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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2014 in all areas

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen,     Dave has capped this run out at 40, he has people SCREAMING for his Godfathers and allocated 60 for us. Dave put all the parts away for this run, so we only have 6 more open slots, all of you who have numbers higher than 40 and other ones I have discussed are good to go,      There are only 6 more knives left and I have them ALL sold on another forum for MORE money if you all do not claim them and pay for them by the 15th, of October, this run is DEFINITELY happening people  :usa:  
    5 points
  2.   Because he didn't use an AR15 to decapitate them.
    5 points
  3. crazy is crazy no matter the religion they follow
    4 points
  4. Lets hope responders copycat that deputy too.
    3 points
  5. but... ^^ Good guy "with a rifle".     On the whole, I hate to see this, and I'm glad it wasn't worse.  Carry folks - everywhere you can - no need to be a nervous freak about it (staying in orange or red), but live in yellow, calm, alert, and aware.     ... and if you can help it, don't go where you cannot carry.  simple enough.   ... oh yeah... and train... train... train - so that you can be a help in time of need and not a liability.   -if more attacks like this begin to happen, I would bet the perpetrators will be very quick to exclusively target GFZ's.  - all the more reason to avoid them.  I hope the owners/administrators of GFZ's get their head out of the sand.   -stay safe.
    3 points
  6. Because he is a muslim and we don't want to disparage him.
    3 points
  7. Well yet again I procrastinated on get my food plots put in but have decided that I'm still going to do it. A couple other TGO friends are coming out to help put in food plots and build shoot houses/blinds, tomorrow and Sunday after church. We've got about 130ac here at my parents place and it is home to the 3 longest most active rub,scrape lines that I have ever seen but I've just not had the time to devote to clearing stuff out so that I could ever get to it to hunt. On to the point of the post, This year I decided to really do the damn thing so as part of that I went and bought 3 trail cams, wanted more but, hey they ain't cheap. I put one of them out on monday and have been swapping the card out every morning and seeing doe on it every am and pm... until this morning. Last night I had 2 shooter 8 points come in, one is big and the other is really big so I decided I'd share pic of the bigger of the two just to make sure the fever has set in on everyone! [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/286EB549-1282-4C1B-B206-2F9BD0B9538B.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/646AB99C-87BD-48ED-8E37-125F1F1F9F9D.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  8. ^^ Any thought or comment that the man who stopped this threat was deficient in his actions in any way cannot be taken seriously. That is all.
    2 points
  9. OK great science discussions however Ithink we are off topic.  Refresher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-mWq5B6sU0
    2 points
  10. Alarm set for 4am. Bow and thermacell are waiting next to my camo. I look at lunar tables but don't put a lot of faith in them. They show tomorrow hunting hours as poor but damn it will be good to be out in the woods regardless.
    2 points
  11. So was this a moderate muslim or radical muslim.......oh wait......never mind. :rolleyes:
    2 points
  12.   :woohoo:  :woohoo: :woohoo:  :woohoo:  :woohoo:  
    2 points
  13. Willis,   Just sent my money for #34 to match my knife from the previous run.   Thanks
    2 points
  14. Looking very good! :up: get us a range report ASAP please. Also FYI; when selecting your image use the link tagged img and your pictures will show up like this:
    2 points
  15. So here we have a "religion" who's favorite method of execution is to behead Christians. Revelations anyone?
    2 points
  16. This is the best way. I just got this sheath from Two Drunken Celts leather. Its a small blade cover sheath with a stud to keep it from sluding through the belt. You simply slide the knife behind the belt or for concealed you slide it in the waistband at about the 4 o clock postion vertically. This is one of my bowies for reference. 10.5" blade. This is one Ill be carrying often from now on.
    2 points
  17. That position is a joke. Unless you have 1 or 2 items there is no way they verify your cart vs the receipt. Most times they put the highlighted mark without even looking, Sounds like someone thought they had a real job of authority and took it a bit too far.
    2 points
  18. I have ran tons of ammo from freedom and all of it went bang …. These are remans but its good stuff …. Free shipping until the end of the month $97 for 500rds of 115g http://www.freedommunitions.com/9mm-115-gr-RN-p/fm9r115r-b0500.htm   $101 for 500rds of 115g (new brass) http://www.freedommunitions.com/9mm-115-gr-RN-New-p/fm9r115n-b0500.htm   $101 for 500rds 124g http://www.freedommunitions.com/9mm-124-gr-RN-p/fm9r124r-b0500.htm   $109 for 500rds 147g http://www.freedommunitions.com/9mm-147-gr-RN-p/fm9r147r-b0500.htm   $167 for 500rds Hornady XTP 115g HP http://www.freedommunitions.com/9mm-115-gr-XTP-Hornady-p/fm9h115r-b0500.htm
    1 point
  19. Didn't get home from work til 9:15. Worn out. And my wife's having a lot of contractions so I reckon Im gonna sit it out in the morning. Good luck I hope everyone sticks a biggun'. I'll be in a tree tomorrow afternoon though if the contractions subside (or if we have a baby before noon, lol)
    1 point
  20. I see all these posts talking about the LEO's "skill/aim". That is not a thought that popped into my head. I was glad he was there. He may have been the only one in that building to react or that did have access to a firearm. Unfortunately 1 person died but how many more if he didn't step in?
    1 point
  21.  You don't need to register it for private purposes in TN but you take your own chances out of state. Here is easy to read trailer guide for registration requirements.   http://www.countyclerkanytime.com/Tag_Title/trailer%20registration%20requirements.pdf
    1 point
  22. You do not have to buy the permanent $93 tag. I bought a one year tag for my utility trailer. I think it was about $22.00. Utility trailers do not require a tag in Tennessee but Travel Trailers do according to my county court clerks office.
    1 point
  23. Panera's has food? All I got there was stale bread and canned soup. I haven't been back.
    1 point
  24.   I'm thinking THIS was a copycat. Head loppin' has already been a popular news item lately.
    1 point
  25. What honestly concerns me is that I'm afraid this is going to turn out like the publicity mass shooters get, then we're going to get a rash of copycats falling in behind. Wish they would approach this showing how vile and disgusting the act is instead of turning this guy into a rock star
    1 point
  26.   Is that based on your own independent ballistic tests, or just because, nuh uh? ;)   The FBI aren't the first to conclude this, by the way. At least that the 9mm is at least extremely close in performance. 
    1 point
  27. I quit going when they took their Cuban off the menu. I agree it is not very good for you and that it is expensive for what you get but it really is great food.   One more thing, most people have not tried what is the best thing about Panera and that is the fresh bread and pastries.
    1 point
  28. Panera is good but way over-priced.  Two adult meals and two kid meals was about $45... for lunch!  I'll make a sammich at the house next time, thanks.
    1 point
  29. If it's rubbing specific spots in your pants, you could put one (or more) of those iron-on patches on the inside of the pants as a wear pad. 
    1 point
  30. I've always been afraid of those trail cams. If I ever got a shot of ole' sasquatch I may never do another evening hunt again. :pleased:
    1 point
  31. 34 years ago, I sat on a cooler in the middle of this boat - with a William (Alf) in the front and an Evelyn in the back- both of whom I was incredibly fond. I ate sausage and biscuits while they caught endless amounts of fish. Today, I sit in the middle of this boat with a William in the front and an Evelyn in the back - both of whom I am indescribably fond. We didn't catch many fish, but we caught the most incredible moments together in a wonderfully beautiful world. Here's to you, Uncle Alf and Aunt Evelyn. "Dixie" still hauls them in after all these years. ... oh and crappie were biting on Priest today at around 17 feet... worms worked for us.
    1 point
  32. nothing in that video not to like.
    1 point
  33. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/ Rock Island Armory 1911 9mm, $299 after $50 mail in rebate.   If you can beat that, let me know.
    1 point
  34. aberrated   Not often that I have to look-up a word. I salute you sir! :hat:
    1 point
  35.     So this is how Taco Bell seasons their chicken?
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37.   What's worse?  Stopping when the alarm goes off so you can be treated like a thief.  That's worse to me.   If you paid for everything in your cart, ignore the damn alarm.  Continue to your car and leave.  Seriously!   When the little old lady at Walmart asks to see my receipt, at most I'll wave it at her if it's in my hand.  If I get sass, I offer to call 911 and wait there for the police to come and investigate the suspected shoplifting.  I haven't gotten any takers yet.   You don't have to put up with this crap!
    1 point
  38. It's never too late. Yes, prices are higher than they were 20, 10 and even 3 years ago, but so is the price of milk. There are still good deals on some Mosins, Yugo Mausers, Tokarev pistols and Polish P64 pistols to name a few. Small lots of different C&R eligible guns pop up quite frequently, so you need to be able to act quickly sometimes, so having your C&R license on file with some of the major online dealers makes the transaction very smooth. Be warned, however, because a C&R license will cost you more than $30...it makes it too easy to buy C&R guns, so you must hold on tight to your wallet. :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Looks like the mounting used on the UTG Pro Series rails. Btw, the UTG Pro Series ARE 100% American made. I have watched a ton of videos as well as read a ton of reviews and the UTG Pro Series are well received. Some even say they are the best when you factor in cost. I know, from reviews, they work great and are very durable. And considering they are American made and under $100 they would be my top pick.
    1 point
  40. Amen to that can't wait till my little guy gets old a nuff to tag along with me
    1 point
  41. There used to be one close to there, but apparently not anymore.  Looks like the closest is Manchester, which looks like quite a drive for you.   http://appleseedinfo.org/search-states-display.php?qstate=TN&statename=Tennessee   Sorry, I used to be a bit involved in Appleseed, but I've been out of the loop for a while.   Edit:  Another thing I'd like to add...  The year before the "Appleseed Project" was officially underway, a friend and I drove the home range in Ramseur, NC.  That range is tremendous.  A short, 25 meter range and a full 600 (?) yard range with electronic pop-up steel targets.  I remember that trip fondly.  If anyone has a chance to go there, I highly recommend it.  
    1 point
  42. According to the FBI you don't need it.
    1 point
  43. Okay, I have a Sams Card and use it often. Yep show my card going in and hand them my receipt when leaving. They look at my cart draw a yellow line on my receipt and I leave. What is the big deal. Take maybe 15 seconds for the entire action. Is everyone so busy they can't spare 15 seconds? In all honesty I think with all the theft that does go on in Walmart and other department stores I wonder how some of them stay in business. I mean thieves walk out the door with big Flat Screen TV's and computer systems every day. On the news they show video's of the crooks walking out the doors with them in carts or even toting them in their arms and no one stops them and they just beg for someone to flip them to the cops for that $1,000.00 Crime Stoppers trick that they never pay off on. They say you can remain anonymous. How can you remain anonymous and get your money???? Besides, that if I knew the guy and he was able to do it once I might ask him to go get me one.................  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rock:
    1 point
  44. Willis, we know you appreciate it. Greedy guy that you are aside, BIG LOL here; it has to be a labor of love and friendship to go thru all this.     'Nuff Said.
    1 point
  45. Whatever kind you like, camo is for the hunter not the deer.
    1 point
  46. ^^ and down wind.  With that said,... for deer, any certain variation of camo is mostly for us - especially in  gun season when we wear blaze orange.     We have a lot of browns in West TN during deer (gun) season, and I wear RealTree AP.  -- just couldn't see the benefit of paying more or shopping longer.   Cabelas has "Zonz" with a mix of in focus and out of focus elements. ... interesting idea.  Enough money and "research" has gone into the major brands that any of them which closely match the colors in your woods will work fine.  Choose one and learn how to move without moving.  I went temporarily nuts a few years ago and purchased Desert and original MARPAT jacket and BDUs.   They would work fine for turkey or deer,... but are incredibly dorky around the other humans.
    1 point
  47. This. To me anything bigger than a LCP is not a pocket gun.
    1 point
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