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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2014 in all areas
A while back I ask my mother if I could have my fathers old dress uniform jacket. It has all his service ribbons. Well today I went by to show her some pics. and helped her take down and box up the Christmas decorations. Before I left she pulled the jacket out and gave it to me. Cool! Well I've been researchin the ribbons and have figured out what they all are except for one. Am curious if anyone here may have a clue. He served at the end of WWII & the Korean War. The ribbon in guestion is the buttom right in the third row.5 points
Never, ever carry in a purse or bag. The reason is that is the first thing most bad guys grab leaving you without a way to protect yourself.4 points
Saw these over on CDNN. Pretty good price for the Nightmare model, and the bobtail frame would make for a good carry piece. http://www.cdnnsports.com/sig-sauer-1911-45-nightmare-bobtail-2-8rd.html#.VJ8mX14ASE3 points
Took the advice and put a RI on layaway. Put over half down. So by the end of next month, I should officially own it. Its is a 1911A1 in black. Im stoked to be into the 1911 world. Still love my glocks tho.3 points
Gordon, if it helps, try to look at it this way: The people that you and I generally think of as the "gun community" are the people who think like us. They hold dear to traditional, dare I say conservative, values and believe in the principle of God, Family, Country. They love Liberty and love what this great nation of ours once proudly stood for, and lament what it has become and is becoming. They are "salt of the earth" people who believe in personal freedoms and desire that they be left alone while they in turn live and let others live. For those folks... us... a firearm is either all or in part a tool of provision, protection and freedom. When I frame my fondness for gun owners in that light, I generally do OK and am not regularly disappointed. But when you bear in mind that anyone regardless of their character or morals can own a gun, as our Forefathers wisely engineered into the Constitution, it widens up the audience considerably and includes all kinds of people (good and bad) with all sorts of ideas (good and bad) and all manner of agendas (good and bad). Thankfully we TGO'ers tend to be more of the first-paragraph type and run off the majority of society's turds that happen across our happy corner of the Internet. But damned if there aren't still some complete and utter window-lickers out there who own guns and hurt us more than they help us.3 points
3 points
Yeah, I fell into it.[emoji10] I had started an AR308 and while I was looking for parts I found so many good deals, I just couldn't pass them up. Went from all AK's to adding a 308, 6.8, 5.56, and an extra complete lower. I don't even like AR's, but I figured they aren't getting any cheaper! All running Bushnell AR223 scopes and Larue APEG grips. Got two of the Delaware lowers for $30! 5.56 BRO lower, Mega upper with Adams piston kit. 6.8 SPCii on Delaware lower ($30!), RRA heavy barrel. 308 Aero m5 receivers2 points
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2 points
i do not recommend that anyone update to the latest Tapatalk. It is impossible to browse the forums, thank goodness for the nice mobile web interface.2 points
Another good reason why women should carry on their body, not in their bag. Of course, MSN couldn't help but say it occurred in a "politically conservative" town.2 points
Let's see if I get this right: The top badge is the Combat Infantryman's Badge. The star indicates that he earned 2 of them. Starting with the ribbons and moving left to right: Row 1: Bronze Star Medal (agree with Dolo that there was possibly a "V" pinned there that broke off) Row 2: Army Occupation Medal; Korean Service Medal (3 stars = 3 campaign phases); United Nations Korea Service Medal Row 3: Purple Heart (silver oak leaf indicates 5 awards, plus the ribbon itself = 6 purple hearts); Army Good Conduct Medal (the double looped rope = 3 total awards); European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (3 stars = 3 campaign phases) <<Note that this ribbon is actually upside down>> Row 4: American Defense Medal; World War II Victory Medal; American Campaign Medal The bottom one on the pocket in the gold border is the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation. Conclusion: Your father was a certified badass! ETA: updated based on additional info from Sidinman. *A bronze oak leaf indicates an additional awarding of the same medal. 5 bronze oak leaves are replaced with 1 silver oak leaf.2 points
My feelfree lure 11.5 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I got a set of weathertech liners for my FJ as well. I'll post a pic when I get home and install.2 points
Got a decent bonus from work on the 20th, paid my truck on the 21st, got a notification on the 24th, title arrived yesterday..it's all mine...2 points
I should have taken these pics on Christmas day while they where still shiny and black, but my wife got me a set of Weathertech floorliners for my Tundra And my brother got me a Rough Country 3/1 level kit for it! Cant wait to get some new wheels and tires now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Bodies and red panels and plane parts, I'd say the conspiracy theorists are hating life today.2 points
To me it looks like something was pinned to the Bronze Star ribbon. I would check to see if maybe it was a V device. Based on the rest of the ribbons it would not surprise me.2 points
All I know is that there are a lot of people who aren't lawyers talking about what-ifs, and a government agency doing what government agencies do best and confusing the hell out of people and leaving just enough rope for them to hang you with later if it becomes profitable and/or politically prudent for them to do so. Also consider that the SIG Brace has undoubtedly taken money away from one of the most profitable government agencies in terms of lost NFA tax stamp revenue. If you believe that Big Government has an insatiable appetite for taxpayer money (see: duh) then it stands to reason that the BATFE has a vested interest in squashing this. The very fact that they've allowed it to continue this long frankly dumbfounds me.2 points
1976 Marlin 336. Belonged to my late grandpa. Finally got possession of it over Christmas and just got her cleaned up tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Never re-use a gasket. They wear out, you already have the parts disassembled, most of the work, cost and time are already spent. Spring for a gasket.2 points
There are plenty of folks who look down their noses at the RIAs, but I've never heard a bad word by someone who's actually owned one. If you want a no-frills 1911 that will run 230gr FMJs without a hiccup, you don't need to look any further. They're great pistols at a great price point.2 points
Not a Santa gift, but a AFTER Santa gift from me to me. I can now say that I own a COLT. And she is sooooo nice.1 point
Modern engines are computer controlled and adjusts fuel rate, timing, EGR and many other things to keep everything running properly. These adjustments are dicated by various sensors which keep it up to date on the engine's condition. Engine temperature is one of the primary inputs in this system. Prolonged running of the vehicle with the engine too cool can possably lead to a mutitude of problems as other systems constantly try to compensate. In short, it comfuses the computer and brain farts may result. :screwy:1 point
Fuel injected and computerized, your temp sensor will read a cold engine and enrich the fuel mixture. Use more gas and possible foul plugs.1 point
Hang on... I'll be right back with my .458 SOCOM upper. This guy REALLY needs it. :)1 point
Here's the solution. A brace, but not shoulder fired. (does it come with ibuprofen for toothache and headache?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQe925DK6d8&feature=youtu.be - OS1 point
1 point
They make some great stuff and they have sales ALL the time. Christmas was a 50% off everything sale.1 point
1 point
15/15. Every wrong answer in Catholic school resulted in bruised knuckles from a ruler.1 point
Damn good points Gordon. We are at times our own worst enemies. I believe we have "gun owners" and members of the "Gun Culture" (which would be us..."Gun Culture" in the John Ross sense of the phrase). It is unfortunately rampant, not only on the interweb, but even at local ranges...it is disheartening. I have followed this thread closely and appreciate the solid discussion and exchanges of points of view. I too picked up an SB 47 and AK pistol and assembled for my "Truck gun". It's an excellent setup. It's frustrating to see so many, like the vid above, that profess to be a member of that "Culture", doing more to harm our cause than help it. I personally had not considered writing a favorable letter to BATFE, but certainly see merit in your thoughts. I have hopes that the NFA Freedom Alliance will have a positive impact in this arena. I hope...1 point
My parents came in yesterday, I got the chronograph I have wanted from them. Shooting Chrony beta master which has the remote read out. They included a tripod as well.1 point
David, both of my in laws had the SAME EXACT thing over the last couple of weeks. My FIL got it about a week before Christmas so he was well enough to attend our family Christmas on Christmas day. However my MIL got it from him about two days before Christmas so she stayed in the house by herself unfortunately. Thats no way to spend Christmas I know but it was for the best. They both said the same thing, coming out of both ends and it lasted about 4-5 days. My FIL said it was the sickest he had been in along time. I hope you quarantined yourself in your house with a can of lysol spray! Here's to hoping none of your family gets it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
It's a 30-30. Got plenty of character not shown well in the photos but I love it. It's a real deal hand me down rifle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
There is no "right" answer to "what 1911 should I get". Set a budget and stick with it. If you've never owned one....get a Rock Island, take the $200 you saved, buy a bunch of ammo and shoot the hell out of it. If you like it and want something prettier, because that's all the extra money will get you, then save your money and move on up.1 point
No they would not have to ban it. It is like saying a handicap spot should be outlawed because someone used it as a regular spot. We should not punish those who have to use it as intended because someone else doesn't use it as intended. I can guarantee with all the media coverage as well as the outrage coming out of this that we will know EXACTLY where we stand on this. Hopefully we, as gun owners, can get behind this and call our representatives to get the stupid SBR laws changed at a minimum. Problem is there are groups of gun owners who are already dividing us up into smaller groups. Whether you agree or disagree with NFA, the Sig brace or anything else gun related everyone should be supporting gun rights even if you do not agree. I see people distancing themselves from those who use a Sig brace when they should be joining together. I see posts regularly, by fellow gun owners, saying ARs and AKs should be outlawed because all you need is a bolt gun or shotgun. Same thing is now being said about the Sig brace, that if you want a shoulder stock then SBR the gun but not everyone can have an SBR. We are our own worst enemies because we try so hard divide, and distance, ourselves from other gun owners when we should be coming together because the common denominator that brings us all together is our guns. And when we do this it makes it so easy for the antis to conquer us a little bit at a time. Every single gun owner should be writing and calling their representatives the same way we did when magazines and "assault weapons" were under attack. The NFA system is nothing more than another attack on our rights and what is worse is it is some guy behind a desk is the one who is determining who will be a felon tomorrow. He is doing this without congress getting involved and without a single law being changed. It is just some guy who opines, which is HIS opinion, that something makes you a felon and not the rule of law. Eventually an opinion letter is going to come down that turns every gun owner into a felon so we need to stop this now. Think it can't happen, look at Colorado, Massachusetts as well as several other states where the possession of a certain magazine makes you a felon. And when the antis get what they want in one state they do not rest on their laurels and are happy, they move onto another state. And even though we seem like we are safe in Tennessee eventually those liberals will be at our borders wanting to change our laws as well. Another option is donate to those who fight for your NFA rights and I am not talking about the NRA. The NRA could not care less about most of the NFA stuff going on. Even if you do not own anything that is NFA by supporting these people we might, some day, be able to buy or build a SBR, silencer or machine gun without having to pay through the nose or the near year long wait for approval. http://www.nfafa.org/ BTW, this is the same group who brought about the changes, for the good, of our knife rights in the state. They are also trying to change the laws in the state to make NFA stuff legal and not the current illegal but with a defense laws we have now. We need to do something because at some point the opinions will be so widespread that it will be impossible to do anything legally as a gun owner. I understand not everyone wants something that is NFA but let me ask you this. If it did not require the government's approval, a years wait or you to pay a tax would you still feel the same way? I am sure most gun owners would own at least one item currently under NFA control if it did not have all the requirements. There is no reason not to have a silencer and they should not be regulated at all. So please, I ask all of you, do not try to divide us into smaller groups and try to support your fellow gun owner. Even if it is a gun you would never own right now it might be something you might want to in the future when it is legal to own.1 point
WOW, you used up some gun luck with that one. Glad it worked out.1 point
If you have access to a drill press, try a left handed drill bit that is smaller than the tap drill size for the screw. Use low rpm counter clockwise and a soft touch. Many times the drill will catch and back the screw out. If not then this hole can be used with an easy out.1 point
1 point
:D That's the worst part. The bug only lasts a few days but the gas pain from the fear of an unintended release once you're back out in public lasts a good week.1 point
I'm doing better but having serious trust issues. (Is it just a fart? Can I be sure?) ;)1 point
Poison Ivy! It'll take over fast, and your neighbors won't be likely to cross it. :hat:1 point
Leyland Cypress, fast growing evergreen that provides privacy. The only downfall I know of is bag worms.1 point
1 point
Swapped mine on Christmas. Thanks for the reminder though. :hat:1 point
Only our government could come up with something so confusing. I've never understood why there is a thing called an SBR and why it's on the NFA list.1 point
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