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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2014 in all areas

  1. I've been shooting with my daughter since she was 4. I've made a few posts about her shooting out to 1000 yards. I will admit that if you don't know us, it is hard to believe that she shoots and handles a firearm as well as she does. At the end of F-Class season last year I took her to shoot a 600 yard match. She took 4th and was beaten by only masters and high masters. That match gave her the confidence to shoot in the first 1000 yard club match of this year at AEDC. The conditions were terrible for a first time shooter. 15 mph winds and heavy gusts approaching 30 mph. I shot my relay as fast as the target pullers could get the target back up so that she could have the maximum amount of time for hers. It took about 7 shots for her to get on, but she never lost her composer. Once she got on, she ran the gun like a champ. Although we both put up some rough scores, she went on to take 3rd place. I know it's only a club match, but seeing 3th place next to her name meant the world to her. I've been telling her that the manner in which she conducts herself at a match will command more respect than the scores she puts on the board. I believe she earned a little that day.
    6 points
  2. See, I can think of a punishment for people like this. My wife once asked me what I would do if someone hurt one of the kids we watch or raped her, etc. My answer is simple. You stake them out in the sun, start at there feet and skin them alive. About every 20 minutes, you stop for a break and to remind them why they are being done this way. I'm a cruel, heartless SOB when it comes to people like this and I would have no trouble sleeping at night knowing they were dieing the worst death possible. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    5 points
  3. Or, you know, you could just learn to shoot.
    5 points
  4. OK fellow TGO'rs I have not flipped my lid, even though we all know turkey hunting is a mental disorder that is suffered by many! I will not be getting back into turkey hunting (for mental reasons lol) and have a deal for you!   Here's the gig.... Due to the rash of "give-a-ways" on TGO, I thought I would jump on the wagon as well. So, I will be giving away all my turkey hunting gear (minus my boots and shotgun) to one lucky sucker I mean hunter, who can meet my terms. I'm not going to tell all of what will be in the box, but I assure you it will be everything a new Turkey Hunter will need to make a fool out of themselves I mean call in turkey's and other hunters while afield.   TankerHC did a fabulous favor to me right before Christmas and now it's payback time!   The rules; (damn rules) 1. Whoever receives this gear promises to give or loan it to a child, teen or adult who is wanting to learn how to Turkey Hunt. 2. You must mentor that new Turkey Hunter to insure that they are proficient at the task at hand and are SAFE at ALL TIMES!!! 3. That you WILL NOT sell any of these items! 4. You MUST post a picture on TGO of your chosen person using or wearing this gear when the Turkey Season starts. 5. To participate, you must be a regular contributor here on the hunting forums and have a good post count.   How will it work:   Just briefly tell me who this will gear will be loaned or given to, and how you will mentor this person. On Monday, February 10th, 2014, myself and my buddy (Federal Game Warden Jerome Curtis) will be going rabbit hunting. While he's here at my house, I will have him read this thread. We will place names in a hat, and have Officer Curtis draw one. The winner will be notified here and I will ship the items on my dime.   Easy enough Sorry for the humor   Dave
    4 points
  5. Gird yer loins for the HateFest! ;) - OS
    4 points
  6. This is a guy who had a lot of money donated to his defense during his show trial. I'd be willing to wager that if word went out that here's a guy who was involved in a terrible event and is looking to quietly move on and feed his family, there would be no lack of people willing to put him to work. That's not what's happening here. Instead, we've got a fool who's looking to cash in on what he perceives as his fame. I think that his fifteen minutes is about up.
    3 points
  7.   Slapping a woman around and holding a shotgun on her didn't do much for his financial stability.  Maybe getting punched in the face would help out.  In a strange way, he's making better choices than he ever has.  I support him in this endevour.  In fact, I'll pledge $50 to his bank account if I can punch him in the face too.
    3 points
  8. That’s great. It may not be Constitutional Carry but it brings the rest of the citizens into our special group. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but if it allows carry it’s time for us to make sure this happens.
    3 points
  9.       There won't be any winner in this fight. Just two losers, one beaten worse than the other.
    3 points
  10. In my time it's been my pleasure to talk to a number of folks who either came here from somewhere else, or whose parents or grandparents did. One of the things that struck me is that these people came here to be citizens of the United States. One of the things that seemed to be important to them was to be able to speak and read English in order to fit in to the culture. Now we stress our differences. It seems counterproductive to me. It's like the US is becoming Balkanized.
    3 points
  11. I have no sympathy for the dead officer. According to other reports I have read, he is the one who sought the warrant and raid. I consider this a case of suicide. When you initiate violence, you have to accept responsibility for the outcome.   There are times for kicking in doors and all of them involve an imminent threat to innocent life. If that does not exist, you do not make a dynamic entry. "No knock" warrants are an illegitimate initiation of force by government that creates a danger to life where none existed before agents in uber-tactical-ninja-gear kicked in the door. The possibility that the target of the warrant may destroy evidence is not sufficient reason to endanger the lives of the public or the officers.
    2 points
  12. Break into a house. Get shot.    The system worked.  :usa:
    2 points
  13. These no knock warrants are out of control. We recently had a woman in Orlando get robbed when men knocked on her door and produced a badge. She let them in and was assaulted and robbed.   I'm not a criminal so if someone kicks down by door without reason they may expect to be met with force. I'm sure it wouldn't end well for me either but what are we supposed to do this day and age? 
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Lotsa 9 mm on arms list when u see how it's being sold u will think ammo bitches Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    2 points
  16. If there's one thing that I hope for and truly try to foster in this community, it's asking better questions of ourselves as individuals and as a community through good conversation. We all gain so much when we check our preconceived notions at the door and just engage with people who aren't necessarily like us.  Maybe if we build that ability in small communities, then we can work to affect the larger dialogues in our nation.   I'll illustrate with a personal example.  For years I was dismissive of the homeless population.  They're all drunks, drug addicts, there because they lack personal ambition, whatever...  It was a personal problem that they had somehow must have brought upon themselves, and I distanced myself from them by both my attitude and my actions.  But then I got involved with them because I along with a few others recognized that this attitude was in conflict with other things in my life that I like to present myself as being.  I got involved with Room in the Inn, a local homeless "ministry" here in Nashville.  Basically, once a week my family as well as a few other will share a common table with these guys.  Once a month, I'll spend the night in our church building alongside some of these guys so that they've got a warm, safe place to sleep.   I don't share that to say look at me, I share it to say that getting to know someone changes things.  You see that yes, there are some of them who've made really bad choices in their lives and are trying to figure out a way forward.  You meet many who are simply under-employed and don't have any family or community to fall back on.  About half of our population in Nashville are veterans, many of whom are disabled.  Bluntly, as a country we've failed these veterans in a way that ought to be criminal.  But, by getting to know them, I'll say that I've benefited way more than they ever will by spending the night in our building.  My children who are 2, 4 and 7 are happy to come share a meal with these men.  They are not okay with the fact that there are people who are sleeping on the street because they've got nowhere to go.  When they pray, I hear them pray for these men.  We'll never solve the problems that cause homelessness, but maybe their generation will see them as something other than a blight that needs to be eradicated.   So, I'll simply encourage folks to check their attitudes at the front page.  We encourage debate here.  With 20,000 members, there will never be total agreement about anything.  But, while we try to foster good debate about ideas, we demand that people act with respect towards one another.  Failing to do so is frankly the one offense within this community that you will not make a second time.   Has something gotten you fired up?  Great.  Bring the discussion.  But, as I've said many times, if you can't bring something constructive to the conversation, you probably ought to ask yourself whether or not you should be participating. 
    2 points
  17.   Technically, once you become an American citizen, you are entitled to them. But I agree with your greater point. A lot of folks leave countries that have severely limited freedoms due to their socialistic/communistic governments, and the first thing they bitch about when they get here is that there isn't enough socialism. Really? 100 years of failed socialist policies in your country wasn't enough? Now you want to bring us down to the same level? That's just asinine. 
    2 points
  18. So, like one or both of those folks simply volunteered the info that they forced her to consume that?   "According to the autopsy, when she was forced to drink all that liquid, she began vomiting, urinated on herself and asked to take a bath." Perhaps an autopsy might reveal recent vomiting and urine on surface of body (doubtful if checked for that, though)  but not what she may or may not have said.     - OS
    2 points
  19.   Did you even read the article? That doesn't some to be the case.
    2 points
  20. Didn't Kiffin just get hired by another SEC program lol?
    2 points
  21. You mean the one where the woman filed a false claim ... according to her own account after the fact?   You guys that keep talking about this guy are what make Zimmerman a "celebrity." :shake:  :surrender: Zimmerman is to the gun world what Kim Kardashian is to pop culture. Relevant because people won't ignore her.
    2 points
  22. I use the hoarder term out of simple affiliation, I guess I should change it to ammo gouger or ammo mule, or bullet bitches,,, or walmart chair abuser... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    2 points
  23. The way I see it, you have two guys in desperate need of an ass whippin'. This just can't go wrong.
    2 points
  24.   Oh wow, that's a lot different than only allowing what would get you a Class C instead of a Class A for unlawful carry. It really is de facto constitutional carry.   Surely zero chance of passing this year, but glad at least to see it afoot.   - OS
    2 points
  25.   Looking forward to this Sunday evening.  Have watched the trailers and a bit confused since the footage has almost all were alone.   1) Bus that had emergency supplies took off, most onboard were sick.  Question:  If the group thought enough ahead to put emergency supplies onto a bus in the event the group had to un-ass the prison, was there a location to meet?   2) Tyress was carrying something in both hands when he left with the other two girls (possibly other kids), I think he had the baby Judith.    3) Rick and Carl were seen together leaving the prison, Rick in real bad shape.    4) Daryl and Beth in the same direction together in the direction of where the bus departed.   5) Bob, Sasha, maybe someone else, left together.  Bob has a gunshot wound.   6) Michone, maybe the best overall survivor in the skills dept. apparently alone.   Did I miss anyone?
    2 points
  26. I met a girl about 8 years ago that said in casual group conversation that "she would never date someone that dipped"......4 years later, dip free, I married her
    2 points
  27. I can already hear it now "Zimmerman, the white guy, just wanted to beat down another black man". Publicity stunt with no possibility of a good outcome, no matter who wins. I guess if they beat each other to death, maybe call it a draw?
    2 points
  28. Exactly what I expect from this forum. The same old bigoted geezers whining about how their feelings got hurt. Y'all act all tough and dream about killing people that wrong you but cry more than my 8 month old niece when she hits her head on something. GROW UP!!!!
    2 points
  29. Two things come to mind... The first, America the Beautiful is NOT our national anthem. It's just a f*cking song. The second, America, along with our English speaking cousins in the UK, Canada (for the most part.) and Australia, are the only assholes in the westernized world that are monolingual. It should NOT be a f*cking point of pride. Especially when the majority of people that speak English in the world don't even speak it as a first language. (Nor do they live in the US. Literally EVERYONE EVER speaks the language.) So maybe exposure to languages OTHER THAN English ISN'T a bad thing, maybe it's not a terrorist act, and it more than likely won't degrade the patrotic fibers which are apparently the only thing holding this country together.
    2 points
  30.   The way I read it, there's a quality problem with the source that's reducing how much they can process. I would be headed to the Wally World to load up on bottled drinking water. You can pee on anything. :)
    2 points
  31. Killing someone, however justified should not be cause to make someone a celebrity.  To have someone seeking and embracing celebrity status after shooting someone should be abhorrent to anyone.   The fact that they would televise these thugs beating one another probably says something about the state of our society at large.
    2 points
  32. I thought it was disrespectful. Yes, America is multinational and cultural but English is our language. Other countries have their own language and songs. In English is how the song should be sang IMO.
    2 points
  33. Can I buy some punctuation? First off this is a privately owned property. Any past history you or your family have on this property is because the owners allowed. You have absolute zero rights and zero ownership on that tract. It is not public and never has been, although people like to think like it is. People have threatened to burn Gobey for over a decade over our management decisions and it is always false threats. Big deal....light it up, hope they catch em and put em under the jail. Your rant is not only incoherent but it's offense to all private land owners. No one comes to your house and tells you how to mow your yard, what gives you the right to tell Coal Creek how to manage theirs?
    2 points
  34. Unfortunately he reached his prime at about 20 years old. He's only downhill from here. There is no winner here, only another lost IQ point for America.
    1 point
  35. Over a few pot plants? I can think of countless better reasons to die. I agree with the following.  
    1 point
  36. A friend of mine had a pair of SKS Norinco Paratroopers, this is what he did for his two sons. Craig, Timbersmith stocks Murray’s triggers, hammers, sears Tech-Sight insert-ready aperture sights KNS Precision .052 front sight posts TAPCO gas pistons Sling swivel studs for Harris bipods Recrowned one muzzle The gunsmith tuned, hand-fitted, shimmed, etc. what were a couple of hastily assembled rifles. The extra LOP compared with the Chinese paratrooper stock is very nice. The Monte Carlo stock’s cheekpiece is too. The rubber recoil pad may or may not make much difference but the SKS’s recoil never bothered me anyways. The gunsmith was impressed with the Timbersmith stocks but he said that it could be quite a project for your average do-it-yourselfer. He had to do a lot of inletting and hand fitting to get them right. I am a big fan of Tech-Sights and the extra sight radius that they provide on these rifles is outstanding.
    1 point
  37. Got a free can of Skoal at The Great Lakes of South Outdoor boat show back in mid eighties.  I must have swallowed some because I got sicker than I had ever been.  Have not touched it since.
    1 point
  38.   Why would the Dept. of Revenue be bothering a "hoarder"? They pay the tax at point of purchase just the same as the rest of us do when buying ammo from a business.
    1 point
  39. We can't think or live this way anymore. Just look where it has gotten us today. And it'll only get worse if we continue to let them win. :down: I said this before, but if we don't fight them on every level, meeting them tit for tat, we'll just hand them more kids and turf to destroy and before long, there will be nowhere else to run. This fight starts at the local level and with the youth. If you don't educate the children to take back the turf from the old left-wing, they'll indoctrinate them in to a bunch of Marxist socialist communist blahh blahh dumbed down collectivist useful idiots. Choose your future: Left-Wing Hell On Earth or Hard Work To Win A War Against Leftists To Save The Homeland. Starts with the local community and kids.
    1 point
  40. I am more amazed at all the idiots who think America the beautiful is the national anthem. This country is going down the gutter and blame who you want, but its true and you cant fault just a single group of people. 
    1 point
  41. Next thing you know, they'll take the dictionary out of schools because it has the definition of firearm in it. The stupidity of the liberal mind is apparently infinite.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. I figure before long most of New England will fall under pretty much the same situation before long they will all follow Connecticut on this stupidity and they will all fall in the big hole they are digging together..................jmho
    1 point
  44. I suspect that GKar is on point.   The thing I find curious is that Coley is a Prime co-sponsor of the bill, and that is troubling in and of itself.  I have personally watched as he stabbed Campus Carry in the back when Andy Holt ran the bill, it was one of my first up close and personal views of deceit in government.  they called Holt on his cell, when the stepped outside to take the call, Coley sent his bill to Summer Study, and never even told him they had killed it, let him sit the rest of the committee hearing to find out that they had shanked him.
    1 point
  45. America does not have a national language like other countries. Sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  46. A few other things to point out. The Blackhawk is built right and will out last even the youngest of new buyers with even minor care. Ruger tends to stand by their products so if you were able to wear out anything they will most likely replace it. It's robust enough that I'd be comfortable just having some replacement springs around, maybe a few extra parts and be set for life with it. Hogue makes a really nice grip that gives you more to hold onto, as do a few other after market makers. Worth checking out if you don't like the stock grip. Now having discussed the good points, if its going to be your first revolver you might want a good SA/DA instead. They're a bit more useful in that they make a more practice for carrying and home defence and the like and almost as much fun. Here are the revolvers currently in the stable. I like semi autos, they're alot of fun, but wheel guns in general are more interesting IMO.
    1 point
  47. Bring back the .25-20.  Or buy yourself a good pellet rifle and blow off the .22lr all together.
    1 point
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