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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2014 in all areas
You may have heard on the news about a Southern California man who was put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and allegedly had 100,000 rds. of ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secert escape tunnel. By Southern Ca. standards, someone owning 100,00 rds. is considered "mentally unstable." In Illinios he would be in jail or the Chicago Mayor's bodyguard. In Michigan, he'd be called "the last white guy still livin in Detroit." In Arizona, he'd be called "an avid gun collector." In Arkansas, he'd be called "a novice gun collector." In Utah, he'd be called"moderately well prepared," but they'd probably reserve judgement until they made sure that he had a corrreponding quanity of stored food. In Kansas, he'd be "a guy down the road you would want for a friend." In Montana, he'd be called "the neighborhood 'Go-To' guy." In Alabama, he'd be called "a likely GOP gubernational candidate." In Georgia, he'd be called " an eligible bachelor." In North Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, & South Carolina, he would be called "a deer hunting buddy." And in Texas he'd just be " The neighbor Bubba who's a little short on ammo."8 points
A Scotsman and his wife walked past a swanky new restaurant. "Did you smell that food?" she asked. "It's smells absolutely incredible!" Being a 'kind-hearted Scotsman', he thought, "What the heck..., I'll treat her!" So, they walked past it again...8 points
4 points
No matter what you're smoking, we'll suffer in the long run from this deal. If you lie down with dogs, you rise up with fleas.4 points
3 points
Whatever grease you have lying around handy will keep threads from galling. Don't go buy something special. I hate that anti seize stuff. Get one dot on your finger, and you can paint a barn with it. It gets EVERYWHERE!!!!!!3 points
3 points
3 points
People have been reporting mountain lions in the Southeastern states since they have been declared extinct east of the Mississippi (other than the Florida panthers in the Everglades). Not too long ago, a security guard took a cell phone picture of a mountain lion sitting on a couch, outdoors, in a trailer park, in Rossville, Georgia. If you know Rossville, you can completely understand how appropriate this is. I saw a dead one on I-16 in south Georgia around 1990, and may parents saw a dead juvenile on a different part of the same road several years later. If you ask the Georgia DNR, they basically say you couldn't have seen a mountain lion because they don't exist around here. They place panthers/mountain lions/pumas sightings as slightly more credible than Bigfoot reports, unless you say it was black, in which case they act like you reported an alien. (BTW, there is simple biological phenomena called genetic drift that could explain the presence of large black cats). Some say that the various wildlife agencies (state and federal) have a vested interest in officially keeping these cats extinct in these states. If they were officially recognized as having breeding populations, then they would have to protect them, which means lots of money they don't have and headaches they don't want (like the spotted owl). In this case, they killed it in case it were to escape. That logic might hold for a pet, but if it was a wild cat, then it had already been living in the area without a fuss. That would be like killing a bear just because it's a bear, even if it has been avoiding humans. I think that they could have waited a little longer, even in the dark, for the tranquilizer gun to show up. Surely they could keep it illuminated with lights. It really seems more like they killed it because of the potential for danger, rather than actual known danger. I think in the past when an escaped panther was found, they could tell it was a pet because the teeth were filed or it was declawed (I feel sorry for those guys also).3 points
Yup. So now the Hollywood distribution machine has knuckled under, almost certainly to North Korea. And it's a frigging comedy for c'sakes. I guess that all it will take in the future are threats about most any form of entertainment to get it nixed for public consumption. Talk about a slippery slope for our way of life, wow. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/17/amc-regal-drop-the-interview_n_6342948.html http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/source-top-five-theater-circuits-758843 - OS2 points
I was raised in Maine. They have more power than any LEO out there. They can come into your house without a warrant and search your freezer. This is where it gets interesting, if they see something else, it now becomes probable cause for a warrant. Most of them are very professional and very serious about their work. My mom never forgave them giving her a littering ticket when she peed in the woods behind a tree. Mention the story and get ready to have your ears blistered with an epic rant ... fifty years later!2 points
2 points
Obama is our president. How much more flea bitten can we get? :)2 points
When the sportsman license is noticeably more expensive than neighboring states' non-resident license, I think you'll see fewer licenses sold here. Particularly when pigs are off the menu. Why pay $166 here when you can go spend a week in Ohio or WV, get a cheaper license, and get more deer that are much bigger?2 points
Cuban cigars are legal!!!2 points
With due respect, just because it has been ten years since any government fee/tax has gone up doesn't automatically justify jacking it up. Especially when the fee is already too high. I mean, really, 28 bucks for a resident to fish off the bank in Watts-Bar, etc. and maybe haul in a few bream when that same resident still has to pay for an extra stamp just to be able to legally harvest trout in public waters (another 18 bucks) and then has to pay for yet another ($5.50) license to fish for trout in places like Tellico/Citico? That's $51.50 for a chance at maybe catching a trout and the bag limit is seven. I could buy a handful of dinners at Red Lobster for that and just skip the hassle. I know TWRA depends on our licensing fees and so on to maintain and manage certain resources but sometimes it seems like us regular folks are being asked to open a vein so that they can cater to bass tournaments.2 points
I think it would be hard to get a high school kid or a kid right out of high school to pay this kind of money to hunt, especially if they are hunting on their own. I'd like to see night hunting of coyote open up and also being able to use centerfire rifles to coyote hunt during the archery and muzzleloading deer seasons. I know the TWRA will have the excuse of people can claim they are coyote hunting and shoot deer during archery season or at night, but if I'm paying 150 plus for a hunting license, I need to see some value in it. TWRA needs to worry more about the people not buying hunting licenses and not those paying big bucks for a license and wanting to night hunt coyotes.2 points
This is also like the wild Dolomite. All he wants is to live in the woods away from people.2 points
Then get a Springfield 1911. I have a Mil-Spec 1911 that I bought in 2004 and it's a running son of a gun . It is simple , runs any ammo , and made in the USA . No Brazil , no foreign parts. I took out the factory "key lock" safety and replaced it with a regular mainspring housing . That took only 5 minutes. Other than that it is all stock and runs like a champ. I like it so much that I got my teenage son the same one a few months ago. I changed out the same thing like I stated above and it's just like the other . They run like a well oiled sewing machine . Makes you wonder about all the other people who complain about their 1911's not running right and all because these Springfield's I have are fine machines .2 points
Nothing but broadcast TV for 2 years now for our family, and we rarely miss cable/satellite.. We use the money we save to buy our favorite programs when they come out on DVD, and everybody is happy. We now have 2-3 days per week that the TV doesn't get turned on, and we can actually speak to each other.2 points
I would want to know what we are getting, in specific budget line items, for the increased $. As a project manager, I could not just raise rates without providing detail and justification to the client (citizen public), the sponsor (legislature), and the team stakeholders (TWRC). Only one cup of coffee, and have not looked closely (nor word-smithed) - but these come to mind - What is at threat given no increase, for example - what areas will close, or further gated off. what roads will deteriorate what food plots, habitat improvement be abandoned what public interaction will be curtailed what regulations will see increased restriction what benefit is improved upon funding increase - Inverse of above and what new benefit is added upon funding increase? what new areas will be opened or access extended (ex. current gates opened) what new species will receive focused management (ex quail, grouse, other declining populations) how many staff will be added, and where, and what program what regulations will see decreased restriction And yes, this is a progressive tax, punitive to the lower pay-level households. And.. the obvious - leads to less participation (legally permitted anyway).2 points
Saw this on Fox and had to share. They just showed a single mom with 2 kids that had put a layaway at Toys R us and when she went to pay them out, she was told someone had paid the bill. In fact that person paid for 150 accounts. In light of all the bad things we hear, the majority of the people you have contact with each day are really good people. In case I get too busy. MERRY CHRISTMAS to each of you and your families!!2 points
We need to talk about the buy-sell-trade pages you visit. :D Specifically, do we need to add a forum for that here? ;)2 points
This deserves more than a "like". Great post. I learned several things from this.2 points
Dolomite, although I was not involved in your gifting; I will say that you have been proven to be deserving of all you receive. Many times over. You gave for our country. You give to all here. I've seen that all too frequently to believe otherwise. Take these blessings, and my humble thanks as a small down payment until...as my 'blessed Grandma always said " Till you are better paid." Merry Christmas to you and the better half of your marriage.2 points
I would hate to see what deer meat cost per pound after factoring in the cost of a gun, fuel, ammo, processing, and such. $25 a pound? Would be cheaper to buy a cow.2 points
I think that was total ignorance to kill such a beautiful creature but then Ky Game wardens are a lot like TWRA and not the brightest light bulbs in the lamps. I guess they never considered darting the cat and taking it to a local zoo for containment until they could find a suitable place to ship the cat to......................jmho2 points
2 points
I carry a J frame, and rarely anything else. Lots of factors in play in that decision, including where I live and the places I go. The odds of me every needing a defensive handgun are very low, so I feel comfortable with 5 rounds of .38 special. If I went different places or lived in a different area I might be more inclined to carry a different weapon, but in my situation the J frame works well. I don't wear a Nomex suit or HANS device to drive to work, but if I drove a racecar it would be a different story. Different situations call for different solutions.2 points
This is completely crazy. It was in Yahoo news just now............... :ugh: :ugh: https://autos.yahoo.com/news/texas-plumber-ford-truck-ends-terrorists-133033518.html1 point
1 point
I feel the same. He's determined to "get back" at those mean voting Americans that has caused so much injustice to his people. His plans are to take this country down several more notches during the short time he has left. If the republican leadership doesn't show any backbone after the first of the year expect the country to slide even more into the sewer.1 point
1 point
Obama truly is an idiot. This will end badly; but only after we have given them billions of dollars.1 point
You forgot the $0.99 Package Protection charge - came to $59.38, or 23.752 cents per shell. Nice try, though ;)1 point
I had one, couldn't find the charger for it so I donated it. :up:1 point
1 point
There is nothing like a good book. The kind made from paper and ink.1 point
Maybe it is because the Punisher does what they are prevented from doing. We all know evildoers that get away with it either through a legal technicality or being over a line on a map that the good guy can't cross. The Punisher is about ultimate and final retribution for those who are evil. Prime example due to ROE our troops have to let the Taliban attack them and fire the first shot before our guys can respond. Or the drug king pin who lives in a fortress of a house that the law can't touch. These people are those that the Punisher mythology tells us will eventually get what they have earned. Plus the skull logo is cool.1 point
Wasn't he a cop before his family got murdered? That, plus all the different guns he uses, plus the logo looks cool.1 point
The .30 Carbine was near $30 per box - something like $28 or $29 and change. Sorry, didn't notice the price on the Blackout. I only noticed the .30 Carbine price because I have an M1. I started to take a picture but didn't because I wanted to hurry and get a few things I needed and get out before I started feeling bad. I mostly was wondering if .22LR supplies had gotten any better during the couple of months I have been more or less out of commission. Answer: Nope. It would be kind of nice if I could count on regularly finding .30 Carbine at Wally when I want/need it.1 point
I was going to say $450. It's hard to find an decent 870 wingmaster these days for less than $400.1 point
I agree Dave. Most people pay $150 plus to hunt out of state, and I will admit the price of a license is reaching the top of what I will pay. Any more of an increase and I will start hunting out of state. Maybe go to states that have a history of growing larger deer. All of the people I know don't hunt to feed their family. Yeah they hunt and their families do eat the meat but they don't count on the meat to make it through the year. The people that can't afford to pay will hunt anyway.1 point
I wouldn't mind paying it in a way, if I could shoot pigs, but we can't. These changes will be pretty hard on low income folks hunting for meat. I see an increase in poaching coming! Dave1 point
He had better close that dust cover. Snipping with a 3x optic - absolutely Snipping with a dusty BCG? ... can't be done.1 point
And this person didn't feel the need to broadcast how "good" they are for helping the "less fortunate" Sharing your monetary blessings, doing it in private and not letting you'd left hand know what your right hand is doing. ..God can be glorified through our actions and we are rewarded by the gift of his Son. Merry Christmas to everyone!!!1 point
Made this tonight out of an old spam can and some leather straps I had cut for something else. [URL=http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/gjohnsoniv/media/Mobile%20Uploads/1213141950a_zps25560089.jpg.html][/URL]1 point
1 point
Whew. I'm gonna have to differ with the opinion on pelvic shots, intentionally targeting the pelvis in hopes of incapacitating the aggressor... I have had many, many patients with fractured pelvic injuries, sometimes broken in several areas, both young and old, that could still stand, and walk. It was painful, but not incapacitating for them. A rifle round may cause significant pelvic damage...but that's just a maybe. The aggressor may in fact die..but our goal is, should be, to stop the aggressive action quickly. Please take a look at the below, from Dr. Gary Roberts, a reliable source, imho. I don't have a dog in this fight as they say, but I also believe that center of mass, torso type hits, are preferable. The occular window for a head shot is tough, and may well be more luck than skill in a lethal confrontation..again, just an unsolicited opinion... http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2008Intl/Roberts.pdf "Shots to the Pelvis1 point
Howdy Stan, you ever get that K-pack firing? I can engrave just about anything but I can't pick up an existing engraving on the CNC.. I can most definitely make a new one. I'm sure there's hand engravers that can trace and do nice job if you have something you need made deeper. Keep in mind the ATF only requires .003 which is litterally about the thickness of a sheet of notebook paper... I usually will allow it make a few passes until it looks even but I don't like going too deep unless the font is a decent size... most my NFA I'll use a letter height of around .110-.120" (Michael Dresner would take about an inch of width across to give an idea) .....depth is usually around .005-.01... it's not as pronounced as some .. I can can deeper no problem at all it's just the bits I normally use only have a point that starts to widen out the deeper you get... so I've found this works well and is still plenty for the requirements. The polymer engraves wells too.. Glocks I usually engrave the bottom side of the trigger guard or bottom rail. The laser engravers give you the best finish but I'm always firing up the HAAS to engrave something for someone ;o) Kris is right, it's $35 for standard NFA engraving plus any shipping if it's not a drop off/pick up..If your (or anyone for that matter up your area needs anything) I most definitely authorize him to be the transport anytime ;o) Happy to help, Thx guys1 point
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