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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2014 in all areas

  1.   Someone should stand next to these guys every night holding a sign that says "These a-holes are buying ammo to re-sell it at a substantial markup"
    11 points
  2. 10 points
  3. Took this at the Old Fort Murfreesboro location about 8 pm. Sign says all ammo received comes out at 8:30 pm no exceptions. I hung around for a bit to watch and then thought about the discussions on here about taking pictures, so here is a picture. I overheard a snippet of a conversation between the guy in the red seated and the other seated guy. Guy in red said he sells all the .22 he gets for .10 a round. That's double what WM charges. The other seated guy must be a hoarder as he says he doesn't sell much but has 4,000 rounds at the house. The guy standing is talking to someone just to his right that I couldn't get in the picture for obvious reasons. I was trying to be discrete in taking the pics as to not get a disturbance started. All 4 guys are regulars as the Walmart guy spoke to each using first names at different times while I was there. This location got in 3 boxes of 1000 round .22 and 10 boxes of the 555 round Winchester .22. They were all gone by the sixth person in line, with the fifth buying the last box of .22 and 2 boxes of the 9mm that came in also.
    7 points
  4. Posted on about 8 different gun pages on facebook. Its their right to do that, and this is a capitalistic society, but its my right to share a picture of someone in a public place. If you honestly believe you're doing nothing wrong, then you won't have a problem with me sharing a picture of you doing it. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    7 points
  5. So who is going to post this on Armslist as well as the local Facebook pages? We need to shame these guys into staying at home.   I am going to call the Walmart this morning and ask for the manager then I am going to ask for their district manager. I am going to make the biggest stink you have ever seen about this.
    7 points
  6. I'll bet that if a Wal Mart manager came back there with a stack of job applications, they'd scatter like ashes.
    6 points
  7.   I think most of us are keeping big stocks these days, thanks to the war on guns. Remember when we used to just pick up a couple of boxes on the way to the range? With the entire shooting community rat holing ammo, it's no wonder there's still a shortage.   Obama and his ilk taught us well. Our rights are threatened, every time one of those assholes gets elected.
    5 points
  8. I used to run 8 KC daylighters under the back bumper of my 78 Ford 4x4. Someone would be riding my ass, one flip of the switch and the distance grows quickly between the cars. One night I did it to a cop who had been riding my ass for miles through some very curvy backroads at almost midnight. I didn't know he was a cop till I flipped the switch. We went to court because he wrote me a bs ticket over it. I told the judge they were offroad lights and hooked to my backup light switch and I had a mechanical failure, the judge looked him in the eye and told him if he hadn't been riding my ass for no reason then he wouldn't have been blinded. Case dismissed. If you think the cop is doing something wrong, call dispatch and tell them you have a car tailgating you and your scared to pull over. That usually gets them an ass chewing lol. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    5 points
  9. Matter of fact every time I see them doing the same at m local Walmart I am not going to be discreet when I take the picture. I am also going to let them know it will be on the local Facebook.
    5 points
  10. The managers should have enough balls to tell them to get their lazy a$$ up if they are not buying the chairs,coolers , and 5 gal. buckets they are sitting on. If they are leaving that stuff out and leaving a mess behind when they leave that should piss off the WM employees and the manager enough to not let it keep going on!
    4 points
  11. Best thing I ever did with my Glocks was to consolidate calibers.   ETA: Meaning....it allowed me to shoot more instead of buying more expensive ammo and getting less trigger time per gun.  I was able to focus on shooting rather than adjusting to different recoils/mechanics.   The only time I've deviated was for .380 and I got that LCP because I needed a gun for running. 
    4 points
  12. If they needed the ammo for personal use and felt that squatting on the stoop was the only way to get it, I wouldn't give two craps about it. But knowing there are guys who really do need it (and KIDS) it ticks me off. But can I tell the ones who lie just to keep us off their backs from the truthful ones? No, and that's what really pisses me off. If I hit the lottery, I'm having a .22 giveaway and I'm asking the kids how the parents treat them before I decide how much they get! :)
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. But in the end when the state begins taking people to jail the vast majority will line up to turn their magazines in.   The politicians have become too comfortable in what they are doing. They know they can violate law and not be held accountable. They can make all the laws they want because they do not apply to them.   What needs to happen is something to make all the politicians a little more nervous about doing something that is against the public opinion.
    4 points
  15. Before I get to that, she was in my office/man room helping me empty boxes of ammo into ammo cans. She picked one up and said something about a bullet. So I taught her cartridge, case, and bullet. 3 hours later the in-laws stopped by and her grandpa is a big gun guy too. I said "Sugar tell grandpa what those 3 parts are you learned today." She told him and he grinned from ear to ear. I was so proud that she remembered, but then again, they are sponges. That's why I have been teaching her for years and will continue to do so.   So back to the funny: We are in the office and she finds an old disposable camera of mine that I'd sat in the closet. She read the back of it, figured out what to do with it and started snapping away. She keeps telling me to smile, so I did. After about 3 minutes of this, she says "Dad! Where the heck to you preview the pictures?!" I died laughing and thought "Damn technology and old age!" and told her that you have to take them to the store and get them developed to see what the pictures look like....She said "Well that's ridiculous!" HA HA Gotta love'm. How in the world did we ever get by??? :rofl:
    3 points
  16. Look into Golden Retriever rescue of TN. Give a great dog a chance to live a happy life.
    3 points
  17. If I was a scalper, I would be slipping a few bucks to willing Walmart employees. I'm betting there's a lot of that going on
    3 points
  18. Hope the OP doesn't mind I put this on armslist.  We'll see how long it stays up.
    3 points
  19. Heck, I'll put it on FaceBook if the OP gives me permission to use his picture!!! I'll shame them boys!   Dave
    3 points
  20. I wouldn't have worried about being discreet when taking their pic. It looks pretty clear to me the only way to start a fight with them would be to take their chairs or their welfare check :)
    3 points
  21. I've known a few girls over the years that could unload that sucker in one good huff. :)
    3 points
  22. Check with these folks. You can get both a Goldie and a rescue at the same time.   http://www.rescueagolden.org/
    2 points
  23. No. They. Didn't. Just. Allow. Her. On. The. Stage.
    2 points
  24. [quote name="Dustbuster" post="1101797" timestamp="1390796784"]You mean you don't wanna see yoko get album of the year or watch Kanye drop his drawers and dump on the floor when Taylor wins album again??? Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.[/quote] You just had to bring that troll, Yoko, into this thread. :wacko: She doesn't deserve to be in the same country as Paul McCartney, but they just couldn't help but focus the camera on her more than once.
    2 points
  25.   Kinda ironic, Merle singing "we don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee" along with old hippie stoners Willie and Kris. :)   - OS
    2 points
  26.   I dunno ... Kacey Musgraves was mighty cute warbler. :)   I must say, enjoying it all quite a bit .. good for an old fart to check state of things now and then. Must admit though, that overall biggest complaint with current pop is a real dearth of melody. Rap influence seems to have convinced everyone that all you need is a beat. I guess that's so, anymore.   - OS
    2 points
  27. I got one with 16.5" barrel for Christmas.  So far I've installed the following:   SWFA HD 5-20x50 scope with butler creek caps Timney trigger Seekins precision rings/20 moa base Harris bipod Badger Ordnance tactical bolt knob Tac Ops cheek pad YHM suppressor should be here in a few weeks
    2 points
  28.   Yes Greg. I understand supply and demand. You do bring up something I hadn't thought of. What will be the magical number at which people stop buying ammo? That's when prices will go back down.   After my last post I did a quick google search. In 2002 you could order 1000 rounds of ammo for you AK-47 for $69 shipped. 12 years later that same case of ammo is around $250. I just wish I would have had the foresight to stock up when I first really started shooting in 2010.                                                                                                               
    2 points
  29. My boys learned recently, actually we watching older movies, when they saw a pay phone.  They think they are silly.  Why would anyone pay a quarter, when a cell phone is free. 
    2 points
  30. I think I would have waited til about 10 after and pulled the fire alarm.
    2 points
  31. Same hoarder camp out crap going on at academy.I'm going to invest my personal time to expose the ass cracks. How long has it been and still no 22 lr ??? Cause of them??? Apparently 10 of these goobers are hitting the stores in mid tn at the same time. I'm willing to donate a website just to post photos of the problem for all to see. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    2 points
  32. Only sign I ever see there is "Sorry, We are out of 22LR ammo"
    2 points
  33. THESE PRETTY WELL SUM IT ALL UP! How true is this. WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY! Our Phones ~ Wireless Cooking ~ Fireless Cars ~ Keyless Tires ~ Tubeless Dress ~ Sleeveless Youth ~ Jobless Leaders ~ Shameless Relationships ~ Meaningless Attitude ~ Careless Wives ~ Fearless Babies ~ Fatherless Feelings ~ Heartless Education ~ Valueless Children ~ Mannerless Everything is becoming LESS but still our hopes are ~ Endless. In fact we are ~ Speechless And Government is ~ CLUELESS!! And our Politicians are ~ WORTHLESS!! So there it is. Welcome to the 21st Century
    2 points
  34.   Prob still is, two boxes of bulk are worth around $40-60 in profit to the ammo campers. Far as I know, all Walmarts have had at most a 3 box limit for about a year or so, hasn't helped at all.   - OS
    2 points
  35. No. The powder doesn't cause corrosion. The salts left behind from most spent percussion caps and from burned black powder attract moisture, which in turn causes corrosion. You have to shoot it before it's a problem.   I don't expect everyone back in the blackpowder days unloaded their rifles and revolvers every night.
    2 points
  36. Oh, I also forgot to add that she said they put a stop to people getting chairs out and such. Said if the want ammo, they have to stand and wait for it. I was happy to hear that
    2 points
  37. Shoot, I can’t count the number of times I have had cops tailgating me at speeds far beyond the speed limit, sirens blaring, lights flashing; didn’t bother me a bit. Pretty good bunch of guys.
    2 points
  38.   Done. The picture and this whole thread is a URL in an e-mail at corporate. Step and repeat. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Squeak on!
    2 points
  39. You should send that photo to corporate so they can see that used chairs are being sold as new. That should get someone's ass chewed.
    2 points
  40. Is it not within Walmart's power to not allow those guys to use your merchandise to "camp out". It should be a, you use it you buy it policy.
    2 points
  41. Not to defend Wal-Mart but you do realize that would require several full pallets of 550rnd boxes of federal 22lr just to send ONE box to each Wal-Mart Supercenter in the US. There are quite a few of them to say the least(3,273 according to wikipedia) and that doesn't count the non supercenters. :stunned:
    2 points
  42.  Dolomite and Dave, proud of you both. Probably won't make any difference to this jack wagons, but hey you just never know. Congats to you both for the affort. Thanks :cheers:
    2 points
  43. Brother I'm about 4hrs outside of what I'm sure will be hell on earth (New York City). Was gonna run straight through but was getting tired and at least every other overpass was ice so I wheeled in to the Holiday Inn Express and an gonna call it a night. I'm about 110% I'll be wishing I were at OK Corral after about 5 minutes of being in NYC but my sister needed help moving and a load of stuff hauled up from home so I figured I'd put my dislike of large crowds of idiots aside to help take care of family.
    2 points
  44. Walmart IS the problem. By posting the times the ammo will be set out does nothing but give the same old crowd of resellers a constant weekly supply of product to put on armslist or gunshow sales. Walmart and all the other stores that do this don't give a crap or they would change the way the are doing business. I know they couldn't care less, but it's a very rare occasion that I go to Walmart. I buy 90% of shooting and hunting gear online. I do buy ALL of my fishing gear at a local custom tackle shop just because they are great guys, handle everything I use in their store, and go the extra mile for their customers.....like in the old days.
    2 points
  45. LMAO Hey guys, lets all show up there and say we're going camping and need some chairs. Look at the ones they are sitting in and say "I'll take those"   OR......we can go in after they leave and hide all the chairs and let them stand up the next time they come in....I know, not gonna be feasible but the idea made me happy thinking of them looking at empty shelves where the chairs used to be. Hell they'd just grab coolers and sit on them....Dang
    2 points
  46. how many times can you say "conservative" in a commercial? He needs to put his plaid shirt back on and hit the road to somewhere, anywhere please!!!   We really need to push for Carr, don't need to split the vote here. Larmar's gotta go.
    2 points
  47. My wife was like "Turn his mike up!" Yeah, he doesn't sound strong like the Metallica we all know and love.
    1 point
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