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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2014 in all areas

  1. I just wanted to remind everyone that no matter how busy we all get in our daily lives or how crappy our day has been to never forget to hold your loved ones close to you and hug them every day and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. This goes for our friends and buddies too!    I want to NEVER regret again not saying something or giving someone a well deserved hug or thank you. So please be kind to one another!   With that said Happy New Years to everyone and I pray that hope that 2015 brings success, hope, faith and love to everyone!
    7 points
  2. Here's the part of the couch I USED to sit on :rofl: They are wore out this New Years Eve!
    4 points
  3. is (at last) mostly done & ready for testing (who knows if it will actually run... but finished QA & function testing tonight) Needs optics installed, and adjusting of gas block. Oh yeah... got to install the Giessele National Match DMR trigger post testing, [url=http://s585.photobucket.com/user/HR_TR_2009/media/CIMG2398_zps43a37f39.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s585.photobucket.com/user/HR_TR_2009/media/CIMG2400_zpsc1d10301.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  4. I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone on TGO and their families and Very Happy & Prosperous New Year....................... :up: :up: :up: :usa:
    3 points
  5. I'm gonna get these younguns in bed and go to sleep and get up and go hunting.
    3 points
  6. Did my mother in law make that picture? :eek:
    3 points
  7. Reminds me of when we had Siberians. Bedtime was a trip. Trying to get a pair out of the bed sometimes was a little bit of a problem. They considered it their bed. It wasn't unusual to wake up with a Husky nose in your face, or a set of big paws in your back. And the male was very protective of my wife. He'd get between us if I even tried to move over to her side of the bed. .
    2 points
  8. Are you saying that this story takes "doggie style" to whole new level?
    2 points
  9. My wife and I never celebrate NYE. It all goes back to a party we went to 37 years ago and involves a red headed woman wearing a dog collar. Sorta put us off the whole concept of New Years Eve. I'm watching the Beatles Hard Days night and drinking whiskey. All's well.
    2 points
  10. What is that saying Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
    2 points
  11.   By this logic, the Surefire Mag5-60 would be along the lines of a 40mm grenade. 
    2 points
  12. My other Christmas present. My upper came in today and my pig yesterday. Still waiting on everything else. Palmetto states customer service is non existent right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. He also says EVERYTIME he posts some kind of rant that they are in the minority of his business. Most that I can remember are because of customers that think he keeps everything in stock when his website plainly states a possible 6-8 week wait and then complain about why it hasnt been shipped....I would probably get tired of that myself at some point...
    2 points
  14.   I sincerely hope you've learned patience and fiscal responsibility...those two things are severely in short supply around here. Especially for me.
    2 points
  15. I love his attitude. At least he isn't kissing the ass of every moron who screws up an order then blames him. The customer is not always right. Of course it helps Ive ran quite a hit of his gear and its basically bomb proof.
    2 points
  16. And then I found this... be forewarned gents, it is CRUDE. But you MIGHT giggle. http://imgur.com/a/gLBU5
    2 points
  17. You can get a thermostat and gasket for less than 10 dollars. You could spend  that much or more in extra fuel by driving it like that.
    2 points
  18.   He has the appropriate tool right there.
    2 points
  19. Never, ever carry in a purse or bag. The reason is that is the first thing most bad guys grab leaving you without a way to protect yourself.
    2 points
  20. [URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1885.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/gregintenn/media/IMG_1886.jpg.html][/URL] Mine's a 4" with an Officer's grip frame. I can't find a bad word to say about it, I'd buy another one in a heartbeat. I've owned, fired, and otherwise tinkered with 1911s in many different brands and price ranges through the years. For all practical purposes, this one is as good as any.
    2 points
  21. Let's see if I get this right:   The top badge is the Combat Infantryman's Badge. The star indicates that he earned 2 of them.   Starting with the ribbons and moving left to right:   Row 1: Bronze Star Medal (agree with Dolo that there was possibly a "V" pinned there that broke off) Row 2: Army Occupation Medal; Korean Service Medal (3 stars = 3 campaign phases); United Nations Korea Service Medal Row 3: Purple Heart (silver oak leaf indicates 5 awards, plus the ribbon itself = 6 purple hearts); Army Good Conduct Medal (the double looped rope = 3 total awards); European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal  (3 stars = 3 campaign phases) <<Note that this ribbon is actually upside down>> Row 4: American Defense Medal; World War II Victory Medal; American Campaign Medal   The bottom one on the pocket in the gold border is the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation.   Conclusion: Your father was a certified badass!   ETA: updated based on additional info from Sidinman.   *A bronze oak leaf indicates an additional awarding of the same medal. 5 bronze oak leaves are replaced with 1 silver oak leaf.
    2 points
  22. The UTG pro is super sweet IMO. I have one on my TGO set as well and the lines really blend well from the milled upper to the handguard. They are worth more than they're selling for IMO. That reminds me, I need to take pics and share them with you all yet... Great build R-Bert looks like it will be a fine shooter! :up:
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Really? That is unusual, I haven't seen very much from UTG that I've like in the past. I'll have to go back and look again. Especially if they supply tools with the guard.
    1 point
  25. All I'm at liberty to divulge is that things were going along just fine until that guy showed up with a leash.
    1 point
  26.   LOL I really didn't want to say that, but that is one of my reasons as well.   Dang! It really sucks getting older!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Coors light and getting ready to go fishing tomorrow. I will be in bed by 10:30. 
    1 point
  29. Wii games with the kids! I'll be in bed early for work tomorrow.
    1 point
  30. This repair was a real pain in my arse
    1 point
  31. And that would make sense if he was assigned to a medical company while he healed up from his numerous purple hearts.
    1 point
  32. Ha! I saw another post where a guy was trading the shotgun for a pistol or a pedicure.
    1 point
  33. If he trims, he won't be able to climb trees as good.    Yikes
    1 point
  34. I think I just threw up a little!
    1 point
  35. I love SOE's stuff as it's very high quality but MAN those guys are insanely arrogant. Nothing wrong with being an alpha male but the posts I see all the time on the likes of their Facebook are either borderlined or full fledged douchebag, at least it is when it ISN'T concerning a sale promotion.
    1 point
  36. Depending on the year model this can cause progressive damage. Not reaching operating temp prevents the engine from going into closed loop operation. This will damage the converter. It will also reduce fuel economy. Don't know what kind of truck but easy fix with no upside to not repairing.
    1 point
  37.   To assuage the tinfoil hatters, I opine it was probably due to a new faster acting eBola strain.   - OS
    1 point
  38. Bodies and red panels and plane parts, I'd say the conspiracy theorists are hating life today.
    1 point
  39. Welp, I am a grease guy. Lubed up the BCG, charging handle, and FCG. Ran 3 mags through the rifle with no issues. Checking some of the screws for make sure they held torque. Tried to get some kind of zero on my red dot, but was more concerned with getting on target and make sure I didnt have any malfunctions. Feels great to build my first gun and it work without any issues. Thanks again for the help. Will try to post up some photos when I get back home...
    1 point
  40. That would make it a 54!!!!!!!   That's bigger than a Desert Eagle! Are you mad? Only Chuck Norris and Darryl Dixon can handle firepower like that!
    1 point
  41.   Missed uhh?...... :rofl:
    1 point
  42. I made the trip to Smyrna, Georgia yesterday (Sunday) and went to the Glock HQ this morning.  I was the first customer and drew a very nice younger armour.  I bought 2 sets of night sights for my pistols and took all my magazines.  The armour replaced several parts in my pistols and the springs and followers in the magazines that were in good shape and traded out the older magazines for new ones.  You stop at the gate/guard house and they secure the weapons making sure non of the pistols and magazines have ammo then send you approximately 150 yards or so to another building where the armour will be waiting.  As mentioned the hours are 8 AM to 4 PM.  The night sights are $57 and guaranteed for 15 years with no labor for install.  If the sights fail to illuminate they will replace the sights. It cost me $122.XX for 2 sets of night sights installed and the rest was FREE....   Security is tight at Glock but the guards and armour are very professional and make you feel welcome.  The armour took about 45 minutes to complete what I needed.  It was warm and sunny in Smyrna. Chattanooga was approximately 66 degrees when I passed thru around noon but the temperature dropped to 34 degrees at Paducah and there was ice on the electric lines and timber near Wickliffe.  I was fortunate that the roads weren't slick from Paducah home.    I would recommend using the service if you are in the area.  I was very pleased and felt it was worth the trip and expense since I spent Saturday night in Manchester, Tn. attending my great grandson's 1st birthday party.... :)
    1 point
  43. Math never takes the day off. A J Frame is 5 rounds....period. Not much margin for error there especially if you have more than one assailant. Fortunately most people will never have to pull a gun to defend themself........just like most people will never be in a serious car accident. But for those that are....they are generally glad they had a seatbelt on.   If you are positive that you will only ever be confronted with non committed bad guys who are more afraid of you than you are of them, and that they will all be loners who act alone, then a J frame will probably be fine. But when we start adding layers of difficulty (and levels of 21st century reality of street robbery) suddenly the bad guys are not the tweeker who will run at the first sign of resistance but more experienced street criminals who live a life of violence,the reality that pistols are poor stoppers and often take multiple hits to stop committed opponnents (look at the Michael Brown shooting....that took 6 or 7 to stop him)  and more than not there will be at least 1 more accomplice involved whether you see them initially or not....then add in the possibility of being somewhere when an active shooter decides to kick off a CNN level event and the REALITY that ISIS is planning similar type events for America like the Westgate Mall incident in Africa and suddenly that J Frame gets less and less appealing.   Having said that....if you feel a J Frame is all you need then rock on....and hope 5 is enough. A J Frame is certainly better than a sharp stick or a stearn word. But it is far from optimal. Just know the down sides and be prepared and have a plan to work around them.
    1 point
  44. That would be a death sentence. Everyone knows 2 x .22 = .44 and while the .44 is still .45-1, it's still close enough to do some real damage. ;)
    1 point
  45. As fat as I am, they probably don't make them in my size. I'm sure I could fashion one out of a tarp and a couple truck hoods.
    1 point
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