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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Here is the perfect example of how the Wingman system works.   A man brings his best buddy home for dinner unannounced after work at 5:30,   His wife begins screaming at him while his friend just sits and listens.   "My hair & makeup are not done, the house is a mess, the dishes aren't done.   I'm still in my pajamas and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight!   Why the hell did you bring him unannounced to oud home?"   "Because he's thinkig about geting married"
    7 points
  2. Forcibly removed??? Well, your local school system may not be sending a SWAT team around every morning to collect your children at gunpoint but if you don't send then "voluntarily" (sort of like our "voluntarily federal income tax) I believe criminal charges will soon follow and in fact, you children at that point may well be "forcibly removed" from the home and maybe for good. That sound's pretty "forcible" to me :shrug: and all because the almighty federal government knows what your children need to learn better than YOU do. And what do we get for all the effort and thousands (total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in the United States amounted to $638 billion in 2009-10, or about $12,743 per public school student.*) of dollars per student spent every year??? We get High School "graduates" that know nothing of geography, history, literature, art, music, how our government is actually supposed to work, how to do basic math (if they don't have a smart phone handy with a calculator app). We get kids who don't know how to think...who likely have never had an original thought in their head or if they did, had it drummed out of them by a corrupt system that teaches only compliance, political correctness and tolerance (unless of course you happen to be a Christian and/or Caucasian - you can screw with those kids all you want; no worries). You get kids who will likely never pick up a book for the rest of their lives and just read it for the shear enjoyment of it or to actually learn something. You get good little comrades rather than citizens. The children are our future and our future is VERY BLEAK. * source: U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences National Center for Education Statistics
    4 points
  3. Went to the Chinese buffet and saw a big bearded biker looking guy OCing his piece. Only a few tables away were 4 Clarksville PD officers having lunch. There was no way the staff and other patrons didnt notice the pistol, as it was not only obvious but he was sitting pistol out. I guarantee that the cops saw it. I never saw the cops approach him nor did I see them watching him as they ate their meal and walked around the buffet. Just thought that, with all the cop vs. permit holder crap we see posted here, I'd post a story where it had all the elements but nothing happened because nobody cared.
    3 points
  4. That's just profoundly sad.  Thank God the child wasn't killed as well.
    3 points
  5. Quite frankly, I couldnt care if something is "illegal" or not. There are too many damn laws on the books now. If its unsafe I may report to whoever but not unless.
    3 points
  6. If it's a politician, I don't trust them, I don't care what side they're on. Self servants. 
    3 points
  7. http://www.upworthy.com/an-artist-counted-every-atomic-explosion-on-earth-and-shows-them-all-in-a-matter-of-seconds-3   Holy Cow! I knew there was testing of Nukes in the past, but I didn't know there were that many  :eek:   Give it a minute or so into the video and it really gets going.
    2 points
  8. Yeah, but that's still a far cry from "democrats and only democrats..." IMO. As I and I guess many and more see it is you have your choice between condiments but any which way those condiments are still being served up hot on a sh;t sandwich. So which do you prefer, mustard and sh;t, or ketchup/catsup and sh;t?
    2 points
  9. Like Robert, I don't like the government regulating private businesses. On that same token, if Comcast, AT&T or the power company wants access to run lines/pipes across my property they should have to negotiate with me directly for that access not with the government. If you want special privileges from the government then you have to accept that they come with strings attached.
    2 points
  10. If this dummy can move to TN, then our next governor can pardon him: http://youtu.be/H10BjdS8tms
    2 points
  11. I can imagine all sorts of things but the AR really didn't come into it.
    2 points
  12. I will say that it isn't the Democrats or Republicans or Independents that are the problem. It is incumbents that are the problem. Every single politician is the same when they start out. Their first term in Washington they are all about doing what is right and what is best for the country. Then by the second or third term they turn like zombies. They see all the other representatives making millions with backdoor deals and decide they want to be a part of it so they turn. Then those who were outspoken with public speeches suddenly fall silent and what was once votes for the country turn into votes to fill their own pockets.   When Chris Christie first came into office there were all kinds of people saying he was a concervative's conservative and savior to the Republican party. There were some who were even saying he should run for president. Look at him now, he has become part of the problem not only for the Republican party but for New Jersey and for the country. He has even passed some of the worst gun control laws in the country as of late. Hard for me to believe he is a conservative if he is for gun control as well as Obamacare. He condemned Obamacare but now he endorses it, no doubt because some backdoor deal will make him rich from it.   Ted Cruz, they next savior of the Republican party will fall in line soon as well. He may have already changed because the once ouspoken representative is now quiet. I suspect he is turning into a zombie as well. It will have happened in record time and was definitely one of the biggest reversals in a long time. He should never be allowed to run for president anyways because he has maintained the citizenship of a foreign country well into adulthood. I can understand if you were a dual citizen then denounce as soon as you become an adult but he has felt an allegiance strong enough to a foreign country to maintain that citizenship.   Because of the decades of being abused by encumbents. both Republican or Democrat, I will never vote for an encumbent again. If I have to vote for a liberal to oust a crooked and embedded Republican so be it. I would rather take a chance on someone who will, more than likely, put the country first than someone who has proven to put themselves ahead of the country.
    2 points
  13.   First of all, you usually can't tell if they're a blonde from a picture. Reminds me of the old joke... What do you get when you turn a blonde upside down? A brunette.   I have tested this theory many times, BTW.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Would you like a list of Republicans who just this week voted to fully fund it?
    2 points
  16. It is none of my business unless the minor is a threat to me. Don't ask, don't tell.
    2 points
  17. Depends on the maturity of the minor. Some minors I know are more mature and safer with guns that some grown adults.
    2 points
  18. I don't give much credit to any of these preppers for tactical intelligence anyway. If I were prepping for some end of the world senerio, my first tactical plan would be to keep all my preps and plans as secret as possible, not advertize them on a national TV show. Anyway, i'm glad this pedophile was on the show if it serves to put him behind bars again.
    2 points
  19. Sorry Mr. BenGunn but the overwhelming majority of Republicans ARE just as bad as the vast majority of Democrats. In fact, it many ways they are WORSE because they PRETEND to be Constitutional conservatives when they are nothing of the kind...at least with most Democrats you know what you are getting! It's TIME TO DEFUND THE RNC and concentrate on electing PEOPLE that have morals, values, and principles that they won't lose within 12 months of being in office...PEOPLE who believe that the Constitution actually means what it says and says what it means...PEOPLE who will do WHAT IS RIGHT rather than what is politically expedient to get them re-elected...PEOPLE WHO WILL GO HOME after a term or two in office.   In case you missed it, please note that I didn't say one word about those people being part of any particular political party and that was NOT an oversight on my part!
    2 points
  20. Would also love to see TICS abolished or at least TNHCP holders exempt from it. :up:
    2 points
  21. Just found this video and wanted to share.  Did a quick search of the site and didn't find it anywhere so I apologize if it has already been posted.   http://youtu.be/20RoAfflGCM    
    1 point
  22. The hell are you talking about? I buy nothing but vidalia and sweet yellow onions from there and they are super cheap and I peel them myself. They're delicious. And I love my plus card. Just filled my wife's car up for $2.80 a gallon.
    1 point
  23. Enjoy your day off Rickey.   Wish me luck with these guys. :cool:
    1 point
  24. 1000 years from now, archaeologists will be puzzled why so many skinny, petrified, potato sticks will be found among the detritus from this era.  Some will theorize they had some sort of religious significance, or were perhaps a type of fertility talisman.  There will of course be a certain amount of verisimilitude in those hypotheses.
    1 point
  25. Hate you're not gonna make it Rickey, get some rest and cast some boolits. :D
    1 point
  26. I'm a fan of the old school smith and Wesson 6946 & 5946. They can be had for under 450. Sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  27. Pretty easy to vote for something when the vote has absolutely no meaning.   When they COULD have done something to stop Obamacare (defund the mechanism that implements it) the vast majority of Republicans in the house and senate CAVED and many even attacked the few Republicans who were actually attempting to do something that actually made a difference.   Now, those same Republican leaders are declaring war on ME and every other true conservative who are fed up with Republican elitists bull ####. As far as I'm concerned, they and the whole damn party can go to hell...I'd rather vote for a liberal Democrat at this point than these worthless establishment Republicans.
    1 point
  28.   If you get on the news, that may count as an arsenal.
    1 point
  29. No wonder the left coast is so screwed up...The great majority of US testing is in close proximity to them. Guess there is some fallout damage after all.
    1 point
  30. That's awesome. I bet you a dollar it's fitted and finished better than 98% of revolvers made today.
    1 point
  31. LOL at these comments!  I did see this episode as well and I couldn't stop shaking my head and grumbling at the tv screen everytime he and his cohorts were on there.  the whole concept of "we really aren't prepping because our plan is to go full retard and try to take other people's stuff" speaks volumes about what kind of person he is.
    1 point
  32. Agreed.   What is it called when a blonde dyes her hair brown? Artificial Intelligence!
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. When I was like 7 my coach threw a ball and broke my nose. I wonder what the statute of limitations on that is? Ha I still mess with him about it whenever I see him. Nowadays he'd have got sued I guess.
    1 point
  35. I was foaming at the mouth waiting for a gunshot that never came...... drats.
    1 point
  36. Follow the left's example: Ask for a mile and settle on an inch. Rinse, repeat. I think we should be pushing for mandatory issue and carry of RPGs and haggle from there.
    1 point
  37.   Wow.   I've read enough of your posts to realize you were a big .gov, more law kinda guy but this is a downright scary thing to hear.  I mean; you actually condone taking away a parent's right to choose how to educate their child?
    1 point
  38. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1096414" timestamp="1389920470"]Did I say anything about forcibly removing anyone form anywhere? You owe your kids a chance. If you think you can give your children a good education at home and that’s what you want to do; do it. But if you are doing it just because you hate the government or want to whine about the school system; your kids deserve better than to be pawns in that.[/quote] My children deserve better than to spend 13 years being indoctrinated in how to always be subservient to authority in an environment that is analogous to prison. To answer the question you asked: Yes, you did. When you seek to declare homeschooling illegal, then those that would violate that law invite government intervention forcing the children to go to a school.
    1 point
  39. It seems I've inadvertently opened quite the can of worms... QUICK, LOOK OVER THERE!!! *runs away arms flailing in the air*
    1 point
  40. Yea.. us blondes sure are a dumb  bunch.. :-\
    1 point
  41. My most recent acquisition is this Mid-tech from Michael Burch. The knife is a unique pattern from his customs that he will not produce in fashion other than these mid-techs. Its a limited run of 200 (plus a few prototypes and 5 fancy "quarter-techs"). Mine is number 72 of 200 (I'm trying to track down 5 or 83 as I would prefer those numbers) and it is marked both on the card and inside the scale. I haven't been able to take a good picture inside the scale. Handle is titanium as are the pocket clip, thumb studs and standoffs. The blade steel is CPM154. The blade rides on teflon washers. And let me tell you, it is smooth. Teflon washers are amazing. The knife has to be built properly but when they are, I would put teflon up against any other system. The next picture is a few macro shots of some of my favorite features. The thumb studs, standoffs and handle holes are just so well done on this blade. Its a great knife.
    1 point
  42. Here's my favorite part...   Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of ColorOfChange.org, went a step further, saying the ruling could even be a blow to civil rights. “Black folks' ability to be heard is now in real danger,” she said in a statement. “Today's ruling … is a serious blow to the millions of Americans who count on the free and open Internet to go about the essentials of our daily lives.”   WTF...over
    1 point
  43. I'd love to see TICS go away, or the NFA repealed, but that would have to be done at the federal level.  If TICS went away, we would have to use the fed's NICS system, which sucks.   Exempting HCP holders from a background check (either TICS or NICS) CAN be done purely at the state level. 
    1 point
  44. I have my dad's old "strop" and it's the only one like it I've ever seen.  It's a block of wood that has been covered with leather. Works great! Has anyone else ever seen one like that?
    1 point
  45. Dang that is an excellent idea, I don't buy a lot of guns from gun shops but one could feasibly "pay" for his hcp just by saving the nics check fee. I personally would like to see the nfa done away with but that will never happen for many reasons, but I would settle with suppressors being taken out of the nfa.
    1 point
  46. I've had a pile of .22s and I would recommend looking for an older Remington Speedmaster Model 552 ACL if having a walk in the woods semi-auto .22 is your No. 1 criteria. Currently Remington only makes the fancier and more costly BDL version. This .22 has been in production a long time. The really cool thing about the 552 is that it will shoot nearly any .22 bullet you feed into the tube. I didn't try Stingers but I shot in one tube a mix of short, long and long rifle, subsonic, Hypervelocity and HV. Crazy but it would shoot them all. Of course such a mix strings up and down the target but the gun would shoot them all. In these times of shoot what you can get the Speedmaster's ability to digest a wide variety of ammo in a semi is an attractive option. Used you should be able to find a nice one for 300-350, maybe less one that has seen some outer wear. Of course if you want a nice little bullet slinger semi that is light and easy to carry others have mentioned the Marlin 60 and its Glenfield twin. Over 11 million 60's have been sold.
    1 point
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