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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2015 in all areas

  1. I guess they could use the hate mail to bolster readership, so for the first time, I have breached the wall of "Letters to the Editor" and now enjoy "Guest Columnist" status.   http://www.jacksonsun.com/story/opinion/columnists/2015/01/28/right-need-bear-arms/22429573/
    10 points
  2. Their three kids, all successful, agreed to a Sunday dinner in their honor.   "Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad," gushed Son No. 1.  'Sorry I'm running late.   I had an emergency at the hospital with a patient, you know how it is, and I   didn't have time to get you a gift."   "Not to worry," said the father.  "Important thing is we're all together today."   Son No. 2 arrived. "You and Mom look great, Dad.  I just flew in from LA between depositions   and didn't have time to shop for you."   "It's nothing," said the father.  "We're glad you were able to come."   Just then the daughter arrived. "Hello and happy anniversary!  Sorry, but my boss is sending me out of town and   I was really busy packing so I didn't have time to get you anything."   After they had finished dessert, the father said, "There's something your mother and I have wanted to tell you for a long time." "You see, we were really poor, but we managed to send each of you to college." "Through the years your mother and I knew we loved each other very much, but   we just never found the time to get married."   The three children gasped and said, "WHAT?  You mean we're bastards?"   "Yep", said the father, "Cheap ones too."
    6 points
  3. I start out trying to keep it around $500 but end up spending $1200-$1300. Does that help much?
    6 points
  4. I got home yesterday afternoon late and took Pain meds and went right to bed. Doctor wants me up and about for 15 to 20 minutes several times day. So will post when pain eases up. Made it through thanks to all the prayers from all my friends.......................... :up: :up: Gotta go take something for pain. Will try and post more later.
    4 points
  5. Well just got back from FL.  Let me tell you guys about a fantastic deer hunt by "Extreme Cooper Adventures" They setup the hunt just like it is going to be a authentic illegal deer hunting excursion.  They even let you shoot out the windows as they drive by.  They assure you how safe it is as it is all done with in the boundaries of FL which I understand to be a wildlife hunting area with street signs.  The night only ended after we got our 4 deer, then on our way back they even had fake law enforcement pull us over, take the 2 guides with them, issue fake tickets and left.  They wouldn't let me bring the deer back as they said they had been contaminated by something in the water.      Now that the hunting is over and I am back up, they "Extreme Cooper Adventures" still sends me fake you must appear at such as such court on a certain date.  I mean they go all out.      (p.s. the above mention of Extreme Cooper Adventures is purely fiction)
    4 points
  6. If I don't recognize the number or it's not in my contacts, I don't answer.  Ever.  If it's important, they'll leave a message.  If not, I didn't want to talk to them anyway. 
    4 points
  7. Whenever something that was created for evil can be used for good, that's a good thing, isn't it?
    3 points
  8. Outside of the moron that shot it, you have to admit that bird is bad ass.  It's been shot, a guy has it in a choke hold and it still looks like it wants to go F some stuff up.
    3 points
  9. Anyone who shoots a Bald Eagle, or any other bird of prey should have:   1)  hunting privileges revoked for life. 2)  be banned from owning a firearm for life. 3)  to forfeit whatever equipment, vehicles and clothing worn during the incident. 3)  to pay a fine equal to rescuing 20 other birds of the same species.   Not necessarily because it's the "national bird"...Benjamin Franklin himself referred to the Bald Eagle as being "of low moral character"....but it's still the emblem of this country and there is absolutely no reason to kill one.  There is no justification whatsoever.
    3 points
  10. Was George Zimmerman implicated in any way?
    3 points
  11.   I go one step farther, even if I recognize the number I often don't answer.  It's an anti-social trait I guess ...
    3 points
  12.   When you look at The Affordable Care Act and some of the gun related issues that surrounded it, like the left wanting to start a movement in American medicine to treat firearms as a matter of public health, I would agree with the TFA fighting against the Haslam Medicaid expansion in TN.    We can go farther and point out that the NRA was involved in protecting your gun rights during the creation of the affordable healthcare act law. Would you rather they had ignored healthcare as an area to protect gun rights?   Read this: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/01/09/this-is-how-a-secret-gun-provision-made-its-way-into-obamacare-legislation/   Or you can read this: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/wolf-blitzer-nra-pushed-provision-banning-doctors-from-discussing-guns-in-obamacare-seems-so-strange/   The NRA got in and saved gun owners asses by making sure that patients could not be penalized or discriminated against for owning firearms.     The liberal left-wing is patently anti-second amendment. We have to be vigilant in every area of law making for anti-2A law and regulations being added or amended.   So if I were you, I'd keep right on supporting the TFA, NRA and GOA. :up: 
    2 points
  13. Glad to hear everything went well, take it as easy as you can. By the way I was thinking this with the title. "What you looking at ass eyes"
    2 points
  14. I need one. Dont care. I want the stg 44.
    2 points
  15. Where are you located.  at over a 1,000 posts your clearly an established member.  I would be willing to bet there are a couple of members here, myself included, that would loan you the tools if your nearby. 
    2 points
  16. Pepper Spray in her pocket, a lead ingot in her purse and a "Don't stop just cause they hit the ground" attitude.     Squirt him & beat him.  Rinse and repeat as necessary.  
    2 points
  17. WHERE ARE THE PICS?!?!?!?
    2 points
  18. Whipped this up in Excel...hope it helps. Wish I could post it as a spreadsheet, but a pic will have to do...
    2 points
  19. Do you see that you have a one sides point of view? Hopefully if you ever face justice you will be judged fairly and not by the way of a twisted political view. Perhaps it's me and I have "white Hispanic privilege"
    2 points
  20. Good thing we didn't jump to conclusions. There are two sides to every story and if the media would report instead of withhold and report, we'd be a better nation. http://www.news4jax.com/news/report-zimmerman-denies-throwing-bottle-at-ex/30663744
    2 points
  21. So I was down in Harriman, TN at a local pawn shop just browsing when I came across and AR smith and Wesson labeled as being a .223 for $600. I asked to look at it and in closer inspection it was a 5.56 smith and Wesson m&p 15. Troy rear flip sight and front A sight. Quard rail with a 30 round p mag and 6 position stock. It has some small scratches on the barrel but I could not pass up on the price. After showing her the scratches and how dirty it was she knocked it down to $502- $560 OTD with a box of ammo. I get home with it and do some research and it is a M&p15x which MSRP is $1300! She told me she had priced it herself off of what she saw online and she priced it as a Sport model. Then gun is in great shape all cleaned up (apart from the small scratches) and I am going to shoot it this Saturday. Any suggestions, comments, concerns for a first time AR owner?
    1 point
  22. While not the official definition of nothing, it's just as good.
    1 point
  23. Yes, let's falsely crucify this "white Hispanic" and consider he's an idiot for daring to not be guilty. Sounds like a familiar theme.
    1 point
  24. No clear markings, lots of bubba work.  No real collector value.   The '93 Mauser makes a nice, light rifle.  A Rhineland .45 conversion would be a good use of this one.  The cocking on closing action makes less noise, so it's a good candidate for a suppressor!  With a  16" barrel, it would be quick-handling, too.  Or, you could SBR it to 10 or 12" and with a red-dot scope it would be great for short-range pests.
    1 point
  25. I have bought several things from there so far. My lastest purchase was Tilley Winter Hat, which I love!  I too am an REI member and enjoy several perks that non REI members enjoy.  Their online outlet specials are killer!   I do wish they would start selling the Mountainsmith Lumber Day Pack.  I'm wanting one of those bad and I got a $100 gift card just waiting on that item!!!
    1 point
  26. Trust me...., those Marksmen (and women) are out there. During mid-range 600 yard matches, I've seen a lot for Master and High Master level High Power shooters who will have tighter groups while shooting alongside FClass scoped and bipod shooters. It will humble you.
    1 point
  27. I must say that GTG is a great guy and someone I am pleased to call a friend.     I'm with you on the "Got to sell a pistol before I buy anything or I'll be a well armed homeless man"... I have to dodge that bullet myself. :cool:   While I've not built an AR, one of my shooting buds has built several. I'd happily "volunteer" him to help LOL. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to, and he's local to us as well. Just let me know.
    1 point
  28. Thank you to all you guys for the offer of tools and assistance, this is definitely the best place on the 'net! I'm in the Knoxville area. Got to sell a pistol before I buy anything or I'll be a well armed homeless man.
    1 point
  29. On a personal level I'm all for it,,,,,,, here it comes,,,,,,,,,,,,, BUT if we have a tax free weekend for guns and ammo sales the golf guys would want a weekend. The softball guys would want a weekend, etc.. etc.. How about doing everybody a favor and stop sales tax on food? It costs too much to put food on the table now.
    1 point
  30. Could be a multitude of reasons why they didn't pursue charges, he said she said or the prosecutor didn't want a bunch of protestors showing up at the courthouse trying to kill him.    He's still an idiot, regardless of if there were charges filed or not.
    1 point
  31. In theory, yes. But unfortunately, they are very directional, and bulky (yagis, etc) .   For your purposes, any omnidirectional antenna at 146 MHz at 3.0 dBd gain would be an allowable Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) for controlled zone (.i.e. a passenger) at 1.8 watts. You need a bit over 5' separation for 60 watts. You would still need a ~4' minimum distance for a quarter-wave antenna (~1- 2 dB gain over dipole depending on ground plane from truck body).    With a roof mount (even a magnet mount), you elevate the RF pattern over the subjects (instead of their face) and mostly eliminate the problem.   Here is a MPE calculator that you can do for your own research - http://hintlink.com/power_density.htm   Now...  You could attach a mount to the box which elevates the antenna over the passenger compartment.  I have no idea how well it would work (ground plane would be a bit goofy), but it would alleviate a lot of the exposure issues.
    1 point
  32. Oh, just "a green leafy substance" they say
    1 point
  33. Pretty much the same scenario happened to my niece a little while back. I gave her pepper spray and her father called the sheriff dept. They sent a Deputy by to visit the trouble maker to inform him of the complaint, and that it would be in his best interest to avoid her at all costs. So far there have been no further problems.
    1 point
  34.   Yeah, it's just a stunt. Wouldn't mind it, but I imagine no chance to pass. Then again, wouldn't have thought we'd be the Patron State of Eating Roadkill either. ;)   - OS
    1 point
  35. One of my favorite bits regarding telemarketing.   Warning Adult Language.    TOM MABE Telemarketer's Nightmare Phone Call      
    1 point
  36. As far as the age thing, there is no line in the sand.  I see people at the range regularly that have NO BUSINESS in the vicinity of a weapon.  Many MANY so called adults are far too incompetent to handle a firearm.  Conversely, I have seen a fair few young'uns with more maturity and personal responsibility than the two adults that propagated them.   As a parent the responsibility of defining that is solely up to you.   Had I a child that displayed both the interest and proper attitude, I would have no qualms about introducing them to whatever firearm they showed interest in.  Especially with respect to a single shot.  The diminutive size of a rimfire doesn't make it any safer.  
    1 point
  37.   MonkeyLizard explained it pretty well. Simply that no local government may enact a more stringent or lax weapons law than a state one.   Your beef about park carry still lies with state law, but not because of lack of preemption. Even the grandfathered law exception is gone.   - OS
    1 point
  38. Thanks guys. I am well aware of the dangers of all guns and usage of them. I didn't say however he was going to the woods this year. I was looking for an answer to the recoil question. Thanks to the ones who gave me an honest answer to the question I ask.
    1 point
  39. telemarketers are easy to deal with...as soon as they say the offer just say "can you hold on for one second...?" put them on hold...come back in about 20 minutes, talk to them for 5 seconds and do it again...they wont/cant hang up.
    1 point
  40. Yes he's 6. I am looking to step him up so if he wants to go to the woods with me he and I can enjoy a little coyote or deer hunting. He is shooting full size deer targets now with his 22. (Open sites). Thank you caster for the recommendations. I will look into those options. I came from a family of hunters and I was started about his age. I had rather be setting with him teaching him how to shoot and when to shoot more than anything even hunting lol and I like to hunt!!
    1 point
  41. That's a well documented scammer's phone number: http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-213-337-0014  Looks like they use several things: IRS / Debt / Computer Virus "cleaning" / Fake Charity donations. 
    1 point
  42.   If I were you, I would run some reports from your ticket system, figure out what those call drivers are and then propose ways to mitigate them. If you discover that 100 people call for password resets a month.. propose using a self service tool like Quest (Dell) Password manager, so the users can reset their own password securely. Of course, that all depends on your environment, your level of access, security, etc. but if you have the capacity to do stuff like that... I would.   You can't automate them all, but you can try :)
    1 point
  43. You need some management software if you are managing 200+ boxes by yourself. Have you ever heard of labtech? I use it for multiple clients and it is pre-loaded with a boat load of scripts including stuff like you are describing.
    1 point
  44. The Netdom.exe command will do what you need on the windows PC's. It may not be installed on the XP boxes, but you can download it from MS and just copy it to each PC. Use Google to find the commands.   I'm a big fan of PowerShell, but It would likely need to be installed on the XP boxes as well. The Remove-Computer and Add-Computer cmdlets are what you are looking for. You can find info about them here:    https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849816.aspx   I found this bit of code on that page that looks like it might remove all of the Windows machines at once: For that to work, you'll want to create a text file named OldComputers.txt and put all of the machine names in it, each one on a new line. Modify both of the entries that say Domain01\Admin01 to your own domain name and user account. Change "Legacy" if you want a different workgroup name, but that won't really matter since it will only be temporary.   If that doesn't work, you can run these commands from each workstation: and after the reboot   Save each of those last two bits of code into a text file named UnjoinPC.ps1 and JoinPC.ps1 and then run them from a PowerShell window. If the very first one-liner works, you wouldn't need to run the #Remove Machine From Domain script, but you will need to run the #Add Machine to Domain script on each PC.   One word of caution: you better know the local admin password on each PC, otherwise you will have no way of logging into the pc after the unjoin process and it reboots. I would try the commands above one one sacrificial PC first just to make sure it all works.     Good Luck
    1 point
  45. Man, that's greedy. But I'm not surprise that they are inline with their other ridiculous pricing.
    1 point
  46. You can always tell they are having fun by how fast the shots usually start coming out. Usually on the third or so shot.  Bang.....................................Bang.............Bang......Bang..Bang.Bang.Bang.Bangangangangang.  :rofl: ....Then they turn around really fast and sweep everyone in the range. :pleased:
    1 point
  47. teapot full of boiling water and a turkey baster. Stab mosin in the ground with bayonet and run the hot water down the bore.  clean as normal after
    1 point
  48. Drive around Memphis a little and watch the local news and you'll wonder why so low.
    1 point
  49. I am a Glock hater. I may one day one a G40. That is all.
    1 point
  50.   I know a great many gun owners that do not have carry permits because they don't want to be on a list of gun owners. Many of them bought their guns long before the back ground checks began and don't feel it's any of the governments business if they own guns. I think that falls true in most cases for a large amount of the population across the nation...............jmho
    1 point
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