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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2015 in all areas

  1. How many of you remember Randy Rayburn, the local restaurateur that championed hard to keep "guns out of bars" in Tennessee back in 2009 when the State was trying to decide whether or not to allow Handgun Carry Permit holders to go armed where alcohol is served for on-site consumption?  He pretty much was the media darling of the anti movement and penned at least one editorial in the Tennessean.   Well, the Tennessean has a nice article today about the closing of his flagship restaurant, Sunset Grill after 27 years of business.  According to the article, business began to fall into a slump for Randy in 2007 and Sunset Grill just never quite recovered from it.  I guess that explains why he had so much extra time on his hands two-years later to be a pain in the ass to legally armed Tennesseans.   While the closing of his oldest Nashville property likely has nothing to do with his decision to be an anti-gun prick, karma does seem to be getting a running start in 2015...   http://www.tennessean.com/story/life/food/2015/01/01/sunset-grill-closes-year-run-nashville/21148391/    
    9 points
  2. He campaigned hard to deny you and me of our constitutional rights, I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. I hope the employees find something but that's it, Rayburn can go bankrupt as far as I care.
    8 points
  3. I think you need a 4th option- neither like nor dislike.  Rails, or lack thereof, on a pistol won't factor into the decision if I buy a pistol or not.   I do concur with your thinking the lack of them on most 1911's are for the purist crowd.
    5 points
  4. I can't help but laugh at the Doberman characterizations.  I guess maybe pitbull owners feel the same way, but my experience with the breed has been anything but what Hollywood paints them as.  I'm sure you can train them to be vicious guard dogs by abusing them and keeping them away from any sort of friendly human contact, but the breed has the sinister nickname "Velcro Dogs" because they tend to be very clingy and needy of affection.  The one that presently shares our house with us is most happy when he's laying on the floor and has a drooling toddler crawling all over him, using his ears as reins and his snout as something to smack and slap with five fat little fingers.   He wouldn't know how to bite you if you showed him.
    5 points
  5. During my career, I've dealt with many dog vs people attacks.  99% have been Pits. One, a family pet, attacked a 3 year old...she lived but needed 116 stitches to her face and head. Another, severed a lady's Achillies tendon while she was walking her dog.   Yes, I've had to shoot a couple.  They are bullet sponges and are not impressed by the .40cal.   I love dogs (my Avatar is one of mine...I was holding the Holy Tennis Ball when I snapped the shot), but there are two breeds that I'm always leary of...Pits and Chows.   Pit lovers will say it's their upbringing.  I don't know...they seem to have this switch and you never know when it's going to be flipped.   My Weimaraners absolutely love kids and I wouldn't hesitate to leave them alone with a child.  The only bad thing that would happen would be "kissy slobber."
    5 points
  6. I had the opportunity to work with Tater last year. What a wonderful, funny, no nonsense man. It was an outdoor festival in eastern TN. There were a lot of young performers, the crowd was full of oddly colored hair and tattoos and piercings... NOT a Little Jimmy crowd. When he came out... all those youngsters ran to get as close as they could, and every song he sang, they knew every word and sang along. It was amazing. He looked over at me with a look of, "What the hell?" :rofl:   We were talking backstage at the Opry one night, and I had mentioned I wasn't sure that I was gonna get there earlier that night, because I'd had car trouble. He looked at me and said, "Son, if it's got tits or a motor, it's gonna give you trouble."   I will miss him greatly. Godspeed, Jimmy. You were the last of the breed.
    4 points
  7. Things to remember about fly fishing   -80% of what you hear is BS and usually somoene trying to get you to buy something. -You dont need a 1000 dollar rig (trout dont care if you are casting a Orvis Helios 2 or a Pflueger from walmart) -you dont have to understand the 450 million different fly patterns to catch trout (you need to know about 5 drys and 3 nymphs and ONE midge) -you do need to understand at least what is hatching the time of the year you are fishing and to a certain extent and what size that bug is (a little entomology) -follow the  Curtis Creek Manifesto as JPS has stated (its so easy a 5 year old could do it) -Watch the movie Low and Clear and be like Xenie  -you dont have to be able to cast a perfect loop at 60 feet to catch fish -dont let your fly drag in the current -if you arent catching fish -- throw something SMALLER -Dont fish the same drift if your not catching fish .... you will continue not to catch fish (think of the definition of insane) -you need to learn 3 knots.... -ignore liberals who tell you to keep it low impact -- they dont catch many fish     buy Waders - stocking foot <-if you want to fish tailwaters or early and late in the year for creeks, if not wet wading will be fine mostly Boots - Felt (these are like driving 4x4s while wading, unless you are a commie, they will bitch about cross contamination, introducing invasive species of bugs and plants..if your a commie then wear vibram sole.. bust you a$$ and end your fly fishing career early...but hey, you didn't introduce any new bugs or plants to the area so its ok) Fly box Wading socks for wet wading Quick dry clothing rod and reel 5wt good all around for here (tfo has some good rods for cheap and they have lifetime unconditional warranties so when you break one swatting at a hornets nest they will replace no questions asked)   tippet and leaders 4x to 5x or 6x strength good all around for here   Terminology you need to know  Square Tails or Specs (often called brook trout or brookies by yankees ... but these are not trout at all...they are Char and are the only NATIVE species of so called Trout to the area) Brownies -- Brown Trout Bows -- Rainbow Trout F&&& me SOB MF...-- what comes out of your mouth when you wear Vibram and not Felt     Up to you but....... at least a 454 casull  (ruger alaskan will do) to carry as a sidearm for bears and banjos. <-- this is optional but highly recommended             that will about do it   :)    I fly fish all over east tn, southwest va and western nc about every weekend between feb and the end of october (anytime that isn't Duck Whacking time) and would be more than happy to help anyone who really WANTS to learn
    3 points
  8.   You obviously do not know anything about Dobermans.
    3 points
  9. I would trust my dog alone with kids more than ANY human I know. Here's the evil beast with my kids. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_4617_zps5fa28856.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  10.   Chows are some innately flaky animals.  Fatal Attraction, ice-pick under the pillow, kind of dogs.  I've known several people who owned them and to a one each of those dogs was batshit bipolar and you never knew "which dog" was going to be at the end of your arm when you went to pet them.
    3 points
  11. Well in the morning I'm taking my bil out for his first time deer hunting and possibly hunting in general but I'm not sure. I'm really hoping the weather doesn't keep them in the woods because I don't have any dry accomadations in the woods. I was planning to move a pop up into some woods today but just ran outta time. I keep telling myself that since it was nasty today and supposed to be all night, maybe they'll get out for a bit first thing. I suppose we'll see.
    2 points
  12. I will get my payment in soon. #21 again. Regular blade.
    2 points
  13. Payment sent for 26 and 32, regular blades
    2 points
  14. January 2, 2015... TGO Logo Decals are once again available in the store. Will be ordering more once this batch runs out. Also once again available in the store are the "Shall Not Be Infringed" decals. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/store/
    2 points
  15. I'm pretty sure the NRA convention is at the Music City Center.  Everyone come and invite all of their friends.  Nashville needs to pay for that blasted building WITHOUT raising my taxes to do so!!!
    2 points
  16. I'm a big fan of the GSD. They make great working dogs and family members. I don't like small kids around large dogs unattended. When it comes to an animals prey drive, it's something that's under control until it isn't. I fall into the camp that believes that there are more bad owners than bad dogs.
    2 points
  17. I've been in the restaurant business for many years. I worked for Rayburn many years ago before any of his political BS. I never had any issues with him personally, but he was well known to be a horses behind in the industry. At that time he had a heck of a lot of debt and mutiple mortgages on his large home. I have a feeling with the help of his political stunts it all just finally caught up with him.
    2 points
  18.   My female is the exact same way. Hell, she is deathly afraid of a baby gate we have because if fell over once and made a loud noise.
    2 points
  19. All of this is why I have cats..... If I am ever mauled to death by my cats..... it was just my time.
    2 points
  20. I use to love to read Massad Ayoobs actual cop shootout after action reviews in American Handgunner. It showed me that all kinds of rounds may or may not stop an opponent. Every situation and individual is different.   As far as throwing the little .25 auto under the bus, hmmm, 50gr FMJ going 800+ FPS ... I would not want to get hit anywhere in the skull with it!     BTW, has anyone priced a box of .25 lately, if you can find them, that's the biggest reason I see to not owning one!  :pleased:   While I agree with being prepared to defend one's self, the reality is 99% of those on this forum will never pull a trigger in defense, and God willing, you better hope that to be true. I personally would not want to pull the trigger on another human being. Your life would never be the same in more ways then one. Would I defend myself or family in an armed confrontation? Darn right, but I pray to never see that day in my lifetime.
    2 points
  21. You just never know with dogs. They are still animals. My fiance and I have talked this over and if we ever have kids they will never be left alone with our dogs and we have 2 of the sweetest dogs you can imagine. 
    2 points
  22.   No kidding.  I'd rather the cameras focus on the anti-gun crazies for protesting businesses and entertainers that appeal to everyday Americans rather than have idiots like Open Carry Texas, or any of the window licking militias doing their "training" be on the 'C' block of the news.
    2 points
  23. Moms Demand Action is a good enemy to have.  Did wonders for Kroger...   http://bearingarms.com/kroger-sees-profits-soar-ignoring-anti-gun-boycott-threat/
    2 points
  24. Just a reminder Gentleman, this knife is going to happen regardless  but if you want one payment is due by Jan 26th that is the deadline 
    2 points
  25. This old gal has a few more years on her than most women I am attracted to, but in only two short months she has become the love of my life. My wife actually gave her to me for my birthday (translation: she caught me sneaking her down the back steps to basement). 1952 Savage Model 99E in .308 Winchester.
    1 point
  26.  My Niece is very liberal, tiny and lives in Nashville. She can't understand why anyone would want to carry a gun into a bar, or a grocery store or a movie theater or anywhere else. The lady in the video is pro-abortion, which I disagree with, but she makes sense and she does speak liberalese.      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=643M_Me6vdI
    1 point
  27. Little Jimmy Dickens was one of my fathers favorite singers as I was growing up. And like most of us here, at that time in my life I just could not stand to hear "that Opry stuff." Dad and I argued often over our musical differences.   And Little Jimmy was one of the bigger ones we disagreed over. I just absolutely hated his voice and style. But that was a long time ago. Shows how much I knew didn't it?   Dad and Mom knew one of the stage musicians on the Opry and got to go behind the curtain so to speak several times. So one Saturday morning they woke me up early to tell of having walked around with Wayne Rodgers, a stage guitarist, and meeting several people. One of whom was Little Jimmy Dickens.   They both raved about how nice he was to them. Took time to talk and asked about them as well. It really impressed them that he spent probably 20 minutes with them.   Of course, the fact that Wayne was president of Texas Boot Company at that time, and Dad ran the maintenance/repair divison for them, did help.   Wayne had met several of the big name stars at that time and had gotten western boots for many of them. That's how he got to play onstage. lol   Anyway, sorry I'm longwinded tonight, Tater asked Wayne for a pair of boots. Wayne told Jimmy that he needed to ask my dad about it as he actually did make the boots for Wayne's little bribery scheme.   The short of the tale is that dad got a kick out of making a pair for Tater and then got to go back and give them to him.   Little Jimmy Dickens gave them and many, many others enjoyment for a long, long time. He will be missed.   And like the Possum sang "...who's gonna fill their shoes"   In this case it will take an awful big man to fill Little Jimmy Dickens' shoes.
    1 point
  28. Medical staff but non-MD. Actually it still mystifies me at times, that pager works in the tunnels, my backyard where there is NO cell service, and in the hospital's elevators. It's loud enough on vibrate to wake me from a dead sleep at 4am(shakes the entire night stand) and somehow the single AA battery lasts for months. :stunned:
    1 point
  29. As far as equipment goes I keep a extra of everything. (It is always about to break down). Even when its new and under warranty the dealer will keep it for at least 2 weeks try explaining that to 80 customers that want to know where you are. The only thing I don't have 2 of is me.   I can't make enough money no matter how hard I work or how much I make. It is never enough.   I am always just about to go under and just about to make it to the top.   I wouldn't have it any other way.   I could go on and on but I have to get back to work. time is $
    1 point
  30. You likely won't find a decent one for under $10k. The used car market is crazy and trucks are the worst.
    1 point
  31. My opinion basically echos others here that it has everything to do with upbringing and ownership. We have two Pit Rottweiler mixes, a Staffordshire and a couple other mutts. They would all rather snuggle than bite. If you have large breed dogs you must be a responsible owner with complete control of your dogs. Maintaining you are the leader is part of that. I also believe dogs can be like humans and some are just off. I think if you look into these incidents further there will be clues as to why it happened. It happens more with pits because of morons trying to make them more aggressive instead of actually working with and loving their dog. I've been around large dogs all my life. Been bitten by several other people's dogs. Worst was a neglected mutt. I truly believe it's 99% owners fault and the dogs are just dogs.
    1 point
  32. Least it wasn't a standard poodle with the fancy haircut that ate him, how embarrassing that would have been.
    1 point
  33. A specific dog can run totally counter to this, but I do think that in general some breeds are simply more aggressive than others. If I have to be left alone in a room with 100 hungry pit bulls or 100 hungry golden retrievers, I know which one I'm picking. It's not just pits and chows though. Some of the meanest most aggressive dogs I've ever encountered were Chihuahas, but one of those is almost certainly not going to kill me.
    1 point
  34. I sure this will hurt some peoples feelings but pits are not as family friendly as some people try to say they are. This has been my experience dealing with this breed.
    1 point
  35.   I think it has a lot to do with the demographic of the owners.  Your "less responsible" dog owners don't own Britanys and labs. 
    1 point
  36. I think you give him too much credit. No, he doesn't know; nor care, I believe.
    1 point
  37. Well since the wife has been getting irate about my top shelf bourbon consumption I chilled out with some Patron. :)
    1 point
  38. Last year after the birth of my son I decided that I was not happy with the way I felt and looked as a result of putting on weight over the course of nearly 10 years.  So I decided I was going to get serious about losing weight correctly.  I refuse to "diet" but am passionate about portion control and cooking nearly all meals at home.  I have "worked out" before with trainers, etc. but it just never took.  I decided that after a bit of research that I just needed to focus on cardio to drop the extra pounds to the point where I could include some arm and ab workouts a bit more easily.  Well after a year I had my final weigh-in yesterday and I've lost 30 pounds and 2 pant sizes; from a 42 to 38.  I think I will continue this resolution for next year and see if I can't get another 30 pounds to go away and maybe hit a size 36.
    1 point
  39. I agree with Oh Shoot .   I got a letter with it when I bought it that said it was legal to own and did not make the pistol an SBR . They told some other guy that what he was doing was wrong and they only sent him the letter not me .   Mine has not been recalled , marked as illegal to own or install on my pistol . I shoot in my yard when I feel like , and that is not too often . How I shoot it ,hold it ,or anything else is my business and until they start rounding the braces up or putting people in jail it is all hear say .  I don't believe anything I hear and only about half of what I see .
    1 point
  40. Not sure about S&B even though it's one of my favorites. I usually have a draft beer (or two) with my burger so I don't carry in there.
    1 point
  41. Guess what got finished up today now that I had some time off. Yeah, that's right, the Uzi. Pictures in all of it's anteater glory. [url=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/ffbfb17b-9737-42e5-b8cf-9d3fe22267a1_zps29f41257.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/0101151614b_zps2b23df18.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  42.     Beat me to it ...         Not necessarily, there are moments of weakness when you temporarily succumb to the fallacy that there's something that needs changing about your behavior, thankfully lethargy usually then takes over ...         Always cultivate low expectations from others, that way people are never disappointed in you, and are sometimes pleasantly surprised ...
    1 point
  43. My feelfree lure 11.5 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. Got a decent bonus from work on the 20th, paid my truck on the 21st, got a notification on the 24th, title arrived yesterday..it's all mine...
    1 point
  45. It's sitting on a runway somewhere. Transponder ripped out. Carpet soaked in blood. All occupants probably tossed out to sea, that are is the most shark infested waters on earth, they'll never be found. Patience is the greatest weapon our enemies wield. Sooner or later, the world will see the missing planes again. The success of 9/11 is still fresh on their minds and a jet plane is a helluva guided missile. ....now, with plenty of time to spare, just how much ordnance can be loaded onto one of these planes? OR maybe a black market nuclear weapon? OR a plane filled with traditional explosives and a nice dirty bomb to boot. Dispersion would be WIDE! Tin foil? Maybe, but no one can deny it lies in the realm of possibility. Can you imagine them sitting on one of these till the next Olympics? How many people could they kill?
    1 point
  46. Actually had first hand experience with one. Fellow had a 90% reduction in motor functions on his left arm so he has to use one legitimately AND the pistol itself needed to be as light as possible. I know, rather surprising.
    1 point
  47. Here's your single stack Glock that Glock won't make: http://www.waltherarms.com/products/handguns/pps/
    1 point
  48. That would be a death sentence. Everyone knows 2 x .22 = .44 and while the .44 is still .45-1, it's still close enough to do some real damage. ;)
    1 point
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