibson was talking about in "The Patriot".
    1 point
  32. Yes. Too many people get absolutely terrified just at the word :snow." Folks, at least wait till it is on the ground before pulling the chicken little acts.   I may not be the best bad weather driver, but I learned not to be afraid of it.  Do what you have to do and if that means going out, then do it carefully and safely.   Not like a bat out of hell nutjob.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Man, I would have liked to have been at this concert. When I first heard about this album, I thought It's gotta be a joke. The more I think about it, Pink Floyd was really a Blues band, so It makes sense that Gov't mule covers them. I think they pulled it off fairly well.   http://youtu.be/nu51PBboaMY      
    1 point
  35. I collect Star Wars. I have a box of Star Wars comics from the late '70s & early '80s along with figures & read along books with records. The strangest are probably my lightsabers. I have some of the small scale Master Replica lightsabers, but I've also built some full size replicas from scratch using 70 year old camera flashes & parts they used in the original movies. (Yeah, I'm a nerd) I also like to collect metal fighter jet models, my favorite being the F14 Tomcats. Oh, yeah, I also collect guns. That's the one that bugs my wife the most. It would bug her even more if she actually knew how many I really have. :rofl:
    1 point
  36. M&P of course. But you will need to either save up more money quick or get a second job; you will want more. I have 5 now and still have 2 to go.
    1 point
  37. Used to find a few when turkey hunting, I have to really focus on my surroundings to see them anymore, old eyes.
    1 point
  38.   For this reason I am grateful that they export their beer to the other states.
    1 point
  39. Simple don't paint the tips green   http://www.slickguns.com/product/mast-223-62-grain-ss109-steel-core-penetrator-full-metal-jacket-800-rounds-linked-box-32997   :panic:  :panic:   Stay tune next week it will be 30rd mags   :waiting:
    1 point
  40.   I think that's it for for me, really.  The stillness and the quiet.  Nothing beats a walk in the snow early in the morning before anyone else is out and about.  Snow tends to put things on "pause" as it were.   I like that.
    1 point
  41. I like a little bit of just about every kind of music, but this is my go-to band... [media]http://youtu.be/Kqba0IUdiBk[/media]
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. I bet there are a lot more people upset over the Sig brace than will be over an ammunition ban. Seem to recall there was a great uprising when 7N6 was banned, not. Same thing will happen with this, people will just assume it is business as usual and not do a damn thing about it.   People, especially gun owners, do not want to even send an email to protect their rights. I send emails at least once a week, should be more often, which is a lot more often than most gun owners who proclaim to be pissed off at everything going on. Anytime I hear anyone complaining about something I ask what have they done and most give a blank stare. I ask if they have made any phone calls or send emails and I get one of two responses, either "I don't have time for that" or "What good would that do?". To that I say it can change everything if just 10% of the current gun owners called or emailed their representatives weekly.   
    1 point
  44. That's one of many reasons I don't live any farther north. When the water on the lake turns hard, you my friend have ventured too far into never never land!! I hope all the liberal dem's are enjoying their global warming. And yes I know they changed it to global climate change, I hope they freeze their arses off each and every shovel full. It just makes me feel warm inside when I see about 10 foot of this white stuff blanketing NY, Conn, Mass, and the rest of the liberal N.E. sorry for the rant!! Btw I have lived in Illinois and Michigan and have shoveled my fair share of snow, but no mo!!
    1 point
  45. I'll believe it when I see it.
    1 point
  46. A good friend's wife grew up there. It's just a little rural community.
    1 point
  47. Haha, I have a feeling that will be a somewhat frustrating "Quality Test" I have some Thunderbolt from that same era and it's useful for malfunction drills...
    1 point
  48. Complete with lodgings, kitchen & bathrooms, machine shop/repair facilities and powered by steam via a Girodyne Nuclear Fusion Reactor. Sweet!!!
    1 point
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