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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2013 in all areas

  1. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that more and more people are beginning to think our government has become too big for their britches. Unfortunately for law enforcement, they are on the front lines and easiest to access. The fact that "bad cop" stories are almost as common as local weather reports don't help matters, either.
    9 points
  2. I think some are confusing pursuing an agenda with being "dumb"....I don't consider Obama to be "dumb"; just a very dangerous socialist, tin-plated dictator-want-a-be with delusions of godhood driven by an overwhelming desire to push an agenda and somehow be "relevant".
    5 points
  3. Because not getting laid for years at a time make people do stupid things.
    5 points
  4. I will do without first, but thanks anyway.
    4 points
  5.   Block some Mosins from coming in, and push everybody toward a spanky new AR-15. Just one more indication that Obama is dumber than a fishin' worm.
    4 points
  6. At least they have to go thru a comment period. This will turn into another big fight. More ammo for the 2014 midterms too. We need to retake the Senate, and then send his ass packin'.
    4 points
  7. Friend just sent this in an email:    
    3 points
  8. British Parliament just voted down an attack on Syria. Looks like King Big Ears is on his own. I figure he'll be wiping the gravy off his face for a few days.     http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/29/world/europe/syria-civil-war/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
    3 points
  9. Meh, every few months something comes along that is supposed to trigger WW3. I even got to participate in a couple of those wars. I don't see anything happening here of significance, especially now that all the western powers are back peddling, and Obama seems to be accepting his empty promises regarding his "red line". The rebels don't need our help to stay afloat. Insurgencies aren't lost on the battlefield. They're lost in the hearts and minds of the supporters. The rebels can keep this going for years to come, and it looks like they will. Things will only settle down once folks get their fill of blood and the two sides come to some sort of agreement to coexist. Like all Arab conflicts, the tension will always remain and it will flare up every few decades to remind people how much they dislike seeing everyone around them die. Rinse and repeat. It has been the history of the Arab world back before they were bowing to the moon god. I don't see it changing in my lifetime.
    3 points
  10. My favorite part....beat him to death with his bare hands!!! Hell yeah. Scum like that ain't worth the price of a bullet. AND, I don't care what he says to the public, in that mans heart of hearts, the place where he keeps his inner most feelings, he's not ashamed and probably proud of it. A fierce and dangerous thing; A real man protecting his daughter. I'd buy this guy a beer ANY day.
    3 points
  11. :rock: Here's the boy after we watched one of the Iron Maiden documentaries...
    3 points
  12. Did some trading toward this unit and picked up scope today LWRC SPR 556 Vortex 1-4x24
    2 points
  13. It sounds to me like he's done. They're gonna need something to distract from this distraction. Obama is probably on call in the Oval Office right now, waiting for a white guy to kill a black guy.
    2 points
  14. Im not giving you shit. But after then $100 mags and $900 for 1k rds of .223 I hope they choke on their remaining stock and die. I am one of these people who will remeber exactly who did what with pricing. I will support those who didnt gouge the consumer, and for those like CTD? Well, lets just say that if they were on fire, and I had a glass of water, I'd drink tbe water and pray to piss gasoline. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  15. My wife hated guns when we met... I remedied that before I put a ring on it! Started her on a Walther P22. Now "her" gun is a nickel Smith 19-5 .357 and she LOVES it! This past weekend, however, she has taken it upon herself to get better with a semi-auto. (After I gave up trying to get her to do that very same thing!) I've got an M&P 40 and for now, she just can't get used to the snappy recoil. However, the weekend before I bought a 9mm M&P barrel from w0lfattack. I swapped barrels, loaded 9s in the mags, and she went to town! We worked on a better stance and grip (she had been doing that awful leaning back and shooting with her weight on her heels garbage) as well as the "breathe & squeeze" trigger pull. She always shot her 19 in SA, so the M&P trigger was a whole new ball o' wax. We'll get a lot more practice in this weekend, but it's exciting now that she WANTS to get better at shooting! Can you believe, she actually ASKED for advice!!! Every husband's dream come true! ;-)
    2 points
  16. If I could choose anyone on Earth to get AIDS and die I wonder who I'd pick...
    2 points
  17. Obama didn't "offer" us anything as this article suggests. He TOOK our rights away and dropped a steamer on the constitution.....again.
    2 points
  18. I wouldn't care if it was 9 cents a round, I would not buy from them. But to each his own, regardless I'm glad people who need ammo are able to get it.
    2 points
  19. http://abcnews.go.com/US/charges-texas-father-beat-death-daughters-molester/story?id=16612071   Hell yeah. That's justice.
    2 points
  20. I've heard from a reliable source, that Obama is going to sign an EO to allow the UN to conduct gun safe searches via IR satellite surveillance.....and you don't even have to roll down your driver side window.   :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
    2 points
  21. For one it requires an understanding of history, something the vast majority of Americans are totally ignorant of.
    2 points
  22. You try to get people to say "Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"? No wonder they go silent.
    2 points
  23. I have a bunch of current firearms, and other, magazines I am done with. I would like to send them somewhere rather than just toss them in the trash.   If you are overseas, or know the address of someone who is, please send me a PM with an address.   Thanks
    2 points
  24. You may wish to look at this place:   http://www.bullhidebelts.com/USA-Handcrafted-Wallets_ep_136-1.html   I have purchased belts and wallets from him in the past and have been very satisfied.  I will say his prices have gone up in the last three years, however.
    2 points
  25. Give more than you get. You will get more than you need. This is true for the good and bad you do.   It works on both sides of the car door.
    2 points
  26. I'm pretty sure that I have the right to tell a cop that I had consensual sex with his wife while he was on shift the day prior in which I did some especially degrading acts to her. I'm also pretty sure that cop would knock me out, although he would be legally wrong for doing so. Even though I would be well within my rights to do what I did, and he would not be within his rights to do what he did, what would be the point of intentionally initiating a confrontation with him in the hopes he would violate my rights?
    2 points
  27.   Ain't done yet. Putin is fixin' to grab Barry by the ears. From CNN...   Russia has called for a closed-door U.N. Security Council meeting at 2:30 p.m. ET, a Western diplomat tells CNN.
    2 points
  28.   Hell with a bowie knife. I've been buying bayonets, 'cause they make your basic libtard shit down both legs. :)
    2 points
  29. Cops are supposed to be public servants. If I haven't done anything wrong and there aren't extenuating circumstances (like I match the description of someone who has done something wrong), I should not be forced into interaction with the police *at all* and I find it offensive to my sense of liberty when I am. (Triply so for paramilitary outfits like border patrol)
    2 points
  30. I think he's all that and kinda dumb too. He's smart at what he's good at which is smarm and manipulation but his thinking rarely seems to go beyond how to climb the next rung of the ladder. And he's almost run out of ladder to climb (Excepting "Ruler of Earth", "Grand Poobah of the Known Universe" and "Messiah").
    2 points
  31. More childish behavior cloaked as doin the "right thing"....  This is "red meat" for the low information children and a slap at capitalism, the second amendment, congress, and law abiding citizens by a pompous, overbearing, childish, vindictive politician of very small stature.  This is a perfect picture of who Barak Obama is...." ...An overbearing, pompous, smartest guy in the room statist elevated to the highest office in the land on via "Equal Opportunity", voter fraud, and "Insider dealing" who knows better than everybody what is best for us "rabble to to controlled" ALA the "chicago" way.....    I think it is also a calculated political move to take the discussion off the Syria intervention talk, the whuppin in the Supreme Court RE:  voting rights, the NSA fiasco (...which is still cookin...), and other nobama administration failures as well; as it stirs up those who actually believe that the Second Amendment actually means what  it says....  I say: "....Keep talkin... the more folks ya make mad, the greater the chance to fix this problem in the Senate and White House..."....   leroy radical isolationist libertarian and despiser of both political parties!!!
    2 points
  32. It is just his arrogant punishment / slap behavior.    Banning bolt action rifles on a pretext (they are MILITARY GRADE bolt action rifles)  because it is the ONLY thing he can do without congress to punish his political enemies, so he does it.     This will backfire, but it will really be a loss to collectors.
    2 points
  33. What I'm saying 10-Ring is by the videos the LEO's are only doing their job. Asking for ID and a few simple questions. And the people make a huge deal of it. Yelling about their rights.
    2 points
  34. I think we're making this more difficult than it needs to be but that's normal for us I suppose. :up:   It's really going to boil down to the actual situation that occurs and every one will be unique. You can't put a one size fits all approach on this.   If someone enters my home and I feel that a warning will allow me to avoid the headache and legal issue at come after killing someone then I'm going to take that option(this is probably less likely). I certainly wouldn't suggest that anyone should retreat from their own home unless you are severly outnumbered and it's your only option.   If someone enters my home and I feel that a warning will give away my position and put me in greater danger then there is no way I'm going that route.
    2 points
  35. It's never easy losing a friend or loved one.  The best we can do is remind ourselves to say the things that matter when we have the opportunities to do so.   Hang in there.
    2 points
  36. So here's my take on a few things as they relate to this thread:     Warn vs. Do Not Warn   If I am occupying my residence or vehicle and someone invades it, there is no need to warn them about what will follow.  The only warning that needs to exist is the line between whatever public property they crossed to enter mine with the intent to harm me or anyone else occupying that property with me.  Any piece of property that I am occupying, be it my home, my garage, my car, my yard... is my castle.  I should not be required, and legally am not, to flee from my castle because some criminal seeks to harm me or remove me from it by force.  That is the basic premise of "Stand your Ground" and frankly is a basic human right.   Attempting to warn someone off as they endeavor to break into my house or car-jack me would waste precious seconds and, in the scenario of a home invasion, would likely place me at a tactical disadvantage by disclosing to them my position and state of readiness if they were to continue their pursuit.   If someone is breaking into my house, I am going to use my superior familiarity with the "lay of the land" as an asset and I will hit them with everything at my disposal from a position that they will only discover as they receive fire.   Standing on the other side of the door warning them that you have a gun and that they should leave only discloses to them where to start sending rounds from their own weapons if they have them.  I also provides them with at least partial intelligence about the number of people inside the house, how prepared (or not) those people are, and where they can find them once they breach the door.  Further, all of that unnecessary shouting robs me of the listening that I should be doing to keep tabs on how many are outside, where they are, and what their state of readiness is.   Trying to warn someone off from breaking into your house seems to pose more tactical disadvantages than advantages.  Being that there is no legal obligation to do so, and arguably no moral obligation either, I see no point in it.       Posturing and Nonsense   While this is off of the topic of the thread, it none the less addresses things I've noticed in the thread once again from several of the usual suspects.  I'm going to just leave this here and say that the other moderators and I are tiring quickly of the self-created drama, baiting, word-twisting and sissy slap-fighting that a very small number of members characteristically engage in.  It's not hard to guess who they are, so let me just be clear in saying that we're about to clean house if the behavior doesn't stop.   Consider this the warning from inside the house.   :cool:
    2 points
  37.   Apparently the saving grace here is that if you fret so much that you hesitate to act and end up dead, you won't have to deal with the aftermath.   Wait... that's not a saving grace.
    2 points
  38. Funny but too close to the truth.
    2 points
  39. I'm a bit surprised that anyone would consider not sending it back for whatever possible issue there may be. It may function properly the first 100 times, but that 101st could bite you when you're least expecting it. If there's a recall, I'm not taking any chances.
    2 points
  40. the system has been broken for many mango seasons. 
    2 points
  41. For Clarksville specifically, this has been an ongoing problem for may years.  Although crime here is raising i feel there is a lot of political pressure to undercharge and plea everything in order to falsely lower the crime data. 
    2 points
  42. Sooo, you're saying if there are multiple armed intruders in your home they are more likely to be defeated with words than bullets? I don't need ears. I just want my family to survive. If you are suggesting that talking to armed intruders gives you a higher probability of surviving than if you shot at them, I think you should start searching the web and YouTube and see for yourself how armed intruders respond to words versus bullets.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Someone does something like that and you catch him in the act, you SHOULD be able to give him what he deserves without ANY penalty whatsoever.
    2 points
  45. http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/08/nidal-hasan-granted-terminal-leave/ I fucking LOVE the Duffleblog.
    2 points
  46.   Maybe but do you think the grip angle would change every time a pretty girl walked by?  Talk about printing!
    2 points
  47. He is often one of the three panelists on a show I watch (Trigger Time) on the Pursuit Channel. I've read and watched a lot of his opinions, tips and videos of home and self defense.   For a long time I thought this guy was a pacifist short in the gonad department. Then I really started to think about the subject after my ADT alarm went off at 3:00 A.M. sometime back and seriously evaluated my security improvements and goals. Leaving my testosterone out of my reasoning and looking at my possessions I cherish and worked hard for as just items that can be replaced, and things that can not be replaced, it made perfect sense to me.   I realized the most important aspect of a home invasion / self defense life or death situation is... First and foremost is keep the family and you safe and alive "at any and all costs".   A secondary and very important issue to me is my quality of life and financial stability. I would not find it pleasant dealing with the aftermath of a self defense shooting. Having to clean up a biological mess, replace / repair carpeting, walls, furniture, appliances, etc. Most likely getting my favorite carry / HD handgun confiscated and held as evidence and the hassle of getting it back. Under duress having to remember the limited amount of information to give to 9-1-1 and the responding officers to be used to determine if charges will be filed against you. The likelihood for a potential lawsuit against you despite Castle Doctrine law. The emotional trauma inflicted on your self and family and dealing with it. The potential permanent hearing loss you and / or your family may receive. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the BG's meeting their maker what-so-ever but... A person has to make their own decision what's in their best interest and I'm starting to lean with Rob Pincus's reasoning and way of thinking. That being retreat if at all possible and try to barricade your loved ones and defend and call 9-1-1 from there. From the stand point of your best odds, self preservation and family safety, doesn't that make the most sense?
    2 points
  48. Amen. I am not antiwar by ANY means but the US needs to stop being the world police. Israel is the only middle eastern country I would genuinely be afraid of if we were on their bad side.
    1 point
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