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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2014 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. I put an Obama sticker on my car, that way everyone knows I'm broke.
    5 points
  3. I'm with lefty. Wow factor goes to Franklin Gun Shop hands down. Why? "Wow they've got a lot of cool stuff!" Wow they've got a lot of hard to find stuff!" "Wow I can't believe I was just treated so poorly by a local merchant!" "Wow they want HOW MUCH for a production Ruger?!" I'd go to look around a bit maybe, but even then between both G&L locations and Nashville Armory you'll likely see more stuff, reasonably priced and any money you spend will go to stores who actually care about their customers. YMMV.
    4 points
  4.   It just warms my heart when karma bites someone in the ass.
    4 points
  5. [quote name="RED333" post="1151271" timestamp="1400797681"]Did the place really deserve to get robbed, REALLY? Is that what yall wish on the ones that do not feel the same as you do?[/quote] It's not that he posted his place, it's the way he did it. He went out of his way to insult all people who carry by calling us pathetic losers. If he had just put up a no guns sign and then gotten robbed, I wouldn't have laughed.
    3 points
  6. Not to mention a visible reminder of why the manufacturers don't trip all over themselves to ramp up production every time there's a scare.
    3 points
  7. I remember them. That's the same place that posted really insulting signs trash talking gun owners?
    3 points
  8. I can see at least 2 sides to the story, maybe more. Unless the folks there are blatantly racist and have demonstrated this to other people in other ways, I would suspect the more likely scenario was that upon the first visit the clerks didn't know what to think since they've never heard of any such request or application before. Then after they had time to think it over and talk about it after you left, someone perhaps a little conspiracy minded or liberal got to talking about how unusual the request was, and visions of the numerous media reports of shootouts involving armor came to mind, so they just decided to be cautious. While I (or most pro-gun) people wouldn't have thought anything odd about the request, the average citizen who knows nothing of guns let alone armor would definitely see that as unusual, and it is actually smart of them to make the call from a liability perspective. If it were me I wouldn't have ever told them what the plates were, just said they are part of some machinery or samples to be used in testing. Discretion is often best in such scenarios, to avoid unwanted attention.
    3 points
  9. Picked up this morning. Range time this weekend. [URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/photo27_zpsfe63136e.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  10. I'm seriously contemplating ordering two of these Godfathers. Simply awesome looking piece of work! Being new to the world of fancy knives, I'll wait til I get the LG101 in hand before I commit to doubling up. Of course, the swift return of overtime at work can make that decision much easier! ;-)
    2 points
  11. Don't worry guys, When I get the photos of the Godfather knife made by Protech for us in August, I assure you that we will make the minimum order. I have at least 20 people on other forums that would jump for a chance to own one of these, as they know what they will be like as they own a few from other forums already. This coupled with the LG101 satisfaction that everyone will have, I see no problems with this run happening but hopefully it will be exclusive to members of this forum as it is meant to be
    2 points
  12.   Check the username's .com website at it might start coming together.  He's in the business of selling Tisas' (as stated in his post).
    2 points
  13. Nah, I'd imagine that would have been at a minimum a four page exposition.
    2 points
  14. [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/10342938_799194280104534_5559579361696590443_n_zps29a717a6.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  15. This is a very fun match! Sad I'll miss it this year. As a teaser, here is me running last year's match. http://youtu.be/Zc4OqDxjuYo
    2 points
  16.   It's bullshit.  You can find good BBQ many places but it's a way of life in Memphis.
    2 points
  17. So subjective. Everyone thinks theirs is best. Hell, just go eat it, if it's good go back. I don't understand the pissing contest. I have friends in North Carolina that bitch at sauce made from "ketchup". It's not ketchup based, it's tomato based but you can't convince them of that.
    2 points
  18. No. He means large wooden boxes for storing African river animals.
    2 points
  19. If I'm reasonably well dressed and out eating I've started politely asking managers at places that are currently posted if they would like to change their mind to win a customer and get added to the "posted!" app as a non-posted alternative. I've had one business owner get angry b/c someone else had apparently stickered his business without asking him and one manager that removed the gunbuster while I stood there.(and it has stayed down) I've found that if they see the app and realize how easy it is for me to find a gun friendly alternative on the handy map and dine elsewhere(across the parking lot in some cases) that all of a sudden they don't so much like being on the list of restaurants I won't patronize. I've also talked to several that won't budge but I'm always very respectful of their opinions and thank them for taking the time to speak to a potential customer.
    2 points
  20. Good grief. “See something, say something” from the Obama administration struck home the other day.   Several of my buds and I followed the thread on body armor closely. As we have been discussing this topic recently, we decided it was time to get serious about obtaining some decent kit. Link: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/77771-body-armor/   We are all involved in the shooting and training communities and take safety seriously. One member of our group is an ER Physician and was looking into Tactical Medicine as well. Tac Teams historically look to Paramedics and ER Physicians as a “best option” for their Team Medics…makes sense to me…   We found a good deal on unlined plates and Condor carriers. We figured, after much discussion and research that we would have the plates coated front and back with LineX, to mitigate the effects of splatter and spalling.     Our bud (the ER Physician…let’s call him “Doc”) and another member of our group went down to Linex to discuss having the plates lined. The price sounded reasonable to us… The timetable for coating front, back and side plates plus thickness, etc were also discussed. No mentions of any restrictions or concerns occurred during the conversation.     The next day “Doc” took the plates into LineX of Knoxville. “Doc” was alone this time. “Doc” said the guys at LineX appeared anxious…”jumpy” were his words…and then told him they would have to contact “corporate” to see if they could actually do, what had been previously discussed, for a private citizen… “Doc” left the plates with the understanding that they would be coated.   A couple of hours later “Doc” received a phone call from Homeland Security. It seems the good folks at LineX Knoxville were concerned enough about the LineX application process being used in nefarious ways that they felt the need to follow the “see something, say something” like good little subjects…err… citizens….   You see, my friend’s skin color isn’t as light as mine… never mind he was born and raised here…has busted his ass getting through medical school and serves his community…he apparently looked suspicious enough to the good old boys at LineX to warrant a “checking out” by Home Land Security…       Well, after a talk with the good man at Homeland security, (and even being offered a reference by said agent to a local Law Enforcement agency to serve as a role in Tactical Medicine with their Tac Team), LineX offered to do the job ASAP.     Really?  Seriously?   This really chapped my rear end… LineX of Knoxville can be “good citizens/subjects” all day long…but they won’t get a penny of our hard earned money.   We here at TGO joke about “being on a list” sometimes…Well LineX of Knoxville can make that a reality for you. I just thought folks should know.   Btw…Corporate was in fact contacted; smoke was blown…   Thanks but no thanks LineX of Knoxville…       edited because of my inability to spell correctly.
    1 point
  21. Yep....No surprise here.  They made the national news for banning guns.  Now they've been robbed at gunpoint by 3 armed criminals....that didn't read the signs....       http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/22/Restaurant-With-No-Weapons-No-Concealed-Firearms-Sign-Robbed-At-Gunpoint  
    1 point
  22. I just built one on CMT's receiver set. I'll post my parts list tomorrow.
    1 point
  23. To be fair, American Airlines say that they "prefer" a factory carton. :rolleyes: same rule that references magazines. "Ammunition in its original packaging from the manufacturer is preferred, however it will be accepted in fiber, wood or metal boxes, or other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition. Loose ammunition, magazines or clips will not be accepted."
    1 point
  24. Guys dont get me wrong, I am sure some have, I Just want yall to think about things, I would like to carry open every day. However that just makes a lot of people very upset. Star Bucks and Chipolata come to mind. In the past few weeks I have done a lot of thinking about this stuff. Wish I could put into words how I feel about the direction our country is going, but all that happens is I get mad and loose my train of thought. We should be more active in the election process, from start all the way to the vote. A few of us will not change the country by carrying open into a loaction. However if we get the right people into office we can change the direction.   So send a few letters to the places that do not let us defend our self. Let them know that we are not "Gun Nuts". We are just people that think this country is great and enjoy our freedoms that to many have died for.   Just dont wish bad things to happen because some do not feel the same as we do.
    1 point
  25. [quote name="TrickyNicky" post="1151292" timestamp="1400801954"]That has to do with chain of custody IIRC. From what I recall, YOU hand your bag off directly to TSA for screening, or it is handed to TSA in front if you by an airline employee. .[/quote] Not anymore. At BNA they just have you hang around at the check in counter for 15 minutes while it is xrayed. The X-ray is on a different level now; has been for a while. A long time ago they'd have you take it direct to a TSA guy and you'd have to open it. I'm assuming people like me who rolled in there with a pelican case with a tacticool M4, 1911 and a bunch of mags and ammo were scaring fliers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26.   They do work HP. Every time I see one I turn around and just leave. You can bet it did work on 99.9% of all the law biding citizens that would have normally been in there eating that weren't because of the signs. The bad guys are becoming more and more dedicated to looking for the No Gun Signs more than ever. Now they don't have to worry about a law biding citizen or three blowing their heads off while protecting themselves and their family at dinner............jmho
    1 point
  27.   Looks like the ducks were lined up properly ...
    1 point
  28. No, but it is ironic since this outfit inserted themselves into national media on the cause.
    1 point
  29. No red, but you know it happens and they think it won't because of the signs.
    1 point
  30. top won't always equal best.   for Wow.....   Franklin Gun Shop Nashville Armory     Best....   Guns n Leather (Hendersonvile or Greenbrier)
    1 point
  31. Not sure if there are any other USAF SF types here, but I thought this was a cool pic!
    1 point
  32.   Yes, that was the good ol' days. I used to drop by and grab a bag and have them for lunch for several days. And usually several other meals as well.
    1 point
  33. I've got it:
    1 point
  34. There were a couple of those around Lebanon years ago. It was on 109 just north of Leeville Pike. Hole in the wall meat n three place. The old guy that ran the place smoked the stuff in a little block shed out back. It's gone now.   The other place was over by the projects. I don't know if it's still there. IIRC, it was across the street from Alan's "Market" aka the place with the dice game in the back. It could have been a block or two towards the fairgrounds from there. Had to get that stuff to go. No way you could sit in there and eat it without getting smoked yourself. :)
    1 point
  35. It's gonna get worse before it gets better I'm afraid.
    1 point
  36. JohnC...   We wish we had now...you can believe that my friend.
    1 point
  37. Everything I've ever heard of Dan Wesson AND CZ has been awesome, sounds like he has a personal issue. I'd just go buy it somewhere else.
    1 point
  38.   High Powers and 1911's for close to four decades.  
    1 point
  39. I will go for 2 now , #45 and #44 if available.
    1 point
  40. We have two dogs, a pitbull named Lilly and our Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog named Gus. Lilly is the best dog in the world, loves to snuggle and she definitely is a girl. Gus on the other hand is a rough and tumble boy that is always trying to show us who is boss. She is 6+ years old and weighs in at 50-55 pounds while he is 6 months and weighs in a 65+ pounds at the moment. He is expected to get to at least 90 pounds. We recently lost our Boxer Ernie and needed another "large" dog to replace him because we live in a remote area. So far we have been working with him and I think he will make a great protector of his mother, my wife. Here is Lilly sleeping on my lap: And here she is in trouble for not listening to her daddy: Took what seemed like forever to get rid of the smell but after several baths consisting of Dawn, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda she was again huggable. And here are some photos of our Alapaha bulldog Gus. This one is when he either just woke up or on the way to sleep. His color is a chocolate merle color. This picture of him at the vet is a good picture of what his coat looks like. He also has marble eys which are blue and golden. His eyes can stare right through your soul. Here is Gus having his manhood questioned: And here is a picture of Gus when we got him. I could not imagine a dog being more cute than he was. And here is a picture of the two of them laying together:
    1 point
  41. I always liked vinegar based sauce. It was never the best barbecue, but I miss dollar sandwich days at Whitt's. Maybe it's my Georgian upbringing, but in the traditions of Malear's and Sprayberry's, I can appreciate the simplicity of a pork sandwich on white bread with some plain Lay's chips and a glass of sweet tea.
    1 point
  42.   I assume you don't mean the ancient Greek physician.
    1 point
  43.     So maybe there is some benefit to having 'yotes around...
    1 point
  44. A black Labrador with a cat for a best friend.
    1 point
  45. Weim - 11.5 yrs young.
    1 point
  46. Bandit is mostly a black lab. I got her from here on the board last year. She is a dear member of our family now.
    1 point
  47. Geez... I never shoulda' popped my head into this forum a few weeks ago... been here on TGO for years and never really looked in here. I've always liked pocket folders and now I'm on the hook for 2 ProTech knives!  Until now, the most expensive knife I've ever bought was $46.  Now I'll have two knives that together cost more than my first new Smith & Wesson! :stunned:   Now you go and do this to me, Gran Torino!  I never cared much for fixed blades before, but I saw the two you posted awhile ago and thought "that's cool."  Then you show us THIS beast/beauty!  You're killin' me smalls!  :rant:  :rofl:   But seriously... that thing is awesome.
    1 point
  48. I loved the last statement she made when she said "the 2nd Amendment is not about duck hunting. It is about all of us here behind me protecting our selves from all you legislators up there."  I think she got her points across very well............jmho
    1 point
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