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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2015 in all areas
Guess what got finished up today now that I had some time off. Yeah, that's right, the Uzi. Pictures in all of it's anteater glory. [url=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/ffbfb17b-9737-42e5-b8cf-9d3fe22267a1_zps29f41257.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/0101151614b_zps2b23df18.jpg.html][/URL]7 points
I just wanted to remind everyone that no matter how busy we all get in our daily lives or how crappy our day has been to never forget to hold your loved ones close to you and hug them every day and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. This goes for our friends and buddies too! I want to NEVER regret again not saying something or giving someone a well deserved hug or thank you. So please be kind to one another! With that said Happy New Years to everyone and I pray that hope that 2015 brings success, hope, faith and love to everyone!5 points
How many of you remember Randy Rayburn, the local restaurateur that championed hard to keep "guns out of bars" in Tennessee back in 2009 when the State was trying to decide whether or not to allow Handgun Carry Permit holders to go armed where alcohol is served for on-site consumption? He pretty much was the media darling of the anti movement and penned at least one editorial in the Tennessean. Well, the Tennessean has a nice article today about the closing of his flagship restaurant, Sunset Grill after 27 years of business. According to the article, business began to fall into a slump for Randy in 2007 and Sunset Grill just never quite recovered from it. I guess that explains why he had so much extra time on his hands two-years later to be a pain in the ass to legally armed Tennesseans. While the closing of his oldest Nashville property likely has nothing to do with his decision to be an anti-gun prick, karma does seem to be getting a running start in 2015... http://www.tennessean.com/story/life/food/2015/01/01/sunset-grill-closes-year-run-nashville/21148391/4 points
4 points
I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone on TGO and their families and Very Happy & Prosperous New Year....................... :up: :up: :up: :usa:4 points
is (at last) mostly done & ready for testing (who knows if it will actually run... but finished QA & function testing tonight) Needs optics installed, and adjusting of gas block. Oh yeah... got to install the Giessele National Match DMR trigger post testing, [url=http://s585.photobucket.com/user/HR_TR_2009/media/CIMG2398_zps43a37f39.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s585.photobucket.com/user/HR_TR_2009/media/CIMG2400_zpsc1d10301.jpg.html][/URL]3 points
All true. And none of that will change one whit unless the people of Maryland do something about it. Whether by making their desires known to their legislators (ha!) or through more direct and forceful means against those doing the violating. You and I sitting here in TN aren't going to do a thing to make a meaningful difference. So I choose to exercise right to make a good choice to stay the hell away from there.3 points
3 points
I believe that's illegal, if anyone cares.3 points
I had family that lived in Maryland and when they passed all those laws they put their homes up for sale and moved south. Two families came to Kentucky and one moved to Extreme southern Indiana close to the ones in Kentucky. They absolutely refused to live in what one of them referred to a Hitler State................. :up: :usa:3 points
Spent with family and friends, good beer, big outdoor fire, food and poker game inside, fire truck siren and train horns for noise when needed. Just got done, heading to bed with the loyal but spoiled rotten dog at my feet.3 points
Thanks, I hate owning money to anyone. Since everyone is showing off their scores mine is the red one.3 points
2 points
Shoot with it? He shot himself in the noggin with it one time :)2 points
You don't have to tell me! It's become very apparent to me that I do not have enough income to play in this league. As the wife tells me quite often.2 points
2 points
For when an operator needs to operate operationally while maintaining autonomous kinetic targetting... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEEEy1dMceI2 points
Beat me to it ... Not necessarily, there are moments of weakness when you temporarily succumb to the fallacy that there's something that needs changing about your behavior, thankfully lethargy usually then takes over ... Always cultivate low expectations from others, that way people are never disappointed in you, and are sometimes pleasantly surprised ...2 points
Thinking about 70 years ago, January 1st. 1945. My dad was hit in the back, left shoulder with a piece of metal he thinks from a German morter explosion behind him, maybe an small mm.artillary round. He was taken off the front, out of the knee deep snow and sub-zero temps in Belgium and sent to an evacuation hospital in France for a few weeks of recovery. No vitals were injured, he made a full recovery and returned to the front and awarded the Purple Heart.2 points
2 points
He probably hates it, since they were using Lancer mags, and didn't look both ways after they flipped.2 points
1 point
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of1bVlo_5Y41 point
If you epoxy your junk to one of them things there'll be no getting away.1 point
Love your avatar man. "The Nature Boy" was my favorite back in the day.1 point
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1 point
The state of Maryland disagrees. Since it is their state.....1 point
1 point
Gave the thread a better title.1 point
I don't know which one I like more. I love those hummers but the Raptor is nasty. The owner of my company has one he has decked out, it's nasty.1 point
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1 point
This morning was cold and interesting. I went to a friends farm to help him get some meat for the freezer. I had a doe cross the corner of the field but was in and out before I could even think about shooting. Next was a beautiful young buck with chocolate colored antlers with the exception of the last inch or two of the tips. He'll be really nice next year if he makes it. I ended up with 4 more doe in front of me but I decided I would give them some time. As I watched, my buddy (about 200yds from me), ripped off two shots with about 5 sec between. Needless to say my deer bolted but I figured he had two down so all was well. When I got to his stand he was mad because he said he clean missed both deer. Told me that he shot and they scrambled then stopped to look around and the they did the same thing again when he shot at the second one and then they calmly walked across the field and into the woods. We went to the house to confirm zero and that checked out which really upset him because he had made two bad shots. I kept thinking about it and finally told him to get in the truck and went back out there. I walk right up to the first one about 10' into the woods but the 2nd one was going to make us work. As it turns out he not only gut shot it but also shot really low. Close to an hour had passed before we started tracking but evidently it wasn't long enough. We didn't realize it until just before I caught up with the deer but it was steadily walking away from us. I'd say 1 mile is a conservative figure as far as distance tracked and I still had to put another round into her. It was a lot of REALLY steep hill tracking but he's got two deer hanging so I guess mission accomplished. Layer up if you're going out in the mornin boys cause it's cold as a witch's tit already!!!!1 point
Ya'll need to start reloading. I can load my cast bullets and have just under $0.05 per round or $5.00 per 100 rounds. I can assure you it won't take long to make up the cost of a reloader set-up. Just my 2 cents. Ya'll have a Happy New Year!! Mac1 point
That was great! RE: the road, those looked like tire tracks, probably their tire tracks...1 point
I agree with you 100% Oma. I have learned over many years that most tragedies like these could be prevented when people use common sense and in most cases it is the lack of that which allows such things as this to happen. I stayed on my daughter for the longest time trying to get her to not carry in her purse. She has a LCP 380 I got her and there is no excuse for it to be in her purse. For Christmas I bought her and IWB holster made just for that type firearm because when ever she goes out without some kind of sweater or cover shirt on. She is no longer putting her gun in her purse. She even wears it in the house to get use to having it on her person............ :up: :up:1 point
1 point
I started reloading about 2 years ago with the same kit. I love it.....and it's very easy to use. If I can do it, anyone can!!! ;) I just bet that your wife doesn't realize how much more money that you will be spending on reloading now...... I've spent well over $1000 on this stuff!!!1 point
IMO they are the best single stack CCW weapons out there today Great triggers,no safety BS ,priced right and USA made,I own 3 and all run great1 point
[URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1885.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1886.jpg.html][/URL] Mine's a 4" with an Officer's grip frame. I can't find a bad word to say about it, I'd buy another one in a heartbeat. I've owned, fired, and otherwise tinkered with 1911s in many different brands and price ranges through the years. For all practical purposes, this one is as good as any.1 point
Congratulations to you. Never handled many of the HK pistols, but I hear a lot of good comments about them.1 point
1 point
Maybe not SBR because it's not designed to be fired from the shoulder, but definitely NFA. As I recall, those are "Machinegun Jumblies". Since they're from the 1960s, they predate the 80's ban on new production, so they'd be grandfathered in once they're NFA registered.1 point
I guess my art is not so good. When I eject mine at a horizontal angle, it comes out of the mag well fine, but travels very short. I wonder if I could squeeze some small block chevy valve springs in there to get a little push?1 point
The difference with the M&P Sport then and now is that they no longer ship with the 5R barrel. That barrel is what made it such a steal. It's still a great entry point though and comes with the S&W lifetime warranty. I've seen them lately for as low as $514 shipped (plus TICS and Transfer). The Sport does not have a forward assist or an ejection port dust cover. All other M&P-15 models do. Unless you plan to roll around in the dirt, you will never need a dust cover. The FA is likewise useless for most people. If a round doesn't seat properly when the bolt closes, do you really want to force it in there or would you rather eject that round and check to see what went wrong? If you go for a Sport, make sure you get model# 811036. There are also 2 Commifornia and Friends compliant Sports that comes with either the bullet button or a fixed stock. What you're getting is not always clear in online listings, so check the model #. Models 811037 and 811038 are the ones you DON'T want. I have an M&P-15 (not the Sport) and love it. One of the things I like about the M&P-15 line is that their uppers and lowers are both coated and match each other very well. It looks like a nice melonite coating. I just built a PSA lower yesterday and it has a much flatter finish that I don't like. S&W says it's a hard coat black anodized finish on theirs, but the PSA lowers said the same thing. I know my M&P-15 looks a LOT better than the PSA one. The PSA lower will be getting cerakoted once I pick out an upper. I should have done it prior to assembly, but I didn't realize just how different it looks until I finished it and put it next to my M&P. The biggest downside to the M&P line is that you'll get the standard integrated front-sight-post/gas-block on all but the most expensive models. That means you can't put handguards on that extend over the gas block, limiting what you can do with the look of it unless you want to change out the gas block. If you like the front sight post, that becomes a non-issue.1 point
Well, Santa didn't bring it, but I gave this to myself. No, didn't hit the lottery, but some stocks I have been sitting on for the better part of 10 years at a loss just recently went up and above what I paid. I got enough to pay off my mortgage. Some people tell me that is a mistake, but I see not having a mortgage payment and the ability to start investing in my future more now.1 point
Only our government could come up with something so confusing. I've never understood why there is a thing called an SBR and why it's on the NFA list.1 point
Actually we got the best Christmas present we could ever ask for. Her name is Madalynn and she was here a little early for Christmas but a Christmas baby none the less. We could not be happier to have a grand daughter to spoil. Definitely changes the way you view life. My only Christmas wish is for our son to come home and met her next month. He has been deployed since July, and missed the birth, but he should be home within a month.1 point
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