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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2014 in all areas

  1. Be scared if they ask, "is your TGO screen name..."
    6 points
  2. I agree. That's why I've never been to New York, and have no plans on going.
    5 points
  3. Sometimes you can tell the caliber of a man by his clothes. This is one of those times.
    5 points
  4. Well, hope everyone who doesn't believe in the "lesser of two evils" doesn't mind if the Dems have majority in both chambers, plus the presidency.   Oh, yeah, and SCOTUS being waayyy left for the next 25 years minimum. If you don't think that's makes any "difference", there's no argument that will sway you, I reckon.   - OS
    4 points
  5. The problem isn't that there aren't beautiful areas or good people in those states but when entire states enact and enforce extreme anti-2A legislation I'm not going there.  I used to vacation in the Adirondacks all the time; not any more. I lived in Chicago at one time...loved to go to shows, museums there and as is traditional, started my Route 66 travels there but the state, at least until recently, became a no-man's land for me and I would go literally out of my way to avoid it (with recent changes I may re-think that position).   Bottom line for me is that I don't want to spend my money in states or cities or businesses that are demonstrably anti 2A.
    4 points
  6. This is an old Osage Orange wood root that was buried under the ground for 20 years. We just dug it up when we replaced our sewer. This Osage Orange is rot resistant so much that it is as hard as the day that tree was cut down. Buried in the wet dirt for 20 years and still strong as ever. This wood is unbelievable. I am not a craftsman but I cut some of the root and carved out a handle and mated it to an old hatchet head . I used some of the wood to make it's own wedges and shims to snug the handle tight into the head. I'm trying to think of other things to make with the rest of the roots . I hate to throw it away . Again I say I am a mechanic and NOT a craftsman , so don't laugh . But hey I tried and it is functional [URL=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/ax3_zps2765fafa.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/ax2_zps98b25089.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s768.photobucket.com/user/tercel89/media/ax1_zps5bbbd551.jpg.html][/URL]
    3 points
  7. I don't agree with everything MLK stood for, in fact, his economic ideas were downright ignorant and arguably pretty communist. That being said, this article from the Daily Kos (I know, I know, but trust me on this one) gives a great insight into what Dr. King's legacy really means to some folks.      http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/08/29/1011562/-Most-of-you-have-no-idea-what-Martin-Luther-King-actually-did
    3 points
  8. I stayed home and smoked some ribs
    3 points
  9. F martin luther king. Imma start taking the day off for Eugene Stoner day. The man has done more for me and my freedoms and the things that make me happy than kings wonderful dream. Maybe I'll start taking the day off for David Mosley day too for providing the materials i use to prepare the means to protect that freedom.
    3 points
  10. Just found this video and wanted to share.  Did a quick search of the site and didn't find it anywhere so I apologize if it has already been posted.   http://youtu.be/20RoAfflGCM    
    3 points
  11. I could never afford to shoot the damn thing!
    3 points
  12. Guys that's a rate of 3,600rpm Who wants a group buy?????
    3 points
  13. Fascism is alive and well in the world and in the United States.   It is not enough for a fascist to simply disagree; for the fascist, those they disagree with must be silenced...must not be allowed to have their opinion or share their opinion and in the extreme, must not be allowed to exist. History is replete with examples of where the path of "you can't think that" leads and I'm a afraid that this country my be on that very same path.
    3 points
  14. This is a gift voucher redemption code for a Benefactor Membership. First person who's not already a Benefactor to redeem the code gets it. Please be honest. Please respond to this thread after you've claimed the membership. Enjoy! Redemption Code: 2526X1322XMPB3NBVEU2
    3 points
  15. Seems a few more States may be getting in on the act.   http://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2014/01/west-virginia-legislation-would-nullify-federal-gun-control-measures/#.Ut3mZbRMG_A     http://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2014/01/georgia-bill-would-make-federal-gun-laws-nearly-impossible-to-enforce/#.Ut3nZLRMG_A     A tide that needs to continue to roll and gain strength.
    2 points
  16. No, mount the faucet to the sink, put the water lines on before you put the sink into the counter top. A hole lot easier to get things tight when you have the room to turn wrenches.
    2 points
  17. Compared to most polymer framed guns it's a heavey gun. Very little recoil and nice to shoot but not as nice to carry. Upside is that it is a Berretta 92FS clone. IMO it is a little better due to having the safety mounted on the frame instead of the slide like the Beretta. Very nice guns for the money if you are looking for a full size frame, heavy, DA/SA gun.
    2 points
  18. Thank goodness Slappy revived us.....I was going into deep depression!! I'll get a thread going to get our blood going again. Give me a day or so!   Dave
    2 points
  19. No shame in a little support Joe! I'm sitting 25' up a Florida Oak tree overlooking a spot that the trail cam shows several bucks and several hogs frequenting. One looks to be 350+ pounds! The hog, not the deer ;) Leave it up to me to stir the pot and cause a relapse.
    2 points
  20. Well, this one lasted all of 6 posts before getting littered with the usual moaning and b******g from predictable sources.  Your objections and platitudes have been well-documented throughout many pages...what seems absent is any real actions stemming from those thoughts.  This particular thread tries to deal with a particular bill under consideration presently before this session of the GA .  Perfection?  Far from it.  Shows the work that some have tried to accomplish to improve the landscape incrementally?  Definitely.  Better than the other alternatives also actually being considered?  That's what we're trying to discuss (note the title  - "This is better" - not "this is great", nor "We've reached nirvana")  Don't like it?  Yeah, we already knew that before you told us - again.  Try starting your own thread describing your attempts to obtain CC in the current legislative session - I promise that I, and many others, will not troll it with our observations.  Wish ya luck, even!!  But until then...
    2 points
  21.   I have a hard time feeding the monster. It's not just about guns. That's a symptom.
    2 points
  22.     FTFY.    Obviously there's not enough of those rural conservative folk to make a difference in the polls.
    2 points
  23. i take it he doesn't go upstate very much. They got a LOT of good ol boys up there even if them are yankees :D
    2 points
  24.   I despise them sons and daughters of satan.... They symbolize, in large part, all that is wrong with amerika...   despisin leroy
    2 points
  25. "Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge known for his political commentary has said publicly that laws such as these from state legislatures, if enacted, would make Federal enforcement of gun statutes “nearly impossible.”   http://www.guns.com/2014/01/18/tn-lawmaker-wants-criminalize-federal-gun-control-enforcement/?fb_action_ids=10151930314175967&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=[1381600465435335]&action_type_map=[%22og.likes%22]&action_ref_map=[]   As for Mae Beavers; anyone who doesn't genuflect to the triumvirate of Haslam, Harwell and Ramsey will incur the wrath of the same.
    2 points
  26. I feel like I hit the lotto! I literally was in the middle of setting up my Benefactor and iPad crapped out. When I got my other out, I saw this and thought yeah right, I'll never get that but looks like I'm the lucky one! Guess I'm off to the pay it forward thread to add my own goodies for someone else to use! Thanks TDR!!!
    2 points
  27. Before anybody says a word I wasn't there.......
    2 points
  28. Hollywood is full of whores, gays, alcoholics and narcissistic arseholes. It's no wonder they love Obama and he loves them. "Birds of a feather flock together"
    2 points
  29. I have been using IMR 4227 lately. Mainly because it has been readily available.
    2 points
  30. Harvey Weinstein is a self-aggrandizing, deluded, narcissistic fool; and Meryl Streep aint far behind.... Let him (... and them...) spend all his (...their ....) money on this foolishness... Who cares what he thinks or does.... The hollywood trash that populates the left coast and new york shouldnt worry anyone... He may not have found out yet; but they dont run anything but the democrat party; and that may be over pretty soon...   noncaring leroy
    2 points
  31. Since we all are having a hard time coping with our loss (the 2013 deer season) I am updating the thread to help us support each other in this off season! Page 22 starts the 2014 talk. If you find this weird, it's Dave's, Ruger's and Luke's fault. :-) Well we had the Bow Season thread, we have the Muzzleloader thread and now its time for arguably the most highly anticipated day of the entire year, GUN SEASON! So to those who have had to put up with all of us archers and muzzleloaders for the last few months, this is your time! The Rut is on, the smokeless powder is coming out and there will be back straps in the freezers. Share your plans, your successes, your failures and ask your questions. For on Saturday...we hunt.
    1 point
  32. Harvey Weinstein says he's done making violent movies -- or at least, not as violent Jan. 18, 2014, 12:22 PM EST By L.A. Ross TheWrap Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein says he's done making violent movies. The head of The Weinstein Company said on CNN's "Piers Morgan Live" Friday that coinciding with his plan to make a movie condemning gun violence, he will scale down his company's production and distribution of films depicting grossly violence just for the sake of being violent. "I have to just choose movies, I mean, that aren't violent — or as violent as they used to be," Weinstein said.   Weinstein made the comments in response to conservative groups in particular, that are accusing the producer of hypocrisy over Thursday's announcement that he would make a movie with Meryl Streep that would take down the National Rifle Association   "I think the NRA is a disaster area. I shouldn't say this, but I'll tell it to you, Howard," Weinstein said during Howard Stern's radio show. "I'm going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we're going to take this head-on," Weinstein told Stern on Wednesday. "And they're going to wish they weren't alive after I'm done with them." Weinstein can count among his credits such bloody films as the "Kill Bill" and "Scream" franchises and the Quentin Tarantino blood-fest, "Pulp Fiction." "I think they have a point," Weinstein said of his critics. "I have — you have to look in the mirror too."   I had no idea that the NRA and all us law-abiding, gun-owning citizens contributed to gun violence, promoted gun violence or the legal ownership of a gun turned us into mindless killing machines.
    1 point
  33. Some of you had to send a Taurus back? Every brand occasionally has to go back. I had to send a new $800 Sig back for some "adjustment". No harm, no foul; they are mechanical devices after all. That being said I really have my eye on a Taurus Judge magnum!
    1 point
  34. I carry a necker most of the time, currently the CRKT Minimalist Bowie: Some use on belt also with clip that either comes with it, or bought separately: The other main one I tote is the somewhat larger LawDog. Liked it so much that I had custom sheath made for it, even though the the one that comes with it is "okay". Surprising quality and utility from what's largely known as a cheapo mall ninja model maker. - OS
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. It takes a "special" neighbor to sit out there and count how many rounds one has fired off. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  37. I might take him more seriously if he denounced all of the violent, gun promoting movies he's ever made. If he said, "I've seen the light, I was wrong to make those movies, and nobody should ever watch them again," then I might believe him. He just thinks that he has found another source of income in the gun hating crowd. I have a feeling he will discover his efforts were for nothing.
    1 point
  38. If its somewhere like a restaurant that we have already made plans to go to, I'll disarm and go inside. But that place goes on my "List" and we never go back.   I've got my wife trained. When making dinner plans she'll say, "Oh, yeah, we can't go there; they are haters". Haters is my term for business that post.
    1 point
  39. nope not total sarcasm, I also do not FB
    1 point
  40. You are more than welcome, good luck, you are now entering the reload world. I have more than one set of dies for every caliber I shoot. Some more than 2 sets, some more than 3 sets. LOL I have a micro adjust for .308 and 7mm rem mag, very nice dies.
    1 point
  41. An OS should get out of the way. From what I've heard, win8 goes out of its way to get in yours. 
    1 point
  42.   Well they did fix it with Gilligan's glue he discovered, then after a day the glue stopped working and the whole boat fell apart. The professor was smart enough to make a battery from a coconut though.
    1 point
  43. I wouldn't be surprised if it passes, but will be blown away if it is ever enforced. Washington D.C. knows all they have to do is to drag a dollar under the noses of our local politicians and they'll fall right in line. This is for show only.
    1 point
  44. For me, concealed means concealed. I don't openly promote the fact I am armed nor do not care to paint a bulls eye on my back. I carry for protection, not promotion or advertisement. Regarding an underage individual possessing a weapon I would certainly bring that to the proper authorities attention.
    1 point
  45.   Lager... I'm a bit older than most here (....67...)... I wuz raised in the country here in East Tennessee where most of the inhabitants put a pistol in their pockets when they put their overalls or pants on just like you and i would put a pocket knife in ours... Everybody knew they were armed; no one saw the arm until it was needed... That is, in fact, my culture and heritage and im a product of that thinking...   As to the "open carry" thing; i think it is a regionally cultural thing...Where ya have a "cultural melting pot" like metro nashville, knoxville, or any of the other larger metro areas in tennessee where ya have a place like UT and lots of outsiders mixing with the indigenous population; i think ya re swimmin against the tide trying to condition everybody to accept the "open carry" thing...It may be accepted in rural Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, or New Mexico; but not in "metro" melting pot areas; no matter the state...There is simply too much dilution of the indigenous population with outsiders and pilgrims from places that are afraid of guns....   I want to (...as im sure most everybody here does...) to be the best ambassador i can possibly be for people taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those in their care... I do that "missionary work" by being as winsome and honest as i can be and by speaking out for and supporting 2A rights without scaring those who im trying to convince to see things the way we see them.... We're all on the same side here...The difference in opinion is the issue of tactics and acceptability of the methods of convincing the UN-convinced or antis that our cause is just; and that, more than that, they should embrace that cause...   Havin said all that; i happen to believe that in lots of places the open carry thing smacks of "in your face" exercise of rights; and no amount of lipstick smeared on that particular pig nor defending of those who choose to do those things will change my mind... The fact is that lots of people are afraid and edgy (...and for good reason, i think...) and they are scared of their neighbors and strangers; especially those toting guns openly who dont happen to be wearin a badge or a uniform...There are, of course, notable exceptions to this (...thank God...) and there are places where this aint a problem... The metro areas of tennessee, however are problem areas in my opinion...   leroy
    1 point
  46. Here I am hanging out with an ANA soldier and an officer from the ANP. This was taken at the FOB that was the first stop for any injured soldiers coming out of the Korengal. And another in front of or barracks. And yes, I would go back in a heartbeat if I could.
    1 point
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