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9 points
Before I start, Ive been rather stressed lately, and just need a place to vent after the idiocy I had to deal with last night at work. So I was showing my new shotgun to my brother in law whom I work with. Its an 18.5" cylinder bore Mossberg 500. Another guy we work with wandered up while were talking and starts giving unsolicited advice. First I said I still needed to drill and tap and add the front bead, which he informs me is stupid because you don't need to aim a shotgun, just point and shoot. I mention that a shot spread is gonna be very small at short distance, and that the myth of the street sweeper patterns isn't really true. He then mentions my pet peeve. He said a pump shotgun is his favorite for home defense because the sound of the pump racking will cause an attacker to run in fear. Why do people claim this? All you do when you rack the gun is slow yourself down and identify your location. He just wouldn't accept the fact that racking a shotgun wouldn't immediately cause any human on earth to faint or run in fear. Well, rant over. What myths have you heard about firearms and shooting that really grind you?6 points
6 points
5 points
Back in the old days, before 24 hour news channels, we did't have polar vortices. We just called it winter.4 points
Cooperation <> forfeiting my rights. I look at it this way. Nothing good can come to me by consenting to a search. If I don't consent, they can't search and I go on my way. If I do consent and they find nothing, then I go on my way. However, if I consent and they find something, perhaps something I didn't know I had*, or that's not actually ilegal but the officer thinks it is (switchblade in the console, perhaps?), then my day gets bad fast. If they have PC (or think they do), they don't need my consent and they'll search whether I consent or not. Arguing about whether they really have PC or not or if something is actually illegal or not is for an attorney and a judge to discuss, not me and an officer on the side of the road. That's not to say that I'm going to be a disrespectful ass-clown to an officer. I'm not going to make their job hard, but I'm not going to make their job easy at my expense. If I get stopped, I roll down my windows, turn on my interior lights, shut off the car, and place both hands on the wheel. I'll present my DL and HCP and inform the officer if I'm armed or not and if so, how and where I'm armed. I will respectfully decline any requests to search my vehicle. That's cooperating. Voluntarily participating in a phishing expedition isn't cooperating, it's stupidity. *I mentor a kid through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee (shameless plug for http://www.mentorakid.org). It's conceivable that one of those left-handed cigarettes might find its way into that teenaged boy's pocket (you know, to hold it for a friend), then find its way out of his pocket and roll under my seat. .4 points
Those two are the biggest. Always said the only sound you will hear on my shotgun is the safety being pushed off. No racking of the slide here.4 points
4 points
[URL=http://s166.photobucket.com/user/predsgirl33/media/IMG_1821_zpsa196afb1.jpg.html][/URL] These are our mutts. The whole gang is here. From Left to Right we have : Chiquita "Banana" in the Thundershirt (Shar Pei and devil), Earl "The Squirrel or The Pearl" (1/2 Rottie, 1/4 Pit, 1/4 English Bulldog), Sophia "Meatloaf" (Pit and Lab), Maxwell VonTrampsalot (Labaweiner), Leroy Jethro Gibbs (American Staffordshire Terrier), Floyd (Earl's Brother/Litter mate). Clearly from the names you can tell I am a bit of a dogaholic. I love these goofballs more than anything in the world. We call them our kids, since we won't ever have real ones (by choice).4 points
If you're cold, they're cold (13 degrees in Oak Ridge right now)3 points
Let's see, my personal "favorites" include but certainly are not limited too: 1.Anything with a scope on it being called a sniper rifle. 2. Being asked which rifles are "automatic". 3. "The AR 15 fires a round so powerful it has no legitimate sporting use." 4. "The AK47 fires a round so powerful it has no legitimate sporting use." 5. Any comparison of the 7.62x39 to the 5.56x45 beyond both being small intermediate cartridges. 6. Pretty much any sheepdog reference. People aren't dogs. Not everyone who chooses not to carry is a "sheep". 7. That someone's nephews friends father had a smatter of LE or military experience which automatically making them an authority on all things firearms. 8.High round count used Glocks are worth more than new ones because they have extra magazines and are proven reliable.3 points
If you believe you can simply point a shotgun in the general direction of something and hit it, you have never been bird hunting, I can guarantee you that.3 points
I've learned to be VERY selective about who I discuss firearms with. There are just too many misconceptions that I don't want to waste my time trying to correct with someone who doesn't want to learn.3 points
3 points
I can hear the liberals now. " We need to get rid of all guns" The incident, sad, indeed.3 points
This one is called Punk. My wife got her 13 years ago and she still rules the house. Awesome on the donations. We stared donating food and treats to the local shelter here in Columbia, the workers there are great with giving the dogs all the love they can.3 points
[URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Ralphie_zpsc7043d91.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Shootyourassoff_zps3c3cf9a9.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
Two things: First, great commentary on the response from the White House on the events. http://reason.com/blog/2015/01/07/the-white-house-on-charlie-hebdo-then-an Second: I don't think any explanation is needed.2 points
After being in LE for 13 years I can say I've talked to several people that have just left me thinking the exact same thing. But as far the search topic people get too fired up on both sides. You have one side that says never consent, you are an idiot if you ever do. Than the other side says just allow it and move on if nothing to hide. I can see both sides but each person has to make their own decision and not try to influence someone else's mind. You will run into the idiots on the job who think they have to search everybody or don't know how to talk/read people to see if something shady is going on. But usually what I see on the street from the typical patrol officer is if you aren't acting super nervous or have a record a mile long I don't see people asking to search. I have actually noticed many of the new officers that have only been raised on stats/compstat they want to make a stop give a warning and move on to the next, just hoping to find somebody with a warrant because they can't talk to people or know how to do anything else.2 points
Man I sure would not want to be a judge in this dog show. I would give all of them Blue Ribbons................. :up:2 points
meh. Racking Smacking. Much better is the "scritch scritch" of the ol Bic Butane & the hissing of a lit fuse. House clears out real fast.2 points
Gun myth #37...... "You actaully have time to get to your favorite gun of choice for home defense in the 3 seconds it takes for the bad guys to rush through your door and into your living room."2 points
This is our 5 year old Husky(Chloe). She's a complete diva but a great dog. She rules the house. The shedding is out of control though. Next is our 15 month old mutt(Gunner). He's a good guard dog and listens really well. Chloe beats up on him constantly! She looks mean as hell but when it comes to humans shes a big baby. Terrible guard dog...2 points
2 points
http://s840.photobucket.com/user/ernursebjb/media/imagejpg1_zps512888ca.jpg.html?filters[user]=110587008&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1 This is Sadie. She belonged to one of my hospice patients and did not have any where to go after his passing. Family was going to take her to the pound. I COULD NOT see that happening. We were best friends until Dec 3 when she started acting weird and would not eat. Vet said she had liver cancer after a lot of tests. I still look for her everyday when I get home. You really can't beat a Weimy for a great pet. Thanks for starting this thread.2 points
Take a fish sinker, lead ball, or whatever you can get your hands on that is slightly larger than the bore. Lube it. Shove it down the bore with a cleaning rod. Measure it. I figure the lead sinkers that go in front of plastic worms would work well enough.2 points
That drunk chick was a bit out of control but if I was in that room that guy would have been on the floor. These are the people that are going to pay my social security. :(2 points
A big thanks out to Dave at Rocky River Leather , ordered on Monday shipped on Friday .....2 points
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2 points
I would just use some Cerrosafe and cast the chamber and throat. That will tell you what you need to know. Assuming you recognize the cartridge. Calipers may get you close on the bore diameter if it has an even number of grooves and if you measure in the grooves. Still won't tell you what round it shoots.2 points
2 points
You mean besides porcelain Glocks? and Glocks being undetectable on xrays? and that women can only handle .22 or .25 caliber guns? or that a "snub nosed revolver" is the perfect house gun...despite a 12 lb trigger pull? or that "cocking" a gun will "prove" you are serious? Whatever do you mean? :surrender:2 points
2 points
This is our rotten useless good-for-nothing hunk of dog flesh, aka hound of the baskervilles, aka bad dog, aka Opal. Her coloring as a puppy very much resembled a black opal and she's gotten darker as she's gotten older. She's 13 now. We believe she's a dalmatian (or is that damnation?) blue heeler mix which I wouldn't recommend to anyone. We got her from a shelter as a very sick puppy. As a puppy she was deathly afraid of tall men in dark pants which tells me there's abuse in her past. Major separation anxiety followed that we never really fixed, just learned how to better deal with it. A few years later epilepsy showed up. Then we had kids and she's bitten my oldest boy twice, the 2nd time requiring a few stitches. Now it's just cranky old age and arthritis. In her prime, she was the fastest dog I've ever seen. I've seen her run down a deer in an open field.2 points
2 points
I'm not sure that poking the bear is ever a good idea, but that's pretty darn funny. :rofl:2 points
True OS. at least I hope so... But I honestly believe that in a couple of years some will look back at the ready availability and affordability of gear like this and go "If only...". It's a buyers market at the moment, but we all know only too well how fast that can change. :2cents:2 points
My best friend, Mario. Meanest back of any small dog I know, but a fantastic lap buddy and great co pilot.2 points
So vets have been hearing about chicken jerky causing kidney disease for some time now--first in Australia, and then in America. Up until recently, most of the chicken jerky was made in China; one reason that was suggested is that China has a surplus of white meat because they prefer dark meat. Regardless, vets like me have been telling their clients to not feed chicken jerky for years, but it was only recently in the last year that the FDA has even issued a warning to consumers. Part of the problem is that no one has determined precisely what the problem is. Different labs have found different substances, but they have not proven that those substances are the cause (one was an antibiotic prohibited in chickens, but it shouldn't have cause kidney disease in dogs). Since the FDA has made their announcement about jerky-related illness (http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/SafetyHealth/ProductSafetyInformation/ucm295445.htm), I have noticed that many of the brands now say "Made in the USA." However, I still warn owners to not feed chicken and duck jerky since we don't know if it is inherently safer being made in America. For all we know, it could be something that occurs as part of the jerkification process, in which case it may not matter where it is made. I have seen several cases of dogs with unexplained liver and kidney enzyme elevations that resolved when jerky was discontinued. When you think about it, chicken jerky seems unnatural, and it is a relatively recent invention. So my advice is to not feed any poultry jerky at all, regardless of who makes it or where it is made.2 points
Hi Ron! I just wanted to share something with you. As an owner of 6 rescued dogs, (4 of which are bully breeds) I am a bit saddened by your opinions of what I know to be loyal and loving souls. If you go visit petfinder.com there's a whole special page devoted to myths about pitbulls! The first one they address is that pesky one about their jaws locking. It simply isn't true! If you were to compare the skull of a pitbull to that of, hmm a collie?, you would see no special bones, ligaments or anything else that would give them such an ability. What these dogs do have is determination. Which personally I think is a great quality! They never give up! Gibbs, my Am Staff (they're small and cute) he never gives up on kissing everyone. He loves to lick, it drives me nuts! Floyd and Earl are 2 of my youngest pups, they're 1/2 Rottweiler, 1/4 English Bulldog and 1/4 Pitbull (they're super cute!). They're determined to always pester me for treats and food to throw the ball! So annoying. But they still can't lock their jaws. I don't want to address everything you said, because we have such different views of these dogs. I bet we'll probably never agree. But, if you'd like, I'd love to invite you over to meet my "vicious" dogs. I'd love to show you what funny, goofy souls they are. I bet they might just surprise you. I understand that might not sound fun to you. An that's OK! But just know, it's an option if you'd like. When I met my husband I was terrified of guns. Seriously. 1,000% scared. The first two things he taught me were "all guns are always loaded" and "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Now, I love them. I love to shoot, I love to take friends and educate them and I really love to shop for them! You should see my new Mossberg! It's incredible! But my husband taught me that being a responsible gun owner and using them properly and helping to educate people about them is ok. I returned the favor but educating him on Pit Bulls. He adopted his first one after our Rottweiler, Buddy, passed away. This is a very loyal, very proud breed. Sadly the media and people who LOVE to believe the Internet and Media about what kind of dog they are have hurt the breed. So have people like Michael Vick. Dogs (all breeds) are a reflection of their owner. Dogs are a lot like 2 year old humans. Regardless of the breed, they are what we as humans make them. Lastly, I saw where you put that you've seen a Pit Bull fight. That makes me sad Ron, I hope you did the right thing and notified the authorities. Dog fighting is commonly used to fund illegal activities like drugs. Why would humans be that cruel? Make an innocent soul fight, just to fund illegal activities. And how can anyone with a good conscious view a dog fight? If you'd like to meet Floyd, Earl and Gibbs just let us know. Matt's a chef and he can make dinner. I think after a few minutes with them you'd probably change your mind and you probably wouldn't cut and paste incorrect information about a great breed that when owned by good people, are really loving companions! Have a great night Ron!2 points
2 points
2 points
And this is where the Libertarian / Constitutionalist argument generally comes off the rails. Your mentality is very isolationist and doesn't consider that you might just be in the minority. Like I said, a win-win is for the State to acknowledge Constitutional open carry and sell permits for concealed carry. Those who want a permit and reciprocity will pay for it. Those who don't will just enjoy carrying freely inside the state. As for how many people make use of reciprocity, I can tell you I do all the time. And likely so do countless other Tennesseans with HCPs who travel back and forth to neighboring states on a weekly if-not daily basis. Ask folks who live in border towns like Clarksville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Johnson City, etc. But what it sounds like you're saying is since you aren't one of those people, you couldn't care less provided it's free for you. Like I said, very isolationist.2 points
I know it was way too cold this afternoon to be working on a broken water line (while live) in Johnson City.1 point
I used to feed Pro Plan but have been giving my three science diet for a few years now. They tolerate it well. Edit: Just checked on their site and they say made in the USA with ingredients from North America, Europe, New Zealand and somewhere else. Good enough for me.1 point
1 point
1 point
Me and the wife are going back to the Standard this weekend I think. She says I owe her a nice dinner haha.1 point
Hi, I'm Tedro2022 and I'm a dog-aholic. Love the critters, and everyone here has beautiful kids. Think I've shared mine before, but I'll do it again and give some background on them (best that I can): That guy right there? His name is Sarge. There's a little border collie and a little German Shepard mixed in with some other mutt juice with this guy. He was adopted by my wife before we got married a few years ago. She got him on Craigslist. The folks she got him from didn't care for him much and probably abused him a little as well. He's scared to death of loud noises, new people and the dark. Kid's really come a long way and once he warms up to you, you can't stop petting him (because he won't let you). He also comes running to the closet every morning after I put my pants on to sniff them, I've dubbed him my official pants inspector. This is Bailey, she's my pit bull/boxer mix. Bailey's coming up on being 10 years old this year. A former coworker rescued her off the side of the road where someone tied her up to a speed limit sign and left her. Took a few weeks but I went over to meet her she turned the corner from the top of the stairs at the house she was staying, ran down put her butt down and leaned into my leg while looking up at me with a "are you my new daddy?" look on her face. We've had a lot of fun over the years, and she's probably saved my life on more than one occasion. It'll be hell for me when she goes, but we won't go any further with that nonsense. She's a great watch dog around the house, especially when we're not home. Doesn't get along with all other dogs, but I watch her and keep her out of trouble. She's smart as a whip and knows not to trust anybody until I shake their hand. Not sure where she picked that up, but that wasn't my doing. Here's a couple more of them together, they like to snuggle: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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