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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2014 in Posts
Let this be a lesson to everyone...quit worrying about Obama and the federal government! The local and state goobers have far more influence over your daily lives. Pay attention to them and what they are up to.3 points
Good deal, one past episode shouldn't exclude someone who is mentally healthy. The more seriously mentally ill may be controlled by medicine and phychaitric care but usually are never completly cured, I believe anyone is capable of having an emotional breakdown if certain bad things happen in their life, they shouldn't be treated like a criminal for the rest of their life.3 points
A federal appeals court in Cincinnati deemed a law unconstitutional that kept a Michigan man who was committed to a mental institution from owning a gun. The three-judge panel of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that a federal ban on gun ownership for those who have been committed to a mental institution violated the Second Amendment rights of 73-year-old Clifford Charles Tyler. Tyler attempted to buy a gun and was denied on the grounds that he had been committed to a mental institution in 1986 after suffering emotional problems stemming from a divorce. He was only in there for a month. Tyler’s lawyer, Lucas McCarthy, hopes that the ruling would have a “significant impact on the jurisprudence in the area of gun rights.†The decision is the first by a federal appeals court to rule a federal gun law is unconstitutional since 2008. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in D.C. vs. Heller struck down the Washington, D.C. ban on firearms ownership. Federal law bans gun ownership for convicted felons, people under 18, illegal immigrants, drug addicts and those ordered by a court to a mental institution. The law also syas that people must have a chance to prove that their disqualifying disabilities have ended in order to possess a firearm legally. Since 2008, states have been able to get federal grants to set up “relief from disabilities program,†which was defunded in 1992. Michigan has not set one up, which left Tyler without a way to prove that his so-called “disability†should no longer apply. “The government’s interest in keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill is not sufficiently related to depriving the mentally healthy, who had a distant episode of commitment, of their constitutional rights,†wrote Judge Danny Boggs, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, for the panel. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/19/us-appeals-court-deems-gun-law-unconstitutional/2 points
I was looking for a "tactical" type 9MM gun for my collection since I didnt own one and I looked and handled lots of them before landing on a CZ, Quite possibly the best 9MM handgun I ever shot,it holds 20 rounds,its got a 4# trigger in SA mode and actually hits the bulleyes with my eyes closed :cool: I cant say enough good things about the P09. Its built like a tank,I cant think of any polymer gun I have ever felt that was this beefy ,the slide is super thick and the frame is ultra tough. I promise if you never tried a CZ you should i know you'll own one after giving one a run for its money..best of all it was 500 bucks OTD [URL=http://s1337.photobucket.com/user/leadzeppy/media/GUNX/IMG_20141216_163909520_HDR_zpsbd814229.jpg.html][/URL]2 points
Don't be drinking any beverage while watching, might get your keyboard wet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhg7Xm4FXAY2 points
Here is what I got....my Santa worked out a credit with Amendment 2 Custom Coatings and it paid for my rail to be coated. Timing was excellent, I had two items being coated this week and am very thankful for the gift!2 points
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I'd rather they do the yearly check on the TN HCP because the background at the gun dealer is just a PITA and a hassle to me. So let them up the permit fee if I don't have to deal with that BS anymore! :up: Plus, maybe it would cut down on those stupid denials people keep getting that always get overturned in a few hours or a day. I wholeheartedly think they do that to try to deter people from buying a gun because folks with no felonies or domestic violence get denied all the time and then they overturn it on a faxed in appeal and there just isn't any reason for that to be happening.2 points
Add pinky rings and name bracelets to the list of things I didn't know I needed.2 points
Have never heard of this battle before, American, French and German troops fought alongside each other to defend an Austrian castle from the SS a few days after Hitler's suicide. http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/wwiis-strangest-battle-americans-germans-fought-together.html Pretty interesting1 point
1 point
Like many topics in this forum, this isn't exactly an NFA issue, but could be, so I'm putting it here. So the Shockwave Blade has been approved for use on a pistol, but ruling letter states "provided the Blade AR Pistol Stabilizer is used as originally designed and NOT used as a shoulder stock." http://shockwavetechnologies.com/site/?p=2114 (first page image is mislinked to second when you try to get full size, here is direct link for first page: http://shockwavetechnologies.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/IMG_1055.jpg ) There will be a court suit to decide this "usage" thing eventually. We now have conflicting ruling letters about the method of the use of a product on a firearm as separate from the mere legality of having it on the firearm. The second ruling on the SIG brace was that "improperly" using it did not change the classification of the firearm. Now we have this and the Black Aces ruling which say usage determines legality, in essence that "improper" use would change the classification of the firearm to an SBR. Never in history of ATF has it attempted to limit how a firearm is utilized, only whether the configuration is legal or not. I suspect anyone charged for illegal usage of a legally configured firearm would not be convicted. But if they were, seems would be stuck down on appeal, and that would be validated by SCOTUS if the feds took it that far. I can see no justification in the USC whatsover to support that kind of stand. There is no difference between this and shooting a stocked weapon from the hip, a handgun with two hands, or the feller who fires his 1911 with his feet, so they could say those behaviors are illegal also. - OS1 point
I have been looking for a Bersa Plus for quite some time and this is a Bersa Plus 380 Caliber but it is the original Bersa model 85. It was made before they began calling them Thunders. It is the original version of the Plus offered now. I really love this gun. I got to shot it back about 4 months ago but my buddy didn't want to part with it but decided he would trade it for another gun I had. Even swap....... :up: :up: [URL=http://s218.photobucket.com/user/softbaitmaker/media/Expendable%20projectiles%20machines/Picture037_zps968a73c4.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s218.photobucket.com/user/softbaitmaker/media/Expendable%20projectiles%20machines/Picture036_zpsbd533883.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
Because the placement of the safety allows the shooter to inadvertently put the gun on safe when clearing a malfunction or any other time the slide is racked. Having a dead trigger when you come up off a clearance or reload can be quite the eye opening experience.... This is yet another reason most of the SOF units choose not to run the M9 when their command allows it. Beretta needs to only offer the G model and be done with the safety for good. It simply isn't needed on a DA/SA gun. The new M9A3 offers some nice upgrades and big ARMY would be crazy not to make the switch if they indeed decide to stick with the Beretta platform. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
That makes me think. I'll have to see if it's available as an e-book. Looks like I'm getting one. Addendum: Kindle Paper White on Amazon is 99 bucks today.1 point
This is probably worth trying. http://www.knoxnews.com/knoxville/food-and-dining/brewing-up-a-business-knox-brew-tours-highlights-local-craftbeer-scene_005944661 point
I have never heard of anything like this. These two men best not forget who they work for. I predict a new Director of the TBI, and probably a new DA in the next election. When childish arguments cause the pulling of resources we pay for; something as gone very wrong. http://www.wsmv.com/story/27651241/tbi-pulls-support-from-24th-district-after-argument-with-da1 point
Nothing here southwest edge of Montgomery county. Got two doe's about three weeks ago about 11a, nothing seen after that. I see a few at night on my way in, mostly between 10:30 and 11:00p.1 point
Well. Here is what I have so far. 304 stainless steel core. 8" length. 1.375 O.D. Blast chamber is 2.125, then four .900 chambers and last a 1.100 chamber. The groove is for an O ring. It is a direct thread. I may do a few small modifications to a few baffles to disrupt flow.1 point
This is a good step to removing the stigma around mental health. If a person needs professional help, it will be a difficult call to make anyway. Toss in the fact that they'll potentially lose their rights for life and it means some people never get the short-term help they need.1 point
CZ's will allow you to shoot like a champion ! My CZ75 all steel pistol let me shoot like I had been shooting for 45 years .1 point
Well, back when I was kid there were no such things as Convenience Stores in the town I lived in. Back when I was a kid folks new to make lists and get everything they needed before the Christmas holiday or did without. You could not even buy gasoline anywhere near where I lived which was 65 miles southwest of Chicago.1 point
I prefer Cablea's over Gander Mountain and Bass Pro combined. Gas is not too bad right now. If I had the free time on a Saturday, I'd make the drive up. Heck there's a Gander Mountain at same exit and a Chuy's right across the street. Hit both the stores, grab some lunch and call it a good morning.1 point
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While I'm not OS, yes you may own both. If you were not able there would be multitudes, including me, in violation of federal law. In the case you mentioned, you have a legal use for the stock and foregrip (a gun with a barrel greater than 16") so there is nothing to worry about. See post #5 Now, I would not ride around in the car with a stock and my AR pistol, there's no proof there that you have a legal use for the stock since your gun with a barrel greater than 16" is not present, but that's me personally1 point
If the barrel face is breaking apart the pictures can be taken at the end of the day. They also had time to take pictures of the targets, why not the barrel at the same time?1 point
I third calfkiller. Blackstone is also a favorite of mine. Cool springs brewery has a good one every so often too. I'll even toss in a nod for jackalope. They're making some pretty good beer.1 point
I second that. Calfkiller is awesome beer. Also Black Abby in nashville is great too.1 point
Still don't understand why the NRA or GOA hasn't challenged the fact that paid permits and background checks are no different than a poll tax and are therefore unconstitutional since I have to pay to exercise my right to keep and bear arms.1 point
Ramjo, Got to Love a Happy Ending to your HP story. And Kudos to your gun shop for stepping up and fixing the issue! :up:1 point
Yazoo brewing is in Nashville. I like some of their beers. There is Big River Brewing in Chattanooga. Knoxville has a few now as well. Saw Works has great beer. If you are into craft beer do yourself a favor and take a trip to Asheville for a weekend. It's the best beer city east of the Mississippi.1 point
That's how he got that voice to begin with. You will only make it worse :)1 point
2nd Trailer. Can't wait to see it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bP1f_1o-zo&feature=youtu.be1 point
Bingo, it's always one more crisis, EO, appointment, memorandum, or slanderous remark to keep the natives restless. I'm with Rubio and Cruz who BTW his father escaped Castros dictatorship in the 50's. The Castros are still brutal, repressive dictators and King Zero is pandering to them like he has with other dictatorships. Expect to see more tax dollars sent to support another communist regime. This idiot has more sympathy for them than he does for the American people and this country and you guys look forward to a new vacation spot and cigars......? If he really wants to do something Nobel he should wipe out the vermin killing women and children in Iraq, but we know that's not going to happen. Or how about black on black crime here in the states? Whatever, carry on. .1 point
Its called a Wharncliff and makes the point a leading point which is better for self defense. The edge drags the point into the cut as you cut.1 point
Right now it's almost a two year wait for a new 500kV transformer to be manufactured and arrive on site. Takes a specialized tractor trailer to get them where they need to be.1 point
You should zero the backups by themselves. It has nothing to do with the zero on the red dot. A lot of times the front sight post is in the lower 1/3 of the glass of the red dot. It depend on the type of red dot mount.1 point
I understand that Mr. Costa has a great rep, and he's earned it. But why in the world would you post a warning about damaged guns and show pictures of targets, not damaged guns?1 point
What I got from this is that Smith & Wesson makes a pretty sweet pocket 9mm shotgun.1 point
Thanks for all the imput!! I'm selling my ST1300 because of shoulder problems. The vibrations and bumps of the road in the handlebars is causing problems. I've decided I'd be in the same boat with a 4 wheeler. Side by sides have steering wheels so that's where I'm going. I'm looking at the Polaris 4x4 500 if I can find a good used one. I used to use one a lot when I worked, but have not had one in the woods before. A friend of mine has one and uses it a lot for woods riding and loves it. So...thanks again for all the input!!!1 point
Again. You missed putting the word again at the end of your post. And yeah all I can think of now is this "Lola"- The Kinks: http://youtu.be/nVXmMMSo47s1 point
Sorry for the lag in posting this, but the girls have had the stomach bug, Merry Christmas to us all lol. Well, I must have fooled ole Santy again this year. I got a killer coat/hat rack, which is already hung and will be used daily. I also go a awesome hatchet head, that will be put to use once I get dad to fire up the wood lathe for a handle. Just got to keep him from stealing the hatchet! Did I mention hand made gifts are my favorite. Each of these is a work of art that will be put to good use, and appreciated for years to come. Thanks so much Secret Santa!!!1 point
Sad thing is, you can bet the defense attorneys in the Holly Bobo case are already planning to use this!!!1 point
1 point
I had one, couldn't find the charger for it so I donated it. :up:1 point
Looks like standard 92FS grips will fit, but you'd have to neatly remove that corner from the left one some way or other. The slots on the oldie's screws are really narrow, different from my other ones, and can't find a wide flat screwdriver tip thin enough to fit, so can't positively confirm that they are interchangeable except for that, but sure looks like it. - OS1 point
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[quote name="nightrunner" post="1188743" timestamp="1410412252"]IF he is guilty, he shouldn't spend a day in jail. Soon as judgement is passed, walk him out back behind the courthouse and shoot him with one of his own guns.[/quote] From the failure rate of their project guns working property, I don't know if I like that, it might be considered cruel to make him wait while they keep repairing it.1 point
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