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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2014 in all areas

  1. I worked out a trade out for a new scope. Its Vortex Viper PST 6-24 x 50mm, and it came with Vortex Precision Machined low rings. I used two picatinny risers so that the objective would clear until I can order higher rings. I love this scope, the glass is super clear and it matches with the Troy MCS perfectly. And next to a S&W m&p 15 to show the size difference. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  2. Can I get a link for PSA.   I tried google but kept getting Prostate-Specific Antigen and related items.
    2 points
  3.   Kroil is the miracle oil.  Not only is it the best sticky situation unsticker it's made by a Tennessee company.
    2 points
  4. Send it to me and I'll usea hammer and a video camera to dispose of it properly. ... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  5.     Paul and Sonny are good people at the Trading Station. I have been doing business with them for over 20 years.   Magiccarpetrides on this forum owns a lot in Sevierville. I have bought a couple from him over the years. Name is Vince at Sevierville Auto Brokers.  I live in the Greater Nashville area and it has always been worth the trip.
    2 points
  6. :waiting:  you win.  You are indeed as your predecessors have described, and more.  Are you that insufferable in real life? Go ahead, make one more post so you have the last word in.
    2 points
  7. I'll be honest, I was really pissed off at work today. I kept thinking, I wasted prayers for these two drug dealers!!!! I still feel bad for the relatives because they did lose someone, but I hate gang bangers, I hate drug dealers, and I hate thieves! I cannot be sorry they are gone, who knows how many other people they've robbed, shot at, or even killed? Would they have turned their lives around and become model citizens? Highly doubtful, but even if they did, what did they leave in the wayside of their criminal lives....Hell, they were 19 freaking years old! All I wanted when I was 19 was enough money (from a JOB!) to take out a lil sweet thing on the weekend hopin for a lil country road romance! 
    2 points
  8. First class... I have always thought that this board has some "good people"....this is a great example of a class act. I told my son who won and he said "oh well"...and then I told him of the gift card...he says "really, why?"....I told him "Son, some have bigger hearts than others"....thank you for the example and the generosity again!
    2 points
  9. Wow! What a blessing!  She was still yelling when she hung up to tell her mom.  We all appreciate your generosity.  Pm inbound. Cherokee Slim
    2 points
  10. I'm running a dillon xl650 now, and thinking it might be worth getting a bullet feeder. Anyone have one? Or have recommendations? Because this just came today. And I need to start cranking some out!
    1 point
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    1 point
  12. Hilarity ensues.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqQWkB0kn9Y    
    1 point
  13. I think his best quote is "You never go full retard"
    1 point
  14. [quote name="vontar" post="1109533" timestamp="1392171881"]Can I get a link for PSA. I tried google but kept getting [url="http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cancer.gov%2Fcancertopics%2Ffactsheet%2Fdetection%2FPSA&ei=LNv6UpmuNau-sQSuvYKwBA&usg=AFQjCNHvQcYHYV7FS7VkH2B7Kl8Uqhr-Xg&sig2=nEcIvPOJeSD0Yw9g6Hn3tw&bvm=bv.61190604,d.dmQ"][i]Prostate-Specific Antigen[/i][/url] and related items.[/quote] PalmettoStateArmory.com Sent via Tapatalk. Blame the phone for any spelling issues.
    1 point
  15. And if you are can I get a call?
    1 point
  16. I'm a veterinarian; what exactly do you need?
    1 point
  17. I had to order a rear sight for my Winchester 94-22 XTR, and was looking for some coupons.  I read through some other gun message boards, older posts, all you have to do is call Numrich's phone number for a discount code.  So I tried it today, and it worked.    Just call their 866-686-7424 number, you will get a automatic message of a coupon code.  Then use in the checkout process on the web site.  I got close to $5 off my shipping today.  Shipping was like $2 after the code.   https://www.gunpartscorp.com/
    1 point
  18. If this goes all the way, I have a new Protech on my radar for a carry knife!
    1 point
  19. Passed Judiciary committee 6-1-1 and will move to the Calendar committee.  
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Nice one Steve.  I love mine.  When I first looked at it and put it up to my shoulder, I was sold instantly. 
    1 point
  22. It depends on the purpose of each gun.  The original post assumes that handguns are for self defense and that 1000 rounds is kinda overkill.  Well, it is.  But that ignores that you can be doing survival chores (chopping wood, getting a bucket of water, or just bored and wandering around your area) with a pistol and take game with a 9mm pistol, yea even a deer if you hit it right and certainly smaller animals.   I dunno about you but hauling an AR every second just in case you see an animal is a lot of trouble.  Personally I plan to not have *any* shootouts with other people, I would really like to avoid that as much as possible (same as I do now in a normal world).  Its possible, even likely early on as people get hungry but have not died off yet --- but I would still rather avoid it.   So my ammo is for survival, and defense as necessary, but even my 'handgun' ammo is more of a supplement to hunting than anything else.   If I were only using the pistol for defense, sure, one brick of ammo is plenty.
    1 point
  23. I got the last one in stock http://tradingplacepawn.com/vortex-viper-pst-4-16x50-ffp-riflescope-ebr-1-moa-reticle.html It was slashed and it showed the sell price when it was added to cart Here's the lower portion of my invoice ... I used the $10 off coupon ... Plus free shipping over $150 Is standard
    1 point
  24. Wish it weren't so but I'd rather see 100,000,000 of these in NY and know that the libs are still messing themselves than have none up there and have the fart sniffers sitting around in a cloud of smug satisfaction. And farts.
    1 point
  25. What an AWESOME Mom you had Tanker! Prayers going out to you and your family!   Dave
    1 point
  26. IMO, high-gloss walnut makes a rifle too pretty to use.  I'm always afraid of dinging the stock - it's like getting the first scratch on a new car.  I like a low gloss oil finish on a pre-dinged walnut stock.   My 30 year old 10-22 has a beautifully figured walnut stock.  It spends most of its time in the safe.
    1 point
  27. i am weak and have no discipline    I ordered one Monday :)   I read that many come in orig tupperware cases and have night sights (which im sure are dimm) but I do have some spare sights and a 3.5# connector in my draw so Ill put this G22 to good use   40 is snappy but really not too bad on larger glocks,I own a G23 and its a breeze to shoot a 40
    1 point
  28. Worth a shot.  Could always be blasted off later.
    1 point
  29. Dave, thanks for doing this give away. It was very generous of you. I don't care what Shaun says, you are a good man. I am really happy for Rachel. Wish I could have seen that smile when she found out! Thanks again Dave.
    1 point
  30.  It's a horrible thing to aid a child in developing an addiction Dave! I guess in this case it's a pretty good thing you've done. Congrats to the lucky child.
    1 point
  31. [quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1109127" timestamp="1392091409"]Both nice but I really really dig the old Wingmaster. - OS[/quote] I do too! I am kinda glad it is all beat to hell so I won't pout when I scratch it up this summer when camping. :p
    1 point
  32. Carmax Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    1 point
  33. One more perspective from the WSJ -   http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303650204579372622361332560?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop
    1 point
  34. I had very good luck with Paul's Trading Station in Mt. Juliet. If they have what I'm looking for next time around, I would definitely do business with them again. When it came time to negotiate a price, both of us gave in to within $300 of each other. I knew the truck was worth their final offer price, but I was still being stubborn. To prove what kind of deal I was getting, he showed me the receipts for the auction, and the battery, wheel and tire that needed replacing. I was confident enough in his honesty to give in and pay the additional $300. They were as honest as a dealer can be, in my humble opinion.
    1 point
  35. Congrats Rhinestone Rachel! Dave - We ALL won regardless of your additional generosity...a kid gets to go hunting and with that we all win. And without meaning to sound unappreciative of the gift card, cause I am....that was really cool of you and super generous (your type makes me proud to be an outdoorsman) there is likely someone who needs it more than I. Gonna pm ya a suggestion privately. Thanks again!
    1 point
  36. [quote name="Smith" post="1108834" timestamp="1392055562"]How hard is it to run a registration search on a pretty specific new model car like that Camero and find the guy in short order?[/quote] Wondered this myself, especially since I'm a Maury Co. resident. It's a small county, neighbored by even smaller counties. I'd be willing to bet if they were able to run registrations on Maury and neighboring counties there wouldn't be more than 10 yellow Camaros. I could be wrong, but it would at least be a start. Although, they don't deserve to be caught by the police. They deserve to pull over the wrong person, an armed citizen. That may be wrong of me, but the time these guys will serve when caught will be laughable I'm sure
    1 point
  37. I'm not sure there is a "right" amount of ammo to keep on hand. It would be up to each individual to make that decision. To me it's kind of like firewood, food, water, or anything else I keep around the house. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.   The amount of ammo I keep has nothing to do with plans for firefights or zombie attacks.   That reminds me I better bring in some more firewood.
    1 point
  38. I tend to doubt common sense had anything to do with it. Somehow this was infurnced by nothing but $$$.
    1 point
  39. If you would like to bring them by the store sometime, I would be happy to speak with them about the Navy. I retired in 2005 and during my 20 years I was able to serve with SEAL Team 2 and NSWU-2 in Germany as an armorer for the SEALs.
    1 point
  40. If they are both honors students they need to be looking at College with Military as an Officer after that. IMO http://www.usna.edu/Admissions/Steps-for-Admission/
    1 point
  41. I was scammed once by someone I know.  Call these people up, to meet somewhere.  Be late, or call them 10 min after the time you agreed to, say you are on the way.  Call 10 min later, say stuck in traffic.  Call another 10 min later, pulled over by the police.  Then 15 min later, call back, say you found a better deal.  If 2 or 3 of us will do this to the same gizzard, at different meet up times, I bet they will become a little annoyed in their business model.
    1 point
  42. A very subjective question indeed.   Well over a year ago prior to the "crunch" I maintained what I thought was a good inventory of ammunition for my activities. A one year supply of the calibers / gage I most often shoot for IDPA, trap and practice (.45, 9mm, 12 ga.). I don't shoot much .22LR so I didn't even consider that, my bad.   My reasoning for a one year supply was I would never worry or be affected by another short temporary ammo caliber shortage. Well, as the months passed and I was continuing with my monthly shooting activities, it got to the point I had to cut back my shooting or completely run out of ammo. Fortunately, the .45 / 9mm shortage eased up and I am able to slowly start restocking another supply.   Fourteen months ago whoever would have thought we would have a very long term .22LR shortage and prepared for it? After all, you could find it anywhere on the cheap.   In a free society supply and demand will always prevail eventually. The problem seems to be government laws / actions making it difficult for production and business and causing panic buying and hoarding.   Seems like most problems in our lives can be directly or indirectly traced back to the government in one form or another.   So, to answer the OP's original question, it was a year's worth. Now it's ...  dot dot dot (mathematical symbol for infinity.)   A new song has been written, it goes something like this:   A hoarding I will go A hoarding I will go Hi ho the dairy - O A hoarding I will go  :rofl:
    1 point
  43. Cool as a novelty, not a practicality.
    1 point
  44.   Nope.  The two are totally unrelated.  The UN is correct on the molestation.   The UN overstepped on abortion --- their rant is effectively telling a religious entity what to think/say.  
    1 point
  45. Phases plague those of us who can't afford all options Sure it's a phase, as most gun urges. I usually research it to death and then try to put it aside for a bit and let it simmer. Then if it lingers I'll swap or buy. Guns is a unique hobby where the items retain all or most of their value for a long time. Sent from my iPad using Voodoo magic
    1 point
  46. just use a powder made for it 4064 blc2 4895 2460 varget rl15 any of those will work fine
    1 point
  47. I don't know about the FNAR, but I loaded IMR4895 in match loads for an M1A back in ancient times when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. :)   At that time IMR4895 and IMR4064 seemed to be the 2 most often used powders in M1A match loads for civilian shooters.   Going from memory (please, please, please double check with a current reloading manual), the charges for IMR4895 were in the 41-43 grain range (depending on the rifle, brass manufacturer), OAL 2.800". 
    1 point
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