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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2014 in all areas

  1. I already thanked you in your original thread, but I thought this awesome act of generosity deserved its very own 'Thank You' thread.
    6 points
  2. Naw, you're one of the best people here to argue with. Some people cave or stop replying to quick, at least a guy can depend on a proper argument with you. :cheers:
    3 points
  3. Update: I got a phone call from the District Manager, he was very nice and very apologetic about the situation. Conversation sounded like they confirmed my account of what happend but they have to do their due diligence before any action is taken. He said that he is pulling the tapes from that day and the appropiate action will be taken. He assured me that they have no policy that allows an employee to hold anything for anyone. He is also going to use this incident in his push to get the 22 put back up at the service desk to make sure that this does not happen again. He said he will be back in contact with me in the next couple days after they review the tapes.
    3 points
  4. had to leave some for others
    3 points
  5. Our buddy at the Bangswitch called Wolf. Get you some sanity...   http://www.thebangswitch.com/is-the-x39-world-coming-to-an-end/
    3 points
  6. Because some of us don't want to overpay for it by calling it .300 Blackout and putting it in an unreliable platform like the AR. ;)
    3 points
  7. Stoked, Christmas in March ! Seen Jeff Quinn had one for his 480 Alaskan, was only right to have one for my 454. So I emailed Bob Mernickle out in Nevada. Less than 24 hours he mails me back with info. I call and Bobs wife answers, transfers me to Bob. Order is placed. 4-6 week turn around but it was closer to 4. Great service and product. All I can say wow, this thing is bad ass. Happy, happy happy.
    3 points
  8.   Lots of old people in Savannah. You should fit right in :)
    2 points
  9. Well, not leaving but I'll be living in Savannah most of the time...still maintaining my home in TN, voting here, etc.   I'm on assignment there but TN is still my "home".  That said, I want to get involved with GA's firearm community since I will be spending so much time there and it's always nice to have the insight into a state's laws from people who are far more familiar with them that I am; at least initially!   So; not really leaving (although I'm sure there are more than a few here who would be more than happy not just to see me go but would offer to help me pack). :)
    2 points
  10. I'm amazed there's a '93 Dodge anything still running. :stunned:
    2 points
  11. ... and this is how the shortages, price hikes, and conspiracy theories regarding shortages, price hikes, and conspiracy theories get started. Reposting non-sense and then not wanting to be the "alarmist". :surrender:   PLEASE stop this non-sense.
    2 points
  12. If I had been involved in this or had seen this happen, I would absolutely spread the word. Thing is, in some respects I'm a pretty heartless bastard. I have some very good friends that I've lost over the past few years, along with folks I would consider buddies and acquaintances. I didnt think much about it when some of them were lost. It was part of the deal. You go to war and you might die. If it were me doing the dying I wouldn't expect my buddies to lose much sleep over it. Hell, I wouldn't want them to. So it didnt affect me much. But when we came home and did ceremonies for the fallen and their families showed up it was a whole different story. These weren't just buddies who drew the short straw. They were sons, brothers and fathers. Seeing the families made me bawl like a bitch once I got to where no one could see me. I'll admit, when I saw this story teased I didn't even click on it. I saw it in this thread and decided to take a look. It started out with introducing an air national guard officer, which is about as POG as one can get, so I had my prejudices about it. Then in continued and I heard that boy's story. I couldn't watch it all the way through. What that boy is going through is exactly what I worried about my boy going through when I left him at 5 months old to go back to Iraq. I see nothing here but the purest form of emotion. Yeah, maybe the press is clinging on to it for a few more hits on their website, but that doesn't take away from what this is. The father is a hero. The boy has shouldered a burden for this country that most of us, to include myself, will never understand. Our obligation, as fellow Americans, is to honor the fallen and the families that have made the sacrifice. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13.   Butter knife perhaps, maybe even a spoon.
    2 points
  14. Typical liberal BS. Mandate something that costs 4 times as much, to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
    2 points
  15. Those issues were worked out a long, long time ago. The modern M16/M4 functions absolutely flawlessly if maintained properly. The modern stories of rifles failing in the sandbox are because they're operated by undisciplined children with worthless NCOs who have never put a dab of CLP on their rifle and the damn thing is full of desert dust. I've carried M16 series rifles for over a decade through deserts in half a dozen different countries. My rifle has always functioned fine flawlessly, even with dust, carbon, water and even the Chicken and Rice menu MRE in the upper. The rifle is just more reliable than some of the troops who have no business carrying one. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. according to a member here it is all crap anyway.  So why buy it?   ;)
    2 points
  17. I was raised in a christian home, but don't go to church as I should. But I'm still a believer, and am sick and tired of all the atheist, and gay marriage crap. No more praying, no more Pledge of Allegiance, and all the pussifaction that is going on in our country. I fear that if this crap is not brought to a halt soon that we will end up like Sod'om & Go-mar'rah. 
    2 points
  18. I believe that the ills of this country are a direct result of U.S. turning our backs on GOD. I say this as a whole, not singling anyone out. Every time I think of the Millions of baby's aborted I wonder how WE will pay for this as I know that the Bible plainly states "Do not suffer the little children" I know that all those senseless murders has hurt our GOD and he is not happy about it. I always remind people how GOD allowed HIS chosen people to wander in the desert for 40 years and they could have easily walked across it in 3 weeks. If this is true, how long do you think he will let us "wander" in the desert. We have allowed the minority atheists to take GOD and prayer off of most everything, but is still puzzles me that "In God we Trust" is still on our money. The question is do we still put our trust in GOD??
    2 points
  19. TN is doing fine now. He posted a video on what happened.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYdFSaBobhA
    2 points
  20.   That's a load of hooey.
    2 points
  21. OK, this post if for your information and is only to help you make a choice between the available options. I don't promise that my recipe will not cause skin cancer or turn you into a zombie after prolonged use. Do the research for yourself, or use a commercial mix. Always follow the manufacture's instructions and precautions. Permethrin is a popular and well known treatment for ticks, chiggers, mites and other biting insects. It is often marketed as a mosquito repellent, but it doesn't actually repel any insect. What it does do is kill insects that come into contact with the treated fabric. IT IS NOT APPROVED TO PUT ON YOUR SKIN! This is intended to be applied to your clothes or gear prior to use and allowed to fully dry before contacting your skin. There are several commercially available options that are directly marketed towards outdoor sportsmen. Here are the most popular options: REPEL brand sold "Permanone Tick Repellent" aerosol for year in an orange and blue can. Now they sell it as "Mosquito Stop", but it is basically the same stuff. Coulston's Duranon Tick Repellent is a similar aerosol spray with the same percentage of permethrin. This can often be found at your local Co-Op or hunting supply store. Sawyer's Tick Repellent is a newer popular option. It is available at some Wal-Marts and some Dick's and other big box stores. It is supposed to be FDA approved for use on clothing for human. The first "Homemade Permethrin" recipe I tried was using DurationTM 10% Permethrin mixed with water to make a .5% concentration which I poured into spray bottles. This was a much cheaper option than the 3 listed above. However, Duration got more expensive and harder to find so I moved to my current brand. It used to claim to be the "ONLY" FDA approved 10% concentrate approved for use on clothing for humans. Currently, and for the past 2 years I have used Martin's 10% Permethrin to mix with water and make a spray treatment for my hunting and hiking clothes. I buy Martin's online. Usually it is available on Amazon for a decent price. Martin's is not FDA approved for a clothing treatment for humans. DID YOU READ THAT STATEMENT? With that said, I have done quite a bit of research into the various permethrin mixtures available. Most are marketed toward treatment of ticks and mites on Cattle, Dogs and other Livestock. Many of these are not suitable for clothing treatments because they contain a percentage of petroleum to aid in the sticking on cattle and other livestock. This is the same for the permethrin lawn treatment products that are available at Home Depot and Lowes. Lot's of people have used these, but from what I have read it's safer to avoid the products that list petroleum in the ingredients. I buy the 16oz bottle of Martin's 10% Permethrin and mix it with 2.5 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket. The mix to get to .5% is 6.4 ounces per gallon of water or 1oz to 20 oz of water. Lots of folks use 1oz to 15oz of water, that gives you .625% and is stronger than needed, but fits nicely in a 16oz spray bottle. My mix makes it just less than .5%, but I can tell you from experience that it is completely effective at killing ticks. I have found many dead ticks on my treated clothing. After I mix up a bucket, I dip my clothes in, wearing gloves, I wring out the clothes back into the bucket. I dipped 5 pairs of pants, 5 shirts and a couple sets of base layers this years. I still had enough left in the bucket to fill 3 16oz spray bottles for reapplications. In the past 3 years I have had ZERO tick bites. I have found a few on me, both dead and alive. No seed tick attacks, no chigger attacks, and it does kill mosquitoes if they stay in contact with the fabric. I also use Martin's to mix up a tick dip for my dogs. I follow the instructions provided with the bottle to make the dog dip. I used it on both my dogs and have not seen any sign of skin irritation. I left a tick on my dog and sprayed it with the dog dip and the next day the tick had fallen off. I assume it died. There are no fleas or ticks on my dogs so I am a believer that the dip works. BTW, the dog dip mix is many times weaker than the .5% that I use for clothing. Don't use the .5% mix on your dogs and don't use it in any mixture on cats. Please remember this is a poison. Do not use the mix bucket for any other purpose. Do not use the spray bottles for any other purpose. Make sure you take care to prevent contamination to unintended areas. Do a little research and you will find that Permethrin is a very versatile insecticide and has lots of useful applications around the house and farm.
    1 point
  22.   Well without Robert at least....   Until I have a meet and/or have a beer with Dave, he is not a real person.
    1 point
  23. DO NOT BUY THEIR PAINT. I did and it is useless. I had to add another 1/2 ounce of glow powder to make it even remotely useable and even then it was pretty useless.   The best way to use it is to mix it in with the epoxy. If you just sprinkle it on top it will wear off pretty quickly (ask me how I know). As long as you use clear epoxy the light will charge all the particles, even the ones way deep.   I normally use a small drill bit that is the same size as the current white dot. I drill out the white and go about another 1/16" deeper. Then I mix a little bit of epoxy up really well. Then I move a small amount about the size of my pinky fingernail away from the big glob of epoxy. Then I slowly mix in the glow powder until the epoxy starts to thicken from the amount of glow in the dark powder being added. If you add too much powder you can mix in some more epoxy. Then I use a tooth pick to pick up a small glob about the size of the hole. Then I force as much as I can inside the hole. Then I grab another glob about the same size and drop it on top of the hole. Next I use a clean tooth pick to clean up any excess. What you should end up with is a glob that is about a 1/32" proud of the sight and the same diameter as the hole. Next you need to set the gun in a position so the rear of the sight, where the glob is, is lever with the ground. After a few minutes the glob will round itself and then become shiny as the powder settles below the surface of the epoxy. Then you just wait a few hours until it is dry.   If you mess up just wait 15-20 minutes and pick the glob back out or use the drill bit to pull it back out. The most important is to not add the powder to the main glob of epoxy. Only separate enough epoxy to do the sight a few times over. This keeps you from wasting powder if you have to do it over.   I have literally done at least a dozen pistols using this method.   I was going to do a write up at some point but got side tracked. I might get around to how I do it.
    1 point
  24.   I understand you may not be trying to fan the flames but that is exactly what posts like this do.  Some ignorant fools will read this hunting for ammo and think they'll never be able to get it again.  Therefore they buy it all up.  Retailers face a run on stock, wholesalers cant' keep up then start raising prices, etc., etc.  Not to mention just plain greed that gets factored into it all.   Has the .22 famine not been enough of a lesson of how this all works?  Haven't we been through this enough?   Russia is NOT going to cut off the shipments of anything to this country.  If there is a shortage it will come from trade sanctions and import restrictions imposed by the US guvment and primarily hysterical gun owners.
    1 point
  25. Now I know why my son has been asking for a quad...
    1 point
  26. Yea, I didn't agree with the sentiment, but the meme cracked me up!!!
    1 point
  27. It was a hot Saturday evening in the summer of 1958 and Fred had a date with Peggy Sue. He arrived at her house and rang the bell. “Oh, come on in!” Peggy Sue’s mother said as she welcomed Fred in. “So, what are you and Peggy planning to do tonight?” she asked. “Oh, probably catch a movie, and then maybe grab a bite to eat at the malt shop, maybe take a walk on the beach.” “Peggy likes to screw, you know,” Mom informed him. “Uh…really?” Fred replied, with raised eyebrows. â€Is that so?” asked Fred, incredulous. “Yes,” said the mother. “As a matter of fact, she’d screw all night if we let her!” “Well, thanks for the tip,” Fred said as he began thinking about alternate plans for the evening. “Have fun, kids,” the mother said as they left. Half an hour later, a completely disheveled Peggy Sue burst into the house and slammed the front door behind her. “The TWIST, Mom!” she angrily yelled at her mother. “THE DAMN DANCE IS CALLED THE TWIST!!!”
    1 point
  28. It's time to defend yourself! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Wonder what she'd think of the finger I'm showing now?
    1 point
  30. Did some quick research and came up with a few sites that sell stuff similar to superluminova pigment: http://www.ofrei.com/luminous-paste-for-watch-hands-and-dials.html http://www.noctilumina.com/main/prices.php http://www.esslinger.com/luminova-green-glow-in-the-dark-paint-kit.aspx
    1 point
  31. Congrats...great little knives. I pocket carry one all the time.
    1 point
  32. I'll have one some day, probably configured just like yours.
    1 point
  33. Sorry, but I gotta be the Ahole here. I always question the validity of these stories. Even removing the Christian ethic from the equation, it seems all these type stories have a common denominator. They all have people blowing their trumpet saying "Look at me and what I did!" That's NOT how you give. You don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. A free hearted person who WANTS to give for the sake of giving does so in secret. The reward is feeling from helping another. To give and then tell everyone what you've done negates everything and makes the whole ordeal about YOU not the person you made an effort to help. The Christian ethic for those who believe can be found in the book Matthew chapter 6: 1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
    1 point
  34. Glad it worked out but that was a dangerously stupid thing to do IMO. BB guns fall into funny territory, they're not toys, but they're not exactly lethal weapons either. She's lucky she didn't shoot him, if he knew he was being held hostage by a Daisy I doubt he would have waited around at best.
    1 point
  35. I saw this posted by someone today. This individual asked ammoman about the supply of Russian steel case ammo: Hello xxxxxx, Thank you for reaching out to us here AmmoMan.com! There are currently no sanctions at all against Russia and without any sanctions, there will not be any issues getting any of the Russian ammunition in stock. Until we see those sanctions, we will not have any issues continue getting that in stock! If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you, Joe AmmoMan.com
    1 point
  36. It's all hype. People only started this nonsense to make more $$$.
    1 point
  37. They've invaded the Crimea. There is no ammo production there. Even if Russia had the ability to annex Crimea, and it became Russian territory, it would have no effect on Ukrainian production. Ukraine and Russia aren't going to war. Barry has his hands tied as well. No one wants to place any sanctions on Russia besides us. He has no support, and there will be no sanctions on ammunition.
    1 point
  38. I'll bet you $10 there are a lot of vets from 'Nam, and probably Korea too, who would wholeheartedly disagree with you about that. You know, being on the receiving end of all that inferior stuff and all. My dad was in the Marines in Hue, during Tet, and he and his gang sure respected the hell out of that stuff.
    1 point
  39. He'll get off because some damn lawyer who was hired to defend him will get it proved that he is nuts and he will get off. My question is, with his lengthy criminal history, WHY was he on the streets?   Dave
    1 point
  40. Each family must decide where the line is drawn and how they will act.    Every member must understand the possible consequences, should it come to that.   At that point, the possible losses resulting from both action and inaction are great.   Pray it will never come to that, but that is how you teach children exactly what responsibility is.  Is it right to teach your children to comply with every whim of authority?  Is it right to teach them to "...Crouch down and lick the hands which feed..." them?   If they will take your guns, next they take your God/personal belief system.  That is a historical fact.    
    1 point
  41. This whole thing kills me because her brother seen some dude drag her off to the woodline. He did nothing to stop it and he was 16-17 at the time (gun, stick, ballbat ect) but call 911. I think he is just as guilty and may be involved in some way. I promise you this..as a teen ager if I seen someone drag my sister to the woods, I would have done everything I could (terminal hematoma here) to intervene or stop it. 911 would be called after the fact. But to stand around like a little pus**, and let that happen to his sister speaks volumes for his manhood! A similar thing happened to my Daughter in Laws little cousin. Jackie Beard was picking blackberries in her yard when a jerk, who's name I refuse to say, abducted her, raped her and killed her. That piece of s*** is in prison smiling with his bunk mate and could care less about it. These crimes are not punished harsh enough nor fast enough...it's sickening.   Rant off...   Good night Brother TGO'rs   Dave
    1 point
  42. I think it's a very valid option, and the one most likely to keep you alive the longest.  You'd have a 33+% chance of getting away with it...  my guess the chances you'd survive an armed stand off with the police are very low...  sub 10%.   I've said it before, I'm half surprised legislators who voted for this law haven't ended up swing for a lamp post already.  I'd say it's unlikely that legislators here in TN would fair as well if they passed a law outlawing firearms and then had public servants go around talking about door to door confiscation on the local airwaves.   Fact is we only have a very small police force here in TN, somewhere around 15,000 post certified officers for 6.5 million people.  And after the first attack on a legislator my guess is the vast majority of those officers will be guarding said politicians who support gun control.  
    1 point
  43.   Damn, this is a new level of bullsh*t even for you....I'm impressed.
    1 point
  44. I am a member of a local FB group that buys and sells guns. I have not seen any issues come up as of yet. There are some deals there too but you have to be quick on the draw. I missed a Marlin lever gun in 45-70 that sold for $300.
    1 point
  45. Done! http://www.armslist.com/posts/2769304/knoxville-tennessee-ammo-for-sale-trade--22lr-bucket-o-bullets-and-1000rd-m22   Figured putting it up without bashing them in the title would get more view, and maybe these guys will see this and know there pic is out.   Edit: Fixed, thanks CZ
    1 point
  46. unfortunately some of todays youth look like they went bobbing for apples in a tackle box :shrug:
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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