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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Before anybody says a word I wasn't there.......
    6 points
  2. [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/found22instock_zpscc6c262a.jpg.html][/URL]
    5 points
  3.   It's hard to find a nicer guy than David. And, I'll say thet right in front of him :)
    4 points
  4. So this is our new pup Gus. My wife went and picked him up today. He is a Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, say that three times fast, and was 7 weeks as of Thursday. Him and Lilly are already acting like best buds already too. First thing she did was bring him her prized toy and drop it right in front of him.
    3 points
  5. Guys, let's be a little more tactful and a lot less destructive in the way we word thread titles.  Brian is a partner in Nashville Armory, not the sole owner of.  There's also no reason to sensationalize a headline on a thread like this when the shop in question is one of our biggest supporters.  They've got enough on their plate to worry about without a TGO member crafting a thread title that paints the shop in a bad light because of something a part-owner is going through.   Lastly, the guy is innocent until proven guilty.
    3 points
  6. And here he is resting on his Serta bed for the midnight play session:
    3 points
  7. This is a gift voucher redemption code for a Benefactor Membership. First person who's not already a Benefactor to redeem the code gets it. Please be honest. Please respond to this thread after you've claimed the membership. Enjoy! Redemption Code: 2526X1322XMPB3NBVEU2
    2 points
  8. Anybody that has an in to getting Constitutional Carry passed in this legislative session let me know, I will bow and genuflect to your vast superior powers of persuasion. They evidently have more money than Fed Ex, Volkswagen, Amazon and Pilot all combined.  I look forward to riding their coattails to victory. For the rest of us who live in the real world, and know the leadership of both houses of Congress in TN, and the fact that the Chamber is the largest purchaser of legislators in TN, (and the US) we understand that the road to Constitutional Carry is not one of instant gratification, just because it is the correct thing.   It only took 125 years to get Shall Issue Permits in TN under the political system we have from "only the Sheriff's buddies can carry legally".
    2 points
  9. I was gonna recommend Carbonite. ;)
    2 points
  10. Harvey Weinstein is a self-aggrandizing, deluded, narcissistic fool; and Meryl Streep aint far behind.... Let him (... and them...) spend all his (...their ....) money on this foolishness... Who cares what he thinks or does.... The hollywood trash that populates the left coast and new york shouldnt worry anyone... He may not have found out yet; but they dont run anything but the democrat party; and that may be over pretty soon...   noncaring leroy
    2 points
  11. This is an awesome pic Dolomite and Sour Kraut. That is a beautiful puppy. And I can almost smell that "puppy breath". :pleased: We too are hard core animal lovers, dog lovers especially. And ours sleep with us as well, and we wouldn't want it any other way. We gain more from them than we could ever give. They are truly a Blessing. Congratulations guys. :up:
    2 points
  12. Here it is at 4am or as Gus likes to call it, play time.
    2 points
  13.    Thanks, I have internet here at my family's place but the camp we're going to doesn't have a residence on property so we'll be in a camper. Myaybe there will be enough cell service to update as we go and more importantly than cell service, here's hoping that there is something to update about  :x:
    2 points
  14.  Well I'm bringing this thread back until Wed. or Thurs. Another TGO member and myself have traveled to FL (we're staying with my grandparents and hunting land that my family settled way back when) to work some deer over and possibly some hogs if we're lucky. We got down here late last night and went out and hung stands for this morning. I saw nothing this morning and Tim had a doe sprint out of the woods, make a turn and never checked up. I took one this evening as we were headed in from the blind so we won't be coming home empty handed no matter how the rest of the trip goes. We'll hunt here tomorrow and again Monday morning before leaving to meet Tim's dad at a deer camp 45min - an hour east of here and hunt there until Thursday. My goal was to come home with at least 4 deer between the two of us so hopefully we'll meet and (fingers crossed) exceed that goal. Cell service was poor(actually non existent) and my cell battery was dead but i'll try to do better taking pictures of anything we a fortunate to take.   There are hogs getting really close to my family's property but so far have only been spotted once on a trail cam so I figure as fast as they multiply we'll be seeing them with some sort of regularity in the next few years. My cousin has killed a few within 2-3 miles of here so they are awful close and part of me is excited to get the chance at them but the other part dreads it because of the damage they are responsible for. The place that we are headed to on Monday has hogs move through often but is not overrun with them so i'm hoping we get a chance to take a couple while we're there. 
    2 points
  15. Quite frankly, I couldnt care if something is "illegal" or not. There are too many damn laws on the books now. If its unsafe I may report to whoever but not unless.
    2 points
  16. You'd think a man named Weinstein would know better. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, and all that.
    2 points
  17. Went to the Chinese buffet and saw a big bearded biker looking guy OCing his piece. Only a few tables away were 4 Clarksville PD officers having lunch. There was no way the staff and other patrons didnt notice the pistol, as it was not only obvious but he was sitting pistol out. I guarantee that the cops saw it. I never saw the cops approach him nor did I see them watching him as they ate their meal and walked around the buffet. Just thought that, with all the cop vs. permit holder crap we see posted here, I'd post a story where it had all the elements but nothing happened because nobody cared.
    1 point
  18. For years Kroger Stores have been offering a 10% for Senior Citizens on the 1st Wednesday of each month. I just saw on the news that they are cutting it back to 5%. They said to off set the change they are making it 5% every Wednesday of the month. adding the other three days a month does not make up for it as far as I'm concerned because like most Seniors I shop for my home once a month and do 95% of my shopping on the one main trip. The rest of the time it's things like milk, bread and something I may run out of. 5% puts them in the same price range as Walmart or may make Walmart a little less. I may have to do a little price checking now on the items I buy and see who will get my business.......jmho 
    1 point
  19. [quote name="soapy" post="1097981" timestamp="1390188745"]^ Huh?[/quote] I think he means carrying it with one in the chamber
    1 point
  20. Hey there's nothing wrong with working ahead a little bit. Why put off today what you can do in 10 months :) Well it was raining pretty hard this morning so the alarm got turned off and the eyes got re closed. We headed back out this afternoon at about 2 and saw nothing. Again when walking back to the truck we jumped a couple but they never showed themselves. Just stood there and blew at us. Tomorrow morning is our last chance here before we move east so I'm hoping for success.
    1 point
  21. I wish I could set up at Kingsport
    1 point
  22. Widners is your best bet in East Tennessee to get reloading stuff I think. Jason
    1 point
  23. Remember: "Evil exists because good men don't kill the gov. officials committing it" - Kurt Hoffman
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. He is getting the idea. He is probably tired of us sucking up all his puppy breath. We can't get enough of him and he seems to be pretty smart so far. We are lucky to have him. He is supposed to be 75-80 pounds when grown. Here is momma: And here is dad:
    1 point
  26. Well of course it’s more difficult. We already have maximized our HCP privilege. When we are reduced down to supporting the actions of a thug government on an issue that would be taken care of with the Constitutional Carry legislation; things have went too far. Rights? HCP is not a right. And you will still have an HCP. If you want to carry in other states; the state isn’t going to pass up free money. But on the other hand a poor person or an abused wife running from someone committing violence against her, that isn’t as blessed as we are to be able to buy our privileges; will still be able to defend their life.
    1 point
  27. I wasn’t addressing pro-carry, you before you had your permit or your sister now, if she is carrying without a permit she is a criminal. I specifically said HCP. I watched the TFA’s progressive nature for years. I get it; and it’s time for a change. And this isn’t an NRA issue anyway; it’s a Tennessee issue. But I’m sick of organizations that want you to send them money, stuff your mail boxes with garbage and then do nothing. Heck with that “baby steps” non-sense we have pretty good gun laws in this state and the next obvious step is Constitutional Carry. If they were my employees I would tell them “You have lost focus and situational awareness. Now regroup and get back in there and do your job”. I don’t know why you would post that childish .gif mocking me. Am I saying something that you don’t agree with? If it’s the “baby Steps” issue then yes, we are in disagreement. The “Baby Steps” time has passed; that was good when we were getting the bad court rulings. We are getting the good court rulings now and it’s time for “Pit Bull” mode; strike while the iron is hot.
    1 point
  28. I see that is far more difficult than expanding HCP rights-wise. We can progressively maximize HCP right and then move toward constitutional carry, though. But even with that, I still want to have a permit so I can carry in other states, etc.
    1 point
  29. I apologize if you think I was saying do nothing. I have been saying for months now is the time to make Tennessee the next state in a very short list of Constitutional Carry states. The last time I suggested it here I was told by a member that claims to be in the know that it would go no where. I don’t know that and it is my understanding that Constitutional carry is about to be proposed… is that right or wrong? You of all people should know. If nothing else it will cut to the chase on who gets to stand up there and say they support gun rights and who doesn’t. We get more people riled up over something like getting arrested for walking past a sign or losing their job over having a gun in their car at work than stuff that can really happen. Neither of those things is likely to happen or has happened. In comparison I wonder how many people have been arrested on weapons charges because they didn’t have the disposable income to pay for the privilege, or they didn’t have the time to get an HCP after being threatened in a real life situation and decided to carry. (Abused women)
    1 point
  30. I do. It’s taking time away from the real issues of fighting gun control and putting the cart before the horse. Get the right to carry and then force it on business as a protected right. But the state doesn’t get to say guns are illegal except to those that pay a privilege tax, and then drive it down the throats of business owners. That’s wrong at face value. Of course they may try whatever they like with the laws; after all they are politicians. I didn’t think the state had any business legislating smoking in private businesses but they did it and a majority of the people were more than happy to see the government force that on business owners. And the bars that went out of business? Well they were just casualties of the government helping us. Some of the same people here that support this will be whining in another thread about how heavy handed the government is and how we need to vote them all out of office.   We are 7% of the state population; hardly the norm.
    1 point
  31. Well,   That reminds me, it's time to renew my NRA membership and buy a few hundred rounds of .223.   I'll be sure to watch this after Whiney-stein stops making movies with unrestrained gunfire, and fires all his armed bodyguards.    I imagine it will be the self-parody gun version of "Reefer Madness" and will play in a loop at the next NRA Convention.
    1 point
  32. Hollywood is full of whores, gays, alcoholics and narcissistic arseholes. It's no wonder they love Obama and he loves them. "Birds of a feather flock together"
    1 point
  33. I have been using IMR 4227 lately. Mainly because it has been readily available.
    1 point
  34. Dave,   This law is a little different...  It includes criminal and civil penalties...  And allows for me to go to the court, and have a special prosecutor appointed to charge those involved and the state covers the tab...  That is *huge*, the TNAG can't just ignore this law and hope it goes away like he did with the firearm freedom law, this allows any citizen wronged by the feds to force criminal charges and an independent special prosecutor on any state employees that aided the charges.   Lets follow this rabbit hole further....   Lets say the Feds pass a ban on 30 round mags...  How does one catch a violator under this law?     No police officer can aid or even tell the Feds about a person having a 30 round magazine...  if they do, they can be criminally charged, and loose sovereign immunity for their actions...  that means they can be placed behind bars for 11 months and 29 days on the first offense, and over a year on the second (being a felony offense).  Then the person arrested could turn around and file a civil lawsuit against the officer (with standing) and collect $50k plus all real damages such as loss of income, loss of property, loss of freedom, etc plus attorney fees, that number gets pretty big pretty quick.   Now, the feds arrest the 'offender'...  where do they put him?  The feds don't have a jail here in TN, and no TN sheriff could touch the 'offender' with a 10 foot poll without also violating this law...  They have to keep the 'offender' in TN because the trial would have to take place in Nashville.  They place the 'offender' in a hotel room under guard 24/7 using only federal officer?  Or take the 'offender' to KY or AL everyday?   Then you have the courthouse itself, where more than 50% of the security officers are TN POST certified law enforcement picking up extra shifts...  which one of them wants to be the test case that this law doesn't apply to them while they're working a part time job?   If passed as is, this would be a game changer...  first time we've been the ability for average citizens to enforce the law through state courts, instead of praying the TNAG wakes up and does the right thing.  
    1 point
  35. If my employee was ignoring customers and goofing off on the computer... I'd want to know.
    1 point
  36. It's around all over the place, but the price is still high because dummies keep paying for it... If they would stop buying it, the price will drop just like the other ammo is doing.
    1 point
  37. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=188_1390055784   This one will make you feel all warm and fuzzy, motorcycle bandits hop off and try to rob a vehicle, truck tries to get away and then just decides to run over them and their motorcycle lol
    1 point
  38. BCM AR for the win. They are SUPERB quality for the money.
    1 point
  39. Thank you all..It was hard loosing Ernie .Nothing heals a soul  like a pup with puppybreath...I dubbed him Gassy Gus..A 4 hour ride home with him had me gagging..lol..
    1 point
  40. This is digressing somewhat at this point but if I am late with my insurance payment (or most other services with a healthy dose of competition) there is a long grace period and no penalty and in the case of the insurance company, they'll make a decent effort to remind me. Gas, electricity and especially water have nasty penalties and will cut you off in  a heartbeat.   One possible option is to minimize the monopoly aspect. Have the infrastructure owned by one company or the government and the service itself provided by multiple companies. This brings its own issues, however but it wouldn't be such a big deal if you could have different ISPs over the same wire (As it happens, I get my DSL from a different company from AT&T who is the default provider around here. This other company is a little more expensive but less restrictive than AT&T.)
    1 point
  41. I use a cement mixer one with a rubber drum works great
    1 point
  42. I'd be willing to bet Walmart comes ahead even at 10%. Plus you can't buy socks and bullets at Kroger anyway.
    1 point
  43.   Gotcha.   OP, tell that gal to take the hunter safety course. :)   - OS
    1 point
  44. We are in fact moving toward Constitutional Carry as an objective.  However, to gain that we have to have a Senator and a House member who are Liberty minded and not afraid of their caucuses. We want to force a floor vote so we can count our friends and enemies. And JayC, the Tennessee Constitution does not allow for private property ownership in TN, it just like you can take care of it for the City, County and State, but if they want anything you "own", (up to and including your life) they can take it if they make up a set of rules that says they can.  Read Article 1 Sections 8 and 21 of the Declaration of Rights. We all get to have an opinion, but I will take the side that if it is in my privately owned vehicle and you invited me there, as long as I do not take it out and carry it, I am not depriving your of your property rights while I am inside mine, as long as the thing I have is legal and I keep it in my property. You want to side with Fed Ex and the other Chamber supporters, it is yours to do so.
    1 point
  45. Gee, another liberal propaganda piece.  Doubtless it will sell hundreds of tickets.  No wonder Hollywood has turned to remakes of remakes to make money.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
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