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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2015 in all areas

  1. What does Walmart have to do with this and why should they have letters written?  They are not to blame for this nutcase attacking the guy, even if it was inside their doors.
    7 points
  2. Well all the doctors including a new Cardiologist team have concluded that I can have stint surgery instead of cutting me open and they have also concluded that I have no major blocked arteries but 3 secondary arteries that can be treated with medication and does not require any stints. One of the stint companies came up with a solution to my problem with doctor thinking their stints they had on hand might not work and the stint company provided the doctor  with a plan of using two stints rather than one. The Stint company said this type of repair has been done hundreds of times with great success with Abdominal Aneurisms greater then 6 centimeters.  So now I am  scheduled to get to the hospital on the 27th at 11AM and operated on at 1 PM so will be out of pocket about 3 and no more than 4 days in hospital and then back home if everything goes as planned. So I guess I sure would appreciate it if ya'll could remember me and say a few prayers.
    6 points
  3. I have been a member here for quite a while. I don't post a lot because most of you have forgotten more than I'll ever know. I have learned a lot here and just wanted to say I appreciate this forum and all of you very much. This is the best run forum I've ever seen and that is due to David and the mods and the fine members. Thanks TGO for lessening my ignorance and educating me over the years
    5 points
  4. Florida hog. I built the bow from a piece of Ipe deck board & bamboo flooring..... Texas feral goat, 58# Pronghorn longbow.... Namibia '08, Black Wildebeest.... Warthog & Springbok from the same trip....
    5 points
  5. I think we need to convince Mr. Gumball to do a special on the number of firearm related crimes committed by members of the NRA and those committed by people that are benefactors of government welfare programs.
    5 points
  6.   Let's hope it's a felony assualt charge and he's convicted. If some liberal jurors don't convict him then we all need to go to Florida, stand in the middle of the interstate and make up some chant and demand hot coffee from the police.
    4 points
  7. Here... I submitted that idea to Colion to get it rolling.  :D   https://www.facebook.com/COLIONNOIR/posts/937323182952062
    3 points
  8.   No, the NRA needs to do a segment on the ratio of firearms-involved violent crimes committed by NRA members, to those committed by NFL, NBA, MLB, etc. that Gumbel normally reports on.  Let's see who the real scumbags are.   Sounds like something Colion Noir should pick up and run with.
    3 points
  9. Go ahead, I'm ready for the thrashing for not having pictures when I start the thread....I'll get them up this weekend. But anyway, finally did what needed to be done after years of dealing with lights acting funny, working then not working, worrying about driving home if it got dark before the job was done, etc. I bought this set of LED lights from TSC for $44.99 (and this week they drop to $29.99!!!!) and I LOVE them! Some of that is probably because they WORK! :rofl: But they were easy to install, and are really bright compared to the standard trailer light kits. I went ahead and replaced the plug and play kit on the truck end as well. Big weight off my shoulder knowing all the wiring is new, taped up with electrical tape in areas that could rub, and tucked up nice and neat. Not a big deal, just excited and had to share. Also bought new safety chains while I was at it. The ones I had were fine, these just snap on easier. I'll post pics of that too. I'm loving this lil trailer! Here's the link if anyone may need to replace or upgrade their lights, definitely worth the work when you're done! http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/blazer-led-submersible-trailer-light-kit-for-trailers-under-80-in-wide Here's some pics from when I got it, might as well make it my trailer show off thread ha ha It was covered in surface rust so started sanding on it as soon as I got it home Used black brush on Rustoleum and coated it twice, sprayed the red Rustoleum to match the K5 on the fenders This is the "safety chain" they had on it :rant: I upgraded the chain just a tad Added two of these on each side, one front, one back with Grade 8 hardware And smaller ones on top of the rail running down the side and two up on the front rail And here she is when I finished with 2 coats on the floor and the mounting points all on Something interesting about this lil trailer, the person who built it used a rear axle from a minivan. Guess they used what they had, and it works for me.
    2 points
  10. Congrats! That's definitely something that can make life hard when the trailer lights don't work right. I was driving back from Arkansas duck hunting a couple of years ago when it was FREEZING cold and my trailer lights kept going out on me. I could not keep them running. I was tired and my fingers were just too cold to mess with rewriting a trailer. I stopped at a gas station, bought 2 small keychain flashlights, turned them on and put them behind the lenses of the trailer lights :rofl: It was total redneck, but it got me home with tail lights. That looks like a nice set you got at TSC
    2 points
  11. Well I don't really give a damn.....no really...I don't. Another one bites the dust.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. ... or bottles, or axes, or bows and arrows, or a rock, or a car.... let's face it anything can be used as a weapon. It has never been the tool but the hand that wields the tool that makes the difference. If a man's heart is evil he will find a way to injure another man. It is the good man who must stop the bad man from doing evil.
    2 points
  14.   There are felons and felons - murderers and people who crossed the IRS.  Don't be so hasty.
    2 points
  15. White Christians commit plenty of terrorist acts too. As a matter of fact the record for most deaths at a school killing in the United States is still attributed [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster] to a white 55 year old school board treasurer.[/url]       There is evil in the whole world. No matter who or what, or what isn't your god. This country was founded on the ideal of freedom, and with freedom comes danger. That is the cost. Statistics clearly show that violent crime is on the overall downstroke. I fully believe that this is due to law abiding citizens carrying guns. There always have been, and always will be thugs who don't want to follow the rules. Again, no matter the skin tone, or socioeconomic background. A criminal is a criminal. Whether he is motivated by god, drugs or greed.   One thing I have learned in my life though, standing a round wringing my hands and working myself into a frenzy doesn't do anyone any good.   I know several Muslims, I currently work with a gentleman in a professional setting. He is calm, succinct, and good about his job. As a matter of fact one of the reasons that he and I work together, and well I might add, is that no one else in the office will even talk to him. I was even approached by a coworker and asked something that floored me, 'What if he cuts your head off?' It dumbfounds me that people can be so ignorant in such a connected world. When all the information of the world is at your fingertips, why are we more hateful and close-minded now than we have ever been?     Now, if I do get my head cut-off, you can all tell me I was wrong.
    2 points
  16. I have the book on my reading list and will probably wait for the movie to come out on blu-ray.  It seems like the kind of movie I would want to watch alone and not risk being disrupted in any way by others.  Plus I sometimes find myself allergic to well made war movies, and wouldn't want others to become concerned for me.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18.   One isolated incident like this doesn't amend or justify any past or future actions of LEOs. One underwear bomber doesn't make all underwear dangerous and suspect.
    2 points
  19. I'm not a big guy nor do I know BJJ... but I was a high school wrestler and I've found that comes back quickly. Had I gotten loose from the choke hold, it would've been game on in full Ralphie mode... :)
    2 points
  20.     I wonder what its like living in their world.  :squint:
    2 points
  21. Foster getting shot in self defense probably wouldn't help our cause at all but I sure wouldn't mind if the outcome of this resulted in him spitting some teeth out.
    2 points
  22. Foster is fortunate he didn't get a belly full of lead.
    2 points
  23. I refuse to see anything with her in it.  I have no issues with those who opposed the war, but she crossed the line into giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  That can't be forgiven. 
    2 points
  24. Every now & then I carry the top revolver. It's a .45, 3 1/2" barrel. I use a Remora or a large frame IWB holster. It has the transfer bar so I carry 6 shots. Why? Why not? Cherokee Slim
    2 points
  25. I finally ventured into the 1911 world over the weekend and I'm pretty happy. I put 100 rounds downrange with only one FTF. The gun even ate Gold Dot's without issue. This gun is around $100-150 more than the regular SR1911 but it comes with night sights and better grips(IMO) so I think it was worth it. Plus, I think it looks a hell of a lot better than the standard Ruger. The only negative is that the trigger leaves a lot to be desired but it's already getting better. Now I just need to find some 8 round magazines and a nice leather holster. What do you all carry your 1911's in?
    1 point
  26. Good job on the whole thing! I looked at it and thought immediately that you needed new, heavier chains. Then roll down and see you took care of it. :up:  :up:
    1 point
  27. That is a good looking Blazer you have there.  I had an either '87 or '88 can't remember but it had a 350 with the TBI.  I remember that there was only one year that came in that combo.  I hate that I let it go for $1K, just needed a paint job and would have been a really nice piece. Heck of a truck.
    1 point
  28. Nice looking trailer. Yeah, that chain was a huge upgrade. I like those tie down rings you added... I need to do that with mine
    1 point
  29. Nice work! You really made that a nice looking little trailor. The matching fenders look great!
    1 point
  30. I stopped at a local market about an hour ago for a bottle of juice and as I was walking out a man was walking in and he was open carrying what appeared to be a single action revolver.
    1 point
  31. I have had the privilege of discharging what would be considered 2 heavy caliber rifles in my life. First one was a H&H 375 Caliber that hurt like hell on my shoulder and I said once was enough with that gun. The second one was a Holland & Holland side by side 454 with a metal butt plate Bengal tiger hunting gun. I wore a bruise from my shoulder to my waist and half way around my back. At that point in my life which was shortly after returning home in 1975 I promised myself if it was larger than 30-06  I would never pull a trigger. Call me chicken and I will try my best to lay an egg for you but I won't shoot anything bigger than an 06 period.......................... :ugh: :ugh:
    1 point
  32.     Oh no, I agree. Crossbows serve a purpose and are a pain in the butt to reload in a tree.
    1 point
  33. I'm 90% in. I just got an M&P10 before Christmas, but that's just a good reason to build it a brother!
    1 point
  34.   One successful suicide Bomber is one to many, One innocent person killed by things of this nature is 1 two many,  Two Boston Bombers were 2 two many. When you start looking at it as a one time incident where lives could or have been lost your failing to realize that if one person can do this today so can 100 more in a week or month if it is not addressed properly the first time. Where would our country be if all of the security around air travel had not been taken after 9/11. We would still have crazy Virgin seeking maniacs flying planes into buildings killing 1000's of Americans............jmho
    1 point
  35.   Facts no longer have a place in society, only feelings do.
    1 point
  36. Great article. Get the scarcasm here?   "When the clerk felt threatened..."   What the heck kind of reporting is this? No mention of armed threat, nor attempted robbery first.   Just "When the clerk felt threatened.."   Whatever happened to the "what, when, where, why, and how" in journalism?
    1 point
  37. If you live below a certain level and dont have an issue living off the government things are fantastic right now. The middle class is in an absolute choke hold tho...
    1 point
  38. As bad as the story itself is, the comments are worse.   I know this kind of  story brings all the anti gunners to the forefront and allows them the ability and the forum to express their views, but some of these people are   seemingly borderline psycho themselves.   Those comments are some of the most violent and absurd I've ever seen. I know, I should get out more, as these are probably pretty tame, but the stupidity of the average   person never ceases to amaze me. It is unbelievable that we have survived so long when people act like this.   Spewing the vile comments I saw there makes me ashamed of our people.   I bet they all voted for Obama, just knowing he'd protect them 24/7 for the rest of their lives. And all would be good in the fairy forest.
    1 point
  39.       I thought his comments were better than the speech.   But that wouldn't take much.
    1 point
  40. Some place that is not posted please!     I am up for it.
    1 point
  41. Glock never struck me as the type of company to respond to consumer demand.  They make what they want and you'll just have to like it.   They were the LAST player in pocket .380's...several years worth of opportunity missed there.  Now that everyone else has a "pocket", single-stack 9 maybe they'll realize just how much money their losing....in a couple of more years.   When Gaston deems it necessary, so it will be.
    1 point
  42. I hunt with a MSR in .223 and have for the last two seasons well placed shot and all six deer have hit the ground with in 25 yards the largest rifle i have used in tn is a 270 i agree no need for the big bore rifles around here
    1 point
  43. They already have that, food stamps. 
    1 point
  44. Great Job BigK. Thanks for going to all that trouble.
    1 point
  45. None of my business, but might I encourage you to think about leaving money to GOA...  Remember it's GOA that blew the whistle on the NRA sitting down with Biden to work on language for new gun control after Sandy Hook.   Larry Pratt and the GOA have a much better track record, dollar for dollar for supporting no new gun control, only repeal of existing bad laws.   I'm a lifetime NRA member, something my grandfather bought for me when I was born, my daughter who is not yet 4 is a lifetime member as well, something her grandfather bought for her when she was born.  Every time the NRA calls me for money, I politely hang up and write a check to GOA instead.  
    1 point
  46. The coach should have been suspended.  I have done a lot of coaching.  Once you have an insurmountable lead, you take your foot off the gas.  The only lesson the coach taught his team is how to humiliate another person.  He should have had his third or fourth string in running passing drills.   I am all for crushing the opponent in sports but there is no excuse to humiliate them.
    1 point
  47. No…. No there is not. haha [URL=http://s95.photobucket.com/user/eat7thirdythree/media/image_zps971ebb2e.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
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