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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2014 in all areas

  1. Me and Billy... oh, yeah...
    14 points
  2. The coolest part is, we were doing La Grange, and he gave me two solos... and after we were done, he asked for my business card. He said he's never had a steel before, and he wants to discuss me doing some things with them tomorrow!!
    11 points
  3. The Lord claims vengeance.  Finding a way to ensure they don't do it again is our job.  If they're breathing, they can do it again.
    6 points
  4. I think he's overbearing and talks too much. His videos are 30min, and could easily be done in 10. I've never been able to sit through an entire bullet point video. He has good info just not conducive to my ADD. I certainly don't hate him. Sent from my iPad using Voodoo magic
    5 points
  5.     Why would a company in a capitalist society like ours do such a thing?  They have a constant and steady stream of cash flowing.  They aint in the business for any reason other than to make money.  They're doing just that.  Why would they change?  Every business aspires to have what CCI currently has.  Demand and instant purchase of produced goods at a maximum production level.     The whole deal over .22's boils down to whining babies who didn't squirrel away a stash when they had a chance.  No surprise to anyone.  People have only been wailing about TSHTF for decades now.  TS can HTF in many different ways, some more subtle than others.  
    5 points
  6.     Has the incidence of autism increased or has the rate of diagnosis increased?  
    5 points
  7. They have the freedom to scalp and we have the freedom to diss them on it.
    4 points
  8. Knoxville's done for.  This place is closed.   Might be a good time to engage the 4WD and head over to WalMart to see if there's any .22 ammo.  :rofl:
    4 points
  9. There truly is a very special place in Hell for these kinds of people, IMO.
    4 points
  10. Trust me; everyone has to pull down their pants to  :poop: . Fame means nothing.
    4 points
  11. I discussed this issue with the guy that runs the ammo counter at the Ooltewah Walmart yesterday.  He honestly seemed disgusted by what these guys are doing.  He told me (for what it's worth) that he approached the store's general manager and asked for permission to stagger putting ammo on the shelf through out the day in stead of all at one time at 8:00.  He thought that if it was more random that these guys would not risk having to hang out there all day giving the rest of us a chance every once and a while.  He was told by the manager that this was not acceptable and that all stock must be put out at 8:00.     The sad part was that there was an elderly gentleman at the counter looking for .22lr, he was obviously ignorant of what was going on and that there was even a shortage on .22.  I believed him since he was looking for it at 2:00 in afternoon when all the rest of us would know better.  He stated that he had 4 small grandchildren that had been begging him to teach them to shoot and he was just trying to make them happy.  Pretty sad and it makes me hate these assholes even more.  I truly regret not getting that man's phone number and giving him a box from home.  We are all in the same boat though, I have 3 kids at home that would love to go shooting every weekend but I can't even remember the last time we went due this craziness.
    4 points
  12. A coworker on Facebook just commented on my status and claimed that Bill Clinton is the best president in the history of our country. This is the same kid who voted for Obama twice. I had him take one of those online surveys and he's actually more republican than I am. I've never met someone so confused about politics. He has no idea what policies Obama stands for and tried to argue with me that the man never supported gun control.     Sorry, I had to vent. 
    3 points
  13.     Judgement is up to GOD.  We just need to arrange and expedite the meeting.
    3 points
  14. If .22lr ever becomes readily available again you're going to find me on a TV show about hoarding...
    3 points
  15. I have a double rig custom made by Mark@sea that is amazing. Stand by for pics Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  16.   Hmm in the past week this user has started threads about 1) A ND in his home.  (This thread) 2) Being mysteriously tailgated by a cop. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/75306-tail-gating/ 3) Comptemplated illegally carrying a handgun. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/75281-carry-question/ and 4) His car being mysteriously damaged while drinking moonshine http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/75212-not-paing-attention/   I find these threads entertaining because this stuff isn't happening to me and I live far enough away from him to not be concerned with wayward bullets coming from his house or his drunken "friends" crashing his car into my stuff.  This dude is either a) a troll, b) So bad at making decisions that he should run on the democratic presidential ticket in 2016.  Or c) the unluckiest person to ever walk the face of the earth.    Seriously, RC3 if you are truly just a guy that is having a bad run of luck and making some less than good decisions, please for the sake of you and all of those around you, sit back contemplate your direction in life.  Ask yourself "is this a good idea?" and ask yourself that question often.  Seriously evaluate the people you are hanging out with.  Sometimes you need to cut some of the people in your life out for your own sake.  The things that you do over the next couple of years are going to determine what the rest of your life is going to be like, make wise choices!
    3 points
  17. I hope this isn't a repost.  These make me laugh every time!      HERE
    2 points
  18. Lie , stand , clap , sit , rinse , repeat .......
    2 points
  19. Who pays for the increase in min. wage?  Does anyone think the business takes it on Chin?  No, its passed on as price increases and reduction in labor.
    2 points
  20. Like others I can't watch a whole video. I mean, I've done it but it was really more of a test of my own resolve to finish it. I feel like I get all the opinion I want from Jeff at gunblast in a fraction of the time. If I ever am in the mood to watch a longer video I watch hickock45. Not as much techie info, but he knows how to get to the point and is entertaining as well. I don't hate him but I do :rolleyes: whenever he comes up.
    2 points
  21. I will watch, become disgusted, watch the rebuttal, then become even more disgusted.
    2 points
  22. It would be hard to hold my tongue if I saw these guys trying to hawk ammo at a show, flea market,or the trunk of their turdbox. I wouldn't incite an altercation but would certainly make sure anyone within ear shot would know how they came about their high dollar ammo.
    2 points
  23. I would almost guarantee that if people that commits these crimes were publically executed it would make people think twice of committing these type of crimes. Im not talking about being convicted and 6yrs later executed. Im talking found guilty and then taken immediately outside to the swinging pole.
    2 points
  24. Hope it works out for you. I sure do like mine.;)
    2 points
  25. WTF is wrong with people?......   I have no words.. she needs to die..
    2 points
  26. I suggest life in solitary cell with 24 x 365 days piped in recording of a baby crying. Oh...for BOTH OF THEM by the way..!!!!!
    2 points
  27. Never fired a gun off in my house accidentially or intentionally, or anyone elses house for that matter. Now I am banned from installing the bayonet on my 91/30 inside the house because of unintentional stab wounds to the ceiling.  :)
    2 points
  28. [quote name="glowdotGlock" post="1102412" timestamp="1390924356"] :lol:Stay tuned..[/quote] I sense that popcorn time is approaching. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  29. [quote name="JohnC" post="1102335" timestamp="1390892801"]Awesome of you to offer such hard work to help a gun forum buddy out! :up: I'd first make sure that guy who said he tossed the guns in the river wasn't a liar before I wasted my time, though.[/quote] I have a flatbottom boat and some crude magnets on a rope made from old 12"-15" subs. I am guessing if someone got scared and ditched them it would probanly be quick like driving over a bridge. They may be in an obvious place. Duck River isn't very deep at all in my area. It starts getting deeper towards the damn in Columbia but here in my neck of the woods, <8 '. I am a river rat in the summer and when it warms up I waill definitely do a little extra diving and searching on my long boat and kayak trips. They would be ruined but it would be a little closure. I hate to think of what all is in the water down our river. I for years has wanted to invest in a quality underwater camera and may do it this year.
    2 points
  30. [quote name="Nynick81" post="1102347" timestamp="1390908126"]I must be the only one sitting here still contemplating how there is only four bullet holes. Lmao. Two walls, two entry holes two exit holes. Then the bullet came to rest in an outer brick wall. I'm seeing five holes. Lol[/quote] Maybe one room was still under cunstruction or it passed through a previous hole that one ofhis buddies had made when he was drunk :lol: Stay tuned..
    2 points
  31. As much as I hate taxes and most are unconstitutional, sales tax is the one tax that is legitimate, constitutional, and legal. Why do internet retailers get to sell without collecting taxes thus lowering their prices which allow them to undercut the local mom and pop stores and that is fair? 
    2 points
  32. No one hates paying taxes any more than I do but I really don't get why this is causing people heartburn.  These taxes are already owed....they've always been owed. If you by anything from a business (over the internet or not) and sales tax wasn't collected on the sale you still owe the tax.   Requiring businesses who operate over the internet to collect sales taxes for each customer's state of residence (or shipping address) is inevitable since most people won't self-report...it's also necessary to put internet only retailers on a somewhat equal footing with business who have brick and mortar locations.
    2 points
  33.   His buds call him by his nickname.......Lucky
    2 points
  34. http://howdovaccinescauseautism.com/
    2 points
  35. [quote name="whitewolf001" post="1101988" timestamp="1390845523"]At the risk of starting a philosophical discussion on fate; there is no such thing as fate, ONLY the paths we make for ourselves. Take that as you will.[/quote] Sarah Connor thought the same thing, yet the death of Miles Dyson and subsequent destruction of the CPU didn't stop Skynet from coming online. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  36. [quote name="RC3" post="1102095" timestamp="1390857706"]Thankfully, nothing electrical was hit and I was able to repaint and fill the holes without issue. Good thing 5.56 makes a small hole. He played for the paint and supply's. And now I get to hang on to to this 1903 spring field as collateral for the next 3 weeks. I'm going to shoot the hell out of it.[/quote] It doesn't seem like you really understand the gravity of the situation. This isn't just a "$20 fixes the problem" kind of problem. You're real lucky I'm not resuscitating one of you, or your neighbor, in my ICU. But it seems like you got away with this one, so whatever. I hope you let it be more of a learning experience than your aloof attitude about the situation comes across in your posts. If you're at least going to "shoot the hell" out of your rifle ... next time do it outside, in a safe direction, and remember your gun safety. [url="http://www.nssf.org/safety/basics/"]http://www.nssf.org/safety/basics/[/url]
    2 points
  37.   Or by some illogical coincidence, someone posts it on the internet.  :ugh:
    2 points
  38. Once again, FIND NEW FRIENDS!!!
    2 points
  39. Passed the first hurdle.  Sen Jud Cmte passed the bill 6-2 (Overbey and Finney voted nay).  Bill was amended to avoid a fiscal note (returned the language regarding municipalities' requirement to REPLACE any old signs prohibiting carry).  Discussion pointed out that 13-09 continues to prohibit carry in a municipal park if that park is being used by a board of education for a 'school event', regardless of this bill.   Discussion was interesting:  http://tnga.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=269&clip_id=8383   Finney basically upheld governor's stated objection that decision should remain at local level. Overbey objected, saying he supported 2nd Amendment rights, but he felt local municipalities should be able to post just like a property owner could.  He likened it to "Federalism on a state scale". Campfield countered that argument noting that this is a constitutional issue where the legislature is clearly given the authority to regulate, and no option to pass that option down.
    1 point
  40. Can you do other items? AR ejector port/dust cover? I got one, but I'd like to think the finish could look better. Not sure why it's so difficult to find an engraved cover with an unused looking finish.
    1 point
  41. [quote name="peejman" post="1102359" timestamp="1390913080"]Has the incidence of autism increased or has the rate of diagnosis increased? [/quote] Winner winner, chicken dinner! It's easy for the organic nazis to spout crap about autism numbers "rising" without acknowledging that people are being diagnosed of the spectrum who never would have been diagnosed or even on the spectrum years ago. There are grown adults being diagnosed for the first time. Nothing changed. They didnt spontaneously develop autism. It just was never diagnosed. Now there is such an emphasis on health care providers to watch for signs so they can get a diagnosis earlier. They didnt have such an emphasis when we were kids. It's all a bunch of bullcrap being peddled by self appointed and self "educated" autism "experts"who are looking to scare folks into their warped view of the world. I'm related to one of these whackos who claims that autism is all a result of "Big Pharma" pushing snake oil on parents and using the government as a strong arm to enforce vaccination standards so that "Big Pharma" can get their delicious money and further the agenda of the new world order military industrial compl....... AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I F###ING HATE THOSE IGNORANT AHOLES!!! They think polio and smallpox were thwarted by organic vegetables, not vaccines. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  42. How old are you? I'm hoping the answer is 10 or 12, because your decision making abilities seem to be on the level.
    1 point
  43. I wish the TFA would do like the GOA and include a sample email in their alerts. I'm not very good at composing this stuff and if I could just fill in my name and address and send, I would send more. The NRA does that too. Makes it easy to participate.   And they don't read them anyway. It's a numbers thing, for or against.
    1 point
  44. Hi-points are ugly and hard to break down. But dead is dead whether you shot the guy with a hi-point or a $3k custom 1911. Plus side is if you run out of ammo you won't mar a hi-points finish by beating the guy to death. And it is heavy enough too. All jokes aside, its a good idea, as hi-points normal market is gonna be people buying a cheap gun for protection and they probably will want a few accessories Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  45. Nope, I don't misunderstand at all. I was there. They rarely took us on. We killed them by going to their homes and shooting them in the face. By monitoring roads with physical and technical surveillance, then killing them. We killed them by doing a lot of sneaky type things they still don't know how we did. Their casualty rate was incredibly high. Their capture rate was much higher. If they tried something similar in the states it would be worse. Not everyone is brown in the states. It is not a permissive environment for Muslim extremists. They could easily take a few soft targets initially. It would end there. Not because everything would be made a hard target, but because the environment would change and their ability to make war would change, drastically. Like I was saying, they operated in a permissive environment where everyone looked the same and much of the population supported them or were afraid of them. The states will never be that environment for them no matter what anyone likes to think. They could never do what they did there. They can only get these small scale attacks once or twice a decade. In Iraq they were conducting hundreds of attacks daily. They could never achieve that for more reasons than ROE.
    1 point
  46.   Rats, how could you deny us such an ongoing source of valuable public service information? You must have been a DHS mole all this time!   - OS
    1 point
  47. These days that's a super deal. Get it! I remember when you could get Chinese Norinco's for a hundred bucks. Not anymore. If it is a original Chinese, I would rather have it than a Norinco.
    1 point
  48. Let us know if you need an ass whipping party! I think we are all I agreement as to our opinion of thieves.
    1 point
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