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  1. I once got in an argument with a woman over just that. People who ram tolerance down your throat are the most INTOLERANT people on earth.
    6 points
  2. I've already weighed in on the matter and said my piece on another thread. As you lot know, I am rather the kidder,(see above post) but the bashing garbage gets old. My sister is gay and I take rather offense to it, regardless if you're just making fun of gay guys or women, you're still singling out a specific sexual preference. These debates are tiresome as when one uses logic; isn't the freedom to choose how to live, the VERY same thing we all want, just as human beings, gun culture or not?
    6 points
  3. I'm going to bash some segments of our society and make it personal, regardless of the rules and political correctness because I have zero tolerance for arrogance and stupidity. Can you see my index finger extended straight out and pointing and my thumb 90 degrees vertical to it with my other three fingers curled in?   Let's start with liberals, career politicians, the immoral and the people running this country into the ground. This just defies common sense and slaps our hero's and defenders in the face and all American's should be ashamed and embarrassed for just the mention of it.   I speak of the proposal to cut our retired military veterans cost of living adjustments (COLA'S), pay and benefits, for putting their lives between U.S. and our enemies for 20+ years. How's that for a grateful nation? HO HUM... Let's hurry up and get to the sports results please. Where's America's outrage?   A proposal was introduced in Washington to reduce / eliminate wasteful spending for lifetime welfare payments, assisted housing, free cell phones, affordable healthcare, etc.. Riots and chaos have broken out in every major city in America, hundreds of law suites have been filed on the un-constitutional aspect of "for the welfare of the people" clause. MSNBC, the Washington Post, New York Times among dozens of other media outlets are livid about the cruel, discrimatory and unjust action of our government.   I take it personally when by force of law, the government takes a large portion of my labor and squanders and wastes it on worthless people, projects and programs. That would not even be possible without our military protecting our way of life and protecting our nation. The federal governments number one constitutional job is to defend this nation. To do so it takes a professional, well trained and loyal military, now they're degrading the service and sacrifice our veterans have given.   Just the latest and another example of penalizing the productive and foundation of this country and rewarding the unproductive and scourge of our society I guess.   That's my zero tolerance.    
    5 points
  4. This is by far TGO's best gay thread that I've had the pleasure of viewing. Some have really raised the bar for humanity, others need to stop pretending they're not prejudice against the gays when they so clearly are. It cracks me up reading "straight, gay, I don't care as long as I don't have to know." It's a nice sentiment, but I'd be willing to bet that with few exceptions its BS. Now in relation to carnal knowledge, sure. I don't always care to have that conversation either. But to say that your comfort level is equally low wether a man makes a reference like "well I'd better get going, the wife will be pissed" as opposed to "yeah, my boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Hawaii". Well that's just weird in my opinion. You really would prefer that no one ever makes any reference to any relationships period? You don't ever mention your wife? Even in passing? Right. Just admit that you don't like gay people for whatever reason and that will be that. But this whole "I'll give them tolerance but never except them" just makes you sound like a bigot that can't even admit to his own prejudices. Anyway, good for Chris. Isn't it great that we live in a country were he can make an announcement like that for any or no reason? I think so.
    5 points
  5. You would expect a gay guy to be a good shot. They got over that flinching thing a long time ago :)
    5 points
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh1zornUVv8&feature=player_embedded
    4 points
  7. [quote name="TripleDigitRide" post="1080891" timestamp="1387411204"]I agree. I've even somehow managed to escape his grasp each time, without a lisp or a love for show tunes.[/quote] Heck, I've managed to escape my grasp without a lisp or love for show tunes. Probably because I got thrown out of gay training camp. :lol: :rofl:
    4 points
  8. [quote name="tennessee01tacoma" post="1080774" timestamp="1387394662"]Apologies Robert, I don't know the guy couldn't pick him out of a lineup and could care less, your comment was the most recent one and thus became the target of my shenanigans.[/quote] Could NOT care less
    4 points
  9. It didn't need to be fixed and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't change something I said and pretend they are my words.     Moving on...   He explains in the article (and I'm beginning to wonder if folks here actually read the article before posting comments) his reasons for making the announcement; reasons that seem pretty logical to me because despite the fact that some here don't know about the show/hasn't watched it/don't know who has competed in it, in the larger firearms community these men (and women) are fairly well known. Given that, I can understand why he made the announcement.  What's really important here, in my opinion, is that that he was a great competitor on the show who acquitted himself very well and he's totally outside the "norm" of "gun guys" (being "gay" is only one way in which he breaks the stereotype) which I think is a good thing for the firearm enthusiasts community overall as the more people from all walks of life/lifestyles who become firearm enthusiasts the better.
    4 points
  10.  A person can't pick and choose which parts of the bible are right and which parts are wrong, you either believe it or you don't. I don't think a homosexual man or woman is any more of a sinner than myself but homosexuality is a sin and they'll have to answer for that just the same as I will for the multiple sins that I commit every day. There's only been on man to walk this earth that was free from sin and as far as i'm concerned he will be the only one judge anyone of us. I have a few gay friends and I don't think of them as any less than myself even though I hold the bibles view on their choice of lifestyle, it's not my business to judge.   If this had been any other religion it wouldn't have even made the small talk between news segments but because it is a Christian family in the sea of liberal that is show biz, it is shouted from the hilltop. They claim that Phil is a bigot for expressing his religious beliefs when asked about them but maybe if they actually new the definition of bigotry ( bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself) they would realize that they themselves are the bigots in the room. This was a setup and when Phil didn't say things in a bigotry enough like manner for them they chopped up and edited the film to suit their ends.  
    3 points
  11. I fully support Phil and his views!
    3 points
  12. I hope the Robertsons are not contractually liable for future seasons. I like the show, but I would really like to see the whole family give the whole country the finger. (Not that they would actually, more figuratively.)
    3 points
  13. I strongly don't agree with his views either, but this kind of crap pisses me off.  A&E knew exactly where he stands and how his family feels and now they're all of a sudden the moral authority and shocked.  Bull####.  I would love to see all other family members refuse to tape the show.     Just as much as I support gays to say what they believe, I support him to say what he believes even if I don't agree with it.  I would tell A&E to pound sand.   A&E has made millions off of their family and way of life (including their religious beliefs) and now I hope they lose millions.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. So who is she watching you make out with?
    3 points
  16. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1080691" timestamp="1387382487"]I don't know any anti-gay gays. I know plenty of anti Obama ones though.[/quote] That can't be true. All gay guys are anti gun, pro Obama democrats and drive a Prius. It's all in the handout they give you in gay training camp. :) The sad thing is, some folks will read that and laugh. Others will point and say "See? I told you them gays was recruiting! They even got a training class!" :lol:
    3 points
  17. Tennesse Man Dead in Bizarre Crayon Incident
    3 points
  18. Yeah sounds like crayons and play doh for everyone next year. Of course someone would wind up eating the crayons and gettin play doh in the carpet....
    3 points
  19. Well, I for one am not impressed. My gun would have been on me or within grabbing distance and in my hand after the first knock.   And I'm not even a red head. LOL :D   Oh, yes, one more thing.....the guy would have had at least one bullet in him before he had a chance to pass out. ;)
    3 points
  20. mosin-nagant: The Mosin-nagant is an old school bolt action rifle from Russia. Originally designed by a drunk Russian engineer and an even more drunk Belgian gunsmith, who drew up blueprints on napkins in the back of a pub somewhere in Siberia in a vodka-induced stupor. The Mosin-nagant fires the 7.62x54r cartridge, which can kill a polar bear at a thousand yards and keep going right through the tree he was standing in front of. The Mosin-nagant was used by the Russians in both world wars, so it's killed more Germans than collisions on the autobahn and under-cooked sauerkraut combined. Surplus Mosins can be found at gunshops in the States for like a hundred bucks on sale, and ammo is cheap surplus, so this is what real men shoot who don't want to drop $1299.99 on an AR-15 which fires a .22 round and that's made out of recycled milk jugs and Legos. Many of them come with a bayonet that's roughly the size of the sword William Wallace used in Braveheart. In the absence of gun oil, you can clean a Mosin by Urine down the barrel and wiping the bolt off with a dirty rag that you found on the floor in a Grease Monkey. Try that with a rifle that was designed less than 50 years ago. Joe: " I need a rifle that is ten feet long and fires anti-tank rounds, but Ive only got 200 dollars!" Ivan: "Amerikan comrade, you need mosin-nagant . Spend 100 on the rifle, fifty on case of ammo, use rest for vodka!" In Soviet Russia, rifle fire you!!!
    2 points
  21. You know it's going to be a good class when you find yourself dropping to the deck, drawing and (dry) firing within the first 60 minutes.   I attended Eric Matson's TAC 2 course back in late November and I'm surprised it took me this long to write about it because I thought It was great training. But life can get a bit busy this time of year and I didn't find the time. I felt it was important to get the word out because when I searched online for a class report I found jack about this class.   We began the class in the indoor classroom with introductions and the safety brief. Next, Eric reviewed the draw stroke and some other basics. We then progressed to doing some cool stuff dry before heading out to the outdoor range. Once there, we did a little pre-assesment to see where we were skill-wise and to better gauge our progress at the end of the day. Most of the guys attending were either graduates of TAC 1 or regulars at the indoor range or both. All in all a good group of guys that made the day even more enjoyable. You know what I mean - you've trained with THAT GUY or - God forbid - THOSE GUYS! We had none of that, and Eric ran a good, safe, interesting class without having to be a Safety Nazi.   Some of the highlights were:   Timed draw and fire at realistic (5 to 10 yards) distances. Goal was 6 solid hits in 2 seconds.   Drawing and engaging a threat outside a car window. Hint: Don't be the first guy to shoot the car door. None of us did.   Defending from the ground after falling / being knocked down.   Defending from a realistic simulated bedroom attack scenario (attacker surprising you while in bed) complete with a requirement to sometimes roll the 160 # striking dummy off yourself before you could engage.   A 2-man "tactical dueling tree" drill using several pieces of simulated cover and starting from a seated position. Each shot had to be made after moving to a new position.    And my favorite, the room clearing shoot / no shoot exercise. With the shooter standing behind a barricade and unable to see, a scenario was set up with mannequins and various pieces of cover. Balloons facilitated head shots (if called for) and the number, position, and items held by the mannequins changed for each shooter. This was GOOD STUFF!   Eric Matson knows his stuff (a founder of the Midwest Tactical Officers Association and long time SWAT cop) and teaches a very good class which also may be the best bang-for-your-training-buck around. This class was $100 for a solid day of quality, fun, training doing things that would get you banned for life and / or flogged at dawn at most any regular range. Check out Tactical Advantage Corp if you want to take your shooting to the next level.
    2 points
  22.   I figure the family will honor their contracts. But, knowing a little about hostile talent under contract, A&E will get what they deserve. I'm as tolerant of gays as it gets. That ain't what this is about.
    2 points
  23. Yes, good to see liberal tolerance is still alive and well. Completely asinine. Every opinion counts, and stand up for what you believe... unless yours isn't popular. Then you get kicked off your own show.
    2 points
  24. NOT SAFE FOR WORK http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sgfQ9o2-9BM&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsgfQ9o2-9BM%26feature%3Dyoutu.be
    2 points
  25. Perhaps all is not lost. http://sierrabullets.wordpress.com/2013/11/01/sierra-responds-how-will-the-closure-of-the-lead-smelting-plant-affect-sierra-bullets/  
    2 points
  26. Y'all are talking about Il Duce right? 
    2 points
  27. I want to be so tolerant, but my wife and i are on the latest season of Spartacus and I can't get past the man love scenes, yet my wife can't understand why I say "giggity" every time there's a lesbian scene. I think the level of tolerance I show for two chicks making love more than makes up for my revulsion at two dudes. I mean, I'm sooper tolerant of those lesbians.
    2 points
  28. On the bright side, the new landlord may rather retain the existing occupants rather than have to search for new ones and have vacant properties after a rate increase. Never rule out negotiating with them either.   I own rental property Bersaguy and although  am no pushover I have made my share of exceptions over the years. Hope it works out ok for you. It is very hard to find good renters sometimes so I am sure they would much rather retain you than take their chances on someone who may not pay or who might damage their property. You already have a good history in this property so you have that going for you.
    2 points
  29. That's okay...with your failing memory in about five minutes you won't remember why you are pissed and five minutes after that you won't remember being pissed at all LOL
    2 points
  30. Ok.   I'm an avowed lesbian.   There; I feel better now.
    2 points
  31. Thank you Secret Santa! You definitely knew what to get and hooked me up much better than I deserved. Everything will be put to use soon.
    2 points
  32. I gave my son a Mosin 91/30 for Christmas last year. He loved shooting mine, so he wanted one for himself. He got to fully experience the hassle of resurrecting one from its arsenal-soaked-in-cosmoline state-- I thought that would make him appreciate it a wee bit more. I walked him through the complete tear-down, clean-up and reassembly process so that he would have a better understanding of the rifle. Anyway, first time at the range with his new baby, there are 2 guys there shooting ARs and one kid with a .22 rifle. My son selects a shooting bay a few benches away from them, nonchalantly unpacks his Mosin, loads it with a stripper clip, actuates the bolt, takes aim, and BOOOM!-- just like a Mosin. The two AR guys whip their heads around, and one of 'em says "Wow! I know that sound--nothing else sounds quite like a Mosin Nagant!" You should have seen the grin on my son's face. Here's a picture taken that afternoon (I'm the good-looking one on the right):
    2 points
  33. [quote name="Il Duce" post="1080716" timestamp="1387384698"]You homo lol[/quote] Me? Are you sure? I'm a libertarian gun owner with a farm, and a welding/ fabrication shop. I drive a truck, work on heavy equipment, dislike Obama, and have been together with the same guy for 8 years! What part of that makes me gay? Oh, wait...:lol:
    2 points
  34. Amen...we need to get rid of public schools both because they are soft targets for terrorists (of all stripes) and because we, as a country, need to abandon this concept that everyone should get an education at the public's expense.  I'm all about education and its importance but it's not the public's responsibility to provide it or pay for it; it's the parents (while the children are still children) and each adult's responsibility to pay for themselves once they've become adults.   As I've suggested many times here, get your kids out of the public schools; either home school (preferable) or private schools. While there are some truly good, wonderful teachers who have their heads on straight they work in institutionalized idiocy and political correctness that glorifies socialism, re-writes history and and teaches anti-capitalism and anti-individual rights and liberty.
    2 points
  35. You know what really grinds my gears? When gun guys flaunt their love for firearms with stickers on their vehicle and gun logo hats and tshirts. Oh wait... *looks at hat, shirt & truck* never mind. :D
    2 points
  36. I hope there comes a day when being a homosexual is a non-issue. Unfortunately, for those who prefer they stay in the closet, it will require more and more homosexuals coming out. And not only the well-known.
    2 points
  37. I see a lot of homophobia on TGO but you got to look at it like this:  The more diverse the gun community is the better off we are as a whole.  Who would you rather shoot next to at the range a safe homosexual with good gun handling skills or straight Bubba that's sweeping you constantly? 
    2 points
  38. I care, to a point. There is a misconception that the firearms community is anti gay, him coming out directly combats that belief.  It also provides a potential role model for gay youths. 
    2 points
  39.   Does seem to be a popular topic. Gets cold and lonely in the ole duck blind.  :rofl:
    2 points
  40. He was a great competitor and one that few on the show took seriously if I recall correctly.   It doesn't matter to me if he's homosexual or heterosexual; he's a darn good shooter and competitor.
    2 points
  41. Funny thing is we've had a few folks come in the store thinking we were something... other than a gun shop before.
    2 points
  42.   Or "If your Mosin breaks, fix it by hitting it with another Mosin"
    2 points
  43. Anyone else watch this?  I can't believe some of the things he says and the network actually allows him.  It is very anti-democrats and he is always taking shots at Obama.  It is very politically incorrect which is one of the reasons I like it so much.     If you haven't seen it, I recommend it highly.  It has Tim Allen who works in an outdoor store and is very pro-gun.  Seems like a perfect match for most on this board.   Anyway, if you get a chance, watch it sometime. 
    1 point
  44. I took mine out for my first test fire last summer. Sent two rounds downrange and looked over at my friend to smile. Over his shoulder I realized there were 5-6 guys looking at me with that "wth was that?" look. Gotta love that chest pounding "thump" when everyone else is shooting .223.
    1 point
  45. Perhaps what makes it newsworthy is the stereotype that shooters are men's men.... no that didnt come out right. Umm, that shooters tend to be meat eaters... crap, that didnt sound right either.
    1 point
  46. Evil is coming.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0Ls3NxzHkU
    1 point
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