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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2014 in all areas

  1. Update: I got a phone call from the District Manager, he was very nice and very apologetic about the situation. Conversation sounded like they confirmed my account of what happend but they have to do their due diligence before any action is taken. He said that he is pulling the tapes from that day and the appropiate action will be taken. He assured me that they have no policy that allows an employee to hold anything for anyone. He is also going to use this incident in his push to get the 22 put back up at the service desk to make sure that this does not happen again. He said he will be back in contact with me in the next couple days after they review the tapes.
    4 points
  2. I am also in full support of springing forward and staying there.         You just reminded me.   An old Indian chief sits in his hut on the reservation, smoking a ceremonial pipe and eyeing two US government officials there to interview him. One government official asks, "Chief Two Eagles, you know the white man for 90 years - his wars and his technological advances, his progress, and the damage he does." The Chief nods in agreement. The official continues, "Considering all this, in your opinion, where does the white man go wrong?" The Chief stares at the government officials for over a minute and then calmly replies "When white man finds land, Indians are running it. No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water, women do all the work, medicine man free, Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night have sex ..." The chief leans back and smiles. "Only white man dumb enough to think he can improve system like that.
    3 points
  3. I already thanked you in your original thread, but I thought this awesome act of generosity deserved its very own 'Thank You' thread.
    2 points
  4.   He's from Georgia. The southern United States one. ;)   - OS
    2 points
  5. Personally I'd buy a cheaper handgun and finish the 74. If you have any cash left spend it on ammo. Colt makes a fine pistol, but you're paying a lot for that dancing pony IMO. I'd go with either a Rock Island or Ruger.
    2 points
  6. It was a good price at the time. I'll bet this ammo is out of stock before the weekend is over.   I'd buy a tractor trailer load of Norinco 7.62x39 for a dime a pop like it was in the 90's. I'd also like to get some more 22lr for less than $10 per brick again. Those days are gone. I'd sure hate to go back to making the money I was making then.   On a positive note, I imagine the U.S. population is more well armed today than they've ever been.
    2 points
  7. I'd get a Rock Island in the configuration of your choice, and spend the rest of your budget on ammunition and/or training.
    2 points
  8. Not sure of the legalities but taking even one drink while armed & in public ain't the brightest idea.
    2 points
  9. I would take a look at an STI Trojan as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. I would recommend a Ruger SR1911.   And spend the leftover $300-350 on ammo.   It really does have alot of features that are nice to have, including the sights, beavertail, and skeletonized trigger.     In my limited experience, you're not going to be able to tell a huge difference in 1911's in this price range, so I'd suggest going with one on the lower end of the spectrum.  I'd also recommend speding some of that $1100 on a good holster for it, perhaps the Galco summer comfort if you would ever carry it...   Just my thoughts
    2 points
  11. I hope the guy at Academy doesn't lose his job. I don't wish that on anyone.   As for Pax,  well they come and they go.
    2 points
  12. My dad carried one for 35+years. He eventually stopped I think because his back and knees aren't what they used to be. He could clear leather and dump all 5 shots from his S&W 36 in the blink of an eye. The entire time he was on the force he qualified consistently at the marksman or expert level with his little snubbie. Not typical for most people, but it worked well for him (I assume after LOTS of practice). He did make one point about them that stuck with me though, inside left leg is a very handy place to carry while in the car. If you have your right hand below the window in your lap you can lift your leg enough and reach enough to clear the holster and have the gun in your hand without anyone being the wiser. A handy trick for a cop working a beat in the city, or an armed civilian for that matter.
    2 points
  13.   I understand you may not be trying to fan the flames but that is exactly what posts like this do.  Some ignorant fools will read this hunting for ammo and think they'll never be able to get it again.  Therefore they buy it all up.  Retailers face a run on stock, wholesalers cant' keep up then start raising prices, etc., etc.  Not to mention just plain greed that gets factored into it all.   Has the .22 famine not been enough of a lesson of how this all works?  Haven't we been through this enough?   Russia is NOT going to cut off the shipments of anything to this country.  If there is a shortage it will come from trade sanctions and import restrictions imposed by the US guvment and primarily hysterical gun owners.
    2 points
  14. Our buddy at the Bangswitch called Wolf. Get you some sanity...   http://www.thebangswitch.com/is-the-x39-world-coming-to-an-end/
    2 points
  15. well I will have 2 cases this weekend in Knoxville but I only sell it to tgo members does that make me a bad guy to everyone else
    2 points
  16. I dont lose anything. I just get up an hour later!
    1 point
  17.     There ya went and jinxed us! It'll snow !!!  
    1 point
  18. Upon hearing about DST an Indian said, "Only the white man would think he could cut a foot from one end of a blanket, sew it on the other end and think he had a longer blanket
    1 point
  19. While being armed and under the influence is illegal and consuming in a public, alcohol serving establishment is illegal, the law is actually silent as to whether consuming while armed is illegal. It says nothing as to whether it is illegal for me to go over a buddy's place and have a beer or two while armed. As far as being under the influence goes, that is a nice gray area up to the discretion of the officer one may interact with.
    1 point
  20. I will sometime wear different handguns on my hip, more for seasonal time of year "cover" reasons.   But on my ankle is always my S&W Air Weight Model 37 BUG gun.  I carry it in a DeSantis Apache Ankle Holster.  The sheepskin padded lining makes it very comfortable for me.   Also agree with TrickyNicky's Dad in regard to an ankle holster being excellent for car carry.
    1 point
  21. A very good read. Loved it!   At the bottom of the website, it says: "This site is a satire of the current state of Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical work. Stories posted here are not real and you should not assume them to have any basis in any real fact."   If it's not true, it ought to be.
    1 point
  22. P.S. I think it's great that the law has all of these happy faces written into it. That just makes me feel warm all over.  :cool:
    1 point
  23. No. They don't seem hot, but they will cycle the action in all my guns, and shoot little bitty groups. The paper doesn't mind how fast the bullet is going.   The brass would be o.k., but for some reason the primer pockets get loose after a couple of loadings. They are good for one reload anyway.
    1 point
  24. [quote name="maroonandwhite" post="1121842" timestamp="1394289558"]Well the more checking I have done there isn't one really that close to me anyways. Nashville Armory seems like the best indoor range but it's a bit higher than I'm used to paying. No doubt worth it though. Guns and Leather is a few bucks cheaper but on the other side of town. May just have to bite the bullet and give Nashville Armory a shot. I have always been nervous at indoor ranges due to the lack of a safety officer actually in the range. I believe NA advertises that they have this. If they do then that's a definite plus. I get tired of constantly making sure someone isn't going to shoot me.[/quote] If you are looking for an outdoor range where range officers are patrolling, you need to check out the following location: http://www.tn.gov/twra/stoneshunted.html Not my thing, but sounds like something you're looking for.
    1 point
  25. If you are truly on the path of growing firearms, buy a safe, a good safe, assuming if you do not have one already. 
    1 point
  26. It's $79 above your range, but a verrrnice weapon.  Dan Wesson RZ-45 Heritage.   http://damascusgunshop.com/shop/dan-wesson/full-size/dan-wesson-rz-45-heritage.html
    1 point
  27. ain't no one invading the USA.  As messed up as this place is no one wants to invade a place where everyone owns a rifle.
    1 point
  28. Naw, you're one of the best people here to argue with. Some people cave or stop replying to quick, at least a guy can depend on a proper argument with you. :cheers:
    1 point
  29. They ALL have to sign off on it, to sell it. If they don't pay the taxes it will auction at the courthouse. Fight realtors at auction.
    1 point
  30. I would recommend Remington, Ruger, Springfield range officer in goverment size. All these would IMO be good starter 1911's and you will still have a few bucks for ammo.
    1 point
  31. Here ya go: Couldn't resist !!! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    1 point
  32. In no particular order of quality...Remington, Ruger, Springfield Armory, Sig.   All good quality firearms. Although the SA and Sig models might really strain your budget with anything above an entry level model.   And I'd consider the Rock Island Armory models as well. Most are within the 500-800 range.
    1 point
  33. Why not buy a Remy R1 and spend the balance on ammo. You won't be disappointed.
    1 point
  34. Our values as a society have changed. They continuously change each day but we don't see it until we look at the big picture. It seems that somewhere along my generation and later ones, the ability to take a step back and actually see the forest through the trees is no longer desired or understood. It's almost completely about the here and now for my generation and the current American youth. It's disheartening. TMF is correct, though. Parents are responsible for bringing their kids up right.   I'm a few years away from 30 and I see a decline in the traditional values my parents instilled in me among my younger coworkers and colleagues. Some conversations at work just stop me in my tracks. People care about superficial matters, it's no wonder our country is in such social decline (my opinion). Hollywood and hip-hop role models have very little to nothing to teach our youth.   A couple of days ago, I saw an article about a poem that's making its rounds through social media. Maybe some of you have seen it, but I'm going to copy and paste it here because I kinda like it. It's by a 14 year old boy and it's about his generation.   Our generation will be known for nothing. Nobody will ever say, We were the peak of mankind. That is wrong. The truth is Our generation was a failure. Thinking that We actually succeeded Is a waste. And we know Living only for money and power Is the way to go. Being loving, respectful, and kind Is a dumb thing to do. Forgetting about that time, Won't be easy, but we will try. Changing our world for the better Is something we never did. Giving up Was how we handled our problems. Working hard Was a joke We knew that People thought we couldn't come back That might be true, Unless we turn things around (Now read from bottom to top)
    1 point
  35.   Actually, there aren't that many that are particularly deadly at all. certain strains of E-coli, giardia, and cryptosporidium are probably the big three, but not necessarily present.. Can kill, but generally not. Not that you want to be out of commission with an infection from any of them of course.   Cholera would almost certainly become prevalent during a complete SHTF once sanitation services are gone, but of course if you have that, you might not be  wiping your own arse for a few days, depending -- all but one strain of it is 99% survivable if you know the simple treatment, but about 50% fatal if you don't. Probably some other of the traditional world wide killers would emerge over time too.   On the other hand, urine, at least from a healthy individual, is relatively sterile.   - OS
    1 point
  36. Blade steel...   http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/879132-Stainless-Steel-Chart-Comparison-EDC-Knife-Blades-v5-3
    1 point
  37. I have one behind my house. My neighbors often show up and want to shoot with me. I guess it's all in how it's presented and what type people you live around.
    1 point
  38.   What about leaf blowers, lawn mowers, construction machinery, etc?
    1 point
  39. I'm pretty sure the world has always been pretty violent and full of evil. We've just reached the point where we demonize those who wish to defend themselves and apologize for those that commit violence against innocents. It used to be people defended their lives and their homes, and those that attacked them would hang from a tree. Now we give them free college. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  40. Spend the money on some proper holsters before you shoot yourself!
    1 point
  41.  90% of our gun problems are caused by people that did not grow up with them and their only understanding of guns comes from public school and the leftist media combined with constant news of shootings in many places.    This is where the NRA and others have failed us, is to push for mainstream tolerance and safety.  They tried, sort of, but it was still a failure for a number of reasons.  If people understood gun safety and how the machines worked, there would be less fear.  If everyone had shot one a few times, enough to understand them, there would be less fear.   Fear is, almost always, a lack of understanding the unknown.
    1 point
  42.   I would highly recommend you don't use David as an example.  He is very well-respected around here.
    1 point
  43. My next purchase was going to be an early production gen3 glock 30, the one without the rail.  Has anyone else had problems with the spring breaking on their 30 like this guy's did?
    1 point
  44. The Bear ask the Rabbit if he had problems with shit sticking to his fur.  The rabbit replied no, so the bear grabbed the rabbit and wiped his ass.
    1 point
  45. Most people don't realize that the bathroom is the most vulnerable room in your home. I bet not over 5% of gun owners take a gun to the bath room for what ever reason. If your going to close the door you are vulnerable at that point. I never shower during the day. I shower at night and never at same time two nights in a row. I don't have a security system but I do have motion lighting all around my house and my old dog can actually hear the lights come on and she barks every time which alerts me to the fact something or someone tripped the lights. I shower when she is inside and if anyone tries to enter my house with door locked she lets me know it quite well. I do have a gun in my bathroom while I am in there. It goes in with me and comes out with me.....................jmho
    1 point
  46. As a whole does anyone think this "new" generation could pull off what my grandparents did?  The great depression and WW2?  ................. I doubt it.
    1 point
  47. It's more convient for friends and family, they don't have to make as many trips to the car.
    1 point
  48. One thing about it Creeky, My hypocrisy knows no bounds (yeah I stole that line).  You live right up the street, you know I live.  Come get me when it's time to GO FIND MORE INSULIN.
    1 point
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