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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2013 in all areas

  1. I've somtimes wondered if this is what it's like in a retirement community or some kind of asylum.  :lol:
    6 points
  2. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
    4 points
  3. No worries, I was not offended.  I was simply trying to educate you with facts and real-life, professional experience (which, let's face it, I should have realized is impossible on the internet).  But that's cool.  Everyone has their opinions, and I'll just keep being one of those low-lifes (I practice mostly all criminal and quite a bit DUI).  I currently have several high breath/blood cases and I'll be filing motions to suppress on all of them, because that is what clients pay me to do and that's part of the oath that I took.  So yeah, that must make me a real system-abuser and overall sucker of scum.  I just don't know how I can live with myself.
    4 points
  4. Yep Kind of like sittin on the back pouch, having a few cold ones with your friends. Conversation turns from sports to politics.  :cheers: 
    4 points
  5.   Of couse drunk driving is a premeditated crime.  I believe the punishments should be more severe for driving drunk, and I feel that drunk drivers who kill should be charged with first degree murder.   However, I'm willing to go so far as to apprehend these POSs.  I don't believe we should violate the Constitution over it.  Yes, it's tragic and inexcusable, but we don't use that as justification for violating a person's rights.  All of it's okay or none of it is.  If we use the logic that suspension of certain constitutional protections shouldn't apply for the greater good, where do we end that?  Gun control is a perfect example.  How about the ability for cops to come into your home with no PC or warrant, just because they want to make sure everyone is safe.  Your person is still your property and so is your car.  I disagree that when you are on a public road you automatically forfeit certain parts of the Constitution.    And of course if we go to a meeting with friends and family killed by drunks and make this argument it's going to be emotionally charged.  So would a meeting about gun control where friends and family of people killed by guns are in attendance.  I don't see the difference.... because people are emotional due to how they were affected by tragedy we should adjust our laws to appease them?  That's another slippery slope.  In fact, that's how we got every last piece of gun control legislation that we have.
    4 points
  6. Well we plowed out the taters today. I thought Id post some pictures from todays plowing. We used a bull tounge and double shovel plows, leather draft harness and our 2200 lb belgian Big John. Me and my dad started the morning. Working the kinks out since John hasnt been hooked in a while, so dad drove while I plowed the first few rounds. My niece and nephews each took a turn My 6 yr old nephew actually ran the plow by himself with dad driving Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  7. I have one of those fat rats under my tool shed, he/she ate many of my cucumbers and small watermelons this year. At one time I set up a live trap and baited it with cucumber,carrot, and a piece of apple. I have a place to re-locate him/her near a creek but all I caught was ants. My cucumbers have already played out for the season so fat rat can stay for a while I guess. I just hope fat rat isn't a female full of little fat rats. It's hard to get close and to get them to stay still for a good pic.
    3 points
  8. Then my mom took a turn. And I finished out by myself And of course we had to do riding poses lol And to me this pictures made the day. Ill remeber my dad like this forever. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  9. Wow, this has been the fourth yellow jacket thread in the last month.  I'm glad a lot of people hate those lil' bastards as much as I do.
    3 points
  10. Well after i made this thread I went out and wirebrushed the rust off the coil and then blew out the carb jets with an air compressor. It ran good for 20 minutes in this heat and didnt die. I will go back out later and try to finish the yard. Not sure which one addressed the problem but its looking positive for now.
    3 points
  11. Not advocate anything, but it wouldn't have been a felony
    3 points
  12. TMF hit upon the real heart of the matter here. It is the same argument we have with the gun grabbers. On one side you have those who think only folks who give reason for suspicion of criminal behavior should be accosted and on the other side you have those who think that due to the danger to public safety posed by a small irresponsible minority it is acceptable to treat the whole as possibly guilty and that it is incumbent on the individual to demonstrate innocence. Liberty vs the state.
    3 points
  13. Law abiding, background checked, tax paying citizen = bad guy.
    3 points
  14. Here's one important thing to remember:   The entire internet is off-topic   Keeping that in mind will ensure a pleasant experience when visiting. :)
    3 points
  15. Yeah defending the Constitution is such a shameful, repulsive occupation. Look there are plenty of drunk drivers who deserve their punishment, but before you lump everyone into the same category educate yourself on the facts. Do a search on a lady named Annie Dookhan, who's about to go down hard for falsifying lab results. Search the major problems that are going on with the crime labs in Colorado, Seattle and Scottsdale. Innocent people get railroaded because of the cash cow that DUI is for local governments. Prosecutions are made based on assumptions, but science consistently proves otherwise. As for the low life attorneys, they are the best at what they do. They work harder than their police and prosecutor counterparts (which is why they win and also why they get paid the big bucks), and if it weren't for them the aforementioned rats would never have been caught. Lawyers. Long time ago there was an incident called the Boston Massacre. British soldiers, despised occupiers and agents of the Crown, fired into a crowd and killed several citizens. Afterward there was outrage in the Colonies. The soldiers had to hang. Not surprisingly, no lawyer wanted to defend them. It would have been crazy to take the case. But one young Boston attorney did, despite the threats and criticism. He won an acquittal for the Captain and none of the others went to jail. His name was John Adams, and he became one of our founding fathers and the second President.
    3 points
  16. Hey did ya'll notice Obama still trying to infiltrate gun restrictions?   Just kidding.. I noticed, somebody will pick out one part of a sentence and off it goes.
    3 points
  17. It happens. I've come to think of threads as conversation starters.
    3 points
  18.   I would like to see America completly divorce ourselves from the entire middle east except Isreal, build the pipeline from Canada, build a few more refineries here, drill in ANWAR, N.Dakota and give Mexicans jobs drilling oil in [b]MEXICO[/b] under contract that Mexican oil companies sell us oil at a set price if we help them get started. Become completly energy independent from the rest of the world. Pull all military and embassy's out of Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, with the billions we save in not sending aid to these countries, spend a few dollars re-inforcing Isreal's wall and missle defense and give them about 100 short to medium range "tactical" nuclear missles. For our appreciation to Mr. KGB Putin for warning us about the terrorists who detonated pressure cookers at the Boston marathon before they did it and we didn't listen, and his good advice about not arming America hating terrorists in Syria, I would tell him and China that they can have any and all those sand boxes in the middle east if they want them and we will not stand in their way. As far as Countries like Iran threatening us and Isreal, I would make a few ICBM's filled with leaflets in Persian and arabic telling the people in a few cities that we will not tolerate supported terrorist attacks against us or chemical or nuclear attacks on Isreal or the next ICBM wont contain leaflets or flyers, launch them from Nebraska just to show how easy we can do it.
    3 points
  19. Let me see if i can add a bit of a "twist" on the "no refusal" DUI checkpoint thing...  As i understand it (...and as others have pointed out or hinted at...) a "drivers license" is a special permission given out to a citizen by the state for the right to do a certain thing (...drive...) with certain conditions attached (....think training, drivers testing, insurance, not doing certain things; like drinkin or dopin here....) all for a fee (...of course....) as opposed to a constitutional issue..  The constitution says nothin about states issuing licenses.  We can have a big discussion about whether this "license - fee" thing is good; but it's the norm and aint gonna change.   Said another way; a "license" has "strings attached" and requirements that are demanded by the state.  One of the big strings is a requirement that says "dont drive impaired"....  The stated reason is that ya cant drive too well impaired.  It endangers others. Bingo (...or eureka...) we've found the basis for "no refusal" DUI checkpoints.... .  We can quibble about the Fourth Amendment thing a bit; but it appears that the courts have long ruled that LEO has the prerogative (...even a duty, if ya are into "serving and protecting" the community....) to set up DUI checkpoints and its a slam dunk that they have "probable cause" to do so... Take a look at the number of "driving impaired" crashes anywhere... Like it or not, they dont need a warrant if there is a state law in place that outlines the "strings attached to driving"....   Take a look at the news... There is not a week (...or sometimes even 2 to 3 days...) that goes by without some drunken son or daughter of satan either crashing or killin another driver in your neck of the woods.  There's is one that just happened the other day or two that killed some innocent folks right here in east tennessee.  The dammed drunken driver wuz drivin on a revolked license and wuz a chronic offender.  Evidently the 3 strikes and your out doesnt work on some folks.   DUI checkpoints calm down this epidemic of "impaired driving" to some extent; and i think that's a good thing.   If everyone had good sense, ya wouldn't need DUI checkpoints.   Casual observation will demonstrate that lots of folks aint too smart.    The world is upside down... Dont fall into the trap of thinkin that somehow that your constitutional rights are being somehow violated when ya get in your car and encounter a DUI checkpoint... I've been thru bunches of them... I think they save lives... We can quibble about what ought to be done with drunk and impaired driving chronic offenders -- i tend to think we ought to shoot 'em--- but that's just me.   RE: the "mean overbearing LEO thing"... Yeah there are some out there; but the vast majority of LEO types are professional and tryin to do the right thing for the right reasons... The fact is that we live in an imperfect world where folks of all stripes do wrong things.  That is the nature of the fallen state of man...  I say give 'em a break; they aint the gestapo and they aint gonna haul ya off to the gulag or shoot ya (...unless ya do somethin real stupid...).   I say "dont drive impared" and "drive safely"... the life ya save could be your own, your neighbors, or your loved ones.... . That is a very important and worthwhile thing.....   leroy
    3 points
  20. Nu-uh!! Your face is 7th grade...
    2 points
  21. and by them I mean the gun-grabbers, that their cause is a lost one. Score one for the home team! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/3059451/posts
    2 points
  22. There is irony here. What I find ironic is what healthy people can and cannot eat. Take a super healthy person, one who eats leafy greens with every meal and never goes above their aloted calorie intake and has cut red meat out of their diet (or better yet a vegetarian or best of all a vegan) No take said healty person who's body is a fine tunes machine, and take them out for a big ole greasy pizza or burgers. They'll be sick as a dog every time. How is that healthy? My stomach can probably digest rocks. I know for a fact it can handle amounts of pulled pork butt that would choke a donkey. Now that's healthy! My stomach may be groing, but I can ways buy bigger pants. My endurance may be shot, but what the hell, I drive everywhere anyway. The important thing is that for me and my ilk, there is no such thing as an inedible meal. Clean living is overrated.
    2 points
  23. I'm sorry, you were saying?
    2 points
  24. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1024754" timestamp="1377988269"] Annnnd, here they are![/quote]
    2 points
  25. I know I am in the minority, but its rare that I make a purchase at any brick and mortar stores for any merchandise due to issues like above and plus I don't want the hassle.  If it wasn't for perishable groceries, I would buy them online too.  Only internet retailers, local restaurants, gas stations and on an occasion Armslist/Craigslist gets my money.  Maybe society doesn't want me or my money anymore.  When the UPS man says that he can't deliver unless my door has a gun buster sticker, then I know the SHTF has truly happened in my world. :rofl:
    2 points
  26. I think "whistle pigs" are cool!!  I like to watch 'em too.   In the "old days" lots of 'em were killed because of diggin up the pastures.  Farmers didnt like 'em because of the possibility of livestock steppin in their burrows.   They are also "hell" on gardens... They like everything we like and will eat it in the garden.... Seems like the ones i see today are on the roadway slopes watchin the cars drive buy.  The more foolish ones venture down to the roadway and get run over crossin across the roadway... .   Thanks for postin the great picture. leroy
    2 points
  27. I know very little about lawn mowers, but for some reason I've been designated as the family lawn mower repairman by my in-laws. Not sure how that came about.
    2 points
  28. All this talk of cheese and guns made me think to pull out my Mexican made 1911 model cheese gun that I purchased at the Birmingham Kohl's a few years back.
    2 points
  29. Well I did it. I have sold out. Reloading is not for me any more. I sold presses, scales and tons of stuff. $60.00 and I delivered it to a fellow TGO'r in Nashville! To me was not about money, but about helping someone get into reloading.    I'm happy, happy, happy!   DaveS Crack'a American  
    2 points
  30. The magazine is likely dragging very slightly on the bottom of the bolt. Take a sharpie and mark the top of the magazine and shoot it. If any part of the sharpie is rubbed off then take some sandpaper or a file and remove a little where it is rubbing. And when it rubs it slows the bolt down enough to keep thd bolt from closing all the way with that ammo. The ammo is slowing it down a little too with the lead bullet. And after the magazine mod I would also polish the chamber. Remove the barrel. Then take a cloth bore mop for a .25-.27 caliber and chuck it in a drill. Put some metal polish, like Flitz, on the mop. Insert it into the chamber and spin it up. Go in and out, while spinning, for about 30 seconds to a minute.
    2 points
  31. I'm hunting a 300 acre silage field that was just cut about a week ago. It's been covered in dove.
    2 points
  32. I still can't grip a gun yet, so I promised my Daughter I would take her Trout fishing. It's cooler on the streams than on the sides of the fields. Y'all be safe and have fun!   DaveS Crack'a American
    2 points
  33. I love seeing those fat lil suckers out in fields.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. One crisis away from a complete meltdown. Never forget that.
    2 points
  36. I dunno what it is... it's like their tempo is too slow or the vocals don't appropriately match it to give me the violent rage I need sometimes. I grew up on Pantera. It has affected me.
    2 points
  37. 1911's are antiquated boat anchors, Glock is the only way to go. *runs away at full sprint*
    2 points
  38.   We wouldn't need gun control laws if people chose not to shoot people.
    2 points
  39. a "farticle"....where the hell did that come from??   :rofl:
    2 points
  40. Not the same. In your scenario you'd be assaulting them with your farticles that they inhaled.
    2 points
  41. Anyone for IHOP?   :rofl:
    2 points
  42. Yeah, because we are all pretty much like minded if the threads stayed on topic it would be rather boring. A bunch of dittos and +1's would cover page after page. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a difference of opinion as long as it doesn't move into personal attacks. And with that threre are some who have more of an agenda than an opinion and those people are looking for a reason to post something that supports that agenda.
    2 points
  43. I want a TGO logo on mine..... DaveS Crack'a American
    2 points
  44. Nonsense. I realize you hate the government and any level of authority, but we haven’t agreed to a risk by DUI drivers. The BAC by any given state isn’t a “legal limit”; it’s a presumption to impairment.   Have you ever investigated an accident ort filled out an accident report? Sure there may be a box to check for alcohol for a passenger, but most cops don’t check it unless it applies (under age arrests or citations for example).   When two cars crash everything is a factor. You may be discounting that because the driver wasn’t over the “presumption” level; but it’s still a factor.  A sober person runs a red light and a drunk hits them and kills them. Is the drunk going to be charged? Of course they are. Being intoxicated contributed to the crash.   How many people do think are tested for DUI that blow .01? You could maybe find a story of it somewhere, but the numbers are so low they wouldn’t cause a blip on a graph chart; except those cases where drugs are involved.   As you can see on this (mostly conservative) forum; we haven’t accepted drunk driving. It is a crime. Not only that it is a premeditated crime.   Get drunk, go out and fire your 308 down the street and kill a citizen several blocks away and everyone will be okay with sending you to prison for a very long time. Get drunk, point your car down the street and kill an innocent family and some people don’t think it’s the same. It’s the same; it’s a reckless criminal act.   Who cares what the NHTSA publishes? We are intelligent people with common sense (most of us anyway) we don’t need stats to tell us drunk drivers kill our family members and friends and that is not a risk we accept.   Constitutional rights? You have got to be kidding me. The innocent people that are slaughtered everyday on the roads by drunk drivers have the right to live and be safe. The drunk didn’t care about their rights when he climbed behind the wheel of the car.   Go to a meeting of people that have had friends and family killed by drunk drivers and make a speech about how the NHTSA is skewing the numbers or that the cops are violating people rights in DUI enforcement or that their government is more dangerous.
    2 points
  45.   If I can't drive my tractor drunk on my own property, I'm moving to Costa Rica :)
    2 points
  46. Barack is nothing but a festering glob of pig smegma. I hate that guy.
    2 points
  47. By "toss a weight on top of it" - is a jeep okay?
    2 points
  48. Christie is a gun grabbing lying commie who pretends to be a conservative which makes him more dangerous in many ways like a traitorous double agent. He could actually get federal gun-control legislation passed with all the rino's in congress.
    2 points
  49. Sad day for her. Hope it turns out ok.    In a perfect world, the situation should be handled this way: TSA: Sir/Mam, did you realize there is a weapon in your luggage? Passenger: No sir I didn't.  I am the legal owner of the weapon and have my CCW-permit for it.  I would be happy to show it to you. TSA: Thank you.  I appreciate it.  Since you haven't passed security yet, I will give you the option to a.) be arrested or b.) take your luggage back and secure the weapon either in your car, or by giving it to a family member; and come back through the security checkpoint when you do not have the weapon with you.  Passenger: Thank you sir.   I don't see the need to arrest someone over a mistake like this.  If they wanted to shoot up the airplane, I doubt they would go secure the firearm willingly. 
    2 points
  50. Don't drive if you've been drinking!
    2 points
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