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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Here is the perfect example of how the Wingman system works.   A man brings his best buddy home for dinner unannounced after work at 5:30,   His wife begins screaming at him while his friend just sits and listens.   "My hair & makeup are not done, the house is a mess, the dishes aren't done.   I'm still in my pajamas and I can't be bothered with cooking tonight!   Why the hell did you bring him unannounced to oud home?"   "Because he's thinkig about geting married"
    8 points
  2. I hope they put him under the jail.   He is an idiot and honestly things would have probably been a lot better had his body armor failed.
    8 points
  3. Apparently, according to several articles I have seen, this actually did happen to the ATF booth. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    6 points
  4. I don't give much credit to any of these preppers for tactical intelligence anyway. If I were prepping for some end of the world senerio, my first tactical plan would be to keep all my preps and plans as secret as possible, not advertize them on a national TV show. Anyway, i'm glad this pedophile was on the show if it serves to put him behind bars again.
    5 points
  5. If they don't like how this country was set up go pound sand. If it wasn't for guns then we would still be under rule of the crown or worse.
    5 points
  6. Went to the Chinese buffet and saw a big bearded biker looking guy OCing his piece. Only a few tables away were 4 Clarksville PD officers having lunch. There was no way the staff and other patrons didnt notice the pistol, as it was not only obvious but he was sitting pistol out. I guarantee that the cops saw it. I never saw the cops approach him nor did I see them watching him as they ate their meal and walked around the buffet. Just thought that, with all the cop vs. permit holder crap we see posted here, I'd post a story where it had all the elements but nothing happened because nobody cared.
    4 points
  7. Would you like a list of Republicans who just this week voted to fully fund it?
    4 points
  8. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1096414" timestamp="1389920470"]Did I say anything about forcibly removing anyone form anywhere? You owe your kids a chance. If you think you can give your children a good education at home and that’s what you want to do; do it. But if you are doing it just because you hate the government or want to whine about the school system; your kids deserve better than to be pawns in that.[/quote] My children deserve better than to spend 13 years being indoctrinated in how to always be subservient to authority in an environment that is analogous to prison. To answer the question you asked: Yes, you did. When you seek to declare homeschooling illegal, then those that would violate that law invite government intervention forcing the children to go to a school.
    3 points
  9. I have no idea, but your avatar got my attention!  :up:  :up:
    3 points
  10. War should be hell. It should be disgusting, violent and brutal. People should understand that innocent civilians and children will die. Our enemies should understand that we will use devastating weapons on them. The only mercy shown will be to those that surrender. If they are enemy combatants I don’t care if they burn them alive or what they do with the bodies. I also don’t care what country an enemy combatant was born in. Our troops shouldn’t have to die because our politicians have decided that we won’t use the weapons that can devastate our enemy. (While they sit safely at home) Make war something no one wants.
    3 points
  11. Since EASing from the Marine Corps, I've been working on my AR turning from a fixed carry handle M4 to something I could show off. I picked up a PSA blemish lower, some rails, a Magpul BAD lever, and a MOE stock. I just finished painting it, let me know what you think. I have a cheap $30 light on there that's not in the pictures til I can afford a good one. Assistant with the before picture: Close ups: Overall finished production:
    2 points
  12. Thanks guys.  But sorry, Whitewolf, no way I can qualify as 'new people'.  What's wrong with meeting old pharts, anyway?
    2 points
  13. Yeah Mark's the good one. Then there's the rest of us.
    2 points
    2 points
  15. They certainly did a number on Gibson Guitars. Their storm troopers cost Gibson millions of dollars in lost business and legal fees just to prove that they didn't break any laws. Mean time Fender and others get their rosewood through the exact same source and process and don't have visits from said storm trooper. The only difference is that Gibson's CEO contributes to the Republicans, and the others contribute to the Democrats.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17.   I agree. Total War or no war. IMO.  
    2 points
  18.   Marines arent a land-based armed force. Just sayin'.
    2 points
  19. To refresh everyone's memory this is the same guy who was going to perform the C section on his wife. Hopefully the kid isn't his because I don't want his genes being passed on to anyone.
    2 points
  20. It is none of my business unless the minor is a threat to me. Don't ask, don't tell.
    2 points
  21. Depends on the maturity of the minor. Some minors I know are more mature and safer with guns that some grown adults.
    2 points
  22. Wilderness.  I have a couple, they're absolutely awesome belts.  Infinitely adjustable, tough as nails,  stiff enough to carry plenty of gear but still comfy.   And ideal for beating the bejeezus out of somebody causing trouble on a commercial flight.   :up:
    2 points
  23. I don't think the Idiocracy we are devolving into is necessarily IQ related, but cultural. Certainly there are extremely smart dirtbags. The problem is when kids of scum bags are being reproduced at a much higher rate than kids of productive members of society it changes our culture into one of self serving, lazy, morally/ethically bankrupt wastes of oxygen. Surely there are some basic intelligence issues related to this, as entitlement sucking leeches tend to be lower in intelligence, but I don't think it is so severe that these people lack the intelligence to be productive and take care of themselves. It's cultural.
    2 points
  24. [quote name="JayC" post="1096083" timestamp="1389882751"]Chuck, posts like this need to come with a warning message... I just had to change my shirt because I snorted coffee out of my nose :) I wonder how long the sticker was on there before F-Troop figured it out :)[/quote] I don't know but at least it looks like they handled it themselves this time. Had they called in the Feebs' SRT (Sticker Removal Team) then the whole booth would have gotten burned down. :lol:
    2 points
  25. Its a new year and already Sig has their new win this gun promotion going. I suppose Sig wants to get ahead of the Shot Show next week. Guys, are you in? http://www.sigsauer.com/Promotions/Sweepstakes.aspx
    2 points
  26. We went to the range one time w/ so much stuff, when we sat and totaled it up, the guns were worth more then the truck!
    2 points
  27. An attractive blonde arrived at a casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice. She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude." With that, she stripped, rolled the dice and yelled, "Come on baby, Mama needs new clothes!" As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. "Yes! Yes! I won, I won!" She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed. The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?" The other answered, "I don't know - I thought you were watching."    MORAL OF THE STORY Not all blondes are dumb, .. but all men, are men!
    2 points
  28. Knew a guy that OC'd a lot.  Once, a rival for his girlfriend's affections saw him out and claimed the individual in question was 'brandishing' the weapon, and had 'threatened' him with it (both untrue, but was visible plainly on his hip).  Eventually turned out OK for the guy, and the guy who was stirring up stuff was charged with filing a false report.  But....it took some strife to sort it out, including temporary confiscation of his weapon, interviews, police interaction, some lawyer $$, yada yada.  Point being is if it wasn't OC'd the troublemaker couldn't have made what initially seemed to be a 'valid' claim because he wouldn't have been able to describe the weapon.  There is a whole host of reasons that I feel people really don't need to know what's being carried.  It (IMHO) is a simple risk/reward decision.  I, personally, don't OC because people just don't need to know until they 'need' to know.  If you want to exercise your right to OC, that's great.  But please don't berate those of us that opine that "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble."  ‘Trouble’ that is perceived isn’t always just the ‘bad guy’ shooting you first. 
    2 points
  29. Screw 'em.  They're doing a service by disinfecting.  Like the enemy shows us the same respect.  Drop a match to the whole country for all I care.
    2 points
  30. Maybe wrong for some...     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2gCFOtaZPo  
    1 point
  31. I came into 3 lbs of 1680 today!!! I didn't even know this stuff still existed!! I built a 300 blk 3 months ago and have been searching long before then for this powder!! So be diligent fellas it is out there!!
    1 point
  32. That's a good vid.   That's interesting. The Rio is actually brass (low brass). It is also worse than the Federal bulk packs about it. I figured that it may be that the soft brass is worse about digging than the aluminum/tin bottomed federals.   That's the vid I got the idea from. I'm gonna hit it a little more. Then I'm going to take the dremel with a polishing cloth and some compound to it.
    1 point
  33. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/ammunition/rifle-ammunition/7-62-x-39/red-army-7-62x39mm-123gr-spam-can-600rds-am1889c.html   This sounds pretty good to me.
    1 point
  34.   First of all, you usually can't tell if they're a blonde from a picture. Reminds me of the old joke... What do you get when you turn a blonde upside down? A brunette.   I have tested this theory many times, BTW.
    1 point
  35. Was the helmet made out of lead?
    1 point
  36. I'm sure they called big brother FBI to come and investigate them being harassed.  Lets wait and see, they still might burn the entire SHOT show down before it's all over with.  
    1 point
  37. His body still has to take the impact of stopping the bullet, and that isn't a real joy I am sure. Try and raid my home even though I am not a prepper, and lets see how your head feels after I bounce several rounds off your super fantastic magical body armour.
    1 point
  38. When I think influential, I think Harvey Weinstein and Meryl Streep.....
    1 point
  39. Many of them are actually selling stuff and see it as an advertisement, I think.
    1 point
  40. Found my first pocket knife I bought myself after losing it years ago. Was cleaning out an old truck before I sold it. I had looked for that knife for years!
    1 point
  41. I say give him stuff back and let him try. Preferably during a live fire training exercise. Lets see how motivated he is when they are on equal ground.
    1 point
  42.   Nope.... Exercising a "right" is just that....  You can carry open or not...As for me; I carry a gun to protect myself and others around me from thugs, mother stabbers, and father rapers... It aint a statement of "rights"... Youve already got them to begin with...   Im like some other posters; i believe there is a time and place and method for everything ya decide to do... I prefer concealed carry... Your "skirt blowin up" wuz my way of sayin that...   I was taught about carrying a firearm by a dear old grandfatherly guy who had this to say about carrying a firearm... It goes like this: "...Never let anyone know you are armed until you absolutely have to... Never draw a gun on anyone you dont fully intend to shoot and kill"...    Carryin a gun aint about making a statement about "rights"; its far more than that... It's about self-defense and deadly use of force... There are those who may want to try to bluff and scare bad guys... I think that approach is a bad idea on a bunch of levels; but that's just me... I believe in tactical surprise and the determination to be ready to ventilate them if ya need to...   I aint tryin to beat anyone up; but the second amendment, at it's core, is about the guarantee of the ability to have tools for self-defense... There was a time when every finished gentleman was, in fact, armed; and no one had to tell anyone else he was; everybody already knew it... I think that those times are returning with the "Shall Issue" permit thing... The realization of the need to go armed is the point here; not the method of carry....   leroy
    1 point
  43. Depends on who is reporting it. If it's MSNBC it's an arsenal, if it's CNN it's a stockpile and if it's Fox News it's just a good start.
    1 point
  44.   It's not about them. It's about the idiots that wind up in the news. There's a big difference between carrying for the right reason, and going out to make a statement and stir up crap. In about 98% of the cases, if you wind up on TV because of your gun... you're an idiot. Those people hurt gun owners, which means they hurt me. 
    1 point
  45. Yup.  My throat can't tell the left boot from the right boot.
    1 point
  46. Is being stepped on by an elephant better than being kicked in the head by a jackass?
    1 point
  47. It would actually take a lot of concerted effort and concentration to pull the trigger without depressing the grip safety.
    1 point
  48. Jack began to assess the situation and looked at Brigsby, "Mike, we should put him in a cell where he can lay on a cot, plus he's in the way here." Brisgby nodded in agreement, then looking at the injured man, "Disculpe señor, puede moverse bajo su propio poder?(Excuse me sir, can you move under your own power?)" The tired  and wounded man wearily responded, "Si..." Jack was stunned at how fluent Brigsby was, "Just how long was your stint in Panama?" Brigsby chuckled as they lifted the man up, "I was there for the duration of the operation but then was transferred to an embassy there, apparently having a doctor who could fight was a sought after thing down there." The two men laid the wounded man down on a cell cot; even for being as tan as he was, the injured hispanic was experiencing extreme pain and was developing a fever. "Looks like the bite wound is causing an infection." Jack stared hard at the man for almost a solid minute before saying, "Mike, we need to open those bandages." Mike was now curious, "Jack, we JUST got him patched up, why would we do that?" Jack had a very stern and serious look on his face, "I have a feeling that this is just like the movies and games to an extent."   Brigsby had a unimpressed look on his face, "We're REALLY going to base this 'hunch' off of Hollywood?" Jack a little irritated at the comment, "If you have a better idea let's hear it." Brigsby shrugged with nothing better to say, they entered the cell and peeled back the bandage. The wound was already producing pus from the sewed up area and the surrounding skin was extremely red and hot to the touch. Brigsby was shocked, "This wound shouldn't even be producing pus yet!" Jack closed the bandage back up, the man grabbed Jacks hand, "Está todo bien?" Jack had a puzzled look on his face and Brigsby chimmed in, " He asked 'Is everything okay?'." Jack made his hand into an OK hand sign while giving a hollow smile, "You're going to be alright" Jack looked gravely at Brigsby. The men walked out of the cell, Jack leaned towards Brigsby whispering in his ear, "Lock the cell, I'm fairly certain now that this thing is viral." Brigsby let out a sullen grunt in agreement and nodded. He locked the cell to the feverish man. Brigsby thought, 'Never thought I'd see the day when I lock up someone who hadn't done anything wrong and was innocent...'
    1 point
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