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  1. I have no sympathy for the dead officer. According to other reports I have read, he is the one who sought the warrant and raid. I consider this a case of suicide. When you initiate violence, you have to accept responsibility for the outcome.   There are times for kicking in doors and all of them involve an imminent threat to innocent life. If that does not exist, you do not make a dynamic entry. "No knock" warrants are an illegitimate initiation of force by government that creates a danger to life where none existed before agents in uber-tactical-ninja-gear kicked in the door. The possibility that the target of the warrant may destroy evidence is not sufficient reason to endanger the lives of the public or the officers.
    9 points
  2. My wife is a yankee, I am not.   Her family is Slovakian, she is only second generation American. I often tease her and call her Russian, making the stereotype that all of those Eastern European countries are the same. She doesn't like it, but she tolerates it.   She cooks food that there ain't no way on god'g green earth you are gonna get a country boy to eat. I haven't had soup beans in ten years. A month ago she tells me she is making me a mess of soup beans. Wish she would have told me that yankees make them with navy beans. And then they smash them all.   I cried.   On New Years, she cooks kielbasa and kraut, and expects me to eat them, because back in Russia, I mean the now nonexistant former Soviet Bloc country, that is what they ate on New Year. I don't know about you, but I eat collard greens, hog jowl and black eyed peas.         Now, the point I am making is a simple one, and something that a lot of folks are missing here, but I am pleased to see that just as many are getting it.   The United States of America is a nation that was founded by folks from everywhere. There are few distinctly 'American Traditions' because they are all heirlooms from nations that our ancestors left.   Demanding that all American's adhere to 'American Culture' is an ignorant statement. Please note I said ignorant, not stupid, please understand I am stating that one should do more research, not that one is foolish. American Culture, much like Americans are a mish mash of a million different flavors. Even our language and street slang is a mixture of languages. English itself is a blend of Germanic, Norse and French languages.      I am proud to be an American, and I am proud of my heritage. To think that because someone has different political or religious views, or speaks a different first language that they can't possibly love America as much as you is the most childish thing I have ever heard.                       I would like to end this and ask how many of you have attempted to pick up a second language? Why? Why not? I have a large working Spanish vocabulary, but I would hesitate to even say I could converse. It is hard, and I applaud ANYONE who is attempting to learn a second language.
    7 points
  3. I hate it for both of them but I'm glad for the precedent. Too much militant police intervention for minor crimes and no-knock warrants.
    7 points
  4. Break into a house. Get shot.    The system worked.  :usa:
    5 points
  5. Over a few pot plants? I can think of countless better reasons to die. I agree with the following.  
    5 points
  6. I still believe that America is the place where everyone can be accepted, as long as the common bond is the love of freedom. History has shown that America does not always welcome everyone. But in my heart, I do. Sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    3 points
  7. These no knock warrants are out of control. We recently had a woman in Orlando get robbed when men knocked on her door and produced a badge. She let them in and was assaulted and robbed.   I'm not a criminal so if someone kicks down by door without reason they may expect to be met with force. I'm sure it wouldn't end well for me either but what are we supposed to do this day and age? 
    3 points
  8. I have several threads about my recent interest in older firearms and working my way back. I have finally made it back to my first C&R purchase and would like to share some photos of it with everyone. I am no expert but am interested in any experience you have with it. I think I have a 1956 S&W pre39 in good shape to be about 57 years old. Thinking about getting it lettered so I have the facts on it. My understanding is it is the first American made DA/SA pistol to make it into regular production. It also seems the serial numbers started at 1000 and went to about 2500 on the pre39 models. I have 15xx. Again any knowledge you can share about them and their history would be great. Also I wouldn't mind getting it closer to original, so if anyone has a box, paperwork, mag, etc that is the same age I would be interested in it. Now for some eye candy. Thanks
    2 points
  9. OK fellow TGO'rs I have not flipped my lid, even though we all know turkey hunting is a mental disorder that is suffered by many! I will not be getting back into turkey hunting (for mental reasons lol) and have a deal for you!   Here's the gig.... Due to the rash of "give-a-ways" on TGO, I thought I would jump on the wagon as well. So, I will be giving away all my turkey hunting gear (minus my boots and shotgun) to one lucky sucker I mean hunter, who can meet my terms. I'm not going to tell all of what will be in the box, but I assure you it will be everything a new Turkey Hunter will need to make a fool out of themselves I mean call in turkey's and other hunters while afield.   TankerHC did a fabulous favor to me right before Christmas and now it's payback time!   The rules; (damn rules) 1. Whoever receives this gear promises to give or loan it to a child, teen or adult who is wanting to learn how to Turkey Hunt. 2. You must mentor that new Turkey Hunter to insure that they are proficient at the task at hand and are SAFE at ALL TIMES!!! 3. That you WILL NOT sell any of these items! 4. You MUST post a picture on TGO of your chosen person using or wearing this gear when the Turkey Season starts. 5. To participate, you must be a regular contributor here on the hunting forums and have a good post count.   How will it work:   Just briefly tell me who this will gear will be loaned or given to, and how you will mentor this person. On Monday, February 10th, 2014, myself and my buddy (Federal Game Warden Jerome Curtis) will be going rabbit hunting. While he's here at my house, I will have him read this thread. We will place names in a hat, and have Officer Curtis draw one. The winner will be notified here and I will ship the items on my dime.   Easy enough Sorry for the humor   Dave
    2 points
  10. Here's the kind of immigrant I want next door to me.   http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/02/must-see-manuel-martinez-fled-castros-cuba-destroys-oregon-lawmakers-gun-control-attempt-video/
    2 points
  11. No 22LR listed on A list or the usual places, guess their feet hurt too bad to stand around wally world waiting on their "cart". Especially since the mgrs prob received a new task order regarding the lard asses using,soiling, and bending brand new lawn chairs....they gotta be on the run! :up:
    2 points
  12. Poor George. He just can't catch a break. Guess he'll have to stick to his career as an artist and woman abuser. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. But I should be able to order my Big Mac in 'Merican, the way George Washington did! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  14.   :clap: I had to laugh about the kielbasa Sausage and Kraut meal your wife prepared for you. I grew up in a mixed home to but mine was a Yankee and a Southern Girl. My father was from Hickory Corners, Michigan and my mother was from Craggie Hope, Tennessee. My mother could cook about anything on a menu in about any restaurant from the finest top dollar ones in Chicago to the Ghetto's and everything in between. She was a Professional Chef much of her life and was employed as head chef in the Millionaire Club in Chicago for almost 10 years but only worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday when the high rollers came in so rest of the time she was home and cooked what ever she picked out and Kraut and Sausage was on the house menu at least three times a month. We also ate all kinds of Beans and Corn bread with fixin's. White, Pinto, Butter beans or mixed White and Pinto's. A real treat was Southern Fried Chicken with all the fixins. Now my Daddy being a Yankee(German decent) He did like the Kraut meals and liked Fish meals(Halibut) was his favorite along with Catfish I would catch and clean and she prepared. One night she fixed Salmon Patty fish cakes as something new. When Dad got in from work he sat down to supper and it didn't take Mom long to notice that he was eating some of everything but the Salmon. She asked him why he didn't eat any Salmon and his reply was he didn't care much for it. Now my mother cooked for her my father and four sons. Needless to say by the end of that week my Father developed a taste for Salmon Patty Cakes. We all had them for 4 nights straight and the last two nights my Father made sure he ate Salmon Cakes. Finally he asked her what her point was and she said that when she was growing up she was told that she ate what was put in front of her or she went hungry and she learned to acquire a taste for what ever was put on the table so she never went to bed hungry. From that point on until the day my Father died he always ate what my Mother put on the table but we also never had Salmon Cake patty's again. My Father learned to like Salmon and my Mother got her point across that if she is going to sweat and prepare a meal for 6 all 6 were going to eat what she cooked........My point to this is there is not anything in the way of food that is put on a table I won't eat but there are a few things I choose now not to eat at age 66 but only a couple. Now I know this is about as far off the topic of this thread as a person may go but I thought that Coke and America the Beautiful both needed a break.... :hiding: ...........jmho 
    2 points
  15. It shouldn’t even be an issue. The only time cops should be forcing entry into a house is in an armed standoff or a hostage situation. As we saw in Lebanon there is always a possibility they have the wrong house. I couldn’t care less if a drug dealer dies in the exchange, but when innocent citizens or a Police Officer gets killed; there is no justification for it. Officers need to start saying no. And Chiefs or Sheriffs that think these tactics are okay; need to be replaced. SWAT teams serve a purpose, but they are the last choice not the first, and they certainly shouldn’t be used to get a doper that any Patrol Officer could cuff and stuff at any time if he is given the nod.
    2 points
  16. They are sort of like Glocks; not only do the owners like them, they can't comprehend why everyone doesn't own them.
    2 points
  17. As you wish, just came in the mail 30 minutes ago, I love this rifle!
    2 points
  18.   I agree with everything you said 100%, so take that as you wish with regards to the effects of the painkillers on your mental state. :lol:
    2 points
  19. First of all, I would suggest separating the positions/doctrine of "the church" from what individual MEN have done because one is not equal to the other. While either could be at fault for wrongs; it isn't fair to judge the church for what some men have done nor to judge some men by what the church (the organization) has done.   Secondly, off hand I can't think of any organization or collection of people; especially one that's been around as long as the Catholic church, that doesn't have plenty to be ashamed of but there is no reason to overlook the tremendous good that has been done by Catholic's and other Christian variants over the centuries.  Regardless of what one believes about God or organization religion, much of the real charity done in the world since Christ walked the earth has been done in His name by people who believed in his teachings...many if not most of existing humanitarian organizations that exist today trace their roots to Christian sources. Further; most early scientific research and discovery was done in the name of Christ in order to better understand the world around us. No one is giving a "pass" to what the church has done wrong and there are plenty of examples; most especially when it comes to pedophilia and protection of priests but some here seem to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater (to use a much overused phrase).   Also, the UN or anyone connected to it calling out the church for its "sins" makes about as much sense as Planned Parenthood complaining about child abuse or someone who smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day complaining about the negative health impact of someone who overeats.       PS: If any of the above doesn't make sense then I plead "drug induced dementia" as I'm on some significant pain killers after having broken my leg last Thursday night! :)
    2 points
  20. Whoever approved the no knock raid and also the warrant should be held accountable.
    2 points
  21. [quote name="Dolomite_supafly" post="1107945" timestamp="1391877167"]Or moving to places like Tennessee because we are a lot cheaper than Canada. Problem is they are true liberals. They only want to be conservatives when it comes to certain things, everything else they would support. Then after they have instilled the agenda here and it again becomes too liberal for them they move onto another state to ruin them. They supported the liberal agenda until THEIR government struck a nerve and they decided to move. So when they come here they might want some firearm freedoms but they also want all the social programs and other liberal benefits that they have lived with and supported for the last 3 decades. We are seeing it now with a lot of liberals moving here because their home state became too liberal but they want to turn Tennessee into the utopia that was their home state right before their leaders went too far in their home state. It is easier for them to move here than to fight for their own state. Then when things get too bad here they leave us to fight the battle they started. Personally I would not be against an immigration system for our state. You cannot become a resident of Tennessee unless you meet certain requirements. If you get caught living here without it you get shipped off, in the middle of the night, to your previous state of residency. And even after you are permitted residency you cannot vote in state or local elections for 7 years. Not sure what the requirements would be but one would be that you must pay taxes, either income or property, to be allowed to become a Tennessean.[/quote] Need a TN version of this sticker.
    2 points
  22. Since we are telling stories about quitting here is mine.   I started with Redman when I was 11 or 12. Used it for 4 or 5 years then started dipping. Kodiak then Copenhagen and finished out with Skoal until my mid 30s. A good 20 year run or so. Tried to quit many time along the way, but no luck. It was impossible to quit.   When I was about 34 I hurt my back and for the next 2 years the pain got progressively worse. At first some BC would stay off the pain then predinione helped for a while. By the end I was only able to sleep a couple hours a night because the pain was so bad. Even then I had to be in a certain spot just so in a recliner to ease the pain. One day I got up off the couch and the pain hit me like a baseball bat. Its hard to explain just how bad it was. I didn't know it was possible to feel that much pain and not just pass out from it. I hit the floor screaming. It was so bad I was scared to move.   After a ambulance ride to the hospital, I was on some really strong pain medicine only awake about 2 hours a day for a week or so I did a little praying and the hardest thing I could think of other than the pain was quitting dipping. I said if the pain got better I would stop dipping. Went to the neurologist had a MRI and S1 was crushed. (A disk very low in the back) I was getting ready for surgery to help stop the pain about a month later. I started to quit dipping and had to take less and less medicine for the pain. Within that month I had stopped dipping all together and the pain got to a point that I could function without any medicine at all.   The Doctor said I made it through something that most people can't without surgery. (Not sure if he was blowing smoke or not) Now the last 2 toes on my right foot have no feeling and I always have some discomfort from it. I think the nerves that were being pinched in my back went dead, but I make through every day ok and I haven't used tobacco in a good 6 years.   Sorry to be long winded.
    2 points
  23.   The IDPA rules are in black and white! There is no color or shades of grey!
    2 points
  24. I'm partial to the Swift 8x32x50. It allows me to clearly see any part of the X in the X ring at 600 yds. yet allows me to dial out mirage if it gets too heavy. It's not a bright as a NightForce but for $249, shipped it's a fantastic bargain. It has good eye relief and a sun shade. It's a 1/4 MOA scope ask each click = 1.5 inches at 600 yds. That can keep you in the X ring which is in a 3 inch ring.   You will need to buy a 20 MOA scope rail to mount it. That will give you enough elevation all the way to 1000 yds.    It also allows you to dial out parallax.   I shot mine in competition for about 4 years without any problems. I sold it on a rifle and wish I still had it.   http://www.eabco.com/images/SRP678M.gif   Hope this helps.   Lp   Edited to add: we shoot medium range over pretty much known distances which means we just dial in the come ups and adjust for  windage. BDC's work fine but you must get one for a specific bullet type like your .308. Then it must be running with an average speed in feet per second for the BDC to work. In other words, a .223 BDC scope running with a bullet at 2800 ft will probably have a different drop over a given distance. Especially when you start talking 400-1000 yds. 100-300 yds and you stay in the ballpark.    And...most of the scopes you mention, like the Monarch cannot give you enough clicks of up to get to 600 yds. without the 20 MOA rail.
    2 points
  25. Finally got her comfortable and permitted so bought her a bodyguard .380 with the laser for her to carry seems to be what she's the most comfortable with so here it is -Dusty-
    1 point
  26. Cheap Lee stuff! :D It was about $35-$40, only lasted 20 years, and resized, reformed, and reloaded untold thousands of cases. I am upgrading to a Lee Classic Cast press this time instead of the cast aluminum one I'll sadly leave behind.   I feel I got my money's worth out of it. Oh, I know that if I'd bought an expensive press to begin with, it would likely still be working. At the time, we had just married, and money was tight. If it wasn't for Lee products, I would have missed out on several years of reloading and shooting, waiting until I could afford the pricier stuff. The rest of the Anniversary kit I bought at that time, though well worn, is still in operation.
    1 point
  27. Since George Washington could order it in French I think he'd get a Royale w/ cheese. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Psssssst.... Don't tell anybody, but I get mine out of the dumpster after matches.....
    1 point
  29. That was quick. But this^ JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. That was great. Good for him, it takes balls to get up there and say that. 
    1 point
  32. I always worry a bit when you agree with me whether I'm drugged or not! :)
    1 point
  33. I had a friend in Texas that used to turkey hunt with a recurve. That or a crossbow would be my suggestion. Once you learn to shoot a recurve from different positions accurately, you will have a much better chance of getting a shot. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
    1 point
  34. [quote name="glowdotGlock" post="1107854" timestamp="1391854130"]I was just listening to "looking for pussy" today. :lol:[/quote] The Nashville Cats. I thought everyone had forgotten that one. At work and don't have time to find. Look it up for a good laugh. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
    1 point
  35.   I'm with you. That's when they were at their best. I love ones like Tea For One, In My Time of Dying, Nobody's Fault But Mine or Travelling Riverside Blues.   When The Levee Breaks and the album version of Since I've Been Loving You are my favorites from Zep.     http://youtu.be/5QuGiMAEqE8
    1 point
  36. No. Cabelas easily surpasses Gander Mountain in every respect. So does Bass Pro.
    1 point
  37. I got into reloading about 2004, so I'm still a newbie, but I bought the best I could afford at the time (buy once, cry once). It was a Lee Classic Turret. I have Lee dies and extra turrets for the calibers I shoot and have reloaded 1000s of rounds on it. I am quite happy with it and have only replaced little plastic parts. I have looked at the Dillon presses but they are still out of my reach. My Dad always told me " to do the best with what you got " and the Lee is doing very well for what I'm using it for. I did splurge on myself at Christmas and bought a Dillion Super Swager... paid for by massive overtime. Dillion products are top notch, but still too pricey for my budget.  
    1 point
  38. I haven't said this in awhile, and I know that I am not main stream, but this 22LR ammo thingy has not effected me one bit, in fact, I love to read about the 22LR ammo rants and on occasion participate in the threads, I find it all entertaining.  I was prepared before 2013, and I am still prepared now.  Now I have been tempted to cash in, but then I would be like the rest of you that got caught with your pants down.  When this thing is all over, slowly build you a 5 or 10+ year supply.   Don't buy ammo like tomorrow is the last day or I will probably never shoot again.  Honestly, my kids probably will not have to buy ammo either if you know what I mean.  I am not just talking 22LR either.
    1 point
  39. Awesome thing that you're doing Dave. Please don't put my name in the drawing. However, you and I need to go fishing soon.
    1 point
  40. I wasn't aware of the dog fighting thing. Well now I'm just hoping for simultaneous, spontaneous combustion for both of them. My opinion of DMX was simply that he was a third rate rapper and wannabe action star. Dog fighting? Yeah, he needs bad things to happen to him. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. If you want to be equal opportunity for butt-hurtedness, talk about school personnel from guidance counselors, to principals to university professors;  "Christian" ministers of all denominations; and muslims from mullahs to the rank and file, where homosexual conduct between the old and the young males is a social construct.    Also, please try to remember when talking about international governing bodies, that the Catholic Church is well over 2,000 years old, through thick and thin, good and bad, and that without the Catholic Church after Rome, there would be no Western Civilization and we'd all be living in grass huts OR stone forts and we'd all be hacking and stabbing each other to death with swords and spears. Those of us that didn't die before 30 from slavery overwork, battlefield slaughter or hideous pandemic diseases. 
    1 point
  42.   What language are the road signs in? Kinda answers that question.   America used to be a Melting Pot. People came from all over to be AMERICAS! Now they wanna put American last and be something else. That in my opinion is when we lost what it was to be American. People in other lands didn't fight and die to give Americans the rights and liberties we have.They don't fight and die to protect those rights and liberties but feel entitled to them just because they are here. 
    1 point
  43. Here are your comments regarding the church:   You don't see why someone might find that offensive and a broad stroke of the brush? And who said we shouldn't acknowledge abuse? Not I or anyone else in this thread. Hell, I'd be willing to bet most here, to include myself, would agree with most of what you think in regard to how The Vatican handled things. The difference is we can acknowledge that without abusing another person's religion. And when did I become a gay or immigrant basher? You quoted me and made that your first line in your response. Clearly you don't know my stance on gay marriage or immigration to think I would "bash" either group just for the sake of it. And before you say that wasn't directed at me, why would you even put it in your quote in response to what I said. And for the record, I referred to you as a blood belching vagina because of your attitude, not your opinion. You can have the exact opposite opinion as me and it's cool. I married a liberal Yankee. Differences of opinion don't bother me as much as someone who chooses to present their side in an intentionally abusive way. So, in reference to what you're speaking of, you're doing it again and getting the same response. You likely think I'm way of base, and that's okay. It would be beneficial for you to listen and absorb it though. Maybe then people won't think you're such a dick when you talk. You may have the last word, Sir. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. You're not getting bashed for mentioning the abuse of young boys, you're getting bashed for how you're doing it. Whether or not you choose to be religious, you have to respect that other people are. Some of them are Catholics. Being Catholic doesnt mean you automatically condone abuse of children. That broad brush you're painting with suggests that. Chill out and try to be more respectful towards the beliefs of others. I don't think you'll find anyone here that would defend how The Vatican handled the incidents of abuse by priests. Yet no one here would be labeled such a dick like you for voicing that. So perhaps instead of trying to play the martyr for having an differing opinion, you should look at what you're saying and how other people may take that. Let us start by being empathetic and contemplating what a Catholic would think about you calling the whole of the Catholic Church "pedophiles". You don't see why that may be offensive to some? If you don't you're being disingenuous. Also, how strongly do you feel about Shia Islam? Not so long ago the Ayatollah issued his fatwa concerning acceptable, non-penetrative sex with prepubescent girls. Guess what, he said it was okay. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  45. So long as they add another amendment requiring a police officer to be on duty at every playground. If they strip law abiding citizens of the right to defend themselves and their own then it should be their responsibility. If they aren't willing to fill in the gap then they have no business creating one in the first place.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. The UN, most especially when it comes to "human rights" has zero credibility or moral authority to be telling anyone anything.
    1 point
  48. In my time it's been my pleasure to talk to a number of folks who either came here from somewhere else, or whose parents or grandparents did. One of the things that struck me is that these people came here to be citizens of the United States. One of the things that seemed to be important to them was to be able to speak and read English in order to fit in to the culture. Now we stress our differences. It seems counterproductive to me. It's like the US is becoming Balkanized.
    1 point
  49. I understand the frustration but if he paid for them, they're his to do with as he pleases. If that doesn't sit well with you, vote with your wallet and trade elsewhere. You cannot make a living playing favorites, not for long anyway. That sort of thing will get around and his business will suffer for it.
    1 point
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