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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2014 in all areas

  1. So I asked my Doctor, "Doctor, what are we going to do about this dangerous virus from Africa?"  He said, "I don't know, he has two more years in office.”
    9 points
  2. Saw this on Fox and had to share. They just showed a single mom with 2 kids that had put a layaway at Toys R us and when she went to pay them out, she was told someone had paid the bill. In fact that person paid for 150 accounts. In light of all the bad things we hear, the majority of the people you have contact with each day are really good people. In case I get too busy. MERRY CHRISTMAS to each of you and your families!!
    6 points
  3. OBVIOUSLY, the children and their family did NOT deserve this. Re-read that first statement. No child deserves this. ....BUT, Pakistan (as a country) does deserve it. They've harbored these peices of walking fecal matter for years. You can't keep a snake for a pet and then bitch when it bites you.
    4 points
  4. Mike at Law Enforcement Sales is a heck of a guy to deal with. Nuff said.  
    3 points
  5. I think that was total ignorance to kill such a beautiful creature but then Ky Game wardens  are a lot like TWRA and not the brightest light bulbs in the lamps. I guess they never considered darting the cat and taking it to a local zoo for containment until they could find a suitable place to ship the cat to......................jmho
    3 points
  6. Sorry Dustbuster, you missed out. Thanks glowdotGlock. It was great meeting you. That snipper rifle is going to be awesome when I'm in my Gilly suit.
    3 points
  7. I wouldn't buy a riffle from someone who can't even spell it.   :shake:
    3 points
  8. That was quite a list. I didn't realize there were so many.
    3 points
  9. Well in this case it cost them.  I shopped around a bit more and found the same knife 10 dollars cheaper with free shipping on Ebay.  (new in box).
    3 points
  10. Ohmanohmanohman!! I'm stoked about both of these! The stunner for me is how mean that curved blade looks. I love my tantos, but wow that stubby two tone is TOUGH! So glad I'm getting both! Thanks Willis!
    3 points
  11. I'm as leery of "gummit" as most anyone here, but any of you who really really think that the twenty kids and 5 adults who were killed in that school were all fabricated, then y'all have really ascended to the Uber Mad Hatter level of tinfoil usage.   As far as Lanza's ability to do it,  any reasonably competent range shooter could probably have killed more than that with a 10/22 with such a captive audience. Hell, I'd probably have been able to at least double his total with an AR, and wouldn't have had to use half the rounds he actually fired to do it either.   Then again, yeah, I know, we've never been to the moon either.   Wow.   - OS
    3 points
  12. Wait for the south park episode on this.
    3 points
  13. http://www.gunssavelife.com/?p=14942&utm_source=feedly&utm_reader=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=kroger-boycott-fail-third-quarter-profits-up-21-stocks-at-record-high-despite-moms-demand-action-soft-boycott   Pity Michael Bloomberg’s paid-for Moms Demand Action girls:  their boycott of the Kroger chain has been a complete and utter failure as Kroger reported their profits are up 21% (!) in the third quarter and the company’s stock is at an all-time high. (SmartBrief.com) â€“ Kroger posted a 21% jump in profits during the third quarter with $25 billion in total sales and double-digit unit and sales growth for the chain’s Simple Truth and Simple Truth Organic private-label brands, said COO Mike Ellis. The company marks its 44th consecutive quarter with positive identical store sales, which were up 5.6% for the period. What did Kroger do to inspire the soft-boycott from Moms Demand Action and its head, Shannon Watts aka Shannon Troughton, President and owner of of VoxPop Public Relations, a boutique liberal PR firm? Moms Demand Action demanded Kroger ban guns in their stores.  Kroger told Shannon and crew to pound sand.  So the Moms spent big dollars to attack Kroger in a series of (not so slick) advertisements as part of a campaign to urge people to boycott Kroger until they ban guns. Read more.
    2 points
  14. I've been very busy today and only caught a little bit of it. Taliban killed 130 or so kids? When will the world wake up and realize you don't have a conversation with a dam muzzy. Start killing them indiscriminately. I don't wanna sound like the nazis were in relation to Jews but these Muslims are evil.
    2 points
  15. Rand Paul did a good job of putting it into perspective tonight. There is a billion or so Muslims out there. These heathens are a minority. It's just that 5% of a billion is a whole lotta heathens. I also agree with Rand that Islam should be doing a lot more to control them. In the end, they are probably going to have to defend themselves.
    2 points
  16. The article clearly said that they didn't have any tranqs, it then went on to say that they were afraid that had they waited for someone to bring them, the cat would have escaped. They made the decision to put it down.   Did you even read the article?
    2 points
  17.     Good move Dol. :up:     Well hipower got me to listening to some Brian Setzer on Youtube....   tangentially I went to Cherry Poppin' Daddies... :ugh:                     "Zoot Suit Riot" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IqH3uliwJY
    2 points
  18. Real snippers pay to hide in the snippers hide.
    2 points
  19. Snippin' with a red dot. Nothing better, I tell ya. :)
    2 points
  20. Maybe I'm dumb, but that looks like a carbine length AR 10...not a "sniper rifle".
    2 points
  21. Can't blame you. Most people will wait if there is an apology and an explanation. But when you continually stonewall someone that is just bad form. 
    2 points
  22. My daughter told me if she caught me eating a Pizza she would take one of my guns and shot me herself so I am remaining very far away from them and took Pizza Huts number out of speed dial on phone............... :up: :up: :up:
    2 points
  23.   For many of us, it isn't about the meat, it is about the enjoyment of hunting in general.  I don't like deer meat other than if I get it made into summer sausage sticks.  I usually donate one to Hunters for the Hungry and get sausage (and keep the loins) out of another.  It certainly isn't saving money, but I just love being in the woods.
    2 points
  24. Only TN could come up with that many different licenses.  :rolleyes:
    2 points
  25. They covered it for just shy of 10 min. about halfway through last night's (12/15) episode. Sunday night they had one of the moms of one of the newtown kids talking about the bushmaster suit, and they replayed some of her interview then they had a higher up from PEW research taking about how much the climate and public opinion has changed. It seems the harder the politicians push for "gun control" the more of the general population supports "gun rights". Support of gun rights nationwide is apparently higher than it has EVER been. We just need to keep up the good work on educating friends and acquaintances and being good ambassadors for the lifestyle. 
    2 points
  26. I'll just wait for the Pistol version.
    2 points
  27. I personally would think the more you spend the cheaper the shipping especially for a small item like a knife. Oh well.
    2 points
  28. It follows his logic about OC. If he has to tell you he's wearing a brace it loses its effect :)
    2 points
  29. If the people of Newtown win this suit, the next time someone hits me with their car, I'm going to sue the car manufacturer. After all, there will be a "case history" of manufacturer liability huh?   Dave
    2 points
  30. Then he shouldn't mind going out to the parking lot and catching a few rounds of .22 to prove his point.
    2 points
  31. Found this monster at Lowe's this afternoon while picking out paint for the nursery. Quarter for size comparison.
    1 point
  32. People have been reporting mountain lions in the Southeastern states since they have been declared extinct east of the Mississippi (other than the Florida panthers in the Everglades).  Not too long ago, a security guard took a cell phone picture of a mountain lion sitting on a couch, outdoors, in a trailer park, in Rossville, Georgia.  If you know Rossville, you can completely understand how appropriate this is.  I saw a dead one on I-16 in south Georgia around 1990, and may parents saw a dead juvenile on a different part of the same road several years later.  If you ask the Georgia DNR, they basically say you couldn't have seen a mountain lion because they don't exist around here.  They place panthers/mountain lions/pumas sightings as slightly more credible than Bigfoot reports, unless you say it was black, in which case they act like you reported an alien.  (BTW, there is simple biological phenomena called genetic drift that could explain the presence of large black cats).   Some say that the various wildlife agencies (state and federal) have a vested interest in officially keeping these cats extinct in these states.  If they were officially recognized as having breeding populations, then they would have to protect them, which means lots of money they don't have and headaches they don't want (like the spotted owl).   In this case, they killed it in case it were to escape.  That logic might hold for a pet, but if it was a wild cat, then it had already been living in the area without a fuss.  That would be like killing a bear just because it's a bear, even if it has been avoiding humans.  I think that they could have waited a little longer, even in the dark, for the tranquilizer gun to show up.  Surely they could keep it illuminated with lights.  It really seems more like they killed it because of the potential for danger, rather than actual known danger.   I think in the past when an escaped panther was found, they could tell it was a pet because the teeth were filed or it was declawed (I feel sorry for those guys also).
    1 point
  33. They forgot to add the flip up sights! Hurry someone buy it before they notice!
    1 point
  34.   Federal Gold Medal Match
    1 point
  35. Awesome. I'm still in for Tanto. I'll pay early Jan
    1 point
  36. I'm not saying that Nosler Custom Competition works better for me than SMK. Federal Gold Medal Match 168gr shot pretty good as well, just not good as my hand loads. I've just haven' bought a box yet to try. I'm going to go up to the 175 grain bullets since my twist rate is a 1:10. For what it's worth, I've noticed the Noslers have a more uniform hollow point than smk's. Here's what one of my buddies sent me who is very experienced at extreme long range shooting. He prefers a .338 Lapua magnum for shots a mile away.   "For bullets, in .308, I just stick with 168gr SMKs. I use 44.4gr IMR 4064 @ 2.800-2.805" and get about 2,775fps in my 24" barrel, which is more than fine for .308. The reason I use 168 SMKs is that they are relatively inexpensive, and they are a really balanced bullet where it's nearly impossible to beat their accuracy. They will start to underperform at about 800 yards compared to what others would. I have tried many other bullets for .308, and nothing does better accuracy than a 168 SMK. Geometrically, SMKs are far from perfect, but the 168gr SMK has a big fat tangent o-give, which makes it more forgiving. The lower drag bullets will have secant o-gives that make them a bit more sensitive.
    1 point
  37. 300 blackout brass $9.99 per 100 http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/14191/ I went ahead and ordered 500
    1 point
  38.   Article I read said July 2015, so if you buy your licenses early you'll beat the increase should they do it.     While I don't like the increase, I can understand it.  It's been 10 years since the last increase.  Instead of a massive increase every 10 years or so, why not a smaller increase of a dollar every year or two.
    1 point
  39. Good grief.....just what we need is more laws to govern your everyday life. 
    1 point
  40. If you look at the bottom, they drill through the compression gap. Just something to notice if you put one together and there's an issue with cycling. Easy to fix, though. If I had to guess, I'd say they buy the aluminum extrusion, saw it to length, and then to the cnc for indexing, boring, drilling, and slotting. One gets rolled around on the feed table during the process, and you've bored the gas tube from the wrong end. Easy to miss.
    1 point
  41. This time it was an XD(M) 3.8" full-size 9mm with night sights. I've been thinking about a new EDC gun for some time now and this one has been looking just right. I wanted a full-size frame/grip with a somewhat short slide and no finger grooves. The 19+1 capacity is tough to beat in pistol this size, and it looks like Springfield has a pretty good sale going on extra mags right now. Any of you have much experience with this gun? What are your thoughts on it? Edit: It looks like the sale at SA has ended...
    1 point
  42. If they win I want the lawyers name. I want to sue Bic for making pens that keep misspelling words.
    1 point
  43.     No problem, I have a feeling that so many of these will sell, that Dave will tell me that I have to stop talking orders anyway,   Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  44. I don't have a lot to add but this. We have 3 Honda Ranchers. An 01,03, and mine is an 05. They have been abused ,beat, all the plastic nearly busted off and not a straight piece anywhere. But none have ever had a mechanical problem. They just keep on ticking. When it's time to get a new one I will be buying another Honda.
    1 point
  45. I had air bags installed on my F350.  Not cheap, but they'd level the truck with 2 tons in the bed (which was still within the truck's rating:).   You can't change the GVWR of the truck by modifying it.  If it would carry 1000 pounds before, it's only rated for the same 1000 pounds after you modify it.  But you can get your headlights out of the trees and back on the road.
    1 point
  46. Listening to Dolomite bitching about something... :ugh: 
    1 point
  47.   Why not? Every 1911 manufacturer out there has been doing it for years. :stir:
    1 point
  48. Sears has really been a financial company masquerading as a retail store for the last decade. If you look at any of their recent earnings statements, you'll see that they made more off of interest on their cards than they did profit on goods sold. So really, thei stores just became a convenient vehicle to push their credit card. They lost me as a customer when they refused to warranty a wrench that was cracked straight from the package. They claimed I must have abused it, even though I produced a receipt from a few hours earlier and simply wanted to replace it. At that point, I figure there's no difference between craftsman and a kobalt or similar, so I walked out and haven't been back. Word is their current investor "loaned" them the $400 million they needed to purchase inventory for the holidays leveraged against their real estate. Like Radio Shack, I expect this'll be their final Christmas.
    1 point
  49.   My girlfriend carries a Walther P22 in the car. i bought her an LCP a little while back so she would keep something in her purse. That Walther is still there :)
    1 point
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