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  1. I simply can't fathom someone not knowing where all their firearms are at any given time. This sort of 'honest mistake' is merely carelessness.   And no, not everyone here would make this lame-brained mistake.
    11 points
  2. Hang on a sec... I need to gear up if we're going to seriously propose that she did this as a test / civil disobedience thing, knowingly putting Uncle Ted's Pro-2A poster child status at risk.
    6 points
  3. I just wanted to drop a note to say how much I appreciate all of you here on TGO.  This is a group of folks who are known for respecting each other even in the midst of our differences, and that is just a heap of plain 'ol goodness.   TGO staffers and David:  Thanks again for all that you do.   TGO folks: stay safe this weekend, and hug those you love a little tighter (not too tight, now!) and a little longer.   Life is indeed a sweet, sweet, song.    
    5 points
  4. So you're shooting a 16" barreled .308 with a muzzle brake?  Of course it's loud!  Piston vs DI has nothing to do with it.   Ever heard a Saiga .308 that comes with no brake?  It's deafening.   Never listen to RSO's, except when the say Cold or Hot and other range orders.  They apparently are worse than gun store people.
    5 points
  5. Fathom it or not, it happens frequently; call it carelessness or whatever, there is a difference between a mistake and an conscious decision to flaunt the law.   And yes, while not everyone here would  or ever will make such a mistake everyone her could whether they think so or not. Anyone who thinks they can't make such a stupid mistake I'd like to see a show of hands of all who have ever sat down on the toilet to do their business and only then realized that there was no toilet paper.
    4 points
  6. Sad day for her. Hope it turns out ok.    In a perfect world, the situation should be handled this way: TSA: Sir/Mam, did you realize there is a weapon in your luggage? Passenger: No sir I didn't.  I am the legal owner of the weapon and have my CCW-permit for it.  I would be happy to show it to you. TSA: Thank you.  I appreciate it.  Since you haven't passed security yet, I will give you the option to a.) be arrested or b.) take your luggage back and secure the weapon either in your car, or by giving it to a family member; and come back through the security checkpoint when you do not have the weapon with you.  Passenger: Thank you sir.   I don't see the need to arrest someone over a mistake like this.  If they wanted to shoot up the airplane, I doubt they would go secure the firearm willingly. 
    4 points
  7. So if I'm just driving down the road and happen upon one of these "no refusal" check points I should be happy that the police are forcing me to blow into their machine?  And if not they'll get a rubber stamped "warrant" just because I said no. Oh riiiiight ... its in the name of "safety."  And it's "good for the children" that people aren't driving drunk.   ... seems legit to me ... :screwy:   You guys probably agree with this logic for gun control too right?
    4 points
  8. This is a law which I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it.   No one has a right to drive a vehicle at all and certainly not so while under the influence...anyone who does that is SCUM and is every bit as dangerous to innocent people (and just as much of a thug) as the thug that breaks into you house at 3AM.   I've lost too many people to these scum; I have less than ZERO sympathy left for any of them.
    4 points
  9. At least Dubya meant what he said. He gave an ultimatum and delivered on his promise. Obama ran his mouth and now feels like he has to back it up so he doesn't appear weak. Oh, and Dubya had support of 3/4 of the population and Congress. These are all things that Dubya had which Obama doesn't and never will.
    3 points
  10.   You don't have to convince me that you're old and senile enough to do it :) It would just never happen to me  :x:
    3 points
  11. I will vote against ANY Democrat that runs. I will do that with the best strategy in mind. In other words, I will vote for someone that can win. I will continue the practice until I draw my last breath.
    3 points
  12. Woah there Patton, those numbers are ALL wrong....   First only about 2.4 million people (2010) die each year in the US total, that includes all natural causes.  Alcohol isn't even in the top 10 list of those deaths...  Heart disease and cancer make up nearly 50% by themselves.   The 30% of fatalities are somehow LINKED to alcohol use...  the key is linked...  It's a creative way to inflate the number...  First NHTSA rule a crash 'alcohol' related if any person who was killed had alcohol in their system even if that amount is well under the legal limit, or the person in question was a passenger.  Second, in cases where the police didn't get a BAC on the drivers in a fatal accident, NHTSA assumes that 60% of those drivers had alcohol in their system.  And that creative math is how you come up with nearly 30% of all fatal car wrecks are 'caused' by alcohol.   The truth is the number is much closer to 20-21% of fatal wrecks are caused by a drunk driver, and only about 6-7% involve an innocent third party being killed...  That is a lot less than 36 MILLION people each year :)   And if you really want to have a fact based discussion on DUI checkpoints, then I'm all for it, because they are a complete waste of taxpayer dollars...  I can tell you how to get drunks off the street it's simple, and you don't have to hassle otherwise law abiding citizens.   BTW, if the DUI checkpoint is just to find drunks, why do you want to see my license, my registration, and my insurance card?  What exactly do those 3 bits of information have to do with whether I'm drunk or not?  Seems to me just starting up a friendly conversation at the checkpoint would be a lot more effective...  like asking me if I'm a sports fan...  or what do I think about the weather for tomorrow would give the officers a better chance to figure out if I'm drunk or not....   Also, why have drug dogs on station at the checkpoint?  If you're just looking for drunk drivers why do you have drug dogs there?   The reason is because DUI checkpoints are a fishing expedition...  They give you an excuse to do all sorts of things you couldn't otherwise due... a basic end run around the constitution.  
    3 points
  13. Don't drive if you've been drinking!
    3 points
  14. It's legal;. There is no Constitutional right to drive a car. It is a privilege extended by the State of Tennessee. Since they are the agency extending the privilege, they have to right to decide the conditions of the privilege (regulations).
    3 points
  15. There are rattlesnakes in every county in TN, including all of Nashville. Living in the city makes then less obvious, but they are around. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  16. Im not giving you shit. But after then $100 mags and $900 for 1k rds of .223 I hope they choke on their remaining stock and die. I am one of these people who will remeber exactly who did what with pricing. I will support those who didnt gouge the consumer, and for those like CTD? Well, lets just say that if they were on fire, and I had a glass of water, I'd drink tbe water and pray to piss gasoline. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  17. this is probably small to most but i just built my first lower. everything went smooth with no scratches. the only problem was i lost the detent spring for the take down pin. i was proud to get the "hard" one in and then lost the other while putting to buffer tube on.
    2 points
  18.   If I can't drive my tractor drunk on my own property, I'm moving to Costa Rica :)
    2 points
  19. By "toss a weight on top of it" - is a jeep okay?
    2 points
  20. I'm amazed that some people think this whole episode was actualy orchestrated.  :rolleyes:     It was sheer stupidity.  Plain and simple.
    2 points
  21. good point. I do enjoy breathing. I wish everyone would just not drink and drive. Then we wouldn't have to have this discussion. sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    2 points
  22.   Poison is poison.  You're screwed regardless of how you ask for it.
    2 points
  23. Depends on how you drive, if you run a little over the limits, the fastest way is to go 40 over to the rockwood exit then straight down.  I do that run occasionally from downtown nashville to downtown dayton and make it in about 2:15.  Don't go off at crossville cause if you get caught behind anything, you'll be stuck there for a while, and running through chattanooga can also be slow depending on what time it is and if anything is going on around the mountain.   and a side note, if you go this route, be careful on 68 (I think it is) around springfield unless you have a radar detector.  one area the speed drops down to one of those 35mph revenue generating zones for the cops
    2 points
  24. I hope a certain Nashville resident doesn't get any idea's from this.....   All in all, I know where my guns are at ALL times. It's something I just don't forget.   DaveS Crack'a American
    2 points
  25. Always have been a sucker for Jenna Lee myself.
    2 points
  26. Oh, i'm certain this was an accident. It's just insane to me that anyone is that careless with their firearms. And carelessness is how this happened.   I can absolutely say that will never happen to me, as long as I am of sound mind.   If sitting on the commode without TP could result in unwanted injury or death then I imagine I'd get into that habit as well. Otherwise the comparison is as silly as her apparent attitude regarding firearm safety.
    2 points
  27. ..... comin' again to save the mut........ day yeah!
    2 points
  28. I am in no way advocating driving after drinking but it is my personal opinion to take the blood test.  I will occasionally have a beer with dinner then drive home.  Certainly not impaired or above the legal limit but I am not willing to trust my future to a machine that is kept in an officer's trunk.  Of course you have to be willing to be cuffed and hauled to an ER to have your blood drawn, to me its worth the trouble.  I am a reserve deputy but my main gig is ER nursing.  I have drawn many blood samples for DUI over the past decade.  I think that my technique is consistent and the results more accurate than a machine that gets slammed around in a car all day.     Again, this is all opinion so dont ask me for research data on accuracy and such.  They legally have the right to test me, I just want it done the right way.
    2 points
  29.   The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.     You don't need a specific enumerated right to do something in this country.  Interesting mindset, though.
    2 points
  30. Take the money we're wasting on ad campaigns and law enforcement trying to stop it... and spend that money on a program to bring automated driving ahead a few years earlier.  We're wasting 100's of millions of dollars a year on preventative DUI enforcement, all of which would be better spent getting these types of technologies out on the road faster.    All this concern about drunk driving will go away over the next 20 years because of advancements in technology...  It's unlikely that my children will ever 'drive' a car like we do today, we are already seeing computers step in and prevent crashes in luxury cars today, over the next few years that technology will start to trickle down, and within 10 years we'll start to see fully automated cars that drive themselves.  20 years from now, I doubt you'll be able to buy a new car that doesn't drive itself.   And this technology will save even more lives than those lost due to DUIs, and will change the population in ways most of us can't even imagine.   BTW, while a 100 million times a year sounds like a lot, that's not even 1/500th of the traffic on our roads...  you're chasing a mouse around with a tank trying to kill it... and running over all of our natural rights in the process.    
    2 points
  31. Wow, tell us how you really feel. If this gets under your skin, you've got a long road of "pissed off" coming on this forum.
    2 points
  32. You wouldn't say stupid shit like that if you had to pick up pieces of your friends.
    2 points
  33. Get where you can see a long way and spend time behind binoculars. Then strategize on how to get close enough to shoot. Be better if you can do some scouting to find some sign like where they may be feeding the week before or talk to someone that knows the area but elk being in Utah and you being in TN makes that kinda tough. To me they hunt like turkeys. They're social and Like turkeys, when they aren't gobbling you gotta come up with other ways like finding em and sneaking up on them and bushwhacking them or sitting on a likely meadow with some sign and just watching and waiting or blind calling a little with a cow call. I hope you've been exercising, elk hunting ain't easy. Thinner air sucks balls. And what if you have to run a mile or more over rocks to get in front of some. (Did that once. It was a bitch but the guy with me killed one, he wasn't in as good of shape but it was his first elk and he was thankful I was full of piss and vingar and pushed him to do it. Really it wasn't my piss and vinegar it was because I ran in my work boots with leg weights on nearly every evening all summer after working 10-12 hour days landscaping in the 100 degree heat.) All that said it's tough to connect on the first try, hunting an animal you've never hunted, on ground you've never hunted. Take the time to truly enjoy your surroundings and the stuff you see and feel... and make a spiritual connection to get in good graces with the elk gods. You do that and they'll reward you.
    2 points
  34. Hey what's the name of that sabbath song : Fishin with my woman cause she knows hot to cast it any time ?
    2 points
  35. A hi-cap bolt gun... that should confuse the liberals!!! :-D
    2 points
  36. Thanks for posting. Ill throw rocks before Ill order from those gouging assholes, but thank younall the same Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  37. More childish behavior cloaked as doin the "right thing"....  This is "red meat" for the low information children and a slap at capitalism, the second amendment, congress, and law abiding citizens by a pompous, overbearing, childish, vindictive politician of very small stature.  This is a perfect picture of who Barak Obama is...." ...An overbearing, pompous, smartest guy in the room statist elevated to the highest office in the land on via "Equal Opportunity", voter fraud, and "Insider dealing" who knows better than everybody what is best for us "rabble to to controlled" ALA the "chicago" way.....    I think it is also a calculated political move to take the discussion off the Syria intervention talk, the whuppin in the Supreme Court RE:  voting rights, the NSA fiasco (...which is still cookin...), and other nobama administration failures as well; as it stirs up those who actually believe that the Second Amendment actually means what  it says....  I say: "....Keep talkin... the more folks ya make mad, the greater the chance to fix this problem in the Senate and White House..."....   leroy radical isolationist libertarian and despiser of both political parties!!!
    2 points
  38. Personally I don't how how it could be anything but stupid. Accidental or on purpose. Don't know where all of your guns are ? Stupid, not careless, stupid. Misplacing a firearm is just that IMO. On purpose? We don't need this type of Leonard style bullcrap. Stupid. Be a responsible gun owner. Don't poke the bear just because you believe the 2nd amendment says you can.
    1 point
  39. Christie is a gun grabbing lying commie who pretends to be a conservative which makes him more dangerous in many ways like a traitorous double agent. He could actually get federal gun-control legislation passed with all the rino's in congress.
    1 point
  40. I finally broke down and solved my problem.  I took a half day from work and went on a shopping spree.  The first place I went to was really a bummer.  I was a customer ready to spend some cash, and I couldn't get anyone to take an interest in helping me out.  I finally got irritated and decided to go elsewhere.  I guess my money wasn't good enough.   I finally made it up to Homestead Tractor, http://www.homesteadjohndeeredealer.com/ in Cleveland.  They were every friendly and had no problem helping me decide on what I needed.  I ended up buying a John Deere X320 with a dump cart.  I also got a bunch of Stihl stuff.  I got a chainsaw, pole saw, trimmer, edger, and a hedge trimmer.
    1 point
  41. Better vote against both parties. All they seem to do anymore is put up rhinos for the republican seat, and we already know you can't trust the dums.
    1 point
  42. I hope you enjoy your BIG Labor Day Weekend... We salute our work force! But, as you know, for the last several years it's been rough. So let's all join in song for the Official Obama Labor Day Anthem! "Mr. President, Have Pity On The Working Man" HAVE A GOOD ONE!
    1 point
  43.   Give it time. Fox will pick her up.
    1 point
  44. I'm gonna practice my Voldemort lines, put on a gorilla suit, and go find one of those check points! Anybody wanna film it? I'll give you half of the new Youtube channel :)
    1 point
  45. I'm basing my opinion on the experiences of a man with over 3 decades on highway patrol. I don't care what the SCOTUS says.
    1 point
  46.   I wonder if I can use that logic with my wife... 
    1 point
  47. I was just poking fun in hopes to get some more people into reloading.   I hear people say all the time they don't have the time to reload but in the time spent searching stores or online for ammo one could probably load more than they find. And the equipment isn't that expensive, might be a little hard to find right now but it is still cheap. I have posted a list to get someone loading for under $200. And for me I started reloading for better ammo, not cost. When I first started my reloads were running at least as much as store bought but not anymore. And yes my 300 Blackout ammo is 4.4 cents a round because I cast every bullet I shoot. I can cast 300+ bullets an hour and the equipment for it was under $100. So for a ~$300 investment you can be pretty much immune to what is going on now. Primers are still available and so it powder.
    1 point
  48. [quote name="Worriedman" post="1022327" timestamp="1377627479"] They may not be responsible for the actions of other blacks, but if they do not speak out in opposition to those actions, they will be convicted of approval by their silence. ][/quote] How in the hell do you know that? Because you don't see it enough on MSM? What is the appropriate amount? Do you need black people to approach you on the streets and tell you their opinions or apologize for other black people? This is an incredibly racist notion to suggest that all black people have a stake in the race game. What you are suggesting in your words there is that black people, who have ABSOLUTELY NOT A DAMN THING TO DO WITH OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, are required to speak out or their silence is approval? What in the fucking fuck are you talking about?
    1 point
  49. Yup, the only hard part is finding a holster that works with swimming trunks.
    1 point
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