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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2014 in all areas

  1. This is posted on Castboolits, thought it was a great post. "All of these folks put their careers on hold to keep us free. Yes it was a GREAT GENERATION. Stewart Hayden, US Marines and OSS. Smuggled guns into Yugoslavia and parachuted into Croatia. James Stewart, US Army Air Corps. Bomber pilot who rose to the rank of General. Ernest Borgnine, US Navy. Gunners Mate 1c, destroyer USS Lamberton. Ed McMahon, US Marines. Fighter Pilot. (Flew OE-1 Bird Dogs over Korea as well.) Telly Savalas, US Army. Walter Matthau, US Army Air Corps., B-24 Radioman/Gunner and cryptographer. Steve Forrest, US Army. Wounded, Battle of the Bulge. Jonathan Winters, USMC. Battleship USS Wisconsin and Carrier USS Bon Homme Richard. Anti-aircraft gunner, Battle of Okinawa. Paul Newman, US Navy Rear seat gunner/radioman, torpedo bombers of USS Bunker Hill Kirk Douglas, US Navy. Sub-chaser in the Pacific. Wounded in action and medically discharged. Robert Mitchum, US Army. Dale Robertson, US Army. Tank Commander in North Africa under Patton. Wounded twice. Battlefield Commission. Henry Fonda, US Navy. Destroyer USS Satterlee. John Carroll, US Army Air Corps. Pilot in North Africa. Broke his back in a crash. Lee Marvin US Marines. Sniper. Wounded in action on Saipan. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Sec. 7A next to Greg Boyington and Joe Louis. Art Carney, US Army. Wounded on Normandy beach, D-Day. Limped for the rest of his life. Wayne Morris, US Navy fighter pilot, USS Essex. Downed seven Japanese fighters. Rod Steiger, US Navy. Was aboard one of the ships that launched the Doolittle Raid. Tony Curtis, US Navy. Sub tender USS Proteus. In Tokyo Bay for the surrender of Japan. Larry Storch. US Navy. Sub tender USS Proteus with Tony Curtis. Forrest Tucker, US Army. Enlisted as a private, rose to Lieutenant. Robert Montgomery, US Navy. George Kennedy, US Army. Enlisted after Pearl Harbor, stayed in sixteen years. Mickey Rooney, US Army under Patton. Bronze Star. Denver Pyle, US Navy. Wounded in the Battle of Guadalcanal. Medically discharged. Burgess Meredith, US Army Air Corps. DeForest Kelley, US Army Air Corps. Robert Stack, US Navy. Gunnery Officer. Neville Brand, US Army, Europe. Was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart. Tyrone Power, US Marines. Transport pilot in the Pacific Theater. Charlton Heston, US Army Air Corps. Radio operator and aerial gunner on a B-25, Aleutians. Danny Aiello, US Army. Lied about his age to enlist at 16. Served three years. James Arness, US Army. As an infantryman, he was severely wounded at Anzio, Italy. Efram Zimbalist, Jr., US Army. Purple Heart for a severe wound received at Huertgen Forest. Mickey Spillane, US Army Air Corps, Fighter Pilot and later Instructor Pilot. Rod Serling. US Army. 11th Airborne Division in the Pacific. He jumped at Tagaytay in the Philippines and was later wounded in Manila. Gene Autry, US Army Air Corps. Crewman on transports that ferried supplies over "The Hump" in the China-Burma-India Theater. Wiliam Holden, US Army Air Corps. Alan Hale Jr, US Coast Guard. Russell Johnson, US Army Air Corps. B-24 crewman who was awarded Purple Heart when his aircraft was shot down by the Japanese in the Philippines. William Conrad, US Army Air Corps. Fighter Pilot. Jack Klugman, US Army. Frank Sutton, US Army. Took part in 14 assault landings, including Leyte, Luzon, Bataan and Corregidor. Jackie Coogan, US Army Air Corps. Volunteered for gliders and flew troops and materials into Burma behind enemy lines. Tom Bosley, US Navy. Claude Akins, US Army. Signal Corps., Burma and the Philippines. Chuck Connors, US Army. Tank-warfare instructor. Harry Carey Jr., US Navy. Mel Brooks, US Army. Combat Engineer. Saw action in the Battle of the Bulge. Robert Altman, US Army Air Corps. B-24 Co-Pilot. Pat Hingle, US Navy. Destroyer USS Marshall Fred Gwynne, US Navy. Radioman. Karl Malden, US Army Air Corps. 8th Air Force, NCO. Earl Holliman. US Navy. Lied about his age to enlist. Discharged after a year when they Navy found out. Rock Hudson, US Navy. Aircraft mechanic, the Philippines. Harvey Korman, US Navy. Aldo Ray. US Navy. UDT frogman, Okinawa. Don Knotts, US Army, Pacific Theater. Don Rickles, US Navy aboard USS Cyrene. Harry Dean Stanton, US Navy. Served aboard an LST in the Battle of Okinawa. Robert Stack, US Navy. Gunnery Instructor. Soupy Sales, US Navy. Served on USS Randall in the South Pacific. Lee Van Cleef, US Navy. Served aboard a sub chaser then a mine sweeper. Clifton James, US Army, South Pacific. Was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart. Ted Knight, US Army, Combat Engineers. Jack Warden, US Navy, 1 938-1942, then US Army, 1 942-1945. 101st Airborne Division. Don Adams. US Marines. Wounded on Guadalcanal, then served as a Drill Instructor. James Gregory, US Navy and US Marines. Brian Keith, US Marines. Radioman/Gunner in Dauntless dive-bombers. Fess Parker, US Navy and US Marines. Booted from pilot training for being too tall, joined Marines as a radio operator. Charles Durning. US Army. Landed at Normandy on D-Day. Shot multiple times. Awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. Survived Malmedy Massacre. Raymond Burr, US Navy. Shot in the stomach on Okinawa and medically discharged. Hugh O'Brian, US Marines. Robert Ryan, US Marines. Eddie Albert, US Coast Guard. Bronze Star with Combat V for saving several Marines under heavy fire as pilot of a landing craft during the invasion of Tarawa. Clark Gable, US Army Air Corps. B-17 gunner over Europe. Charles Bronson, US Army Air Corps. B-29 gunner, wounded in action. Peter Graves, US Army Air Corps. Buddy Hackett, US Army anti-aircraft gunner. Victor Mature, US Coast Guard. Jack Palance, US Army Air Corps. Severely injured bailing out of a burning B-24 bomber. Robert Preston, US Army Air Corps. Intelligence Officer Cesar Romero, US Coast Guard. Coast Guard. Participated in the invasions of Tinian and Saipan on the assault transport USS Cavalier. Norman Fell, US Army Air Corps., Tail Gunner, Pacific Theater. Jason Robards, US Navy. was aboard heavy cruiser USS Northampton when it was sunk off Guadalcanal. Also served on the USS Nashville during the invasion of the Philippines, surviving a kamikaze hit that caused 223 casualties. Steve Reeves, US Army, Philippines. Dennis Weaver, US Navy. Pilot. Robert Taylor, US Navy. Instructor Pilot. Randolph Scott. Tried to enlist in the Marines but was rejected due to injuries sustained in US Army, World War 1. Ronald Reagan. US Army. Was a 2nd Lt. in the Cavalry Reserves before the war. His poor eyesight kept him from being sent overseas with his unit when war came so he transferred to the Army Air Corps Public Relations Unit where he served for the duration. John Wayne. Declared "4F medically unfit" due to pre-existing injuries, he nonetheless attempted to volunteer three times (Army, Navy and Film Corps.) so he gets honorable mention. And of course we have Audie Murphy, America's most-decorated soldier, who became a Hollywood star as a result of his US Army service that included his being awarded the Medal of Honor. Would someone please remind me again how many of today's Hollywood elite put their careers on hold to enlist in Iraq or Afghanistan? The only one who even comes close was Pat Tillman, who turned down a contract offer of $3.6 million over three years from the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the US Army after September, 11, 2001 and serve as a Ranger in Afghanistan, where he died in 2004. But rather than being lauded for his choice and his decision to put his country before his career, he was mocked and derided by many of his peers and the Left. Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit to you that this is not the America today that it was many years ago. And I, for one, am saddened."
    4 points
  2. They were probably getting ready to put the $70 stickers on them for the gun show this weekend.
    4 points
  3. See what Nashville's Mayor Dean is running on it already.  Of course they are going to fight it, Chiefs of Police, most Sheriffs, UT, that same cabal that always opposes Liberty in any form. There is no love for the average Citizens' ability to possess a firearm, it might dip into their control don't you know!
    4 points
  4. most of us already acknowledge that you're probably more of a manly man then we are ... but now you're just bragging
    4 points
  5. [quote name="TresOsos" post="1099487" timestamp="1390435249"] [b]Bed wetters......[/b][/quote] I'm sorry, but the phrase "for the sake of the children" has very little meaning to me anymore.
    4 points
  6. Yea, there is a video around somewhere doing a reenactment. What we need now is more men with heart and backbone like those men had. If not I fear this once great nation may be doomed.
    3 points
  7. Sell all your firearms that eat .22. If you do that, you won't need .22 ammo.
    3 points
  8. 6.8, bad as I hate to say this, you are pretty far off base with that ascertation.  Until 1870, the Constitution of Tennessee related to the ability to bear arms read thus:   1796 version. Article 11 Section 26  "That the free men of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence."   1835 version Article 1 Section 26 "That the free white men of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence."   The 1870 version of our Constitution (put in place by the then Democrats) changed the location and intent of the Article dealing with Rights to keep and bear arms to: “That the citizens of this state have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.” and has remained thus since that time.  In accordance with this change in the wording and intent of the clause, the TCA included for the first time the "intent to go armed" clause.  Both modifications were in fact, "Jim Crow" style changes to prevent the freed black slaves from having the ability to carry arms.  Never before had the legislature been invested with the power to regulate where a citizen could carry arms, and the carrying of a "club" was not a crime prior to this. Andrews v. State challenged the fledgling new arrangement, and the Supreme Court of TN found in favor of the Citizen's individual Right to keep and carry arms, chiding the legislature to hold to its charge of requiring a law regulating the wearing of arms (note, there is no prescription in the document giving the legislature power to regulate the keeping of arms, ONLY the wearing of them) and citing that "Any such enactment, however, “must be guided by, and restrained to this end, and bear some well defined relation to the prevention of crime, or else it is unauthorized by this clause of the Constitution." (Article 1 section 26), however, "Good Old Boyism" ruled for a long time in TN, if in fact it has ever gone out of style... From 1871 to 1989, Tennessee was a limited “open carry” state, limited to “army or navy” pistols but only if such pistols were carried openly in the hand, no holsters and no concealment for the average Citizen.  Becoming a special deputy or receiving a special police commission (these were costly in dollars and political capital as well) was the only method to carry a handgun that did not fit the “army or navy” designation. These commissions were also necessary if the individual wanted to carry the weapon concealed or holstered, and these were normally not recognized outside of the County of issue. In 1989, "May issue" permits were allowed via the legislature under the authority of County Sheriffs, the law did not require that Sheriffs issue civilian permit, it did however allow for that possibility. That changed in 1994, the "Shall issue" permit law was passed in 1994 ("the sheriff may issue such a permit..." to "The sheriff shall issue such a permit..."). In 1996, the change from Sheriff's Department authority to Department of Safety occurred, very akin to what we have now, standardizing  the process, and removing as much colloquial control as possible. The change to the structure of carrying arms was agreed upon by the Citizens, they ratified the changes to the Constitution in 1870, with a wink and a nod they accepted giving the legislature the power to control the carrying of arms. That power morphed into control of what once was a Right and is now (and I must agree with DaveTN here) a purchased privilege, and as always, it matters who governs, they have your Rights in their possession.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Joe Carr will be fighting Lamar's money machine so without sounding bossy or obnoxious, everyone should put their money where their mouth is. He needs all the help he can get. Spread the word.
    3 points
  11. I got 11 more days 'til I'm headed South for a week to put the beat down on some FL bass!
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Hello, my name is Lamar Alexander. I am a loyal servant of the people of Tennessee, and a dirty stinkin' useless wet-noodle RINO son of a blabbityblabbity, vote for Joe Carr instead and retire my ignorant ancient progressive butt, or suffer another four years of classic progressive Republican compromise bullcrap.   My name is Pat, and I approve this message.
    3 points
  14. Ya'll keep talking about Crappie until I am going to have to go out to my freezer and get a couple bags of filets out and cookum up. I guess I have about 35 or 40 quart bags of Crappie filets out in my freezer. Deep fried Crappie, homemade hush puppies and home fries with onions does sound pretty good right now................... :up: :up: :up:
    2 points
  15. I get asked from time to time how I store powder. In my usual smart ass fashion, my response is always; I prefer to store mine pre-measured in little brass tubes. Good looking boolits by the way.
    2 points
  16. Give it up.  That battle's lost....until a Republican with questionable heritage and citizenship tries to run for President.
    2 points
  17.   Rats, how could you deny us such an ongoing source of valuable public service information? You must have been a DHS mole all this time!   - OS
    2 points
  18. I wouldn't put that story past them.. they tell their own people so much garbage..lol
    2 points
  19. The better question would be; "who in the world would Turkey hunt, when there is Crappies to catch?"
    2 points
  20. He did sing at the Ryman and went hunting once with his sons. That'll get my vote!   Seriously, after all the years he's been in and those are two of the things he uses in an add to show his qualifications .... says loads. 
    2 points
  21. $800-900 will get you into a PTR91, CETME is only worth it for under $500 imho.
    2 points
  22. Sounds like the classic "He wasn't guilty of what we originally went after him for, so we've got to come up with something else to charge him with"   Also seems to me another prime example of why not to do any paperwork on private party transfers.
    2 points
  23. Here is a Bell & Carson tactical stock, they feel really comfortable, the gun is a 700P with 24" Barrel.
    2 points
  24. [quote name="npgunner" post="1099696" timestamp="1390455177"]most of us already acknowledge that you're probably more of a manly man then we are ... but now you're just bragging[/quote] Naw, I was simply saying they don't bother some people. I know guys who swell up like a ballon at the thought of a yellow jacket sting lol. And I wouldn't exactly call myself manly. I mean at the moment I'm chilling with an 8 lb maltipoo on the couch. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  25. Timthetoolman and I just did a night time pig stalk. Two were over a rise and couldn't see them but there stood one at the 50 yard mark. I waited until I heard Tim start to squeeze the trigger and I pulled 3 more a fraction of a second later. Needless to say the ol' girl dropped in her tracks with 4 300 blackout bullets in her. She had 3 piglets within a week of being born so we effectively took out 4 hogs so the owner should be happy. Pictures will be posted as soon as we hit civilization.
    2 points
  26. how many times can you say "conservative" in a commercial? He needs to put his plaid shirt back on and hit the road to somewhere, anywhere please!!!   We really need to push for Carr, don't need to split the vote here. Larmar's gotta go.
    2 points
  27. Stealing is never funny. The Outpost has been a sponsor of this site as long as they've been open. Both corporately and as a family, they do a ton to support the shooting community. They've got a lot of nice stuff in there, and while they may not beat Bud's and the other big internet players all day everyday, I'd be willing to bet Chris won't willingly lose too many sales to them. And, they do it while paying the overhead it takes to let everyone put their grubby hands on stuff they're going to turn around and buy online. You don't have to shop there, but don't disparage them - especially as they put a pallet of .22lr out at mostly normal prices. You just can't make some folks happy.
    2 points
  28. Bandit is nearly 6 months old. We had her spayed at the first of the month. She is still hell on wheels. She was 35 pounds on the 6th. She has mastered verbal and visual commands for: 'sit,' 'paw,' 'kiss,' 'lay down,' 'stay,' 'fetch rope,' and 'fetch ball.' We started about a month ago on the Frisbee, and from an even start she can catch it at 10 foot with no head start. With a head start and a launch off of something (couch, bench, etc..) she can catch it reliably 80% of the time. Her other games are obviously fetch, tug-o-war and a new one we started that I call rope jump. I will hold her tug-o-war rope at shoulder height and she will jump to retrieve it. This is her favorite game, and relates to her 'fetch rope' visual cue, I hold my arm out at shoulder length. I have been using this to transition into the Frisbee. The heathen is completely over her fear of dogs, and it is a nightly fight to keep her out of Bandit's kennel. As a matter of fact, after Bandit had her surgery earlier this month, Rebecca slept in the floor on a pallet next to her kennel for a week. Bandit thinks she is a lap dog at times, and has no problem cuddling with anyone who wants to sit on her couch. She even loves the cat, who fails to return all of that boisterous love. Even now, at her size, she thinks the back of the couch is her spot. Bandit is house broken and car broken. She LOVES car rides. She is friendly if shy around other dogs but after a few minutes she is more than willing to play. The only problem has been barking, but as the wife encourages it, I have resolved to praise her for barking at shadows at night. I am not thrilled about this, but it comforts the wife to know that nothing will sneak up on her. Including the dreaded Kroger sack in the back yard. Her arch-nemesis... Well and the chewing. We have lost to date a coffee table, three dining room tables and a computer desk. Pig ears? 3 minutes. Rawhide disks? 2 minutes. Monster rawhide bones? 15 minutes if she stops to play. The record so far goes to a pig femur. It took her an hour to have to tear it down to a 4" section and eat the knuckles. I am thinking of trying antlers, but I am loathe to pay $20+ and find out she can destroy one in a day. Bandit is a great dog and has been a great asset to our family.
    2 points
  29. he is a old fool.  i am going to vote for anybody else. 
    2 points
  30. "Lamar Alexander.  He breathes a lot, and that's something I can believe in."   Wilbert H. - Possum Nut Hill, TN
    2 points
  31.   As an LCP and Glock owner I'll go ahead and speculate that this pistol has nothing over an LCP.   Nothing except usable sites, a superior trigger, last round hold-open, and better recoil management.  It probably isn't inherently more accurate than an LCP but I bet if you handed it to someone who owns a Glock and asked them to shoot quickly they would have more fun and shoot a smaller group than with an LCP.  Again, I haven't even held one of these and I'm not even going so far as to say I plan to get rid of my LCP.  The LCP serves me for times when I am too lazy or my dress wouldn't allow me to carry anything else.  I would say however that I do see a market for this pistol and I would probably prefer it to the LCP if I carried a .380 as an EDC...Then again, if I were willing to go just a little bigger than the LCP but not as big as a G26/G27/G33, I'd probably just carry an LCR.  Then again my LCR is primarily fired by my wife.  I don't practice with it often and when I do I occasionally "short-stroke" it.  I would arguably be better off with a pistol with a more familiar trigger.  I'm rambling now but my point is that while this pistol isn't on my shopping list, I do see a market for the G42.  I would possibly consider one for a recoil sensitive shooter or anyone who wants a small pistol and believes the ability to easily put rounds on target is more important than ballistics.      
    2 points
  32. If you wish you can purchase over the phone (up to the 5 box limit) and we'll hold until you can pick up or we could ship on your dime.   Daniel
    2 points
  33. I just wish Ruger would get it over with and buy them and use them as a semi-autonomous R&D division. It would save a lot time in reverse engineering on Ruger's part and then the KT products might actually make it to the shelves at the LGS.
    2 points
  34. We have 8 dogs, 7 cats and 11 chickens, yall need to catch up. I will offer to take any that have to go to the pound.
    2 points
  35. Yep, in love already. Years and years ago, I picked up a few Glocks, thought they were black 2x4's and never got interested. I respected the name just because of reviews, just didn't like the feel. Recently checked out my friends Gen 4 Glock 23 and really liked it. I started looking at new ones, then used ones, and comparing my options. I ran across a good deal today on a used one and bought it from a guy who is not on here, but I invited him. I think he will fit in great and love the community as we all do. So anyway, the one thing I wasn't sure about was the fact that he'd polished the slide and barrel. I was afraid it would look chrome-ish. But it actually looks pretty good. Still debating on whether it will stay that way or get cerakoted, refinished through Glock, or something else. It's kinda slick, but looks good. I also got 3 mags, two holsters, and 100 rounds of ammo. Bad news....My wife likes it more than I hoped she would so I may not even get to give a range report :lol:
    1 point
  36. Over the years I've owned a G22, three G23, a G27, a G26, was issued a G22 & G23, and I'm currently on my 2nd G19. Welcome to the club!
    1 point
  37. Spots brings up a good point about bolt actions. I am a fan of .308 rifles. Right now, I only own three; SOCOM 16, FNAR and GSR. I can guarantee, the GSR will be here a LONG time. It's awesome. The SOCOM is fun but HEAVY. The FNAR is accurate, smooth, but BORING. I tried to like the FAL, PTR, CETME, AR10, but AR10 was the only one that felt like a long term keeper. Here's a pic of my of the GSR.
    1 point
  38. Well here is your chance.  HB 1885 by Dennis is the first attempt I have seen to bring about Constitutional Carry.  (Of course I really believe it is merely an attempt to appear in favor of such a thing, as there is no Senate Sponsor for it, but that is neither here nor there for this discussion). Write all the legislators in the State and see where they stand on this issue.  I can provide you with video of the Governor stating he will sign it if it makes it to his desk (chuckle).  Let's see where the Caucus stands, a Super-majority exist in the House, Senate and they hold the mansion, they can have this done in two weeks.
    1 point
  39. Wow. Missed his original post. I texted him, and I quote: "Actually headed in to see the doc here in a bout 5 minutes to get this figured out hopefully. At the least something to fix my left arm". That was at 12:15.
    1 point
  40. Scorn, contempt, scoff, jeer, mock...pick any word you want...do I really need to quote his many posts in just in this thread where he has done all of those in referencing the "baby steps" we've been taking?   If you read the post I was replying to, Dave was bemoaning the fact that no all Tennessians's get to carry now (i.e we don't have constitutional carry)...I was pointing out that most of the laws against civilian carry stem from racism; white men didn't want black men to be armed so that passed these laws and very selectively enforced them...I don't know how to make it any more clear than that.   I simply don't buy this mantra that anyone's business is being interfered with; it's not enough to just claims that it is. If there were actual interference then these businesses wouldn't have so much trouble articulating and quantifying that alleged interference.
    1 point
  41. Some of my favorite fishing is when the bream start bedding. Those things fry up good!
    1 point
  42. I know what you're saying, but I don't think everyone that sees it as a "problem" and OCs is doing it for the purpose of trying to solve the problem.
    1 point
  43. Pretty simple I suppose. They would rather straddle the fence. Election year you know. Not a good time to make anyone mad.
    1 point
  44. Call them on it and complain. Doubt they will answer the phone, but call them.
    1 point
  45. I use an American Defense Recon mount on my SCAR. You can probably find them a bit cheaper at midway or on ebay. http://www.americandefensemanufacturing.com/browse/category/opticmounts/scopemounts/ They are rock solid and work great. You can also use a Burris P.E.P.R. They are cheaper and heavier, but work well too.
    1 point
  46. It is none of my business unless the minor is a threat to me. Don't ask, don't tell.
    1 point
  47. I fully agree, but ... :)   the anti-open carry folks are, by and large, gun people who would not actually support laws or enforcement against open carry.  I sure don't.  I think open carry is a bad idea, but that is simply my own opinion.  I would not support any laws against it.   For the record, though its been a few years, I have heard complaints about concealed carry too (no honest person would do that, they would wear it openly, people have said that).   The 'but' that worries me are the people in power who say "I support the 2nd but you do not NEED XYZ and those things are scary lookin"   --- the current theme being plastic rifles, but before that it was magazines, and at one time it was any pistol esp smaller ones, and so on.
    1 point
  48. Perhaps the most significant change in demand, is that everyone who used to keep 500 rounds around at most now tries to keep at least 5,000 or more.   Once burned, twice shy, and all that.   - OS
    1 point
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