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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2015 in all areas

  1. I have been a member here for quite a while. I don't post a lot because most of you have forgotten more than I'll ever know. I have learned a lot here and just wanted to say I appreciate this forum and all of you very much. This is the best run forum I've ever seen and that is due to David and the mods and the fine members. Thanks TGO for lessening my ignorance and educating me over the years
    7 points
  2. Why waste time educating kids at all? Why not just tell the truth, they want a daycare for propaganda programming. Stupid and severely dependent never fathom revolt against the system.
    4 points
  3. Norton is by FAR one of the worst Anti-virus companies on the planet...way better options out there. Ever since Symantec bought Norton from the creator it has gone down hill. Love, A Systems Engineer
    4 points
  4. Doomsday Clock just drop-kicked itself into irrelevance due to the citing of global-warming/climate-change.
    3 points
  5. What do they expect these kids to do when they get to college?   Maybe this is what the 2 years of free community college is all about? So they can begin to teach high shcool level?
    3 points
  6.   That's so evil Hozzie.   I'm all about giving people like this choices.   For instance ,   take the offender to a small shed. Inside the shed sits a table that's been nailed to the floor. Nailed to that table is a vice. Simply place offenders junk in said vice and wind down to secure junk will not slip out. remove handle. give offender a rusty knife. Proceed to set shed on fire.   And let the choices begin...... :popcorn:
    3 points
  7. My wife works at the service desk at our local Walmart & hates it when the weather forecast says "snow or storm". She says you'd be surprised at how many people actually bring back a lot of milk, bread, eggs, ect for a refund a few days afterwards that don't get used. :down:
    2 points
  8. While not admitting to anything lets just say experience can be instructive. After a while, "my friend" realized that there must be a better way. Enter goosenecks and 5th wheels. Who knew it was so expensive to repair the back of truck cabs. Along those lines it took me a few years to realize that i get stuck about the same amount in my 2 wheel drive truck as I did my jeep. The money saving part came in "where" the vehicle gets stuck. My favorite Dave Ramsey phrase: How do you get good judgement? Experience How do you get experience? Bad judgement...
    2 points
  9. Do you have room to put a small hydraulic bottle jack in there? Brace it against the other side and start pumping. Not that I've ever had to do that or anything...
    2 points
  10. You did a damn fine job refurbishing that trailer. Congratulations on a job well done. :up:
    2 points
  11. How about a train ride? My wife took her mother on a ride and had a VERY good time. Not loud, comfortable, nice scenery. Try Tennessee Central Railway Museum.
    2 points
  12. I've spent some time in Saudi Arabia at the invitation of King Abdullah.  They've got their issues - human rights and otherwise.  But, make no mistake.  His was a voice of moderation in the middle East, and they are an important ally.  I hope that their transition is a smooth one.  We need that, and so does the middle East at large.    If we lose a moderate voice in the region, we all lose.
    2 points
  13. I won't even read this.  I would also chain the bastard to a tree and leave him until he rots.
    2 points
  14. I echo what Pain said-     Keep it on your person, completely under your control and you should be fine.  I would add that I would keep it concealed and keep my mouth shut about it.  It never hurts to be discreet.   :pleased:  
    2 points
  15. I'll say the best thing you can do in reference to a gunfight is to avoid it.   Pay attention to your surroundings all the time. Head outta the smartphone!
    2 points
  16.  I heard of this forum on another that I’ve been a member of for a couple of years and decided to join you folks since I’m also a Tennessean. I was born and raised in Oklahoma just south of Tulsa but finished up my military career here and decided to stay.    I spent just shy of 21 years in the Navy, retired and went to work for the Postal Service ( I can already hear the boos and hisses) as an electronics technician. I worked there for 26 years without going Postal and retired 6 years ago.    I’ve dabbled around with just about every aspect of guns and shooting, including reloading, casting and muzzleloading, but in my opinion, am only mediocre at any of them. As you can tell from my user name, I didn’t get a lot of shooting experience while in the Navy. Our small arms proficiency test was to surface out in the middle of nowhere, go topside and try to hit the ocean.   :D    I’m looking forward to learning on this forum and maybe even meeting some of the members.      Chip    
    1 point
  17. We like shooting pool or bowling.   She might not be a redneck, however.
    1 point
  18. 5) if he does, I will buy it.
    1 point
  19.   Luckily my trailer tongue is long enough that it clears all the way to the jack if I'm cornering. My bumper is high enough and the drop hitch drops the tongue below it farther. It makes it harder for me to do what you did....which would make me sick by the way. As stout as that tongue is, it would probably do more to my truck than the tongue!      Thank you Mark. I think it may be! I'm even glad they work for daytime use now.   Had a friend have that happen did ya?  :rofl:
    1 point
  20. Congrats on the lights. Was starting to believe working lights on a trailer was against the law in Tennessee.. Nice looking litte trailer. Everytime I get a small one I love it. Eventually I get rid of it to make room or something then I go through withdrawal until I get another one. You might consider some of that roll on bedliner stuff. It makes things a bit harder to slide in but it sure is nice if you have to climb up on the trailer when it is wet. Ask me how I know...
    1 point
  21. My trailer was originally built to haul a motorcycle, hence the gate. I don't think I could see my trailer at all without the gate, backing up would be awful without it. When you build one, make it the easily removable kind. Mine is bolted on and the bolts are so rusty I'm sure I'd have to cut them off. As for the grade 8 bolts, you'll break the brackets long before you bend those bolts.
    1 point
  22. I can't help it, that video really gets me worked up. No one on the general vicinity offered to help the guy on the ground. If I saw a guy tackled and held down screaming he had a permit and a group was I holstering his gun, I'm not sure I could muster the serenity not to intervene. Too many people are more than happy to stand by and watch the civil liberties of others trampled by someone who thinks they're the enforcer of "correctness".
    1 point
  23. Yeah, I gave up on them some good while ago after a surprise 50 clam transfer on a shipment from Bud's.   More of a drive for ya, but Harvey's Pistol and Pawn in Knoxville is aces, $15 transfers from anyone, and they are quite efficient and friendly.   - OS
    1 point
  24.     Yep, they should be available in the store.  They have a couple different sizes. http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/flip-type-ring-anchor-5000-lbs-load             My trailer has a rear gate/ramp so I got some reflectors and attached them to the gate.  TSC has those too. 
    1 point
  25.   Starting at about 2.5x,  no.   - OS
    1 point
  26. Hmm I will teach these subjects in homeschooling of my kids and they could always be surveyors and not have any competition in their age group. Thanks for the heads-up Don't kid yourself JohnC, high school of the future is intermediate indoctrination and the 2 free years of college is Advanced Voter Training.
    1 point
  27. I like Randy's Rules...   http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/reference-how-forum/129158-dealing-pests.html
    1 point
  28. Make every effort to NOT BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Not always practical but certainly a worthy endeavor.
    1 point
  29. The Air Force...uhh, nevermind.  My military CQB training was run by the Army.   Anyway, Tactical Response conducts a very good Fighting Rifle class. Flamesuit on...
    1 point
  30. So can we start counting days back to those higher gas prices ? The sole reason I paid attention this morning when they announced his death is to see if he was the guy in charge of the switch on the oil wells :) For those that care about gas prices, I thought this was the old guy that claimed oil prices would NEVER be high again as long as he lived. Well sh!t, we can't catch a break !
    1 point
  31. Agree. :up: There are good people here that take the time to make well researched posts that help everyone learn. That is across the board from gun rights, gun related laws, NFA weapons, politics, trusts, etc. :) I also appreciate all the work David does here to keep this place going, technically and financially.  :cheers:  This is the #1 gun forum I visit.  :no1:
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Congrats! That's definitely something that can make life hard when the trailer lights don't work right. I was driving back from Arkansas duck hunting a couple of years ago when it was FREEZING cold and my trailer lights kept going out on me. I could not keep them running. I was tired and my fingers were just too cold to mess with rewriting a trailer. I stopped at a gas station, bought 2 small keychain flashlights, turned them on and put them behind the lenses of the trailer lights :rofl: It was total redneck, but it got me home with tail lights. That looks like a nice set you got at TSC
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. We don't hear about the peace loving muslims, only the Extremists. Remember, the news sells fear and that is where some in the government want us to be. Fearful of a new enemy. First it was the germans/Japanese/Italians, then during the cold war it was Russia and any communist country, then it was Iran, Iraq and lately it has been terrorists in the middle east or with ties to the middle east.   As long as they( government) keep the public in fear, they will have to rely on the government for protection. Thus, justifies it's existance. More military spending, special operations, etc...   If the US government would keep out of these other countries business, then we might not have such a target on our country. At least that is what it seems.
    1 point
  36. I'm pretty much an under-the-radar kind of guy.    I like to think in the event of civil un-rest, natural disaster, zombie outbreak or good old fashioned revolution, should there be a need  for the "militia" to be called up, citizen soldiers as it were, that I would be an asset and welcome addition to help protect me and mine as well as those who could not serve or protect themselves.    
    1 point
  37. Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight (Rock In Rio …: http://youtu.be/21gYohM-Cz8 Bring it!
    1 point
  38. Right on... you hear that, fellas?! Buy your guns this spring and summer, cuz when fall comes around it's knife time again! :-) Thanks for all you do for us, Willis!
    1 point
  39. So do we get the update at midnight? :x:
    1 point
  40. I wish they'd had those when I got my 6920. It went from this: to this: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. Yea right, two guys are involved in a fight (no one knows why) let’s leave one of them in possession of a gun. That would be stupid whether its Walmart security, the cops, or citizens stopping the fight. Wal-Mart has nothing to apologize for other than a common courtesy apology that the man was the victim of a crime. It also isn’t up to Wal-Mart to press charges; it’s up to the victim. He has done that and the attacker was taken to jail. That is all that can be done. I hate to see businesses get caught up in the gun issues; they can’t win either way.
    1 point
  42. I'm going to get a Glock 40. Selling my G20 now to help fund it. The SIG will be nice and overpriced. I want to hunt with the 10mm.
    1 point
  43. What a moron. You just attack a man because you saw a holstered handgun? And the guy who got attacked really needs to work on his situational awarness. I'm not the sharpest tool, but I tend to notice someone following me from the parking lot. I would have loved for his dumbass to grab someone like my dad. 62 years old, 6th degree black belts in Taekwondo, Judo and Hapkido. It woulda ended great and ths gun would have never left the holster. And the man probably wouldn't have been hurt more than having his breath knocked out by the throw, then the odd sensation of being choked outto quickly to react. Why can't they ever grab the wrong one....
    1 point
  44.   Problem is, they vote in your world.   - OS
    1 point
  45.     Pretty much what x-ring said.    They're not very good shots, so they feel the need to buy a monster caliber to compensate for it.  They're not really hunting deer for meat, just to show their buddies how cool they are.  *grunt*... me, big strong man kill defenseless 60 lb animal with elephant gun... *grunt* 
    1 point
  46. http://store.accurate-mag.com/savageshortactionbottommetalkit.aspx This is the bottom metal & mags. It is indeed a .308, my intention was to end up with a rifle I would be completely happy taking anywhere on the continent to hunt. From Florida swamp to Wyoming prairie. I know there are better calibers out there, but 308 seems like a fine choice for 20-600 yds. I do like those chassisis'ses (dahell's the plural of chassis anyway?) & it would've been a much simpler option, but I prefer a traditional looking rifle. I've read up a bunch on the MDT stuff & if you've wanting to go ultralight weight, that's about as good as it gets. Downside is having to pop an extra $65 on top for a mag.
    1 point
  47. Yesterday I emailed the NRA asking if they have booked OUR annual meeting at a venue that refuses to allow us to bear arms.   Today I received their response: "According to TN State Law, concealed carry is not permitted in the Music City Center during the 2015 Annual Meetings and Exhibits."   I ain't even mad at the convention center or whatever laws are/aren't applicable...I AM, however, furious at the NRA for knowingly choosing a venue that doesn't allow their members to practice the ONE SINGLE RIGHT that they were created to protect.
    1 point
  48. Prize table for the Tough man division ( I was in tough man extreme) Now, this is something that really gets to me in a very good, deep way. These guys were in the same squad as me and I got to know them over the course of the match. Amazing gentlemen. The one shaking the kids hand is Travis, the VP of Lanxang Tactical. A new company that is going to be at SHOT this year and will be shipping their guns out to distributors Jan for 556 and Feb for 762. These guys sponsored two Rangers from 3rd batt for this match who were also in our squad with their 7.62 rifles, the VL34. So, these guns were designed by Travis and are phenomenal. I mean just all around great guns, period. $2,800 price tag when they come out, but worth every penny. They are designed to out perform the OBR and thats who they want to compete with and beat. And I think they will. Anyways….. So the kid is Wyatt. Hes been going to matches since he was 12 and doesn't always do that great. He's running a 6.5 Grendel if I remember right and it's hard for him to keep up with the other, better guns and calibers out there. So his dad says he can go to one match a year and he'll pull him out of school and take him, and this is the match he chooses. He's been doing it since he was 12 and is 15 now. Despite not doing very good he always comes back, is positive as can be and never complains. Travis noticed that, and awarded him a VL34 so he can compete next year. I was already impressed with these two gents from Lanxang Tactical, but after they did that it spoke volumes to me. Not only are they extremely nice and all around good dudes, they have hearts of gold. They made that kids year, and I'm sure he'll never forget it his entire life. He was looking kinda down durning the awards ceremony, occasionally smiling for others as their name was called. But mannnnnn his face was priceless when they awarded him that gun. I got it on camera and it was perfect because he was standing right up front and had no idea it was coming. http://youtu.be/eWOIlK6fnUo [url=http://s95.photobucket.com/user/eat7thirdythree/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-01/0E5382E9-0E6D-40BC-816C-F58E772CC2FB_zpsos997gyy.jpg.html][/URL] Again, BIG shout out to Lanxang tactical for doing that. Here is a link to their stuff. No I'm not affiliated, I just really like their character and quality products. http://www.lanxangtactical.com
    1 point
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