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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2014 in all areas

  1. I bought a air soft pistol for my daughter last year to teach her the firearms fundamentals. She liked it and did well with the safety concerns so I picked her up a SR22 this week off Arms List. The first shot was dead center from 15 ft. You could not wipe the smile off her face. After the first mag. she said " wow that was fun" we spent the next half hour working on stance and the trigger reset. She is hooked.
    12 points
  2. My wife, daughter, nephew, and myself all head to Waffle House this evening for supper. As I pull in I notice the same front plate on a Suburban that has always been on the front of my Dad's vehicles "Once a Marine, Always a Marine". I get the same proud grin every time I see it, or any military branch plate. We walk in and I see the older Marine sitting at a table by himself wearing his Vietnam Veteran cap and walk directly to him to thank him for his service. My daughter and nephew followed and thanked him as well and we all shook his hand. He smiled, thanked us, and wished us a good evening. When we sat down, I waved his waitress over and before I could say anything she walked up, smiled, and said "You want his check don't you?". I guess she could see how proud we all were to thank this man for all he'd done. As we finished our meal, I just thought about all of our veterans and how I wish I could buy every single one of them a meal and how it's the least we could do. As we were getting up to pay, he was leaving as well and had just been told that we'd taken care of his check. He walked up to us, leaning on a cane, and I wish y'all could have seen the smile on his face. It was heart warming. He thanked us, and said told us that it was a blessing to him. I told him Thank You and that he was a blessing to us and that MANY people are so proud of all that vets give and wished him a "God bless you Sir".    One of the greatest things about this forum is that I know we all think a lot of our vets and have a lot of members who are vets too. I also want to take this time to thank you all for everything you have done and do everyday.  :usa:   I've always respected what the men and women of our armed forces risk and give up for their country. But as I've gotten older, it sinks in even more. God Bless the USA and all those who fight for her!
    12 points
  3. I love stories like this. Nice show of respect. :usa: :usa:   My wife and i were on vacation and visited a local watering hole one evening. I noticed a older gentleman across the bar in a leather jacket with military patches. He was sitting alone so i told the bar tender that we wanted to pick up his tab. About a hour later, after a modest 2 beers, the man found out his tab was covered. He walked over and sat down next to me and my wife. We spent the next two hours listening to incredible stories of his past. It was almost like he had waited years for someone to listen to him.   Around 1:00, we parted ways. It was a very moving experience for me. It was much like talking to either of my deceased grandfathers who served. Then, to my surprise, the manager came over to talk to us. He said the guy had came to that bar alone for the last five years and had never talked to anyone. He covered our dinner and bar tab and thanked us for taking the time to talk to the "old grumpy vet".    These guys are out there. They hold a great deal of history that will be gone in a few years. I encourage anyone who can to engage a vet in conversation. They often provide a good example of what being an "American" is all about!
    4 points
  4. You, sir, are a great American.
    4 points
  5. Can't you see the court case now, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
    4 points
  6. Well I would notice (being both a gun owner and former policeman) if I happened to be looking at you and spotted it.  Because I own tuckable IWB holsters too, and know what that clip signifies.  I believe most people in casual contact would never notice.   Now other people in the workplace, which is not the same as people at the supermarket, tend to notice things about you a bit more, and be more nosey in general about your business.  So you might get someone who makes a comment about it, but it is unlikely that they would automatically know what it was.  These days with big cell phones and personal audio players it might not get a second glance.
    4 points
  7. If I grab a serviceman or cop's meal, I make it a point to include tip (it's proper, and in fact, they may not have calculated it before their meal). And..... I tip at least 20% or more. I can't afford that, but the server usually can afford it even less than I.
    3 points
  8. This is the second rifle I've ever built and my first 6.8 SPC. Aero Precision Upper & Lower (factory cerakoted FDE) Magpul MOE Rifle Stock (FDE) Ergo Tactical Deluxe Grip (FDE) Geissele Mk4 13" Rail (Sand) KAC URX 3.1 Panels (FDE) White Oak Armament 16" mid length 6.8 SPC II barrel (bead blasted) Daniel Defense Extended Flash Hider Syrac Gen 2 Adjustable Gas Block (stainless) Atlas Bipod Vortex Viper PST 2.5-10x32 Larue LT104 mount Range report forthcoming
    2 points
  9. Still there. She is 10 by the way.
    2 points
  10. Her momma told her to always use protection. She obviously didn't know what momma meant.
    2 points
  11. I just bought one from a member on the forum but have not shot it yet. As for retail price, Bass Pro has them for $359 and I have seen them in Knoxville for $379 to $399. It does seem like a lot for a 22 pistol when you can get some nice 9mm pistols for about $100 more but I could not pass up the deal I got on this one, but I am a Ruger fan so my opinion may be skewed. ;)
    2 points
  12. No. The average person is so self absorbed that they wouldn't notice if you were wearing a skirt.
    2 points
  13. The Yaesu FT-270R handheld radio has a WX alert scan feature.  I have this radio for portable use along with a few other Yaesu 2M radios for base and mobile.     http://www.manualslib.com/manual/381750/Yaesu-Ft-270r.html?page=49   ^^ Hit that link for the user guide page that discusses it.
    2 points
  14. Honestly yes, when I see a belt clip I know what it's attached to.  But that's because I have one too.  The average person wouldn't notice if you were on fire.  Being self-conscious and fidgety will be more of a give-away than anything else. 
    2 points
  15. I learned not to trust reporters, any of them several years ago.  They are on the payroll of an industry with an agenda, and their main thrust is to further that agenda.   The usual hack job... http://www.nashvillescene.com/pitw/archives/2013/09/02/et-tu-brute-even-gun-freaks-out-to-beat-lamar   Now, Nick Carey with Reuters did quote me correctly and in context, refreshing...   http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/18/us-usa-politics-tennessee-idUSBRE84H0UD20120518  
    2 points
  16. New product needed.   New, Improved Hoppes, with Clorox Bleach.
    2 points
  17. From the article:   "Her opposition that summer was a campaign novice whose only previous involvement in politics had been leading prayers and role-playing historical figures at tea party events."   This statement is patently dishonest, as even the most cursory google search would prove for the most casual reader. Can this ERROR be explained by the reporters naive and dishonest ideological bent? Or by current or former employ by the Maggart campaign?   "Her opposition" and now successor is Lieutenant Colonel Courtney Rogers, United States Air Force, Retired, a 28-year veteran with all the interpersonal and political skills you would expect of such an experienced person.    Representative Rogers holds a B.A., University of Southern California in International Relations, Certification in Soviet Studies; an M.S., University of Central Michigan in Administration; has attended U.S.A.F. Squadron Officers School, Maxwell AFB Alabama; the U.S.A.F. Air Command and Staff College; and the U.S.A.F. Air War College. This is hardly the academic credentials of a "Novice." I daresay she has more knowledge and experience than her predecessor or the child that wrote this report.   "Campaign novice" might not get you convicted in a court of law, but the court of public opinon where we all reside on a daily basis knows this is dishonest. Unfortunately, the truth of Roger's experience does not jive with an ideological ridicule of Second Amendment supporters.    This demonstrated and serious ideological bent of a reporter, not an opinionist, in a news story, not an editorial, is such a serious misrepresentation that it should effect Chas Sisk's continued employment, a call his editor should make, if he even has an editor.
    2 points
  18. Goes to show there is no “free shoot”. This was a burglary not a home invasion. I doubt these guys expected to run into the home owner. I have absolutely no compassion for a burglar and can remember when we could shoot them in Illinois. There should have been only one side of the story; his. But by executing them and then admitting it, plus recording it; he convicted himself. A 17 & 18 year old aren’t kids they are men. Two dirt bags got exactly what they deserved and now a home owner gets to go to prison for it. Justice….. not hardly.
    1 point
  19. +10000000 Thanks for making his day. As a vet I know the guys in the 70s had it rough...any sunshine is always appreciated by them kudos and may the karma train bless you with everything Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    1 point
  20. "Train up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it."   Very good father, you are , Sir.
    1 point
  21. Only gun I ever painted was an AR, and only because I use it and the finish was beaten up, so I took off the furniture and gave it a few sprays of flat black high temp header paint. If that wears off I'll be sending it off for a proper coating of some kind. But yeah, only paint it if it serves a purpose.
    1 point
  22. I'll take one. Most expensive knife I have ever bought. Will do paypal.
    1 point
  23. "We're running out of brass, the last American smelter is closing, Obama, Obama, Bloomberg, Obama." At least that's what I remember from when I had first heard about them, something like that anyway v
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. A smart man once told me that even if you have no medical training, the medical kit you carry may likely not be used BY you, but be used ON you by a trained off-the-clock doctor, nurse, medic, etc, who finds you and stops to help but doesn't have their own equipment with them.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27.   Courtney's a she, btw.   But I agree with ya.  She isn't the typical 'politician.'  Got to spend some one-on-one time with her (and Lamberth, Weaver, and Haile).  She wants to serve, not garner political 'trophies,' and she does it from her values, heart and conscience.  Really solid person, even if she doesn't always play the 'politician' role well.  Out of the bunch that represent Sumner County, she's the most 'real' and down to earth.  Lamberth and Weaver are good people, too....and overall pretty 'real'....just more involved in 'the game' of politics.  Haile is ok, but still thinks like a pharmacist....as evidenced by his stance on the pseudoephedrine legislation.
    1 point
  28. Close? This has a sling mount and folded sight up front that I added the rest is fortis Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I'll chime in with another vote for the Yeasu 270R handheld... Just bought one... It's an excellent radio...    leroy
    1 point
  31. "...with Smith saying, "You're dying." It's followed soon after by another shot, which investigators said Smith described as "a good, clean finishing shot."   That right there alone would do it in TN too.  As we've discussed here many times, our "castle doctrine" does not license you to execute a perp. If it can be demonstrated that you were no longer in reasonable fear of death or serious injury, the default supposition of that evaporates for your actions past that point.   - OS
    1 point
  32. If this one is their best and brightest, I'm not worried about them taking over anymore.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGG2DhRugY
    1 point
  33. To be fair, there is no picture of a shotgun. If there had been, the shooting would have been prevented.
    1 point
  34. I've packed everything from a .22 revolver to a 870 with slugs and buckshot while camping and hiking.  It depends a lot on what part of the state you are in and what your intent is.  (i.e. if I'm carrying a .22 it's going to be for plinking or small game if that scenario allows.)  For the purpose of this post I will assume that whatever you are carrying is purely for protection and not recreation or a chance at harvesting game.  If you are West of the Smokey Mountains bears are not normally an issue, though they have occasionally been spotted as far east as Cookeville they are rarely ever seen out of the mountains.  Disclaimer: I live just at the edge of the mountains, I can see them out my back door, I've never seen a bear within 10 miles or so from here but see them often closer to the mountain.  I would estimate that I see a dozen or so per year, but I do spend quite a bit of time in the woods.  That said, they are generally not a problem as long as you are smart about your interaction with them.  Still I carry a gun in bear country for the same reason that I carry a gun to Walmart.   So, for activities west of the Smokey Mountains I'd just carry what ever you normally carry.  Pigs are about all you may run into that will give you any problems.  Feral dogs perhaps as well.  Snakes are no bother, if you have time to take aim at a snake you have time to turn around and walk the other way, they won't chase you.  As the others have said the two legged critters are the ones you need to worry about the most.  Don't know what it is about nature that brings out the methheads and pillbillies.
    1 point
  35. I got my AeroPress today. It took longer to read the instructions than it did to make a cup of coffee. And WOW is it good! I can use much less coffee because I am grinding much finer and the flavor is amazing. Took about three minutes to make the cup, with about 2.5 of that waiting on the water to reach 175 degrees. For you coffee geeks out there, you know that is quite a bit cooler than other methods, but the flavor can't be beat. I am a convert after one cup!
    1 point
  36. My weather radio woke me up 4 times last night (thunderstorm warning, flood warning, tornado watch), but none for a tornado warning.  I really only care about the tornado warnings; I wish I could set it to only go off for a tornado warning.  I really don't care about watches, flood warnings don't affect me, and I can usually figure out that there is a thunderstorm without the help of a warning.
    1 point
  37.       Yep. If someone is going to illegally sell weapons to criminals, it's going to be the damn ATF, not you.
    1 point
  38.   Yep. The mass killers are switching over since Biden recommended them.
    1 point
  39. begone you evil purveyor of forbidden imagery  - begone!!!   must...not... succumb...to...dark...desires...too...add...anything...else,,,habit forming...         Sigh... I gotta quit surfing the net. It used to be enough to enjoy the successes of others but then I wanted to start replicating those successes and it is truly a slippery slope.   Mark
    1 point
  40. I like Simple Green for my deep cleaning projects. It smells better than the rest of the stuff too.
    1 point
  41. Castle Doctrine does not extend to lockers, it does to vehicles.
    1 point
  42. There is a time and place for decaf coffee.  Never and in the trash.
    1 point
  43. The best < $40 auto is the boker ak47 line.
    1 point
  44. If I am not able to afford the TGO knife Willis is working on I'll be looking at this,  http://www.cutleryshoppe.com/sogspecialtyse-61speceliteiiautomatic-40satinfinishclippointplainedgeblade.aspx but it will not be my EDC. That title goes to Onterio RAT model ones, I'm on my second. The third is on a shelf waiting for it's turn to be abused. Broke the blade on my first pry barrin it.   My first auto will be my dress knife like my SOG Ageis is now. A Sunday go to meetin knife that you can get you shave with before you go.     Joe W.
    1 point
  45. http://www.bladeops.com/Benchmade-H-K-14751SBK-Mini-Entourage-Auto-Knife-p/ben14751sbk.htm
    1 point
  46. [quote name="wtl" post="1135549" timestamp="1396966640"]I said "@GunFreeDining thanks for providing a convenient online database of restaurants I should avoid!" And linked to their site.I'm guessing whoever retweeted didn't get all the way to the end of the sentence and thought it was a positive comment. They only seem to retweet the positives. Pretty funny.[/quote] Lol - the sarcasm was totally lost on them
    1 point
  47. Long guns usually kept chamber empty, but handguns always kept fully loaded.  I've never heard of anyone needing a pistol "in a few seconds".  If you need a pistol, you needed it at least a few seconds ago.      DanO
    1 point
  48. My personal opinions on the topic is On The Body loaded chamber / Off the Body unloaded chamber.
    1 point
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