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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2013 in all areas

  1. Due to recent admonishments, I won't get too deep into this argument with you. All I will say is that you have taken this position is completely unsurprising to me. I would have expected nothing different from you other than to support and defend a couple of state sanctioned murders and those that committed them on the state's behalf.
    7 points
  2. Those who hire the repugnant are destined to reap the harvest of distain... .   I would never do business with anyone, no matter how winsome who chooses to hire a genuine murderer; or an accomplice to murder... . The hell with Troy Industries and their stinkin pimps and "trainers"...   leroy
    5 points
  3. Since we've stirred this hornet's nest up a bit, so to speak, i think folks need to bear some human nature things in mind.    The first is this; you are what you are.... .  If you are no good, it will soon show up if you are given enough power and lee-way.  That's exactly what happened with the Randy Weaver thing.     It got several people killed, some of 'em murdered (...i think...); all over a "failure to appear in court" and shortening two single shot shotguns 1/4 inch under the 18 inch minimum decreed by law.  There wuz one reason and one reason alone, that a US Attorney and the gubmt fooled with this; and that is that they wanted to make an "example" out of Randy Weaver.... . My guess is that it wuz to help the political aspirations of whoever the US Attorney in that territory wuz; or, worse, yet; to send a message to anyone who would defy or ignore Uncle Sam that the consequences of ignoring him are very deadly and final...     Never believe the fairy tale that says that all gubmt servants are selfless patriots.   Some of 'em would be accessories to murder in order to feather their nests; and would cover their tracks and withhold evidence while doin it; just like they did in the Weaver case.  Take a look at what happened in Florida the other day...   There are apparatchiks in the gubmt at all levels that will do most anything to either get what they want or cover for what they have. Ergo, the evidence tampering in the Weaver case.   These apparatchiks have willing accomplices who will plead that "they were just doin their jobs" when they are confronted with wrongdoing... That brings us to the FBI hostage rescue guys.... .   They knew full well what wuz right and wrong; but they choose to curry the favor of those for whom they work... . It takes courage to refuse an unlawful order; and they (...sadly...) didnt have the backbone to say no.... .  I suspect they figured that in the long run that they would be protected... .  It turns out that they were.... .   Government outrages like what happened at Ruby Ridge and at Waco are exactly why lots of people hate the government.   The fact is that we live in an imperfect world full of imperfect people.   Some of them with even murder for Uncle Sam... .   Never believe that government is always right and justified in what they choose to do... . It aint so.   From my perspective, the last people that i ever want to come to see me is the dammed US Attorney or (....God forbid...) the FBI... .  The sad truth is the Uncle Sam and some of his apparatchiks look a lot like Uncle Joe Stalin and his inner circle from time to time... .     Do i think they are all that way?... No.... .  Do i believe that they are enough of them to be noticeable?... Yeah... . Sadly.   leroy
    3 points
  4. Stay out of anywhere within a 10 mile radius of downtown Memphis, at all times.
    3 points
  5. I started mine at 5-6. We started with bb guns and move up as expertise is gained. sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    3 points
  6. We have the right to resist an unlawful arrest.
    3 points
  7.   but I moved here from South Florida where I will have you know i was made a naturalized Floridian by some cracker at a NASCAR race,
    3 points
  8. I'm not even going to comment on the direction this thread is headed, as it has risen my blood pressure already. What I will say is Troy has lost my business. Two of my AR's run their handguards. While I can't say I'm going to rip them off of those guns and start over, I will say I get a sick feeling when I pick them up now. It may just come to me replacing them with a company's that doesn't suck at the tit of government
    3 points
  9. Her claiming to be a gun owner that supports gun rights is like the racist who claims to have a black friend. Just a way to show a connection and make themselves seem more relavent.     I wonder how long it will be before those who represent us recognize how much support they could get if they supported us. A lot could get a lot more votes if they declared, and acted like, they supported gun rights.
    3 points
  10.   I'm calling a FTFY violation.  :) Where's Robert?  :rofl:
    3 points
  11.   Weaver did not open fire on the "cops".  They opened fire on him.  Maybe you could tell us what Weaver was finally convicted of that warranted the murder of his son and wife?   You should remove the American flags in your avatar and replace them with something more appropriate for those who love tyranny.
    3 points
  12. I'm waiting for the famous quote from Dave...."back when I was a cop"   It never fails.
    3 points
  13. Ever think its cheaper to manufacture this stuff elsewhere because US business has been regulated into the ground? Why make it here and go out of business instead of making it else where and turning a profit? Seems like a no brainier. That isn't the manufacture selling out; that is the result of an over regulating government.
    3 points
  14. on my 3rd attempt=trips to the range. limit of 5 shots each on the 2 nickels at 400. my goal is to get them both on the same attempt. but I am still happy. at first I use a piece of carpet that I spray painted the back side white and glue the nickels to it, so they would not be lost when/if hit but that did not work well I had very hard time just trying fine/see them. so this time I wrapped a piece of white paper around a piece of card board the glue it to the carpet then use a 3" shoot-n-see and glue the nickel to the center. so at the Montgomery county shooting complex today I got my first nickel kill at 400 yards, woo who!!
    2 points
  15. finish is 99% picked up on a trade last week. I love these old revolvers..they really don't make them this nice anymore.
    2 points
  16. While sitting on the dove field today I had the opportunity to talk at length with TWRA officer Mike Murdock, Robertson Co. During the course of our conversation, the topic came up of a dove hunter inadvertently shooting the wrong species. Officer Murdock stated that he understood that it's usually just a mistake, but that he does write tickets for it. He feels that, as a hunter, you have the responsibility of being able to positively identify the species you are hunting. I agree, and this is also especially true when duck hunting.    As we were talking, a kid, probably 16, shot a bull bat by mistake. It dove into the standing corn. The officer and several others saw what happened. Officer Murdock shock his head in disbelief and headed off into the corn to attempt to recover the bird. We were packing up to leave and drove off before they came out of the corn, but I am sure the kid got a citation, and rightly so.    I have seen it happen many times on dove fields. Swallows, larks, starlings, kestrel hawks, and now bull bats, all fall pray to untrained hunters. I was hunting today with a broken leg, on crutches, really just to supervise the two kids I had out hunting with me. I don't have any doubt that my kid hunts safe and smart. She has had it drilled into her since before she ever went afield. I guess I just don't understand how a hunter makes these mistakes. Why don't they take the same due caution?   We also had a young woman shoot at a low bird that was between us and her. Thankfully we were just far enough apart that we didn't get peppered. Her husband walked over and explained to her not to shoot at low birds. She didn't do it again. I am sure it was a case where no one had explained the situation to her. However, it was a situation that could have ended with another hunter with a face full of 8 shot. I can't imagine taking a new hunter out and not stressing the importance of safe shooting beforehand.    Please, if you take a new hunter out, make sure you take the time to teach them the importance of being a safe and responsible hunter. Don't be responsible for creating another "Bubba" hunter that doesn't respect the sport.      BTW, Officer Murdock seemed like a helluva nice guy. Glad to have met him today. 
    2 points
  17. Kimber Stainless Target II using Falcon Bullets and Clays powder. 23yds 12rds, I'll take it. [URL=http://s257.photobucket.com/user/dlmeadows/media/falcon.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  18. I named this one Rupert, but I eventually relocated him, his sibling and their mother. The dad I never could catch but he eventually moved on.
    2 points
  19. Stay out of the south and north ends after dark and don't go galavanting around looking for trouble and you will be fine. It isn't great by any means, but it isn't as terrible as some would have you believe.
    2 points
  20.   Here we go again.  :rolleyes:
    2 points
  21. That doesn't help your case. Once you leave the panhandle, the rest of Florida is not the south. It's a chunk of Long Island that broke off and drifted down.
    2 points
  22. ... besides the city of Memphis?
    2 points
  23.   Here we go again.  :rolleyes:   Mustard is the king of condiments.  Mayonnaise is Satan's....well, you know.
    2 points
  24. Either they got scruples, or they don't. That matters to me.
    2 points
  25. Back to Troy for a minute. Yep... they're on my permanent shit list. 
    2 points
  26. I think he needs a secretary to write his responses.  He sounds like a dumbass.
    2 points
  27. Rather than ban things based on sound why don't we get the government to issue us free ear plugs. I know I could use a fresh set every day.
    2 points
  28. This is why I hat3 the man working for Troy Industries now. He was the spotter for these shots. "Before the negotiators arrived at the cabin, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, from a position over 200 yards north and above the Weaver cabin,shot and wounded Randy Weaver in the back with the bullet exiting his right armpit, while he was lifting the latch on the shed to visit the body of his dead son.(The sniper testified at the later trial that he had put his crosshairs on Weaver's spine, but Weaver moved at the last second.) Then, as Weaver, his 16-year-old daughter Sara, and Harris ran back toward the house, Horiuchi fired a second bullet, blowing off half of Vicki Weaver's face and killing her, and wounded Harris in the chest. Vicki Weaver was standing behind the door through which Harris was entering the house, holding their 10-month-old baby Elisheba[51] in her arms.[53] The Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) Ruby Ridge Task Force Report (June 10, 1994) stated in section I. Executive Summary subhead B. Significant Findings that the second shot did not satisfy constitutional standards for legal use of deadly force.[54] The OPR review also found the lack of a request to surrender was "inexcusable", since Harris and the two Weavers were running for cover without returning fire and were not an imminent threat. The task force also specifically blamed Horiuchi for firing through the door, not knowing whether someone was on the other side of it. While controversy exists as to who is responsible for approving the ROE that were being followed by the sniper, the task force also condemned the so-called "rules of engagement" allowing shots to be fired with no request for surrender." They took a bad shot, on shitty shoot on sight ROE. And still people defend their actions as right. Maybe he should have let that shot go. Seems even the legal system agrees he was in the wrong. So go ahead and support you good ol boys with a badge Dave. I hope it rest easy on your mind that you have no issues with murder as long as the man behind the trigger has a badge. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  29.   What in the heck are you talking about?  The government does nothing wrong.  Anyone who says such has turned their back on their country. ;) :stir:
    2 points
  30. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1025637" timestamp="1378137473"] Vicki Weaver is dead because of Randy weaver and Kevin Harris. The first shot Horiuchi took hit Weaver; the 2nd went through Harris and killed Vicki Weaver, he hit both his targets on the run. I’m not upset they hired Houriuchi’s spotter. Weaver and Harris should be in prison for murder.[/quote] Oh I'm sorry. I thought the man who shot and killed an unarmed woman holding a 10 month old child should be in jail for murder. As should his spotter. They would quickly run a military sniper up for doing the exact same thing, so whats the difference? Maybe they should have left the people at Ruby ridge alone is what they should have done. Not that your postion suprises me. You defend to the death anyone with a badge or goverment title. Even a piece of shit like this. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  31. And where do you think the government is getting all that money for "unsustainable subsidizing"?  I'll give you a hint, they're stealing it from successful businesses and individuals who are having to compete on an international stage :)   The government doesn't create wealth they can only redistribute it, so if they're propping up some businesses it's at the expense of others... many of which then relocate offshore because the tax and regulation burden is much lower.    
    2 points
  32. For anyone who thinks the US government may not be a part of the problem please explain why we have the 2nd highest effective corporate tax rate in the world.  Even higher than just about all, if not all, of the most socialist countries. Why would any company bring any of their earnings to the US with such a punitive tax code?  Just ask GE or any of the other large corporations.  Want to see who pays what?:   http://www.kpmg.com/global/en/services/tax/tax-tools-and-resources/pages/corporate-tax-rates-table.aspx   Just a small, but important, part of the problem.
    2 points
  33. Along those lines, workers who have no desire to learn skills DEMANDING higher wages and when market won't support it, going union.  This week fast food workers (in New York and other big lib cities) struck demanding a doubling of the minimum wage.    I won't name the place but I learned that a place I formerly worked at has probably lost their contract.  They brought in the union at the location and told them, the only way to compete to keep the contracts are to FREEZE wages and for one portion of the group, remove some extraneous extra incentives.  No change to base pay or insurance packages.  They seem to think the management group was just bluffing and refused any changes to the agreement.  Now they will all be looking for employment.  Good work to that leadership group.    Find your place in life and know what your abilities will bring.  Then live within those means and quit looking up at those willing to work harder, get smarter and produce more, with envy.
    2 points
  34. Here are some top picks in the Nashville dining scene. I've tried to group them more by price than by cuisine. I've avoided naming any regional or national chain restaurants. These are all local Nashville places.   $$$$ Reservations highly suggested for any of these Etch Kayne Prime <<best steakhouse in the city Husk  <<New place. The foodies are going crazy over this one. Germantown Cafe (ask for a seat by the windows for one of the best skyline views around) Capitol Grille at the Hermitage Hotel   $$$ Merchant's (downstairs) Tin Angel F. Scott's Mad Platter Midtown Cafe   $$ Jackson's The Pharmacy biergarten M.L. Rose (2 locations now) Batter'd & Fried Cafe Coco Coco's Italian Market Noshville Deli Mafiaoza's Pizza Broadway Brewhouse (5 locations around town) The Cottage Cafe (in Bellevue...If your wife's a girly-girl, this is a nice Saturday lunch spot to take her to.) Swanky's Taco Shop (sort of becoming a chain, but still small enough for my list) Puckett's (both downtown and in Franklin) 55 South (Franklin) Shalimar Indian Monell's <<Southern food, family style servings   $ Pizza Perfect Baja Burrito San Antonio Taco Company Varallo's Chili Parlor Arnold's I Dream of Weenie Merridee's (Franklin) Cuova Calypso Cafe  <<tasty Caribbean food     BBQ gets its own category 'cause it's awesome. There's no shortage of places to try around here. Edley's is popular, but I'm personally not crazy about it. 2 locations now. Slow & Low has some killer brisket. Good beans, but the greens are soupy. Judge Bean's in Brentwood is good. Stick to the beef brisket. Texans can't make good pork BBQ to save their lives. ;) Pegleg Porker is the newest place and is getting some great press. I haven't tried them yet. They're in The Gulch, so may be a great choice before a show at Station Inn. Jack's is good if you're downtown. Otherwise, there's better. Tex's off Murfreesboro Rd. has good brisket, smoked turkey, and sausage. Pork is better than at Judge Beans', but there's better elsewhere. He has good sides. Only open for lunch M-F. Bar-B-Cutie is decent. Certainly not the best but it does the trick if you're jonesin' for some que and it's close by. They have some of the cheapest prices around. Hog Heaven behind the McDonald's at Centennial Park. Grab your 'que and find a shade tree in the park (no handguns in Metro parks though).   Last category is hot chicken. It's one of Nashville's culinary landmarks. Prince's is kind of the standard, but it's in a really crappy part of town. Hattie B's Pepperfire 400 Degrees     Local Taco was mentioned above. The last time I stopped in there a few weeks ago, their health score was atrocious. For that reason, I can't recommend them right now.   You'll hear good things about Sunset Grill and Cabana. Both are Randy Rayburn's places and he's a big anti 2A guy. FYI. I've probably listed a few in here that are also owned by anti's, but not to my knowledge.     ETA: Calypso Cafe and Monell's
    2 points
  35. the final straw for me was the daily friend request from my wife's stepmother.  At one point she called and wanted to know why I did not friend her.  That is when I got rid of it.    that woman gets on my last nerve.
    2 points
  36. Found one of my unicorns this past week, 20 years ago I sold a Browning Challenger III 22 pistol, to help pay for my last semester of college. I have regretted it ever since...(not college... The pistol lol). This week I repurchased a like new one that very well may be my old one. Long story short after the 14 year old and 6 year old ran 350 flawless rounds through her, it's now a family heirloom. And yes I need to post pics lol.
    1 point
  37.     A writ of habeas corpus does not make an arrest lawful.  The only thing it does is require more participants on behalf of the government to be involved.   You have the right to resist right up and including lethal force.
    1 point
  38.   I got no problems with him. Besides, he's right about White Castle :)
    1 point
  39. Depends entirely on the animal and how you kill it. An old boar being run down by dogs over the course of an hour is going to be some of the nastiest tasting meat you've ever tried. However, a younger boar or a nice sow taken without going on alert has a very mild taste. The meat is much much leaner than pork, but it can make for some awesome pork chops, tenderloin and sausage... mmmmm, sausage. As for field dressing... take every precaution, they can carry some nasty diseases.
    1 point
  40. [quote name="JayC" post="1025632" timestamp="1378137222"] And where do you think the government is getting all that money for "unsustainable subsidizing"? I'll give you a hint, they're stealing it from successful businesses and individuals who are having to compete on an international stage :) [/quote] Your point requires a bit of thought. It is way easier to demonize businesses that move offshore and the consumers who buy their products than to identify the root problem which is our own government. You can't fit your logic on a bumper sticker, but you can fit "Buy American" on one. Drive by activism at its finest. And who benefits at all this squabbling.... Or rather, who is the villain who avoids the finger being pointed at them? How masterful that our government f**ks everything up yet gets us to point the finger at one another? Our ruling class is right; we really are that stupid.
    1 point
  41.     Me for 1...........I would pay 20% more for true Made in American Products.
    1 point
  42. I'm happy to provide cites to my research if you'd like me too...  I could have made a honest mistake in the math, but if you do read the small print on the NHTSA study you keep referencing you'll note they describe in detail the method they use to calculate the number of alcohol related fatalities, and they do count any alcohol involvement even by passengers under the legal limit, and in cases where BAC isn't determined, they use a formula that assumes 60% of those accidents involved alcohol.   As for my contention that SCOTUS doesn't have the final say on what my God given rights are or are not...  Let me ask you this...  Show me where the Constitution grants SCOTUS the power to rule laws constitutional or unconstitutional?  I'll give you a hint it's not there.   More importantly SCOTUS gets it wrong a lot, there are a lot of ruling that most if not all people can agree were bad rulings that did not limit governments violations of our rights...  You might notice in my post about SCOTUS I included a short list of some of those rulings...  any of them you'd like to support as constitutional now?   We're both free men, we were born with rights granted to us from our humanity and endowed to us by our creator.  Those rights exist above and before any form of government.  Governments can only infringe or violate those rights, they can not legislate them away.  So you think I'm crazy to refuse your contention that 9 men and women get to have the final say on what my creator did or didn't give me?  Or what some document that I never had any say in gave away in my name before I was even born?   I don't know about you, but I still remember our own government pointing out how communism was evil because they had checkpoints and required that people show their papers and answer questions, and weren't allowed to freely travel or leave their country.  Yet 25 years later we're doing the exact same thing in this country for the exact same reason!  Because the USSR used safety as the excuse to do that to their citizens, and we use the exact same excuse here.   And you find me offensive for pointing out the hypocrisy in that?   Here is the real fact a government is a lot more likely to kill you than a drunk driver.    
    1 point
  43. I thought it was only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday?
    1 point
  44. Well we plowed out the taters today. I thought Id post some pictures from todays plowing. We used a bull tounge and double shovel plows, leather draft harness and our 2200 lb belgian Big John. Me and my dad started the morning. Working the kinks out since John hasnt been hooked in a while, so dad drove while I plowed the first few rounds. My niece and nephews each took a turn My 6 yr old nephew actually ran the plow by himself with dad driving Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  45. Nope I don't wonder at all. I try like hell to only by US made. Looking for days for certain items. Almost always fail with clothing. I looked for a long time for Chef clothes and could only find one and they were 5 times more. I just can't pay $200 for something I can get just as good for $20. I still try though.
    1 point
  46. I think I've said this before, that's one friggin big horse.
    1 point
  47. Since we're bringing up cats, this chick I met in Panama City, she had the cutest lil.... Oh wait...
    1 point
  48. I disagree, the forces that run Obama are steadily about the business of bringing this Nation to its knees, everything is going exactly as planned.
    1 point
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