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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2015 in all areas

  1.   I was at the gun store today and while waiting a little old lady started talking to me she looked to be 70 or so and walking with a cane. She said she was there to finally pick up her new gun, I figured a little .22 or something like that, the guy brings a box out and in it is a Rossi Circuit Judge Revolving Rifle .410 Bore and .45 Long Colt 18.5" Barrel 5 Rounds Wood Stock Blue Barrel, she acted like a kid with a new toy all excited, all I could think is "don't JUDGE a book by it's cover"
    6 points
  2. Currently, TN is a Defense to Prosecution state.  Instead of NFA items just being outright legal, the law allows us a defense to prosecution.  That means that we could still be arrested and charged but we would have our stamps as a defense in court.  You can read more about that here.  http://www.nfafa.org/WTF-Is-Defense-To-Prosecution.cfm         Todd Rathner has gotten sponsorship for a bill to change this.  The bill has a number now.  SB0181 (Companion HB0136) http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=SB0181&GA=109     This bill gets rid of questionable wording and replaces it with wording that will make our firearms ownership completely legal.   Because this bill has to do with NFA items, this could be potentially an uphill battle against the ignorant left.  Please start contacting your congress people and urge them to support this bill.  Its never too early to start and we can use all the help we can get.   Also, if you haven't already, please consider joining the NFAFA.  NFAFA was started by Todd Rathner to change NFA laws all around the country.  If you aren't familiar with Todd, he worked with KnifeRights last year to help us legalized switchblades and long knives in TN.  Todd is also a member of the board of NRA.  He needs our support to pass this bill and others like it across the country.       http://www.nfafa.org/     Also worth mentioning is that NFAFA will be having a raffle in the coming months for a lot of cool stuff.  Keep an eye out.  Follow on Facebook for the most up to date info on what Todd and NFAFA are doing.     https://www.facebook.com/NFAFreedomAlliance
    4 points
  3. One of the unfortunate traits of corporate America today is that they're more than willing to burn through employees just like any other consumable.  The most recent downturn in the economy has exacerbated this due to the oversupply of workers seeking employment.  A company that looks at the bottom line and nothing else is going to have no incentive to treat their employees as anything but another commodity.     Mike's comment above about the employee/employer relationship is sort of the old Jack Welch thought of, "you come to the work during the week, we pay you on Friday and we all leave for the weekend squared up."  This is an okay thought, but I think it's changing some on both ends.  On the big company side of things, I think the relationship is degrading rapidly.  The modern corporation really doesn't know any type of loyalty.   That's changing the employee landscape as well.  There are some folks who think that people like Chelsey Manning, Edward Snowden and the insider who helped take down Sony shouldn't really be seen as single point outliers, but rather should be viewed as endemic of a larger shift in the millennial generation.  Basically this group has been conditioned to know no institutional loyalty, either.  This shift may play out in interesting ways.     On the small business side of things, I think there are some interesting things happening.  Most of us really value our employees and recognize the benefit of going to some lengths to make life good for them.  Small things matter.  Most of us spend most of our working hours at work.  How do we expect to get the best out of our employees if we don't care about them in return?  If the relationship is too lopsided, I'd argue that management team is taking a very short-sighted view and that will bite them in the long term.   There are times when we all expect a lot of our employees, but that's a give and take.  If all I do is take, sooner or later I'm going to reach down in that bag and find it empty.
    4 points
  4. surely no one who watched it thought it was  historically accurate. It was entertaining though.
    3 points
  5. Lord, I miss Jerry Clower....     [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcpducwW8w4[/media]
    3 points
  6. sounds like a job.   When I asked for my job I told them to hire me and schedule me whenever they need me.    Somehow I realized I am a tool for my boss to use to make a profit.  He pays me a fair wage,  It is  fair trade off.   I am not sure what you are complaining about.   If you don't like it the door can open to lead out too.
    3 points
  7. Bye Bye Comcast...I have no remorse for the amount of business they are about to lose. Zero.
    3 points
  8. Just to illustrate the size of this awesome blade i just received in the mail, here it is pictured with my Government model Les Baer SRP and a Zero Tolerance 0300 blade, This is one of the best fIxed blade knives I have ever seen, and in all honesty it is Beefier than any Busse Combat knife I have ever owned, Donald you are truly a craftsman! Now I need somebody to make me a sheath for this thing
    2 points
  9. Folks, Heads Up! I was at Guns N More in Smyrna today doing a transfer of some AR lowers. Some of you may recall how big a fan-boy I have become of SIG 1911s. IMHO they are the best production 1911s being made today. In the case at Guns N More is a SIG 1911 Extreme that John will sell to TGO members for...... $789.99. It has night sights and G10 panels! Somebody from this forum is going to get one Heck of a Great Deal on one Heck of a Great 1911.
    2 points
  10. Vontar, I found you a dream job!!! plus i think fiood and drinks are free! pls advise !!! Job Fair @ Deja Vu Nashville (1214 Demonbreun st.) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap demonbreun st at 13th avenue s (google map) (yahoo map) compensation: hourly plus tips We will be hosting a job fair on Monday Jan 19 and Tuesday Jan 20, from 5pm - 8pm. We are currently seeking people to fill out our staff at all positions, ie... servers, floorhost, Djs.... for more info call 615-248-1911 Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster. do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers
    2 points
  11. So she likes a bushmaster..... :dirty:
    2 points
  12.   Re-reading the thread and came upon this again. I loved Heinlien growing up. Read everything he wrote, I believe, most many times over.   But Farnhams Freehold was one that really got me going. I think it was one of the first of his I read.   Guess it's time to read it again.   Sure...right along with the literally hundreds of others I'd like to.
    2 points
  13. Just read One Second After because of you guys.. And holy cow.. What a great book!
    2 points
  14. I would like to see a part two of the Professional where Matilda is grown up and has become a cleaner. :popcorn:
    2 points
  15. I drink wine from California.  That doesn't mean I support the ideals of the left-coast moonbats that run their state government.
    2 points
  16. Google Fiber Confirmed 1 Gigabit service is coming to Nashville! :up:   https://fiber.google.com/cities/nashville/home/   Example of how their plans look:   Your service plan options are: Gigabit + TV: $120/month ($300 construction fee waived) Gigabit Internet: $70/month ($300 construction fee waived) Basic Internet: $0/month (for up to seven years starting from the date your address was first connected to the Google Fiber network for any person) + $300 construction fee
    1 point
  17. PA transplant. Military brought me here two separate times and decided to stay after retirement this summer. Actually my local wife decided that. I do love it here in TN. Chris
    1 point
  18. Instead of 3 gun, this month we will be hosting an all shotgun match at MTSC. Registration from 11:00 to noon and we will get started shortly after that. 100 rounds birdshot 8 slugs 5 stages of fun and challenging shotgun action.
    1 point
  19. Did you know this: http://www.shotgunnews.com/network-topics/feds-consider-gun-show-spying/ Feds Consider Gun Show Spying by Robert W. Hunnicutt | January 28th, 2015 0 The American Civil Liberties Union has always been kinda blah on the 2nd Amendment, to the point that in the 1970s, it was just left out of a Bill of Rights display in ACLU headquarters. So it was good to see the organization taking up for gun owners after a Freedom of Information request exposed a proposal inside the Drug Enforcement Agency to spy on gun shows The Department of Justice was quick to characterize the spying idea as the idle notion of a low-level employee that was quickly nixed by higher-ups. Given the scandal involving enhanced IRS surveillance of conservative political organizations, it’s hard to have full confidence in that one. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week that the ACLU has raised concerns about widening use of license-plate recognition systems and other advanced surveillance techniques by DEA and other agencies, especially since many of them have made asset forfeiture, even in the absence of a conviction, a major goal. An internal DEA document said, “DEA has designed this program to assist with locating, identifying, and seizing bulk currency, guns, and other illicit contraband moving along the southwest border and throughout the United States. With that said, we want to insure we can collect and manage all the data and IT responsibilities that will come with the work to insure the program meets its goals, of which asset forfeiture is primary.” It’s only natural to connect the dots between generalized surveillance at gun shows and asset forfeiture. As has been demonstrated time and again, the feds are perfectly content to snatch your guns and then challenge you to get them back. The best hole for that sort of fishing expedition is a gun show. As the Journal reported: “The 2009 email is heavily redacted so as not to disclose the sender, recipient or much of the text beyond a single sentence: ‘DEA Phoenix Division office is working closely with [the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives] on attacking the guns going to [redacted] and the guns shows, to include programs/operation with [license-plate readers] at the gun shows.’” Those who have followed the Fast & Furious scandal will immediately take note of the Phoenix connection, since that’s where the “gun walking” debacle was concocted. If you believe, as most politically aware gun owners do, that Fast & Furious was an attempt to build a rationale for restrictive gun control, gun show surveillance is just, from federal law enforcementís viewpoint, a logical extension. The ACLU’s Jay Stanley said he was glad to hear DEA officials nixed the program, but noted “there is unfortunately a long history of Americans being subject to surveillance because of their political or associational activities, and we see that to this day. When you combine that history with a powerful surveillance technology like license plate scanners, it raises significant concerns.” No kidding. Gun shows are a central, maybe the central “associational activity” of gun owners. That’s why the antis always attack them. The number of crime guns acquired at gun shows is small. Antis want to kill gun shows because thatís where gun owners gather, bond, exchange information and gather strength for the fight. Shows are prime recruiting territory for NRA and for state and local gun groups. Eliminate them and building membership and activists becomes much harder. And how many of you would feel enthusiastic about attending a gun show if you knew federal agents eyeballing your license plate were making a list? There are probably quite a few out there who won’t go now unless they can ride a bus: knowing that attending a gun show might put you in a government database would deter many more. Just knowing a surveillance plan was discussed will scare off a lot of people, which nicely serves the purpose of those who were considering it. So one hearty cheer for the ACLU; better late than never! If they can’t work up the stomach to defend our right to bear arms, at least they can support our right peaceably to assemble, and that counts as progress. Read more: http://www.shotgunnews.com/network-topics/feds-consider-gun-show-spying/#ixzz3QA13yJpx
    1 point
  20. http://wkrn.com/2015/01/28/man-in-jail-after-trying-out-new-shotgun-shooting-out-windows/ NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – A man is in jail after allegedly shooting out an apartment window in south Nashville while “trying out” his new shotgun. The incident happened at the South Brook Apartments on Linbar Drive late Tuesday night. A woman who lives at the complex told police her window was shot out and she was injured by the broken glass. While police were talking to the woman they heard another gunshot. Police later caught up with 23-year-old Jerry Burkhart. A friend of Burkhart’s told police he had just gotten a new shotgun for his birthday, which was Tuesday, and was “dying to try it out.” According to the affidavit, Burkhart was also slurring his speech and smelled like alcohol. He also vomited several times on the way to booking, the report read. Burkhart, a convicted felon in Cheatham County, was charged with public intoxication, being a felon in possession of a firearm and reckless endangerment. His bond was set at $51,000.
    1 point
  21. Name is Jim, and I'm a new member from Chattanooga, and just wanted to say "Hi". My play toy is a H&K P30 9mm, which I haven't had long, but am really liking. Glad I found this website, great place for Tennessee gun owners to share info, hope I will be able to make some valuable contributions to the site.
    1 point
  22. Let me give you a little motivation. This is from the first time at the range with my SIG 1911 TACOPS. Ammo used was Walmart Federal 230 ball. The accuracy of these SIGs will rival most anything in the 1911 world.
    1 point
  23. Moral to this is don't mess with old lady's either! They won't fight fair they'll just kill ya.
    1 point
  24. What firearm were you shooting the steel case from? If I'm not mistaken Academy branded ammo is actually Barnual, and generally good quality for what it is. I haven't shot Federal aluminum, but I've shot a ton of Blazer aluminum back when I could get it for $8/50. Never had a problem...but then again I've never had a problem with steel case either
    1 point
  25. Anyone that has ever filled out a 4473 is in a database. So is anyone that has ever even mentioned guns on the Internet, or searched about them. Can or will they do anything with that information? Not likely until it is a true case of SHTF. Then all bets are off.
    1 point
  26. Thank you Cap!  And a Thanks to Todd as well.   I did join NFAFA as soon as I learned of it, and I encourage as many as can to do so as well. It's money well spent imho. I don't even own any NFA items, but I do want my Rights restored.   I agree this will be a challenge, but so was the change brought about to our antiquated knife laws... it happened! :up:
    1 point
  27. IT is like that some places. Luckily, tech support/administration is everywhere. So if you aren't happy, just find another gig. Especially if you've been there a few years. You're likely on the yearly nickel and dime raise routine. You may interview and figure out you're worth 20% more than what they're paying you.   Oh, and NEVER accept a counter offer from your current gig for 2 reasons   1.) why did it take me walking out the door to get a raise? 2.) they're already looking for someone to replace you. You're 1 foot out the door, so you'll likely just spend your time documenting and then being phased out.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29.   Heck for that kind of money...., BHO had better be the golf caddy for Google!  :rofl:  
    1 point
  30. Just finished Joe Nobody's The Olympus Device, Book 1. It wasn't the greatest book I've ever read, but I did like it a lot.   I'm about to enter my "Reading Room" and start Book 2 as I prepare to go out later. lol
    1 point
  31. I saw Jerry clower & jerry Reed together on some fishing show it was a riot - everyone wound up in the lake & I don't know if they caught any fish but I wish I had a copy of it
    1 point
  32.   Knowledge, experience and ability are valuable commodities.  Most everyone knows how to hold a knife and cut something with it.  It takes a specialist to use those common abilities to perform heart surgery.
    1 point
  33. I dunno why there is so much bad news about Para's .. I got a GI Expert in stainless for a swap  and $ boot @ a local pawn shop a few years ago .. I have had zero problems w/ it & will cordially allow any TGO member to meet me @ Gunnie's  on Knoxville/Maryville Pike on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to convince me I should have kept the alloy framed P1 I swapped for it. PM me so we can make arrangements. 
    1 point
  34. I use Thumblers Tumbler (worth every penny) with a tsp of Lemi-shine, a dash of Brasso and a few drops of dish soap. Toss in some stainless steel pins for medium and the brass come out shiny and new. Then rinse with distilled water.   I use Hornady wax when forming the brass case in the sizing die. It gets a little dirty so I just give it a wipe with a paper towel.
    1 point
  35.    That is exactly what I did a few weeks ago. I got a Rock Island Armory and it runs like a well oiled machine. Plus I got a bunch of money left over for ammo !  Here read this , it's my thread I made about it and a picture of it. Plus it's a 70-series with no safety crap inside .  http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/84996-got-a-all-metal-gun-that-ill-keep/
    1 point
  36.   $31 a month to be getting better service than Comcast and not giving them my business?  Sign me up.  Besides, the way Comcast is your bill could be $39 this month and $89 next month with no explanation
    1 point
  37. Great news. Losing a good knife is like...losing a good knife.
    1 point
  38.   I'd have just told em Zero me out on this stage........I'm not touching Barney.......but I will shoot at him all day long!!!
    1 point
  39.     From my incredibly extensive research (5 minutes), this was done by the importer.  My coworker has one nearly identical.  He said his dad bought his from a bucket in Woolworth's in the Raleigh Springs Mall in 1972.   
    1 point
  40. Minus the scope and bipod, here is the breakdown:   Rifle: Remington 700 AAC-SD - $647 (got it from Buds. A lot of people say they have problems with them, but I never have) Stock: Bell & Carlson Tactical Medalist Style 2 in OD green Web - $267 Evolution Gun Works 20MOA rail - $39 Burris Xtreme 30mm rings $55 KRG Bolt Lift - $28   Total: $1036
    1 point
  41.   Thanks... the links I posted are for a virtual online scanner... no hardware required. However, Municipalities have to agree to allow their broadcasts.
    1 point
  42. Dumped dish and picked up a roku. Only problem I've found is a tendency to watch a whole series of shows. Not all at once, but like reading a book series. Plus the commercial breaks were great for fixing a snack.
    1 point
  43. Good equipment and the skills to operate it don't come cheap.
    1 point
  44. john... I'll take the time to echo what other posters above have said...  I would get a good reloading manual (...hornady, speer, lyman...) and do some reading... I would recommend a single stage press to start on so ya can see how the various steps of reloading work (... and to see how they can go wrong...)...   Spend the money on a good powder scale and a good powder measure... I like redding (...the best i think...) dies and a good, sturdy single stage press (...i have an old RCBS Rockchucker...)... We load for everything (...pistol and rifle...) and work up all our loads on a single stage press... I think ya always need one to load a few rounds...   One final note on presses, dies, and reloading equipment in general... Don't buy the cheapest thing out there... Buy the best ya can at a price ya can afford... Presses and dies need to be manufactured to close tolerances and they need to be made of good stuff... Buy the best ya can afford...   As ive said before; i like RCBS presses, Lyman, and Redding single stages... I like their dies as well... I use Lee stuff from time to time; factory roll crimp dies, hand priming tools and that sort of thing... I do not use Lee presses or powder measures, but that's just me... There are bunches of folks here and other places in the reloading world who do...   As to the progressive presses... There is nothin better than a Dillon (....and Dillon dies, as well...)... Any flavor of a Dillon 550 up will do a great job on anything ya want to reload; but ya need to get the recipe figured out before ya start usin a progressive reloader...Changing things up on a Dillon is a pain, even with the dies set up... I would recommend buying one of these a bit later, after ya get the feel of reloading and see that ya really like the reloading thing... More than that, they are pricey (...and worth the $$$'s in my opinion...)...I would take the dollars that would have to be spent on these tools to load ammo and get the feel of the reloading craft, and gain valuable experience...   Finally, and most importantly, the reloading thing depends on doing a bunch of common sense things right and in the right order... There is nothin hard about reloading... The problem is that ya can get hurt or tear up something ya wouldn't rather tear up if ya do the wrong thing... The thing that immediately comes to mind with me is the use of "fast powders" (...Bullseye, WW231, Unique, AA2, AA5...) to load pistol rounds...   When ya use low charge weights for target loads (...and lots of people do...), ya have to be doubly careful not to double charge a case with powder... If ya do, ya run the risk of blowing up a perfectly good firearm and loosin maybee an eye or a digit off your hand... I know this sounds severe, but it's true...   There is one sure way to prevent this sort of thing; its to physically double-check and look into each case after the powder is charged to verify for sure that the powder charge is right...That is the real beauty of the single stage press... I look in every single case before i seat a bullet on a powder charge... I simply cannot stress this enough... I will not load low charge weight reloads on a progressive reloader because of this very issue...   What im taking about now is, in fact, the main objection to the progressive loader... It's hard to see into the cases as the loads move around to the next station...  I always try to use powder that fills the case up enough so that a double charge of powder will spill out with my Dillon progressive... There are some other things that work very well, like powder checking dies that alert you to this problem, but it's very real....   Reloading is a great hobby and a real money saver... I've been reloading since the middle seventies and have reloaded for every imaginable cartridge; from the tiny 32ACP to the mighty 458 Winchester Mag... I still have both my eyes (...such as they are...), thank God, and all my digits on my little fat fingers as well... None of the guns in the safe are damaged from over-loads nor blown up; but ive seen several handguns that were...   I ain't the smartest feller that ever was, so i am a testament to the "it can be done" thing... I am also very slow and very thorough... It's a good habit to get into...   Have fun and be careful... leroy
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. It makes it easier on Alan on the morning of the match. It lets you squad with the guys you want as well.
    1 point
  47.   I don't generally open carry and I'm not a fan of it vs concealment personally, but I do believe that law abiding open carry can have a positive psychological effect on the sheeple. Not guys dressed like wanna be commandoes with rifles slung over their backs at the local starbucks but more the professionally dressed businessman in nice clothes who happens to have a pistol on his hip at the local drugstore. Making the sight of a gun a taboo as FL has done only makes it easier for the MDA lunacy to commence each and every time one is seen. If seeing a gun on a law abiding citizen's hip were a relatively common occurrence it's much harder for them to make a case to freak out about it. 
    1 point
  48. I have never had land - this is a first for me too Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  49.   I sincerely hope you've learned patience and fiscal responsibility...those two things are severely in short supply around here. Especially for me.
    1 point
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