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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2015 in all areas

  1. I really like the idea of the How-To videos, especially something that could be stickied to the top of the different sections.  Like building an AR-15, cleaning it, reassembly, etc.  Maybe the same for the other various types like the AK, 1911, and other common rifles/handguns.  Even better would be to get input from the different vendors and smiths on here.
    7 points
  2. It's interesting to note, though, that back when TGO was just starting up we had gained a tremendous member base very quickly and apparently that caught the attention of John Harris.  At one of their meetings held at Buford Tune's offices over off of Murfreesboro Road, John asked if I'd be interested in merging the two orgs.  I politely declined.  We've never stopped growing but I have no idea what the TFA's membership looks like.   I admit that John himself is almost single-handedly responsible for a great deal of pro-firearms legislation being introduced over the years but at the same time you've got one man doing the bulk of the work there.  What happens with John retires or, God forbid, passes away?  I assume there is some sort of succession plan in place but you're going to lose the big guy with the big name behind the whole thing.  Does TFA even do elections for the Executive Director position?   John used to post here.  I haven't seen him post in quite a while, which is a shame given the lack of traffic over there on their own site.  *shrug*   Anyway... all of this leads me back to a thought I've had more than once over the years.  Namely, that TGO needs a lobbying "sister org" that can leverage the size of our membership.  It's hard to ignore 20,000 voices -- and that's just the people who have bothered to register.  We get millions of hits on the TGO forum on a daily basis.  Our audience and influence is much larger than the number of registered members on the forum.   I don't want for TGO to merge-up with the TFA because there's agility in not doing that.  But I can see us being a force multiplier behind some of the same goals, and I can also see us being a counter-voice if there is ever a case where the TFA or NRA or any other org suddenly loses their minds and backs legislation that might hurt us all.  Hey, anything is possible.
    6 points
  3. I'd like to see Old Yeller remade but this time I'd like to see the dog played by Jane Fonda.  Just because she's dared resurface to try and rewrite her own history.
    5 points
  4. I like the ideas you mentioned. You could also try to do a few videos that are specific to TN such as: places to shoot(and reviews of those ranges), upcoming competitions or events, any changes to state gun laws etc...
    4 points
  5.   Yep, me too. I do TFA, KnifeRights, and NRA.   Orgs that attack on the state level are very important indeed.   TFA has been a perennial burr under the saddles of the libs and pseudo conservatives in Nashville, and no doubt at least partially responsible for every gun carry freedom we've so far obtained.   KnifeRights got us from felony and class A misdemeanors to state preempted free knife carry in two years. Even though many groused that they had somehow copped out the first year.   - OS
    4 points
  6. john... I'll take the time to echo what other posters above have said...  I would get a good reloading manual (...hornady, speer, lyman...) and do some reading... I would recommend a single stage press to start on so ya can see how the various steps of reloading work (... and to see how they can go wrong...)...   Spend the money on a good powder scale and a good powder measure... I like redding (...the best i think...) dies and a good, sturdy single stage press (...i have an old RCBS Rockchucker...)... We load for everything (...pistol and rifle...) and work up all our loads on a single stage press... I think ya always need one to load a few rounds...   One final note on presses, dies, and reloading equipment in general... Don't buy the cheapest thing out there... Buy the best ya can at a price ya can afford... Presses and dies need to be manufactured to close tolerances and they need to be made of good stuff... Buy the best ya can afford...   As ive said before; i like RCBS presses, Lyman, and Redding single stages... I like their dies as well... I use Lee stuff from time to time; factory roll crimp dies, hand priming tools and that sort of thing... I do not use Lee presses or powder measures, but that's just me... There are bunches of folks here and other places in the reloading world who do...   As to the progressive presses... There is nothin better than a Dillon (....and Dillon dies, as well...)... Any flavor of a Dillon 550 up will do a great job on anything ya want to reload; but ya need to get the recipe figured out before ya start usin a progressive reloader...Changing things up on a Dillon is a pain, even with the dies set up... I would recommend buying one of these a bit later, after ya get the feel of reloading and see that ya really like the reloading thing... More than that, they are pricey (...and worth the $$$'s in my opinion...)...I would take the dollars that would have to be spent on these tools to load ammo and get the feel of the reloading craft, and gain valuable experience...   Finally, and most importantly, the reloading thing depends on doing a bunch of common sense things right and in the right order... There is nothin hard about reloading... The problem is that ya can get hurt or tear up something ya wouldn't rather tear up if ya do the wrong thing... The thing that immediately comes to mind with me is the use of "fast powders" (...Bullseye, WW231, Unique, AA2, AA5...) to load pistol rounds...   When ya use low charge weights for target loads (...and lots of people do...), ya have to be doubly careful not to double charge a case with powder... If ya do, ya run the risk of blowing up a perfectly good firearm and loosin maybee an eye or a digit off your hand... I know this sounds severe, but it's true...   There is one sure way to prevent this sort of thing; its to physically double-check and look into each case after the powder is charged to verify for sure that the powder charge is right...That is the real beauty of the single stage press... I look in every single case before i seat a bullet on a powder charge... I simply cannot stress this enough... I will not load low charge weight reloads on a progressive reloader because of this very issue...   What im taking about now is, in fact, the main objection to the progressive loader... It's hard to see into the cases as the loads move around to the next station...  I always try to use powder that fills the case up enough so that a double charge of powder will spill out with my Dillon progressive... There are some other things that work very well, like powder checking dies that alert you to this problem, but it's very real....   Reloading is a great hobby and a real money saver... I've been reloading since the middle seventies and have reloaded for every imaginable cartridge; from the tiny 32ACP to the mighty 458 Winchester Mag... I still have both my eyes (...such as they are...), thank God, and all my digits on my little fat fingers as well... None of the guns in the safe are damaged from over-loads nor blown up; but ive seen several handguns that were...   I ain't the smartest feller that ever was, so i am a testament to the "it can be done" thing... I am also very slow and very thorough... It's a good habit to get into...   Have fun and be careful... leroy
    3 points
  7.   To be clear, I was not suggesting that TFA be our "sister org".  I'm all for supporting them when it makes sense and think our members should be members of as many different pro-2A organizations as possible.   But I would like to see TGO flex it's own muscle.  Not for vanity's sake but because there need to be multiple voices saying the same things to our elected representatives.  The same way that it's good that the NRA isn't the only voice in D.C. representing us (a la Gun Owners of America, NFA Freedom Alliance, Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, etc.).  If all you ever hear as a politician is one voice, in a way it doesn't matter how loud that voice is.  But if you're hearing several voices in varying degrees of "loudness" saying the same things, the message has a bit more impact.   It's just too easy for them to dismiss one group as a bunch of fringe loons.  It's harder to dismiss several groups of loons.  ;)
    3 points
  8. The succession of officers is voted on by the Board of Directors. Then we have a three member Executive Board Grand Divisions).  I am the West TN Director, our East TN guy has retired, we are in process of replacing. Can only speak for myself, I do my best to put issues that are, (not necessarily what we would like them to be) before the membership here as facts.  I respect the division between the two organizations, and am simply a grunt in the fight. I work at building my own network of legislators in that den of iniquity, (have had some modicum of success) and we are slowly moving forward on removing those impediments to gun rights progress that we can. (Vance Dennis getting gone is GOOD, we shot at Sargent also but fell short on money and influence there, but he is BAD, Haslam company man all the way, is on the radar if he runs again, Barrett Rich cozied up to Haslam and they flooded that district with cash and candidates to keep Hal Rounds from winning, that was a setback for sure, but we tried).   We have a couple of Bills in progress for this session, will see if any but Mae Beavers will Sponsor in the Senate, nothing is going anywhere in the House, Beth has the Vader Death Grip on the House Members (ask Judd Matheny, you can find him in the basement bathroom closet) but as least we got her wingman Maggart...a combination of efforts to be sure, Tea party, TFA, Andy Miller, NRA, but we were up against the "A" team, and won. In 4 years the Big Fight is coming, Harwell v. Green for Governor.  Now is the time to start getting Green obligated to our way of thinking.  He wants the Mansion, we can (if we just would) help him get there. Lots to be done if folks want results and not accolades.
    3 points
  9. In my opinion, that would be a hard movie to make better.     Well, I wouldn't cry at the end with that remake.
    3 points
  10. Accepting food stuff as returns is a HUGE liabity. No clue if it was stored properly or if something else happened to it. People seem to forget about the rash of poisonings a in the 80's.
    3 points
  11. TFA is very much the real deal.  John Harris is just about on a first name basis with very politician at the state capital.   John Harris and the core group of folks in the TFA are responsible for every gun bill that gets submitted every year.     Guns in bars = TFA; guns in parks = TFA and so on and so on.   Haslam made it a point to be at the TFA meeting when he was campaigning for governor, that is where the video of him on the record saying he would sign Constitutional carry for TN came from.   If I remember correctly, John Harris and the TFA submitted the bill for permit carry in TN.  They have been a driving force in TN gun law for a long time.   Be patient when you send in membership dues.  I believe John and his wife handle everything, including issuing cards.  It takes time and they are EXTREMELY busy folks.     Feel free to come to a meeting on the third Tuesday of every month at the Golden Corral, 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd.,Hermitage, not far from Old Hickory exit on I40.
    3 points
  12. TFA is a legitimate org.  If you can afford to support them, do so.
    3 points
  13. I went to my parent's today and got to talking guns with Dad and had forgotten about my old .410 being at their house. Well, I shouldn't say I forgot about the gun but I hadn't thought about it or seen it in a few years. He told me to bring it on home where it would be safer than laying under his been where it's been since about 2003. It is a sentimental gun to me. My grandfather died in 81 and I came along in 86 so I never got to meet him. He bought this gun for my father when he was 11 which would be around 1975 then when I was about 10 or 11 my dad gave it to me. I can say this is the very first gun I ever owned. It has seen it's share of coons and squirrels over the years. Anyway, it is a Stevens model 94 Series M .410 with a 26" barrel. It is in about 80% condition. I do recall as to why I haven't shot it in years, the hammer broke one day and I put it away. I am currently trying to find a hammer and replace it and while I'm at it replace any springs. But I am having a little difficulty dating it. I have looked at a few other forums and googled but can't seem to find it. My dad couldn't recall if it was new when it was given to him or not. It has B9039xx stamped into the left side of the reciever. Can't wait to install a new hammer and bring back some memories.
    2 points
  14. ANY live footage of black panthers must be submitted IMMEDIATELY.
    2 points
  15. Since we posting Bill Whittle videos, this is still one of my favorites and still relevant even though the occupy wall street crowd disbanded.     [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAOrT0OcHh0[/media]    
    2 points
  16. My only advice is start slow (single stage press) then as you get more confidence if you want move on to a progressive. I have 2 singles and a Lee 3 hole turret, I use the singles more.
    2 points
  17. I use WWII USGI bore cleaner.  The stuff is 72 years old but it was specifically designed for cleaning corrosive residue.   http://www.ebay.com/itm/US-GI-WWII-Corrosive-Bore-Cleaner-/330744787885?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d01ecf3ad   I run a few patches soaked with this through the bore, then clean as usual.   Bought 12 cans of it from another member here about 5 years ago.  I'm into the second can right now.  :pleased:
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Some of the newer radio systems, especially police and and fire, are operating on a "trunked" system... That means (... as i understand it...) that the radio system has a computer based interface that uses the first available channel to send and transmit on...In english, that means that ya cant follow the transmissions because the frequencies are always changing depending on the "first available" channel the computer picks for each transmission... It takes a special high dollar scanner to listen to these transmissions... Ya might want to check around and see if the radio stuff ya want to listen to is trunked or not before ya decide on a scanner...    leroy
    2 points
  20. There are many representatives in Nashville that wish the TFA were not as effective as they have been during the last few years.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. I like to visit walmarts in the big city, their free and better than the zoo. Fun for all.
    2 points
  23. if a store takes back product it does not go back on the shelf.   I am sort of surprised Wallies takes back food items, just sort of though.  Their vendors suffer the loss most likely .   I kept telling customers tonight that we were getting six to eight inches starting around 2 am.  We aren't getting squat.    I can't understand why people aren't prepared for a couple of days at home.    If we don't have bread and milk there is no one starving.  
    2 points
  24. So basically as a machinist programmer you're saying my job isn't going to be challenged by the up and coming generation lol.
    1 point
  25. Well hell, if thats all it takes. I suggest every gun owner write a letter to TPTB of the legality of the GCA so they can change their mind.
    1 point
  26. After watching the video the thing that gets me is how violently the victim was thrown to the floor. Speaking as a 63 year old with a pretty nasty back problem I don't think I would be able to get up from that. I'd probably be taking an ambulance ride to the ER.  As far as the taking of the gun I feel that I have a responsibility to not allow anyone to take my gun and possibly do harm to me or someone else. So to me it's a miracle that no one got shot.
    1 point
  27.   I can understand security securing the gun, all they knew was there was some scuffle and a gun was involved. I hope when they knew the man had a permit and was the one attacked they would return his gun. I know some have implied that Wal Mart doesn't owe the man an apology but I still believe, and if it were my store just for courtousy to the man I would tell him I was sorry he had a tramatic experience by being assualted in my store and show him he's a valuable customer, and also let it be clear that I don't condone in any way any vigilante comitting physical assaults in my store. I would sure try my best to bring any charges I could against the attacker for endangering my customers and employees. He definatly would be banned for life from my store, if found on my stores property he would be charged with tresspassing.
    1 point
  28. I believe their is actually a phone app that you can download to listen in. I may be totally off base and don't have anything to back this up but I was once told that they HAD to allow you to listen in to the radio chatter. You just couldn't transmit.
    1 point
  29. There are a few NOT in Nashville any longer who wish the same thing.
    1 point
  30. and I started to think no one got it
    1 point
  31. I tried raising chickens several times, we always had them growing up, but something lives around here that keeps stealing them, I've put up chicken wire, electric, and even penned them in a coop at night and somehow they still disappear so I gave up about 5 years ago.  Might be time to try again, my first memory of my Papaw is going out back of his house to kill a rooster for Mamaw to make dumplins out of. good times
    1 point
  32. Starship Troopers...the book, not that 90's movie horse shit.
    1 point
  33. I would love to see Mitch Rapp come to the big screen.  Those books written by Vince Flynn are excellent books.
    1 point
  34. The race batters won't make a peep, the ccw holder has an evil gun and as far as they're concerned, he's a white African American.
    1 point
  35. Look at Leatherwood scopes.
    1 point
  36. I would like to see a 2nd Forrest Gump that follows his son through the events of the 80's and 90's.
    1 point
  37. This is very frustrating. They found a "loaded .45" in a carry on at Tri-Cities this week. The media reported it and talked it up as a big deal. Gun was confiscated but no charges filed.   It's all about the rating. IMHO if it wasn't worth filing charges its not worth reporting on the 5:00 news.
    1 point
  38. I would like to see 1984 made into a trilogy, but I think the way things are now, it would be misunderstood.
    1 point
  39. but they need the credit back on their EBT cards so they can get cash back for other items.
    1 point
  40. These are some great ideas, I like the pottery/painting ideas. The keepsake thing sounds like a awesome idea. I will run these by the wife in the morning. Thanks guys.
    1 point
  41.   Norton is THE worst anti-virus ever created.       I use a Mac and my shoes never get wet :)
    1 point
  42.   "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."  - Arthur C. Clarke
    1 point
  43. I don't really know nothing about nothing... But to me, there ain't no way that system they have going with their kings and successors and all that can stand the test of time. There's too many wives and sons and grandsons and heirs. There just ain't no way that can all work out.
    1 point
  44.   Let's hope it's a felony assualt charge and he's convicted. If some liberal jurors don't convict him then we all need to go to Florida, stand in the middle of the interstate and make up some chant and demand hot coffee from the police.
    1 point
  45. Did you watch the President last night? Nuff said...... "Welcome to Tennessee...the patron State of shooting stuff"
    1 point
  46. Prize table for the Tough man division ( I was in tough man extreme) Now, this is something that really gets to me in a very good, deep way. These guys were in the same squad as me and I got to know them over the course of the match. Amazing gentlemen. The one shaking the kids hand is Travis, the VP of Lanxang Tactical. A new company that is going to be at SHOT this year and will be shipping their guns out to distributors Jan for 556 and Feb for 762. These guys sponsored two Rangers from 3rd batt for this match who were also in our squad with their 7.62 rifles, the VL34. So, these guns were designed by Travis and are phenomenal. I mean just all around great guns, period. $2,800 price tag when they come out, but worth every penny. They are designed to out perform the OBR and thats who they want to compete with and beat. And I think they will. Anyways….. So the kid is Wyatt. Hes been going to matches since he was 12 and doesn't always do that great. He's running a 6.5 Grendel if I remember right and it's hard for him to keep up with the other, better guns and calibers out there. So his dad says he can go to one match a year and he'll pull him out of school and take him, and this is the match he chooses. He's been doing it since he was 12 and is 15 now. Despite not doing very good he always comes back, is positive as can be and never complains. Travis noticed that, and awarded him a VL34 so he can compete next year. I was already impressed with these two gents from Lanxang Tactical, but after they did that it spoke volumes to me. Not only are they extremely nice and all around good dudes, they have hearts of gold. They made that kids year, and I'm sure he'll never forget it his entire life. He was looking kinda down durning the awards ceremony, occasionally smiling for others as their name was called. But mannnnnn his face was priceless when they awarded him that gun. I got it on camera and it was perfect because he was standing right up front and had no idea it was coming. http://youtu.be/eWOIlK6fnUo [url=http://s95.photobucket.com/user/eat7thirdythree/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-01/0E5382E9-0E6D-40BC-816C-F58E772CC2FB_zpsos997gyy.jpg.html][/URL] Again, BIG shout out to Lanxang tactical for doing that. Here is a link to their stuff. No I'm not affiliated, I just really like their character and quality products. http://www.lanxangtactical.com
    1 point
  47. I love the way it feels in my hand They feel awesome and I bet they shoot even better.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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