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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2014 in all areas

  1. My question is how many folks have been awakened in the middle of the night and needed to call the police and what was the response you received? Not on something personal but maybe an intruder call or something of that nature? I had something happen several years back that later on I found it rather amusing. This was my 1 and only experience.   Had an incident about 5 years ago and didn't really give it much thought till recently.  Had a few Immigrants try to help themselves to some high end fishing rods off deck of my bass boat in my carport about 2AM one night. They might have gotten away with it but my guard dog was on duty and asleep under the boat. I could tell her to guard the boat and she would sleep under it in summertime. Shes not really a barker as much as a reaction type guard dog and bites first and then barks. She took a large chunk of meat out of the lower calf of one of latinos and he set into screaming and I cleared the door with flashlight and cell in one had and Bersa in the other and his buddy had taken off as I exited the door and only got a glimpse of him . The idiot thought he was going to punch Kasey but he found out that didn't work cause she got hold of 3 of his fingers and took 2 off at the first knuckle. (Her daddy was Chow and her Momma was Black Mouth Kerr so her jaws are like a vice.) Then the guy jumps up in my boat to get away from her and he bleeding like a stuck pig all over my boat carpets and screaming something in Spanish at Kasey. I had the carport lights on by then and I yelled at him to shut the hell up because the dog does not understand Spanish. I get on my cell phone and called the police @ 911. This is where it got really interesting. Now it's a Wednesday night  in this town and the dispatcher ask me what was my emergency and I told her I needed a squad car and an ambulance. She said it's going to be about 20 minutes because they are pretty busy right now. I politely told her that was fine. I would just shoot the guy a few times and when they got a chance they could stop by and unload him out of my boat. She said you can't do that and I told her to stay on the line so she could hear the shots and she said they were on the way right now and I should have help in a few minutes. I said Thank You. It was about 1 minute before I heard sirens coming from about 3 different directions. Inside of about about 4 minutes I had all kinds of help. I told one of the officers that his buddy was hiding behind a garden shed in my neighbors yard. He said he would request a  k-9. I was looking at Kasey and she had her run cable stretched out tight towards the neighbors shed with both her ears stood straight up. She knew he was there. I told the officer to get a buddy and just wait right there and I unhooked Kasey. She went around that building and here the guy comes running wide open, screaming towards the police officers.He is lucky he didn't get shot because both officers had their guns out with Kasey hot on his heels. I grabbed her and they grabbed him. After a little questioning come to find out they worked for the lawn service that cut my neighbors yard. The were illegal and so was every employee the guy had on his payroll but himself. They arrested him and took all of his equipment and shipped the other guys off to ICE for processing.  What I found so amusing after I thought about it was I have lived in this town for many years and I have never seen the police busy on a Wednesday night at 2AM except that night and it was funny that when I said I will just shoot the guy she had a better idea real quick and the Calvary was on the way. I also had to laugh at one of the police officers when he said we need that dog working for us and his partner laughed and agreed. I was just wondering if anyone else has had an experience with the police in the middle of the night and what kind of response you got from the 911 operator. Oh yea, It cost my boat insurance company over $700.00 to re carpet my boat after they paid a company to try and wash out the stains.
    4 points
  2. A burglary in progress will get the highest level of response from most PD’s. Usually as soon as the dispatcher got the address and info out we had Officers on the scene, with additional responding Officers setting up a perimeter. I’ve had to fill in for dispatchers before and sometimes the biggest challenge is getting info from the victim. My favorite was one night I was at a house on a call and I heard a home invasion dispatched. The dispatcher told the Officers someone tried to kick the victim’s door in. One of the responding Officers asks if there was a description or a direction of travel. About a minute later the dispatcher replies with “The victim advises you will be able to recognize the suspect; he will be lying on the back porch bleeding from a gunshot wound."   That must have been many years ago or in another state.
    3 points
  3. went out in search of an AK today...fondled several and could settle on one....got this little guy instead...
    2 points
  4. Just another reason the Murfreesboro show is worth the drive, imho.
    2 points
  5. You know, this is getting tiring.      Libruls suck.
    2 points
  6. As someone who actually lives in Antioch, I'll try to reclaim some trash-talk from the yuppies on here. :taunt: Yes, Antioch has a reputation. Just like LA has a reputation. It's a mix of good areas & not-so-good areas. However, you only hear about the bad parts, because the good parts stay quiet. It really depends on where you are. In general, east of I-24 is not so good, but has patches of decent housing (especially if it's a newer development). West of I-24 is better, getting gradually better (& more expensive) as you get towards I-65 & Brentwood. The Edmonson Pike area is nice. Going further west over I-65 to Radnor Lake, you start getting in to the pricy section of town. Green Hills is the epicenter of high-income for that area, and Hillsboro Pike from I-440 to Harding Pl. is gridlock hell. I-24 has slightly worse traffic during rush-hour than I-65. Northbound in the morning & southbound in the evening. I'd recommend sticking to the I-65 corridor or the West End area if you can find something within your price range. Vandy & Belmont students take up a good chunk of housing in that area, though. Since you're moving to a brand-new area, you could just rent a place for 6 months or a year & get to know what parts of town you like, and where the "invisible lines" are that separate one part of town from the next. Here's a funny map that someone made. Is it true? In a general sense, but not absolute. My :2cents: .
    2 points
  7. Brentioch is better than full on Antioch.
    2 points
  8. Antioch is not a good/safe area. When I moved here in 91 it was a good place but around 2000 it started declining and hasn't showed signs of getting better since.
    2 points
  9.   This is one of the reasons why bothering to check the internet is a bad idea as it contains conflicting reports. Also if a person knowingly carries into a location that is posted off limits and is subsequently busted for it, if it becomes known that you knew the location was off limits your charges can be escalated.   If the door is posted then I avoid going inside, if the door is not posted I'm under no obligation to search the internet or make phone calls to make any determinations....
    2 points
  10. In my opinion there is way too much info missing from this story to make any real determination about it.   As for myself if "I" was being jerked around unjustly over a lower I'd burn his name into everyones memory cards with no hesitation whatsoever.....
    2 points
  11. There used to be deals there. Now there seems to be no advantage in going to them because there's no incentive to fight the crowds. I hate crowds. :(
    2 points
  12. As someone who's been self employed for 25 years I am always amazed when folks talk about getting money back from Uncle Sam. Like it's a gift or something.
    2 points
  13. Free will, Lester.  It's all about free will.
    1 point
  14. Congrats Slappy!    I hunted today from 10 to 3. I had a bird gobbling for a few hours, but he must have been loaded with hens because he never got close enough for me to see him in the woods.    Most folks have had a pretty slow start, all except Shaun. :) I am sure it's his secret hunting crocs that allow him to sneak up on the birds. I'm trading my muck boots in for crocs if my luck doesn't improve soon.    KY opens next weekend. I have had pretty good luck on those farms I hunt up there. We shall see...
    1 point
  15. Only gay boys are allowed for now, no leaders. They ruined a 100 year old group by sticking their noses in. The gays are wanting to destroy everything that does not do as they say.  
    1 point
  16. Beautiful, willis. I know very little about knives, but do have a fondness for the autos. Not even close to this quality, but I'm just a pocket knife, apple peeling sort of guy.
    1 point
  17. Hypocrisy at it's finest. You have to tolerate us & our beliefs, but we sure as hell ain't going to tolerate you & your beliefs.
    1 point
  18. I wonder why it is that the Walmart in the above picture gets 1000 boxes of .22 and the one in OR never gets any. That pisses me off just a little bit.
    1 point
  19. it's about as useful as implementing a no stupid people inside the building ban.   doesn't matter what they say, it's still perfectly legal and it would be interesting to see how they try to handle it.  Are they going to have security guards patrolling the parking lot illegally demanding peoples' ID's so they can put them on a no entry list?   Yeah that'll work out real well!
    1 point
  20. Thank you very much. I too had a hard time with some but that was the plan, Hope everyone had a good time today, I know I did. Thanks to all who shot the match, give me some time the stages will get better and yes harder. I would also like to give John and Michael a big thanks for helping and letting me do this, it was an eye opener. With that said THANK YOU hope everyone had fun.
    1 point
  21. And wonder why there is a shortage?
    1 point
  22.   It is a bit confusing.  I live in that area, and I like it.  You should be able to find some townhouse rentals in Shadow Glen or Lenox Village.
    1 point
  23. Antioch is a target rich environment. Most nights small arms fire is light to moderate.  :rofl: 
    1 point
  24. +1 Neither would making up some BS about being in fear for your life. We have these discussions all the time about what different people will say in their statement to try to get off. No one really cares what you were thinking, they will decide based on what a “reasonable person” would think or do in the same situation. If they are a DA, Judge or jury the reasonable person is them.
    1 point
  25. Meh. I'd be more impressed with Black Rain Ordnance if they refused to sell any type or AR in NY.
    1 point
  26. Bagged a good one this morning! He was the only turkey all morning to respond to calling. I took it very easy on the calling since they were not very vocal. I hit the mouth call bout 8am and this guy hammered off behind me. Few minutes later he was in full strut in front of me bout 25 yards. The second he came out of strut....BOOM...let the Bennelli sing! I dont have a scale so I cant say how much it weighs but the beard is 9 1/4" inch and the spurs were 1 1/4" [URL=http://s532.photobucket.com/user/jtv14/media/IMG_3475_zps7987c844.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s532.photobucket.com/user/jtv14/media/IMG_3470_zps4f40b094.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s532.photobucket.com/user/jtv14/media/P1010199_zps5b4a825e.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s532.photobucket.com/user/jtv14/media/P1010194_zpsa889b82f.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s532.photobucket.com/user/jtv14/media/IMG_3472_zps43786fd1.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  27.   I think there's little excuse for not having seen the series if you are reading this thread (elements from the books are something else, however)
    1 point
  28. I've lived in franklin, Brentwood most of my life. We spent the last six years in Lennox village. Never had an issue there and it was a wonderful place for a family. That being said, it is about as far into town as I'd care up live. It quickly changes to an older more low income part of town. Were in nolensville now and absolutely love it.
    1 point
  29. It has Lincoln on it, so I wouldn't have it. WH does make some very nice knives though.
    1 point
  30. Its also known as hispantioch. Lots of indians around too. Not an ideal place.
    1 point
  31. I got a call from the family CPA this afternoon. I must be doing something right this year. First time in about 5 years, we actually will not have to pay Uncle Sammie and the infernal service. Think I'll celebrate by buying a box of ammo or two.
    1 point
  32. How is this related to your TGO subscription?
    1 point
  33. The last RK show in Hendersonville (and it was the LAST, from what I understand) was just too expensive. Slots for 800 tables at $60 rent each, I heard. It wasn't full, either of vendors OR customers. Goodman's show should be completely shot now that no private sales are allowed; you have to have a table and an FFL.   I think the "good ol' days" are long gone in that arena.
    1 point
  34. A butterfly farting in Guam can cause gas prices to rise.
    1 point
  35.   A bat is illegal too, if possessed with intent to go armed. Really, anything you can seriously injure a person with by striking them with it fits definition of "club" in TCA.   - OS
    1 point
  36. Toss out those 1/2" -3/4" screws that come for the mounting plates and put in 3" deck screws (pre drill to prevent splintering). The frame is the weak point, especially with your steel door. Get the longest strike plate that you can fit in there. That will spread the force of blows to the door across a wider area on the frame reducing the likelihood of the wood splintering.
    1 point
  37. Do you have a few minutes to hear about the Church of Scientology? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38.   Wiki for AK's? Close... Try www.akfiles.com
    1 point
  39. I always like a deadbolt that can lock with a key from the inside. I figure they might be able to find a tricky way in but there's no reason to let them walk out the front door with all your stuff.   (This is in addition to a regular one-way lock which)
    1 point
  40. Whoever thinks domestic oil production will lower prices is living in la la land.
    1 point
    1 point
  42. Last year was the first year I took my return and bought something nice. This year, and every year before, it goes into an account, just like it otherwise would if the IRS hadnt stole it. I agree, taxes shouldn't be taken out of one's paycheck. All Americans should have to write a check for what they owe at the end of the year. Things sure would change in regard to all these well intentioned bleeding hearts. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  43. Meh, looks like his douchey life is punishment enough. Plus he has to climb that mountain of Walmartian fatty every so often. I suppose if he suffers from little wiener syndrome to the point he has to fake being in the military, those big flabby thighs he has to put it between aren't helping the presentation of the goods. Like a Vienna sausage between two Christmas hams. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. I was going to a Mom and Pop restaurant for many years and it was never posted. Then all at once I go there and it is posted. I spoke to the manager and he said that a few of his customers were complaining about seeing customers with guns and it was alarming to them because of their children. I said well I have been eating here for about 10 years and no one has ever seen my gun. He asked me what he could do to keep his business and not lose any customers so I offered him and option. I recommended posting his business as a Concealed Carry only restaurant and see how well that works. Next time I went there the sign read Concealed Carry Only. The place was packed with customers no one knew who was armed and who was not. The manager stopped by my table just after the waitress put my ticket on my table and he picked it up and thanked me as he has been seeing as increase in his business since re-posting and he liked my idea. I think if managers are willing to listen to other alternatives than just posting No Guns it can help both the HCP people and the businesses...........jmho
    1 point
  45. I love their motto: "Eat in Peace."    Because if they don't post, we'll come in like Yosemite Sam and blast the place up, just as has happened, what, zero times now?
    1 point
  46. Yep, and some dork out there will buy them.
    1 point
  47. Couple pics from this past deer season. This was the best hunting season ever cause of my daughter got her first ever deer. Each picture is a of a different deer. Yeah I killed a few doe's. [url=http://s525.photobucket.com/user/bean962/media/Mobile%20Uploads/PhotoGrid_1389137307417_zps5dbe9e48.jpg.html][/URL] My daughters first deer and the most important memory and hunt of my life. [url=http://s525.photobucket.com/user/bean962/media/20131026_162133_zpsa74cd175.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s525.photobucket.com/user/bean962/media/20131027_093929_zps99cfdfb1.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s525.photobucket.com/user/bean962/media/20131027_094011_zps75c7ffc9.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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