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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2013 in all areas

  1. It is more than sad.  This story stinks to high heaven.  The victim after having a car crash banged on the door of a house nearby.  A woman answered the door, and then called the police because she thought the victim was a burglar.  Hmmm, never knew burglars knocked on doors, but okay.  After the police arrive the victim charges after three police officers?  BS.  Like I said, this story stinks.
    4 points
  2. When I started "hoarding" it was long before the shelves went bare, I am talking about years before any of us had even heard of Obama. I will not be made to feel guilty because I planned ahead and someone else didn't. I shoot regularly and often shoot a lot more than most because I did plan ahead. I don't shoot 22 as much as before but I shoot all my centerfires 10x as much as before. I have zero guilt when I go to the range and mag dump 400 rounds of ammo that most can't replace. And I do it because I have plenty and that is because I planned ahead.   What is wrong with buying from Walmart? That is where I get most of my ammo because their ammo is cheaper than anywhere else and because it can still be found on the shelves. I walked into Walmart yesterday and found more 223 than I could ever want if I didn't reload and it was a lot cheaper than the prices of resellers so why not buy from Walmart.    I have enough to likely last me at least a decade at my current rate of shooting because I did think ahead and just because someone has less ammo doesn't make me the bad person.   Sounds a lot like the story about the grasshopper and ants.
    4 points
  3. Found this on Saiga 12 forum   Abu al-Zarqawi died, George Washington met him at the Pearly Gates. He slapped him across the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!" Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed!" James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!" Thomas Jefferson was next, beat al-Zarqawi with a long cane and snarled "It was Evil men like you who inspired me to write the Declaration of Independence." The beatings and thrashings continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed their anger on the terrorist Leader. As al-Zarqawi lay bleeding and in pain, an Angel appeared. Al-Zarqawi wept and said, "This is not what you promised me." The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in Heaven. What did you think I said?"
    3 points
  4. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b88_1379231549   Didn't see that one coming
    3 points
  5. I watched all the first video and part of the second, what it boils down to is LEOs being asked to enforce a stores policy or request again.   If the business wanted them to leave they should have just told them to leave, if for whatever reason the business representative did not want to "confront" them and chose to call the police, the officers could have simply told the patrons to leave.  There was no reason to detain them or check IDs unless they were suspected of some crime, which I did not hear or see mentioned.
    3 points
  6. I've got 6 pack abs..... They are just way back in the fridge. 
    2 points
  7. My wife sees my recent searches. This is going to be hard to explain.. Anybody know a good lawyer?  Better call Saul!
    2 points
  8. You'll need a dremel tool and a great big pipe wrench to start with. :devil:
    2 points
  9. thanks Greg. I meant to hit the back button but instead added them to my wishlist! sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    2 points
  10. Heck, I still cut myself from time to time.
    2 points
  11. I could be way off base here (not really), but it seems to me that if you are going to enforce the laws then perhaps you should know what the law is in the first place.  To make an arrest after you have been shown to be wrong isn't protecting and serving; it is just being a d***.
    2 points
  12. I don't believe we should be genetically modifying anything. Deer, corn or babies. Science is messing up a lot of good things. I can't help but feel that this is going to end poorly. Yup.
    2 points
  13. Spend the money with me, I have a few post holes that need digging.
    2 points
  14. Being in an accident like that can make you very unstable balance wise. This could have been the situation here and the victim could have stumbled in the officers direction which was mistaken for a "lunge". Sure is a sad story, whatever happened.
    2 points
  15. some of the comments here are near unbelievable.       There is absolutely no reason police could not have waited the old guy out.   If budget came into consideration then they need a better manager/chief.   There has not been a valid reason presented for the police doing what they did.      The old man was not a threat locked up in his bedroom.  Very likely demented and not knowing what was going on.  Class act by the police here.  I remember a time when police protected people.  Getting the old guy out alive should have been the priority not getting SWAT into his room at all cost.   I just don't get it.   There was no reason he could not have been waited out.
    2 points
  16.   Depends on the person. A lot of folks leave their rifles bone stock forever. I'm one of the biggest Magpul sluts in the world, but I ain't normal :)
    2 points
  17.   Just because you OC doesn't mean you are looking for a confrontation or showing off.   For the ZILLIONTH time your HCP info is NOT connected to your license plate.  When your license plate is checked the only information returned is the Name and Address of the registered owner (a check if it is stolen can be run with it also or separately).  Now, Yes, you can take the name and address information and run it to get the DL/HCP information of the Registered Owner who may or may not be the current driver of the vehicle.    What makes you think they didn't know the law in MO?  You can OC without a permit in MO.
    2 points
  18. while I too mostly carry concealed, I disagree thay open carry is asking for trouble. They weren't doing anything wrong or illegal. I think a more appropriate statement is the cop was looking for trouble. My dad was a LEO for thirty plus years and he always treated people with repect until he had a reason not to. sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    2 points
  19. This case makes me glad I'm white and glad I'm not 5'6" and 175#, LOL. That means I don't have to carry the little man syndrome chip on my shoulder or the race card around in my wallet.
    2 points
  20. Ok , I had a buddy come by that is a swat officer here in gallatin. He has read every one of the posts plus read the articles posted with links. He said they had somewhat of a similar issue about a year ago when an 82 year old man barricaded himself in his home because his family wanted to move him from his home of 55 years into a nursing home. Not because he could not care for himself and he had 24 /7  paid sitters paid buy his insurance to come in and do for him. One day when the family arrived to move him from his home to the nursing home he showed them his gun and told him he was not going. They called the police and told them he threatened them with a gun. My buddies Swat team was called out along with a negotiator. The swat team got eyes in the house and saw the old man was armed with a 38 pistol and said he was not leaving his home. He actually fired off two rounds into the floor to get their attention that he would shoot. In the end the swat team got him to fire off his last 4 rounds by making noises under the floor which after that they made a quick entry into the house and room and took control of the issue with out killing the old gentleman. They brought him out with out even putting him in cuff's and took him to the police station. After an investigation it was exposed that the only reason the family wanted him placed in a nursing home was a large offer had been made on the old man's home and property and he turned it down and his two sons were do to get the house when he vacated it. The man was evaluated by a doctor and the doctor said that the old gentleman was not crazy and his health was good for his age and with the aid of the sitters he should have been able to remain in his home indefinitely or until his health worsened. Now after it was all said and done, because the old gentleman actually never pointed the gun at anyone including his two sons but just showed it to them and he never fired directly at any of the police officers or swat team the judge made a decision to dismiss all of the charges that had been made and sent the old man back home without his gun and he is still living in his home with his 24/7 sitters. Now with that said I realize that all cases are different but my buddy said that not being there it was hard for him to make a totally accurate decision but he said that someone in the upper level must have had plans and didn't have time to do his job and keep his plans and gave orders that should not have been given and he left it there.............. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
    2 points
  21. Ya know, I'm not one for starting sh** with cops, but screw these guys. Legally carrying girls being interrogated for what? I guess if it wasn't for the idiot cop standing in the background WITH HIS LONG GUN AT THE READY, and the surly attitude of the cop I wouldn't really care about the cop checking on these ladies at the request of the management, but there is no rule against an officer being personable and polite. He handled that like these ladies were up to no good. He could have achieved the same results and answers by being a nice guy and making the exchange pleasant for all parties. I would have told this guy to cuff me or piss off.
    2 points
  22. Well, this will stop all those gangs who get lowers and build their own ARs for drive bys and stuff. I can totally see how this law would target criminals and not law abiding gun owners.
    2 points
  23. Age has nothing to do with it because a firearm was being used and the firearm is an equalizer. Being 107 doesn't make the gun any less lethal. I would be condemning the officers if the 107 year old man was trying to fight them using only his body strength but he was not, he was using a firearm that could have killed any of the officers that had a legal right to be there. Any firearm is capable of serious bodily injury or death regardless of the age of the shooter.   And in this situation SWAT was warranted because you have a criminal who had previously stated that officers would have to kill him. Then the criminal shot at the initial officer (not SWAT officers) who attemped to make contact. SWAT was called out AFTER the criminal shot at the officer (not SWAT) who tried to make first contact. When the criminal shot at the officer then it required SWAT to be called for everyone's safety. And SWAT is what should have been used because they are the best trained for situations like this. They are not trained to run in with guns a blazing. They generally have a lot more training on "no shoot" situations than most road officers.   In the end the officers had a legal right to be there. The homeowner did not have a legal right to shoot at them. And because of this the officers had every right, legally and morally, to stop the criminal's lethal assault on innocent people.   And one more thing for those who may not know. The reason why you do not wait a criminal out is because it allows them to barracade themselves, boobytrap the entrances and better arm themselves. Any one of these things makes it more dangerous for the officers. As long as entering doesn't place innocent people in danger it should happen as soon as and quickly as possible.
    2 points
  24. I cant believe what im readin here from some of ya.... If the police cant handle a 107 year old guy without an armed entry with a distraction blast, then shootin him; we are in deep trouble... This was poorly (...and tragically...) handled...   Folks are gonna have to quit carryin the water for these SWAT "dynamic entries" and come to the realization that there are some bad people wearin badges and guns; and some buffoons commanding them... This aint a dammed video game; its real life and a poor old out of his mind man is dead because of this nonsense...   At best, this is a terrible mistake... At worst it is a police commando murder...  God forbid these folks come and protect you, me or anybody else...   This is another Branch Dividian thing, abeit on a smaller scale.   It's capricious (...and most likely criminal...) use of deadly force to and military tactics to take out a crippled up, childish old man...  If the police cant handle poor, demented 107 year olds without killin 'em; you had better be afraid when they come to your house....   And, by the way, i aint a SWAT team member, nor do i play one in video games or on TV;  and (...thank God...) ive never made a police entry... That dont mean a dammed thing here... You need to think before ya kill people...Especially the oldest and youngest among us..   This is, in fact, a tragedy and most likely a crime to boot.... Havin said that, i'm willin to bet that someone will cover for this disgraceful act....   leroy
    2 points
  25. We camped out in the backyard last night. First campout for our kiddos. Baked beans over the fire, hot dogs, marshmallows, and hot chocolate. It was funtastic!
    2 points
  26.   Ask me how many times I've gone shooting in the past 10 months.  It's embarrassing!  I haven't shot a single round because I don't want to burn up ammo I can't easily replace.  :(
    2 points
  27. Sales tax only has to be paid once.  So long as you're paying tax when you buy this stuff to turn around and sell it again, you should not collect sales tax from the person buying it from you.   Sooner or later the BATFE is going to get involved in this practice and the rest of us are going to suffer as a result of it.  Currently buying a firearm to flip a firearm is illegal.  It's only a matter of time that they make it the same for ammo, and likely because of opportunistic weasels who are cleaning out retailers to sell it again at a mark-up.   Honestly, I think what you're doing is beyond unscrupulous.  People like you make it hard for others to buy ammo at realistic, fair-market prices, for the sake of protecting themselves or training regularly to be better at it.  You're not buying and selling a commodity, you're buying and selling a means of self defense at a marked-up price because you happen to be able to haunt the retail locations and clean them out while other people are attending to other things.  In this case I am torn between not wanting the government any more involved in Second Amendment issues than they already are, and wanting to see them clean your clock.   The road to hell is certainly paved with nickels and dimes.
    2 points
  28. LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN) -- Senator Alexander also voted to fund Obamacare earlier this year and he refuses to oppose funding for it now. What's Lamar Alexander telling voters in Tennessee? He's running a new campaign commercial that says he "led the conservative fight against Obamacare." This is the same Lamar Alexander who supported the individual mandate long before Obamacare was written. If anything, he helped pave the way for Obamacare. And if Senator Alexander truly opposed Obamacare today, he would be leading the fight to stop its funding before October 1st. These Obamacare Republicans can't defend their liberal position so they have decided to lie about it.
    2 points
  29.   Lotta knife for a under 12 kid to "learn" on IMO.   - OS
    1 point
  30.   Did you have a concussion?   Might have been what happened to this guy.   I feel for both the LEO and this victim.
    1 point
  31.   I haven't seen any starter rifles in other calibers. A 300 BLK is just a different barrel. Other calibers require mods to the gun. I wouldn't start with anything other than 5.56.   .204 Ruger is a varmint caliber. You don't want standard starter AR furniture, 'cause the barrel needs to be free floated. IMO, the barrel also needs to be rifle length.
    1 point
  32. why would anyone pay full price for Sirius?  If you let them turn you off or if you call to cancel they will make you much less expensive offers.
    1 point
  33. "Is a passport the only ID you have?" When I travel I carry my passport. It is the only form of ID I know of that is accepted everywhere.
    1 point
  34. If I were you, I would get a hold of a Boy Scout Scout Master Guide and use that to teach him.  A Scout earning his "Tot'en Chip", Is time tested and proven.  Bars of soap are excellent media to learn to carve and whittle on. Both of you should sit down and carve and whittle together. Bring a box of band-aids to the party.  It's not a matter of "if", but "when".  And when it happens, don't make a big deal about it.  It will be a big deal in his life, when he gets his first knife.  Make it special!
    1 point
  35. Rock slab and a chisel. :cool:
    1 point
  36. I'm interested in a lower, possible upper as well depending on price. Anyone care to PM me prices and FFL locations you're going to use?
    1 point
  37. Theoretically, yeah if you could get a dozen or so people together this wouldn't be a bad idea.  But in reality this is not a good deal for either end users or retailers.  As an end user, why would I put up that much capital for reloads at 25 cents per?  (And how much is shipping on top of that?)  I can get factory ammo for 28 cents while having to spend much less money (this morning at Walmart I bought 250 rounds UMC for $70 with tax).  And if I'm a retailer, like a gun shop owner, I don't think this would be a good investment unless I knew I could sell each round for at least 30 cents each.  I don't know what the profit margin is for things like ammunition, but the price of ammo has been steadily going down this year.  I sure wouldn't buy a 9 mil reload at 30 cents, probably not even 25.  This "deal" they've got really doesn't add up.  Wholesale volume but at retail prices.
    1 point
  38. I don't know if this is an act of repentance or not, but it seems Bob Corker has finally realized he's hitched his wagon to a dimming star.  Although he still believes Obama is "very good in an interpersonal setting," the junior senator from Tennessee expresses disappointment over how his hero has handled the Syrian issue as commander-in-chief.  Yes, senator....I feel the same way about you as a voice for us.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxxFk8UwhYM#t=97
    1 point
  39. There is only one way to find out
    1 point
  40.   Geez, you never read the statute either? ;)   (also lists "Premises", which would suggest pretty much any legally controlled property).   - OS
    1 point
  41. CZ9MM,   What you're missing is that the sellers (or re-sellers to be accurate) are manipulating the supply to drive that equilibrium price up.   Scenario: You and I are the entire buying (demand side) market and we each want some ammo, let's say 2 bricks of .22 each. A store called Wally's represents the entire supply side of the market.   Week 1 - Wally's is happy to sell those to us for $20 each. They know through market research that they can sell them for $25 each, but will sell fewer. They're a low-margin, high-volume store so they set the price at $20. They have one in stock, and should have some more in next week. I get there first, so I buy the brick at $20 and you get none.   Week 2 - I still want another brick and you still want two. You get the brick for $20 'cause you get there first, and we both have a little something to shoot, but we'll have to wait until next week when they expect a larger shipment of 3 bricks to show up to top off our supplies. We'll each plan to get our last brick and there'll be one left for later. Fantastic, right?   Week 3 - When the truck unloads at Wally's a fellow, (we'll call him BBJ) buys all 3 bricks before we can get there leaving the shelf bare. Now BBJ doesn't want to shoot them. For all we know, he doesn't even have a .22 firearm. He tells us in the parking lot that he'll gladly sell us each a box for $50. We say "screw you" and go back to shooting our remaining boolits from our 1st brick.   Week 4 - Wally's gets another couple of bricks in, but whaddayaknow, our old friend BBJ has scooped up both boxes and again offers to sell them for $50 in the parking lot. Now this time, you and I are getting pretty low on our supply and could really use that extra brick, but comeonman! $50? ain't gonna happen so we go home empty handed again.   Week 5 - Wally's doesn't get any on the truck. that's kind of normal for Wally's. Every week doesn't always bring in more .22 because some weeks there's still some sitting around from prior shipments.   Week 6 - 2 bricks arrive and BBJ snakes them both. You and I are both totally out from our 1st bricks. Want to buy some for $50 yet? Sorry...you can't.....this week our buddy BBJ wants $75 a brick.   Week X - Week Y repeat ad nauseum.   So when I finally break down and buy one brick from the asshole, does that mean that $75 is the equilibrium price? Keep in mind that the actual supply to the market from the manufacturer has not changed. Wally's still gets its customary weekly shipment just as it always has.   What about when our neighbor, Mr. Newb, gets a new .22 rifle and needs some ammo for it? This would normally be an honest increase in the demand side. But Mr. Newb heard on the news that maybe the UN, or Obama, or the EPA or Ronald McDonald is going to ban .22 so he goes to get some from Wally's. Finding none for weeks on end, he panics and buys from BBJ. Does that make $75 the new market equilibrium price?   Supply and Demand economics is based on the principle of free flow of product and cash between the maker of a product and a consumer of a product. Prices are bumped up somewhat by a value-added supply chain. Winchester wants to sell 1,000,000 rounds at a time and will sell them for $.03 each and you have to pick them up at their factory. You and I only want to buy 1,000 at a time and can't/won't drive to their factory. Wally's buys the million rounds and resells them in smaller lots closer to us. They add value by doing this for us and we reward them with an extra $.01 per round.   What BBJ is doing is not adding any value. The lot size, location, and product are exactly the same as how Wally's delivered them. Winchester still got their $.03 per round and Wally's made their $.01 per round. BBJ is manipulating the supply by monopolizing it as best he can. He's also manipulating the demand by starving the market of its usual supply to increase the feeling of panic amongst the consumers. That is NOT free-market enterprise. It's price-fixing market-manipulation at its worst.
    1 point
  42.   And they would be buying it at a normal price from a regular retailer that is a normal part of the supply/demand chain rather than paying overinflated prices to profiteers who are interrupting the normal supply/demand chain and contributing to a perceived shortage, thereby creating a FALSE market, not a free market.   As others have said, a person who decides to sell something they have decided that don't need, cannot use, etc. is not the same.  A person or business that obtains goods from a regular supplier and sells to the public at a normal, retail price is not the same.  A person who makes a product and sells it to the public is not the same.  A person who knowingly and willfully buys a high demand item from a retailer - and uses straw man purchases (i.e. brings his buddies with him) to skirt rules put in place by said retailer to try and prevent exactly what that person is doing - is not 'just another entrepreneur participating in the free market economy.'  Instead, such a person is a profiteer who is falsely manipulating the market to be able to sell at ridiculous prices.
    1 point
  43. Jeb was about to move the bodies when he heard something behind him he spun around to see a silouette but could make out the muzzle pointed at him. Jeb slowly let go of his PS90 letting the sling catch the weapon then raising his hands to the air, being as calm and collected as he could after having just vomited and shot two men, "Now I don't know who you are but these men invaded my house and..." before Jeb could finish a weapon mounted light came on immediately blinding Jeb forcing him to throw his hand up in defense of his eyes, his interrogater asked, "Jeb?" This caught him off guard since this man who not five seconds ago he thought could've killed him, "Who are you??!!"   The light immediately turned off, the man then stepped to where the street light could catch his face revealing his idenity, "Sorry man, to be honest I thought that was you on the floor." Jebs eyes readjusting back to the darkness then began to take into focus of the man, "Oh HELL, Tay!!!" The idenity of his would be attacker was Taygan or Tay for short, he had been friends with Jeb for years and was formerly of the U.S. Army, his unit was the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment or otherwise known as Delta. His experiences and training led to him more or less founding their MAG. As of a few moments ago Jeb, unbeknownst to him, was staring down the muzzle of a FN SCAR 17S while on Tays hip sat his Kimber 1911 Eclipse II. The two gave the traditional fist bump, Jeb then said while chuckling, "I swear man, I thought you were about to kill me!" Tay gave a bit of a shrug, "Well, for all intents and purposes I WAS going to kill you." Jeb then said, "Well I'm glad you decide to take that alternate route..." Tay reached for his forehead turning on a headlamp then looking at one of the bodies, "So you wanna explain the Hell happened here?" Jeb cocked his head to the side towards one of the bodies, "One word: looters." This surprised Tay a little bit, "Looters? Already?" Jeb then said as of matterfactly, "Well, I recognized one of them, he lives not three houses down and has always given me funny looks when I load up a vehicle to go to the range. I'd be willing to bet they were looking for my guns." Tay looked at them, "Well damn, sucks to be them."
    1 point
  44. The true question is why would anyone buy anything besides a Glock?
    1 point
  45. The three made their way back to the cells. The man who was masked was in his own cell while the man who was attack was in the adjacent cell as far back as he could get from his masked attacker, "I swear to god if that thing comes near me again I'll kill him!" Wade who was back there already saw the three approaching, then grabbing his Asp he slapped it against the bar of the drunks cell yelling, "keep yer mouth shut ya pansie!" all the while puffing out his chest, trying to make an OBVIOUS impression on Shirley. "How ya doin Wade, you keeping the peace back here?" Brigsby asked almost as if he was talking to a child to which Wade responded in kind with a response you would expect from a child seeking approval, "yeah, he was starting to get rowdy again but I shut him up. The one in the mask there though is the real problem. @#$%er felt like he was almost through my glove when he bit me." The blood drained out of both Brigsby and Jacks faces. Brigsby immediately asked, "Wade, listen carefully, did he BITE you??" Wade then looked a little confused, then he removed the glove he had on to reveal his wound, it was just a little red from the bite pressure but no penetration. Both of the newcomers sighed in relief; the two looked at each other in approval. Wade was still confused by the twos reactions, "You guys, it wasn't that bad." Brigsby showed Wade a very stern face, "Not to alarm you son but you have no idea what kind of 'bullet' you just dodged." Pointing towards the masked jailbird.
    1 point
  46. 12 minutes later...   Jack quickly pushed that thought out of his mind as they approached the police station. The stations main parking lot was empty, as was the secondary rear lot for squad cars with the exception of the on-duty officer's personal vehicles. Jack was surprised by this but then as he thought about it, it began to make sense. This began around 8:15, as that was the last time Jack looked at the clock before he was hit; it was now a little after nine pm. People were getting settled at home when that emergency service bulletin went out, some were already going to bed for an early work day and have no idea that this is happening.   When Jack was hit, the truck took a hit partially on the rear passenger side door and partially on the bed. The door was no longer usable but taking the impact at both areas was able to disperse the kinetic energy with more ease. The damage to either was not as great as it could have been; though being out of alignment now, the Tundra was still very much drivable.   Upon parking Jack locked his truck leaving the carbine where it lay. Brigsby wide eyed said, "That's probably a good idea but don't you think you should get that out of sight?" Jack smiled and responded, "Well I highly doubt someone's going to freak out over that lil guy after the things we've seen tonight and if somebody tries to steal it, well good luck to them." Jack knocked on the window and it responded with a dull knock, "All of the door windows are made of polycarbonate. At the cost of being able to roll the windows down, they're almost shatter proof." Brigsby was taken aback by this, "But what if you were to get into an accident and no one can get to you?" Jack once again smiled, "Hell man, I'll take that risk. Hopefully someone will have the Jaws of Life with them."
    1 point
  47. Jeb then grabbed his PS90 throwing the butt plate into the bridge of the nose which did nothing to stun his attacker. Remembering a martial arts technique his dad had taught him, he grabbed the neck just below the jawline and also grabbing at the pant waist, in one swift kneeling motion he was able to throw his attacker off of him. Quickly recovering, Jeb jumped three feet back leveling the PS90 at his attacker. The person he just threw was a gorgeous young Hispanic woman, probably in her late teens early twenties. Jeb was taken aback by how gorgeous she was and then realized that this was in fact the same person who just tried taking a bite out of his shoulder. Jeb said to him, "I guess it was a good idea throwing this vest on when I did, otherwise that would have REALLY hurt." While the bite didn't penetrate the Kevlar reinforced vest, it did hurt him considerably, "Damn it, that's really sore now that I've got my rifle up here."   The woman began to make her way over to him, when Jeb hit her in the eyes with the light, she didn't wince, she didn't try to stave the light with a hand, she just kept walking towards him looking past the light straight at him, "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear she was staring at my throat." He saw the hunger in her eyes, the lack of a human soul. She was a predator now stalking her prey in a very mechanical like behavior. A thought came across his mind, one he kept trying to push back but couldn't, it kept creeping back into his mind like a leak on a sinking ship, until finally the thought left his lips, "she's dead..." he said with almost a whimper. He decided to test this new found theory. He aimed at her shoulder, firing a round. It ripped through her collarbone and made her stumble but did nothing to slow her down. He then fired two more rounds into her breast where the heart would be; again she did not slow her pace. Jeb moved back a few more paces until his back hit something, it was his fence. He brought his rifle up once more with a grimace on his face, "Sorry honey, but I ain't dying here tonight." He aimed for her head, firing a round through her left eye socket, snapping the head back. The woman fell to the ground almost as gracefully as she was beautiful. Jeb feeling remorseful for what he done walked over to her body, "I'm sorry, please forgive me." Jeb then made his way inside but not before he looked one last time out into his backyard, seeing the gruesome encounter which had just transpired, "So this is how the end starts huh?" He shut the door behind himself.
    1 point
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