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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2013 in all areas

  1. Happy 238th Birthday Marines!!!! Semper Fi and may our brotherhood have many more to come. "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!" Â Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945 Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    5 points
  2. I ran across this one from a knife maker in FL. Loved the Ferric Chloride finish on the blade (I just did an Izula using it) and the color of the G10 so I had to pick it up. Should have it in a couple days. His pics
    3 points
  3. Some faulty assumptions here.  First, the assumption that Obamacare was all about insuring the uninsured.  It wasn't, it is a vehicle for the government to nationalize health care. Second, that fixing the website will fix the problems.  It won't - once the websites are running and the employer mandate becomes effective, between 1/3 and 1/2 of Americans will find they cannot afford insurance.  That's part of the plan - those who cannot afford insurance will be paying the penalty.  Let's not forget that Obamacare guts Medicare Advantage.  'Single Payer' will become a necessity.   Lastly, don't confuse access to insurance with access to healthcare.  Many facilities and healthcare professionals will not be able to continue in the Obamacare business environment.       One reason there are so many RINO's willing to buy off on Obamacare 'under the table', is the rising costs of medicare, social security and various welfare programs.  The moneys paid into the system are long since gone, leaving the government with a whole bunch of IOU's.    Impossible to pay back retirees that paid in without destroying the vote-buying handouts.  Obamacare helps from both ends of the problem - both reducing and transferring healthcare costs from the government to the people, and reducing the life expectancy and associated costs of those who are no longer a good source of revenue.  The entrenched elite of both parties have no particular desire to get off the gravy train they've been riding the last 65 years or so.     Other countries have a government.  In the US the federal government has a country.
    3 points
  4. I missed a damn nice buck this morning. However, there is a gravely wounded three inch sapling that ran out in front of my bullet and sacrificed itself for the buck. Another day....   DaveS
    3 points
  5. Looks like we have a bunch of lousy hunters around here.  :hiding: 
    3 points
  6. I'm with Oh Shoot... why deprive the government of the money it needs to continue subsidizing all of the deadbeats?  The government has always been a faithful and responsible steward of our tax dollars.     :rofl:
    3 points
  7. If I see a snake in the church service I am attending the only thing I will be hunting is the door.
    3 points
  8. We need a big round of applause for MacGyver. Putting this thing together was no easy task.  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
    3 points
  9. Here's the kind of stories America needs to read instead of accounts of football players getting their feelings hurt or kids kicked out of school for pointing fingers.   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/09/final-toast-trio-of-surviving-doolittle-raiders-who-bombed-tokyo-in-top-secret-wwii-mission-gather-for-the-last-time/
    2 points
  10. My Combat Patches. Airborne! Air Assault! One of the things that I liked about the ACUs was the Velcro for the unit patches. I could change my combat patch out depending on the "audience." As a side note, I had a good friend who was a "Four-Patch All American" with combat tours with the 82ABN in Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, and the GWOT.
    2 points
  11. My avatar is my last unit/combat patch.
    2 points
  12. I think they call this a "selfie" pic... Anyways big fat old doe: Watched her feeding for nearly an hour until I just got tired of watchin' and decided to get in the game. First one I've shot with this rifle and figured I needed to test it. TC Impact, 250gr Shockwave bonded/110gr Blackhorn 209, 50yds.
    2 points
  13.   At this point I would take Biden over Obama. Biden is an idiot. Obama is out to change the country to a socialist's dream. As far as Holder, he will leave when he wants to or Obama wants him to. If the house impeaches him, they are racist and gives the Dems. something else to bitch about. Unless the Republicans take the Senate, it goes no where.   
    2 points
  14. The content of the CCC today is irrelevant.  What is important is that everyone will be required to teach the same curriculum.  And the folks who determine that curriculum will have immense power.  Does anyone seriously doubt that over time, that curriculum will shift to the Socialist mantra?   As for me, whenever I hear that ANYTHING should be centrally managed, I am against it.  Freedom of choice in anything is always a better course.    These days, I strongly believe that sending your child to a government school is a form of child abuse.
    2 points
  15. I think I'm going to use the Noveske key-mod rail system on mine...
    2 points
  16. Anyone that fails to see the ongoing push by Washington to take control of all aspects of our lives from cradle to grave is blind as a bat.
    2 points
  17. I'm happy they won, but when they come to Knoxville I hope they lose by 100 points. Sorry
    2 points
  18.   It absolutely does.  "Patents or copyrights and/or especially trademarks" are exactly what claims that your Ruger is a Ruger and your Enfamil is Enfamil. When those laws are broken, you can get pot metal guns and poison baby formula (you might anyway, but the odds are infinitely more in your favor, plus there's a real entity to sue at worst).   While a fake Coach purse may not be life threatening, it is protected under the same laws. And should be, as a brand name is a reputation, and if a good one, a valuable selling point.   Making a look alike or generic product is one thing, but counterfeiting is quite another.   - OS
    2 points
  19. Are you kidding?  Some of them have bodyguards and even Secret Service protection.     Oh wait.  Wrong thread.
    2 points
  20. TODAY'S LESSONS IN IRONY We are told not to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. But on the other hand, we are also encouraged to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. How is that supposed to work? Meanwhile, The National Park Service, administered by the U.S Department of the Interior, asks us "Please do not feed the animals." Their stated policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves. Thus ends today's irony lesson.
    2 points
  21. It's something fun to think about, anyway. Brings a smile to my face :) Impeach them both! Of course, you're right, it will get covered up and die in the Senate :(
    2 points
  22. My 1000th post!!   Time for another Zombie Match. November 16th at the our range in Dickson, TN. This will be a super fun and challenging match. USPSA style rules on reloading and shooting with IDPA scoring. Zombies targets will get one to the head and infected targets will get three anywhere. Also a lot of steel poppers and head plates. All skill level shooters are welcome to attend as long as they are safe.   Set-up begins at 7:00am. New shooters be there by 8:30am for new shooters meeting. Regular shooters meeting at 8:45am. Shots down range by 9'ish.   The night match will begin at dusk. Try to be back at the range by 4:00pm. Almanac says Sunset at 4:38pm and twilight at 5:05pm.   Stages will be up shortly. Here is the first stage description;   SCENARIO: An experiment in Quantum Entanglement has led you to what seems is an alternate universe. Your lab is overrun with the mostly and almost dead. You will need to find  a weapon and  ammo. There is a weapons cabinet across the hall and ammo is stored throughout the lab.  
    1 point
  23. Not available in .45 and its like comparing a Kia to a Ferrari, when you compare a KelTec to a Kriss.
    1 point
  24.   Okay, I'll give you that it's not idiocy.  It is utterly selfish and a 100% jerk move.  And anyone who argues otherwise is a RESELLER.
    1 point
  25. Only saw the usual squirrels and such. Heard a gobbler and an hen go back and forth for some twenty odd mins,that was neat, Then saw three gesse fly over. Pretty nice morning to just sit and listen to nature.
    1 point
  26. Sweet, I bet those holes would take croc charms
    1 point
  27. Not sure I'd call retiries diots. They might forget things due to old age but they're born in a time where they worked hard to earn what they got.   While I'm not retired I do look forward to the day I can.    As far as young folks of today. Unfortunately, they will work until they die if our Nation lets the politico's rule instead of serve. And that is in the youngun's hands to fix.   Ammo bozo's ain't all retired either....   Lp
    1 point
  28. I think it really comes down to the scenario/source of SHTF. If you can see the threat, coming before it hits, you have time to grab a couple different weapons and cans of ammo. What you can carry will become your most plentiful source of ammo, because everybody will become ammo hoarders in about 2 seconds flat. So small, lighter weight and packing a punch will mean you are able to carry more, more effectively. .223 would probably become my round of choice, with .22lr as a backup. If you need to be mobile, .308 is larger, and heavier, reducing the amount you can carry. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  29. I've had good fortune with the Rossi 92. Essentially it is a clone of the Winchester 92 and is very easy to work the action over. A lot of the cowboy action guys use them just for that reason. You can get them with a 16" barrel which makes it really compact but I prefer the 20" due to the better ballistics. You can usually special order those or find them close to you budget. It's It's not as nice as a Marlin but doesn't cost like a Marlin either.;)
    1 point
  30. Nonsense, most good attorneys would tell you to cooperate and be on your way. “Good Attorneys” being those that advising you on how to handle the situation without going to court or being a test case. Nope, you are not required by law to respect anyone’s authority; it’s what I chose to do. I recently was at a party where there were a bunch of Military Officers present. It’s been many years since I was in the military and I enjoyed talking to them. I addressed them by their rank or “Sir”. I was not required by law to show them respect, but in my eyes they had earned that. I treat Police Officers the same way. If they start questioning me I know what to say and what not to say so we can both go on our way. Of course as I said; that’s just me. I treat people I meet with respect no matter who they are unless I have a reason to treat them differently. Some people have problems with any type of authority and have respect for no one. I just made an observation. I don’t fear going to jail if I open carried a gun; I just don’t see it happening. Maybe it’s my people skills.
    1 point
  31. MVP are available in .300blk and .308 now or soon. If all you need is deer sized game at 100yards and defense, id say a 30/30 lever action is perfect. Same ballistics as AK with better bullets and quicker action than a bolt
    1 point
  32. Ron, during Muzzleloader season where you are allowed 3 deer a day and only one can be antlered it's a non issue on rack size. By law, it has to have antlers 3 inches or longer to count as a buck. If they aren't 3 inches long it's considered antlerless. Right now don't worry about it being a young buck or doe. Both are legal for you to take. Just go in the woods my friend, relax, enjoy life and get your self a deer. Young buck, old buck, young doe or old doe.....only you can decide which will make you happy. A lot of folks say never shoot young bucks. It doesn't bother me to. I passed on a little spike yesterday and felt pretty good about it. That spike may be a trophy for you though. Just go enjoy your hunt.   Just a note: During the regular gun season, a Type 94 special season/WMA permit is required to take "Antlerless" deer unless your hunting your own land.   DaveS
    1 point
  33.   Should have run them off and kept their stands. When they disagreed you could have told them that they could have them back as soon as they explained what they were doing to the local TWRA officer.
    1 point
  34.   God's creatures, man, they all got a purpose in the natural order. Not so sure about us, though, think maybe we wuz tweaked by evil aliens along the line to destroy everything else!   - OS
    1 point
  35. Video them with your cell phone to post it online and watch them all run off.   If they threaten you for videoing, report them to police with a 911 call from the same phone.   Walmart ought to overstamp its ammo with a big red "Wal-Mart" stamp to cut down on this nonsense.
    1 point
  36. There is a silver lining to all of this with the bullet bozo's.   The next time you see one, smile and say. "It sure will be nice when you're dead and buried and I can buy up your .22LR ammo from your  widow for 25c a box. Ya'll have a nice day now".  :)   Lp
    1 point
  37. Ah, the yearly snake bust.  Guaranteed news story at least once a year here in ET.  At least it's not a story of one of the those crackpot "preachers" getting bitten.
    1 point
  38. I disagree; I don’t think it could happen to me. Police respond to calls and they check people out… period; that’s what they do and it won’t change. I don’t open carry, but if I did and a cop stopped me I would show him my HCP and be on my way. That’s not a choice I have; it’s the law of this state. However, even if I could I would never disrespect a Police Officer doing his job by refusing to answer his questions and show ID. I have responded to many citizens calls about suspicious people on everything from “They just don’t look like they belong around here” to “We have had a rash of burglaries in the area and I am concerned about this guy” to “The guy looks elderly and lost”. None of those things are against the law and any of them may cause you to be approached by the cops. Carrying a gun doesn’t get you immunity from being stopped if someone thinks you are suspicious and it never will. But hey, he got an out of court settlement (I’m guessing with no acknowledgement of wrongdoing on anyone’s part) that allowed him to buy a new rifle; win for him.
    1 point
  39. The point to remember is that ALL firearms over 50 years old are automatically C&R.  So, anything made before 1964 is a C&R.  In another two months, that will change to anything made before 1965.  There are a LOT of interesting guns that fall into that category.  Colt SP1 AR-15s are now C&R if there serial number is early enough.  More and more of the semi-auto rifles that were imported in the 1960's will fall into that category from now on.  Most of those are pretty expensive already.     The day of the cheap imports is over.  Politics killed it.  Obama and Kerry won't allow anything in that they can keep out.  (Kerry is involved because the State Department approves imports) The UN now pays countries to destroy weapons and ammo.  There are still some large stockpiles out there.  Russia still has some large piles of WWII stuff.  China has more very large piles of very interesting things!  And other countries have rooms full that they would sell if there was a profit to be made.  It costs almost nothing to stockpile firearms and ammo.   But, the only market for surplus these days is the US.  And until we get Obama and cronies out, and manage to get someone into power who will allow the surplus back in, it's not going to happen.  Notice that I didn't say 'Republican'.  After what the Republicans have done to us the last ten years, I have no trust in that party, either.  Don't vote for a 'party'.  Vote for the person.
    1 point
  40. best way to remove a virus is to scan when windows is not running, if i were closer i would bring my bootable usb and run those scans on your hard drive from there 9 time out of 10 this has fixed many a issue for me
    1 point
  41. It's still going to be a little while, yet.   Uppers are still being machined.  Per the last update I got from Jeff, they plan to ship them out to be anodized on the 18th.  With the holiday, they hope to have them back and start shipping them out by the 10th of December.  So, assuming everything proceeds as planned, we should have no problem with having these in folks hands in time for Christmas - just like we originally hoped.
    1 point
  42. what do you call a one legged woman?     A: Ilene.     what do you call a one legged chinese woman?     A: Irene
    1 point
  43. what will come of it?   i will answer.      A whole lot of nothing will come of it.
    1 point
  44. I don't necessarily think that we need to support an idea that allows the state to make yet more money off of those of us who wish to carry where we should be able to legally carry, anyhow.  In other words, I don't think we need to have an 'enhanced permit'.  What is the justification for such a permit, anyhow?  Instead, as long as TN continues to have a permit, then all carry permits should be 'enhanced' - especially since obtaining an HCP, at all, requires attending a training course (one major distinction between the basic carry permit and 'enhanced' permit in MS seems to be that the 'enhanced' permit requires attending a training course while the basic one requires no, formal class.)  After all, if I am 'safe' to carry my firearm in Walmart - where a cross section of my fellow citizens go to shop - then why would walking into a public school, a government building or a 'posted' business suddenly turn me into a mass murderer?  It honestly makes no sense, whatsoever.  Either I can be trusted to carry a gun or I cannot - and if I am trusted to carry my firearm around families with children in Walmart or at McDonald's then why would I not be trusted to carry around those same children in a school, around public employees in a government building, inside a 'posted' business or in the parks of one city or another?   Until/unless Constitutional carry becomes the law in this state and as long as a permit is going to be required to carry and as long as background checks, etc. are required those of us who have an HCP should be legal to carry pretty much anywhere.  The permit should also cover tactical batons, etc. as well as knives with blades over four inches and other, similar tools that could otherwise bring about an 'intent to go armed' charge.  If we are going to have to pay for the privilege of exercising a 'right' then we should at least be getting our damned money's worth.
    1 point
  45. Let's not forget the jury as well. Whether it was a lack of evidence, poor prosecution or jury nullification, they did the right thing as well.
    1 point
  46. Not too mad, since I want the gun to be right when I get it back.   That being said, after 60+ days being without my 'almost new' gun, I will have to think LONG AND HARD before another Springfield purchase!!
    1 point
  47. LOL......my buddy lives right on Old Hickory Lake and if guys that know him are on the lake when his smoker is in operation boats are up at the dock wanting to get a little of what he is cooking...........it's really funny  to watch folks come off the lake to bum a sandwich...........lol    About like your buddies at work............ :yum: :yum: :yum:
    1 point
  48. LOL [URL=http://s830.photobucket.com/user/alleycat72_bucket/media/R2_zps61ebfbe5.jpeg.html][/URL]
    1 point
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