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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2014 in all areas

  1. Hello, my name is Lamar Alexander. I am a loyal servant of the people of Tennessee, and a dirty stinkin' useless wet-noodle RINO son of a blabbityblabbity, vote for Joe Carr instead and retire my ignorant ancient progressive butt, or suffer another four years of classic progressive Republican compromise bullcrap.   My name is Pat, and I approve this message.
    4 points
  2. We see stories like this daily and people wonder why the Libertarian and Anarchist movements are gaining so much ground lately. It's obvious that the single largest impediment to success and happiness in this country is our government. They screw us every time we turn around and people still act surprised about it. 
    4 points
  3. "I support the second amendment but..." "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble" To these folks, I say screw you and the horse you rode in on. I'm tired of "2A supporters" who generalize everyone who open carries simply because it isn't your style. No, everyone who open carries isn't looking for attention anymore than a person that wears a wrist watch opposed to a pocket watch is looking for attention. Are there exceptions? Of course. Like with anything, there will be exceptions. But damn you if you can claim yourself to be a second amendment supporter then talk down about open carrying. I do it on occasion, simply because it's much more comfortable. If you don't like to open carry, don't. It's very simple how that works. I'm tired if those naysayers who are far too afraid of spooking the sheep to open carry, so they point fingers at those who do. I may not like the way you do things, but I'll support your right to do it , and I'll stand against anyone that tries to take that away. If you can't say the same then please, stop claiming to fight the same fight I'm sorry, but as a firearms community, we have to do better. I personally don't care if you wear your firearm on the side of your head with a custom pink leather holster, I'll support your right to do so. I may think you're a bit goofy, but I'm still beside you. This isn't a concealed vs. open carry argument. This is a standing up for OUR rights argument, there's no room for us to be divided, there's no room for "buts". I see it far too often from supposed "2A supporters", even on this board. If any of this made any sense, good. If not, then I apologize. I was in full rage mode after reading some comments about an open carrier being hassled by an idiot leo and yes, I feel better now
    3 points
  4. They are getting divorced.   I can't be the only guy to secretly like them back in the 70's, can I?  :hiding:
    3 points
  5. [quote name="TresOsos" post="1099487" timestamp="1390435249"] [b]Bed wetters......[/b][/quote] I'm sorry, but the phrase "for the sake of the children" has very little meaning to me anymore.
    3 points
  6.     Allen lives in a geographical oddity.  The availability capital of the world.  Everything is always in stock and everything is always cheap. 
    3 points
  7. Went to the Chinese buffet and saw a big bearded biker looking guy OCing his piece. Only a few tables away were 4 Clarksville PD officers having lunch. There was no way the staff and other patrons didnt notice the pistol, as it was not only obvious but he was sitting pistol out. I guarantee that the cops saw it. I never saw the cops approach him nor did I see them watching him as they ate their meal and walked around the buffet. Just thought that, with all the cop vs. permit holder crap we see posted here, I'd post a story where it had all the elements but nothing happened because nobody cared.
    2 points
  8. how many times can you say "conservative" in a commercial? He needs to put his plaid shirt back on and hit the road to somewhere, anywhere please!!!   We really need to push for Carr, don't need to split the vote here. Larmar's gotta go.
    2 points
  9. I pick up this for my 7mm [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/Left%20handed%207mm%20mag/mycorrecthanded7mmmag.jpg.html][/URL] Great company, and fast shipping
    2 points
  10. That moment when you are stretched out on the couch and you have to feel your side to see if you are still carrying because it is so comfortable an you don't remember 100% if you have taken it off. +1 for Raven Concealment Phantom Light Carrier WooHoo! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11.     I'd say those rounds are WAY over SAMMI spec to make the comp work. The gas from the high pressure rounds is what keeps the gun flat.
    2 points
  12. Happy Hump Day everyone, cheers.
    2 points
  13. To add to the above, you only have 6 months to get a TN permit from the time you get here.  Not sure how long you have been here, but if it's more than 6 mo, you are already pushing your luck.
    2 points
  14. I understand the buisness owner released these serial numbers and descriptions, but it is my belief that this is one of the worst actions to take. If the burglar knows the items he has taken is known as hot, he or she will more than likely stash them away or throw them out to avoid being caught. If a criminal has no reason to believe police have an accurate description of the items stolen they will very shortly appear at pawn shops or on online classifieds. Not too many stolen guns are recoverd from basements, sock drawers, or lakes. I would say 95% of stolen guns are recoverd from gun shops, pawn shops, waist bands of criminals in the streets, or on traffic stops.
    2 points
  15. Almost coated my windshield w coffee when I saw this; Roflmao. Lookout here's the undercover officer: I still say buy a gun safe Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    2 points
  16.   You do.   If you do it where it's less likely to cause an issue, it moves things that way -->   If you do it where you get a bunch of people upset, it moves things this way <--   The more things move that way --> , the more places there will be you can do it and not get people upset.   If things move too far this way <--, ####ty laws get passed.
    2 points
  17. Worst thing you'll ever do is force something on her. If she likes revolvers, run with it. Do what you do and do it well. Here, show her this video and tell her a revolver in the hands of a Jedi Master is as good as ANY semi auto ever made. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lLk1v5bSFPw
    2 points
  18. I oppose attempts to re-elect any of the snakes!
    2 points
  19. Shouldn't just getting these guns back into their rightful owners and out of potiental criminals( aside from the thieves) be enough of a reward? I know sometimes it takes $$ to get people to be more on the lookout but Jeez.
    2 points
  20. [quote name="dawgdoc" post="1099075" timestamp="1390363871"]It amazes me how we hear similar stories all the time. That is, if you allow a local government the ability to regulate something, they just run with it. You would think that local governments would be most responsive to the people and easiest to change, but it's like they get elected and become petty dictators. Even when faces with how screwy one of their laws is, it seems to take way too long for them to change. [/quote] It shouldn't. Frederic Bastiat summed it up nearly 200 years ago.
    2 points
  21. If they came out with 9mm, then no one would buy this 380.  So the victims of this great marketing campaign will buy this gun first, and will highly likely buy the 9mm when it comes out too.   However, if they came out with just the 9mm first, then very little marketing opportunity to buy the 380.  Companies are smarter than you think.  At least this is what this East TN hollar boy thinks.
    2 points
  22. Gosh, they would have a field day if we had that same ordinance here in Gallatin. I have at present time 8 tube type bird feeders up ad just filled the this morning because weather is going to make it hard for the little feathered critters to find food. I also have 4 squirrel feeders with I also filled this morning so they could have full bellies on these cold nights. I go through approximately 125 lbs of bird seed a winter and at least 150 pounds of whole kernel corn and nut mix for squirrels a winter. I also have a buddy with a large oak tree that produces huge acorns every year and I take my shop vac to his home each fall and will gather about 50 to 75 pounds of acorns to mix in the corn nut mix. I really enjoy watching the wild life in my yards and as far as that ordinance up in Pennsylvania, that s just a ridiculous program at best. The animals are GODS creatures too, just as are humans. Should we also quit feeding the hungry less fortunate humans also?.................. jmho
    2 points
  23. When the boot is on my neck, It makes no difference whether it is a left or a right boot.
    2 points
  24. Well, hope everyone who doesn't believe in the "lesser of two evils" doesn't mind if the Dems have majority in both chambers, plus the presidency.   Oh, yeah, and SCOTUS being waayyy left for the next 25 years minimum. If you don't think that's makes any "difference", there's no argument that will sway you, I reckon.   - OS
    2 points
  25. Yep, David and his crew are top shelf.   I think I know where you made that U turn, there is a sign. In fact there is a sign at every place to make a U turn on that road.
    1 point
  26. As awesome as that looks, im going to try and stick to a budget. That way, I have cash to play for bills instead of sleeping in the streets cuddling with a berrett.
    1 point
  27. Yes, I can't wait for it to get warm. I've organized my tackle box(es) so many times now I don't know where things are. I get every thing all organized then I buy more stuff and have start over. I'm bad for buying fishing stuff in the winter and then not being able to use it.
    1 point
  28. "Lamar Alexander.  He breathes a lot, and that's something I can believe in."   Wilbert H. - Possum Nut Hill, TN
    1 point
  29. Maybe its because he never could make flag officer
    1 point
  30. I guess they found out that they could not afford ObamaCare while married so they are divorcing to be able to afford health insurance...........jmho
    1 point
  31.   TN law requires that you have a TN permit after 6 months of residency to continue to carry lawfully.   - OS
    1 point
  32. New seller No feedback No address verification Low price   4/4 ain't bad
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Except one should neither be surprised nor take umbrage if someone calls 9-1-1 to report a "man with a gun" and the police do their duty by responding and investigating. If, during their investigation, a citizen's rights are violated that is a matter for the courts yet it often seems as if the person being investigated want to argue the Constitution on the sidewalk. :shake:
    1 point
  35. If you wish you can purchase over the phone (up to the 5 box limit) and we'll hold until you can pick up or we could ship on your dime.   Daniel
    1 point
  36. The Chamber will be the most vociferous of opponents on the Parks issue, their paid hack will be front and center to declare how dangerous it is to allow anyone who is not LE to carry a firearm for any reason outside their home while beating their chest about how much they support the 2nd Amendment.
    1 point
  37. If you know Buford personally, ask him and let us know. I do not know him. I just copied his post.
    1 point
  38. The stated opposition has nothing at all with it being an election year...rather everything to do with the Establishment Rs kowtowing to big business interests and  the Chamber of Commerce.
    1 point
  39. The place I work pays a man 15 dollars a hour to ship, shipping supplies are not free. We get boxes, bags and other shipping supplies every week. You have to cover the cost somehow.
    1 point
  40. I heard a news report the other day that said "abandoned carts" at online retailers is a big deal, especially to places like Amazon. I'd venture to guess that the shipping costs disclosed at the very last step is the biggest reason. I always calculate the shipping into my final cost, and if they don't have an option to calculate shipping charges before I enter my card info, I just move along.
    1 point
  41. Prices will go back down when people stop paying outrageous prices. A buddy at work saw remy bucket o bullets for $195 at the gun show this weekend. The sad thing is, somebody probably bought it.
    1 point
  42. Here's an easy way to never be taken by whiz-bang, new-and-improved, tacticool BS.   Go to m4carbine.net.  Hang out a while and read.  Pretty soon you'll find out what "serious operators" use on their "serious operator carbines".     Studiously avoid the brand-new "battle" devices that all the "operators" are attaching to their Colt 6920s.   Save money.  
    1 point
  43. Lots of liberals would call that child abuse. I mean, what if they go off? ;)   I'm reminded of the time I dropped a 100 round  box of 9mm in the entrance of a Wally, bag and box busted open and shells spilled everywhere. Several people jumped nervously and one lady pointed and screamed "BULLETS!".   - OS
    1 point
  44. Well, I saw better times in our country when the Republicans held the Senate and that is fact. I don't like Lamar either but if voting for him will help win the Senate I will vote for him. I know a lot of people think the House is not doing anything but in all reality they have been working their butts off trying to just keep our country together. They have sent over 1000 bills to the floor of the Senate that would have helped our country rebuild and Dirty Harry and Botox Pelosi has not allowed them to go to the floor for a vote. They are scared to death a few democrats might vote for a few of them and that would never work in an Obama administration. A lot of the good things that came out of the Clinton White house (and I know this will make some folks mad) came because Newt Gingrich knew how to work the Senate and House so they would work together. Say what you want about Gingrich but the man is smart when it comes to politics. I know I will get beat up on for saying that but if you look at his political record and not his personal life you could see it. He made Bill Clinton look real good. Good enough he got elected for a second term even with the Monica scandal. Oh yea Gingrich also did use the old Reaganomics program that was laid out for the older Bush to use but never did and he lost the election for his read my lips slogan rather than putting the Reaganomics program into effect. Gingrich knew the plan was a good one and he laid it out for ole Willie and wild Bill jumped on it. Reaganomics was put together by a Republican Senate and House. That is what we need again............jmho
    1 point
  45. Keal,   Wife and I cut the cord about 5 years ago, currently have Hulu, Netflix, and Prime. Oddly enough we're about to cancel Hulu b/c it overlaps greatly with what is available here OTA, so our DVR catches that. Otherwise Netflix and Prime both have either exclusives or originals that we watch and love. (Prime- Justified, Political Animals, Betas) (Netflix- House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Lilyhammer)   I highly recommend http://canistream.it/ for making sense of what is available at any given time on the different services, and allows you to set reminders for when a show becomes available on a particular service.   http://instantwatcher.com/ is another netflix content tracking site the wife uses frequently.     If you have a SO or have guests using a particular TV stick with appleTV or the Roku, the chrome-cast is lacking in the UI dept.
    1 point
  46. Leroy, I understand exactly where you're coming from. I really do. And I understand the arguments against open carry, even the ones that are based completely on someone's overactive imagination (most of them). In fact, I don't open carry except maybe once or twice a year at most. But here's the thing: I'm not particularly interested in whether some bed wetter needs to have therapy because he saw a man with a gun that isn't a trustworthy government official (because as we all know, no government official has ever abused the power bestowed upon him). The truth is, if he needs to seek counselling, that is his problem, not mine. I honestly couldn't care less if someone sees my gun and their blood pressure increases by 100 points. Those kinds of people wouldn't be convinced no matter what. They are completely beyond help. In fact, they are not even the ones at whom my comments are directed. My comments are directed at US. WE can be our own worst enemies when we bash somebody for open carrying. Whether we agree with it or not for tactical reasons, we should support anyone who carries, period. Not open carries, not concealed carries, but just plain carries. Other than "he who shall not be named" and his ilk, every single person who exercises their God-given right to carry a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones and does so responsibly should receive 100% unabashed support from every single one of us. Just as a nation divided cannot stand, neither can an issue. If we don't present a united front against ALL gun-grabbing efforts, we will suffer the consequences, mark my word. It's like the poem, "First They Came." Except in our case it would read:   First they came for the open carriers guns But I said nothing because I did not open carry
    1 point
  47. I wasn’t addressing pro-carry, you before you had your permit or your sister now, if she is carrying without a permit she is a criminal. I specifically said HCP. I watched the TFA’s progressive nature for years. I get it; and it’s time for a change. And this isn’t an NRA issue anyway; it’s a Tennessee issue. But I’m sick of organizations that want you to send them money, stuff your mail boxes with garbage and then do nothing. Heck with that “baby steps” non-sense we have pretty good gun laws in this state and the next obvious step is Constitutional Carry. If they were my employees I would tell them “You have lost focus and situational awareness. Now regroup and get back in there and do your job”. I don’t know why you would post that childish .gif mocking me. Am I saying something that you don’t agree with? If it’s the “baby Steps” issue then yes, we are in disagreement. The “Baby Steps” time has passed; that was good when we were getting the bad court rulings. We are getting the good court rulings now and it’s time for “Pit Bull” mode; strike while the iron is hot.
    1 point
  48. Don't go to a show looking for components unless David or his daughter is set up.  
    1 point
  49. I checked in to the Candlewood Suites in Nashville on business.  There was a bottle of bitters sitting next to the coffeemaker for guests' use.  I called the front desk and said that I wouldn't need it.    "I'm sorry, sir," the manager replied, "but you'll have to take the bitters with the suite."
    1 point
  50. I have little doubt he probably did hit the target as reported. I do know there are a lot of match competitors capable of similar shows that are also very accurate and they have dedicated a lot of time and spent a small fortune in ammo to get to that point................jmho
    1 point
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