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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2013 in all areas

  1. Wow , going back to my rock roots. Still listening to the likes of Iron Maiden , Alice Cooper , .38 Special , Slayer , Slipknot , Kiss and other great bands of the past still leads me back to my roots of metal ; Black Sabbath. Not that The Stones , The Who , The Guess Who , Grand Funk and who else are not part of my library but when I first decided to take up the bass ; Gezzer Butler , John Entwistle and Mel Schacher were my idols. The new Black Sabbath 13 rocks my stereo (IPOD) just as the older ones , for once they have put out a collection that is close to the first 4 presses of vinyl , if you are old enought to recall it. Not that there is a problem with something like Technical Ecstasy or Never Say Die, prob the only mid life band albums I loved prior to the Dio days. Dio days are a different thread. Regardless , if you are a Sabbath fan of old I think you will be pleased with this release. It's like the days of old although missing Bill Ward ; he says he's too tired and they can't get along. Kind of like when Tony Iommi decided he couldn't play with Jethro Tull anymore back in the 60's , Tony didn't like a leader of a band ; so what about Ozzy ? " Good Night , We Love You All ! "
    3 points
  2. 10 to 1 says they are at Academy and Walmart on tues / thurs waiting on their inventory truck to show???
    3 points
  3. Cleaning his gun my a$$. He was playing with his new gun. Dumba$$ should have known he could have put someone's eye out.
    3 points
  4. Lighting up the room and that loud bang is a pretty good warning. They just gotta be quick. :)
    3 points
  5. [quote name="confidence" post="1022141" timestamp="1377576467"] Not sure what I think about this Pincus video: I think for me it would be more like this: 1. If there is time, the family would barricade in the safe room without me 2. I would positively identify the target as a BG (especially important at night) and then pull the trigger I know it would likely not be that cut and dried as there could be other complexities, but I'm not sure I agree with his version, including the idea of verbally warning the BG that you have a gun.[/quote] I have kids to protect. Any apprehension on my part to eliminate the threat puts their lives at risk, especially due to my floor plan. Anyone who illegally enters my home does not deserve the benefit of the doubt, and anyone who risks their lives by giving an intruder the benefit of the doubt is being foolish. The benefit of the doubt ends at the locked door or window they came through. The locked door was their warning.
    3 points
  6. I have been an Iron Maiden fan for 28 years. This September 5 I will finally see them in concert for the first time. I'm as giddy as a little schoolgirl. 
    2 points
  7. My goodness but that's cute!!   On a serious note, if you do take one of these pups, please get him/her fixed unless you are willing to take on grandpups in a few years. So many heartbreaking stories of animals being sent to the pound would never happen if people spayed their pets.  Smith--is it too late to spay mama?  I think that should be done.
    2 points
  8. Brother TGO'rs, I came across this just a bit ago, and thought y'all would get a good laugh. Enjoy! DaveS Crack'a American
    2 points
  9. You are doing something wrong. There is no way you got two sets of bad dies. If so go buy a lottery ticket because the odds are astronomical you did.           When you got the replacement die did you put the original decapping pin in that die too? Completely remove the decapping pin and run a case inside the sizing die. Does it still come out looking like a sharpened pencil?   It almost sounds like you have the seater rod in the sizing die rather than the decapping rod.   Take a picture of the problem die and make sure to include a view inside.
    2 points
  10.   Retaliation=prison in ANY state. Not a good word in this context.
    2 points
  11. I would always "warn" if I have a safe opportunity to do so...why wouldn't I??? I not armed just so I can shoot someone, especially if it can be avoided; if the home invader (or the thug in any given situation) can be warned and he decides to make an intelligent decision to disengage then so much the better. This is right in line with most every other training I've had including Massad Ayoob.
    2 points
  12. Only "law abiding" gun owners will be affected, since criminals don't buy their guns & ammunition at retail outlets, they buy them on the streets or they just steal them. As mentioned in the video, this is simply an attempt to curb the sales of firearms & ammunition just like they did by taxing the crap out of tobaccco products. Maybe this is just what this nation needs, a reminder of what happened when King George raised the taxes on the tea being imported into the colonies? Of course I couldn't condone tossing perfectly good ammunition into the Boston harbor though.
    2 points
  13. My credo: More than 4 legs, kill it. 4 legs, it stays outside. 2 legs, ok. 1 leg, get it a wheelchair.
    2 points
  14. nah, if I wanted to drive a bunch of muscle cars, steal money, shoot cops, and beat up hookers I'd just move to Detroit. 
    2 points
  15.   I think Obama needs to pick up his trusty sword and lead the charge, bein' commander in chief and all.
    2 points
  16. not around my area.  when i see 16 gauge ammo i buy it.  got to feed my sweet 16 bird gun. 
    1 point
  17. As they say in West Texas.......El Paso.
    1 point
  18. looks like another place that i will not stop in.  only fools will pay that price for 22 lr ammo. 
    1 point
  19. How about if we flip the question - Would we launch an attack on Rebels if we find out that they fired the Gas rockets? 
    1 point
  20. Its way to early for them to go anywhere yet..Please keep them at least another month..12 weeks is the best age..before that they are still learning from mom and at 4 weeks they are to young to get any shots really. 4 weeks is the bare minimum for shots..And they are so sucsebtible to Parvo at that age also... I know you said the mom is not feeding them but still  4 weeks is to early..
    1 point
  21. We have 8 dogs, 7 cats and 11 chickens, yall need to catch up. I will offer to take any that have to go to the pound.
    1 point
  22. Great job.  I like it.
    1 point
  23. Do you have to provide your own lube or do they prefer going in dry? Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Sounds like we need to force the legislature to strengthen the preemption law huh?
    1 point
  26.   I would not be too worried about a DA, etc. seeing the above statement because I believe that it explains why I would be in fear of death or serious, bodily harm.  The link I posted would, hopefully, provide real world evidence of an actual incident (one of many, lately) to support why I believe, as I do, that home invaders enter a home having accepted that they will likely have to injure/kill the residents to get what they want and demonstrate why my fear is a 'reasonable' one.   Of course, that is just me and my way of thinking.  I am neither a lawyer nor a self defense expert - just a guy who doesn't want to be killed by a home invader.
    1 point
  27. I never argued about the inequity of the law or how it is prosecuted. In fact, if you read back to my very first post on the subject you'll see that I acknowledge the issue and don't agree with it. The only thing I have argued against I this thread are folks who believe that black folks, as a whole, are partly responsible for the racist actions of other black people. They simply aren't. If it they were we would have to apply the same logic to white people. That is the only thing I've been arguing.
    1 point
  28.   You misunderstood what I was saying.  Anyone who stands behind Jesse Jackson while he speaks and does not leave in disgust is either racist, ignorant, deaf, on the payroll or all of the above.  What I'm talking about is just because JJ stands up there with a bunch of black people doesn't mean that all black people (as a race) are in line with him.  He doesn't speak for all black people.  Hell, I've watched a few militant anti-white videos on YouTube in which even black power extremists don't like Jesse Jackson and call him a race hustler.   What I was referring to is the repeated mantra of black people who don't speak out against the racism that exists in the poor black community are somehow responsible or complicit with what other black people do.  We need to get away from that thought.  The only people that matter in that scenario are those who commit the crimes, those who raised them to be little monsters and those who support their behavior.  Everyone else has nothing to do with it.    So, in this case of this old man being beaten to death, it isn't a race issue.  It is an issue with the individuals who committed the crime.  Just like I have nothing to do with George Zimmerman shooting Trayvon Martin, black people around the country have nothing to do with these hoodlums beating this old man to death.  We are masters of our own destiny.
    1 point
  29. Pincus is just another one of those gunfighting experts who has never been in a gunfight.   Besides, Rob is a Norwich grad who was commissioned as an Air Defense officer - - - and Everybody knows that something just isn't right if a Norwich alumnus isn't an Armor/Cavalry officer! 
    1 point
  30. I agree, life is about living, and carrying a handgun is about the best insurance policy to make sure you keep on living.  
    1 point
  31. French-Ukrainan-Canadian-Korean'N-American.   Is that better?
    1 point
  32.   This I do not understand.  Yes, I know if I'm careful nothing should happen. In reality, people make mistakes or slip at the wrong moment.  When I clean a gun I make sure it's unloaded upstairs, then I carry it downstairs and clean it in a room where there isn't so much as a single round of ammunition.  But maybe I'm just weird that way.
    1 point
  33. At what point should I have stopped hoping Walt gets away with it all? I mean, I recognize he's a bad guy, but, but....
    1 point
  34. Yea I carry each time I boat and fish.  Those dudes in trucks by themselves with no boat and no fishing poles are spooky at the boat ramp!
    1 point
  35. Couldn't tell you exact scientific name, but they are the common orb weaver critters we get here late summer into fall. Different from the whopper writing spiders which are also pretty common, and much bigger, but they don't take down their webs every day, and don't make the huge expanse of web the large orb weaver above does. - OS
    1 point
  36.   I say more like kid abuse.  Surely he didn't let her shoot it in that stance.  If he did, he needs a smack up side the head.  
    1 point
  37. I don't know if its dangerous or comical that Assad is making a fool out of Obama after he made those idle threats about his "red line". Can you imagine this limp wristed puppet running the show during the Cold War? The Russians would have invaded on principle.
    1 point
  38. Sir, that was very well said! In my opinion, the middle east is the cesspool of the planet. Let them settle it amongst themselves. What scares me is what Iran will do if the US strikes Syria?   Dave Crack'a American
    1 point
  39.   Very true and very timely as I was just reading the lawsuit against Paula Deen has been dropped.
    1 point
  40. Hard to say since I wasn't there, but I think that unless he had some direct influence over me I wouldn't have worried about it.   In these situations though what gets me is, it isn't the firearm the person is uncomfortable with....it is YOU with the firearm. If a LEO or some other "authority figure" was armed, he probably wouldn't have gave it a second thought.
    1 point
  41. So this site condemns folks like Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton and blames queers for making America weak?  Sounds to me like he could join TGO and fit right in; it looks as if he strongly condones gun ownership!   Some excerpts from that site:      
    1 point
  42. I agree, but as I said before, the issue is far more complex than that. They hate being treated differently because of their skin color. It happens far more than it should. there's just certian aspects of the issue that are difficult for the other side to understand.
    1 point
  43. I think some underestimate the number of blacks who truly dislike whites, and just how deep that dislike runs. Those numbers encompass far more than the typical thug living in the projects. Without going into great detail, I deal with a lot of blacks on a very regular basis. A vast majority of them are living a middle-class lifestyle or above. They are educated, and by all outward appearances, they are your average American citizen. When you truly take the time to talk to them and learn about how they honestly feel, you'd quickly realize just how angry they are with the white community.   Without living in black skin, it is difficult for most whites to get a firm grasp on what many blacks go through on a daily basis. There's no doubt some overreact and interpret certain situations as something they aren't, but having two mixed nephews by a sister who's into black guys, I have been witness to more than a few situations where it was blatantly obvious they were being treated differently. On one occasion, it was equally obvious that I was being treated differently, simply for having them with me in a place I've been to numerous times.   The race issue is very complex, and not easily understood by many. Both sides have a difficult time understanding where the other is coming from. Both sides need to be honest with themselves about what it is they've done as a community to contribute to the issue. Then do something to fix it. Sadly, most people have a difficult time owning up to their uglier side.
    1 point
  44. .....   Aaron was running, through the yard of a house close to where he crashed the ambulance, at the fastest he could possibly move. The man was scared out of his mind in fear of losing his life. Following behind him at a pace that wasn't quite running nor walking either and in an almost stumbling fashion like that of a drunk, was his coworker. She was locked onto his back, following it like an FIM-92 Stinger missile. He began cursing himself, "@#$%, why didn't I stay with that cop?! God help me!!!!!" The scared man jumped a wooden fence, grabbing the top of it trying to pull himself over, as his chest began to clear the fence, his pursuer latched onto his leg sinking her teeth into his calf muscle. The average human has a bite pressure of 175 psi and this creatures biting power being far beyond that, rendered Aarons dickies pants like water and toliet paper. The man screamed and began shaking his leg violently trying to get his attacker to let loose but she did no such thing. Just as she began to go for a second helping he was able to use the opposite leg to kick the girl in the forehead sending her back and thus losing her grip on his now bitten leg.   Aaron used every bit of force that he could to pull himself over and came tumbling to the ground in a heap. When he landed, he felt what was akin to being punched in the neck. He grabbed his neck and looked at his hand, in the poor light he could see that there was a little blood on his hand but not much, just enough to match that of a nose bleed. He was confused, "What the Hell?" The pain on his leg made the pain in his neck seem like nothing. He sat up and then heard a sound which wasn't familiar to him, like that of a cicada in summer or a babies rattle. He looked to where the sound was coming from and drew his pen light from his cargo pocket, coiled there was a Timber Rattlesnake slithering away from him at a good speed. He groaned to himself, "Awh @#$%, can my day get any worse?" Sudden pounding on the wood scared the man to his feet where he then without realizing it put weight onto his leg that had been bitten, he screamed and began to hop like that of a wounded deer, trying to escape the pit of Hell he was surrounded by at the moment. He said to himself, "I'm not dying in this hell-hole!" He limped towards the yard of the house activating a motion sensor light on the porch, when it lit up Aaron recoiled in horror, an elderly man was there staring at him through the glass with a blank look about him; he then thrusted himself at the glass and began to claw at it in a slow but purposeful manner. Aaron fell onto his bottom, feeling as though he was cornered from all sides he sat there with his head between his legs, his neck now throbbing along with his leg. Aaron began to pray though he was an Atheist at this point he was willing to seek help from anyone, then he heard what sounded like an airgun and a sudden thump of a body on the otherside of the fence, "Is anybody alive over there?" Aaron thought at this point, 'If I make it through this I'm going to start going to church, I'll be a sonuvabitch if he wasn't listening!', he then spoke up, "Yeah, I'm here!" A man in full fatigues made his way over the fence, "Are you okay?", Jeb asked the man, "I've been bitten on my leg by the girl just shot and I've been bit on the neck by a rattlesnake!" Jeb chuckled, "Dude you are having one @#$% of a night but hang on a sec..." walking past the injured man, Jeb put the muzzle of his PS90 within inches of the plate glass door being careful to follow the mans head. Once Jeb believed he had an adequate bead on him he let go one whispered 5.7x28 round into the old mans head dropping him to the floor.   "Now then, where were we? Oh yeah, I was just about to tell you that you have two options. One is to turn into one of them." Aaron then had a horrified look that morphed his face into a panicked frenzy, "NO!!! Oh god no!" Jeb looked at him then with as serious as he could be, "The other choice is to die while your still human, I can help you with that but I won't do it unless you're absolutely sure." Aaron was about to respond when he began vomiting up blood, it was then he remembered how fast it had taken his coworker and killed her not five minutes away from truck accident she was bit at. He then realized no matter what happened, he was going to die tonight. Aaron looked to Jeb with a smile, "Well, I had a good run I guess." Jeb gave him a sullen smile, Aaron closed his eyes and began to whisper what he considered a prayer, Jeb then said, "Et Patris, Miserere mihi quid faciam. Amen.(And of the Father, have mercy on me, what I will do. Amen)" He then leveled the weapon to Aarons head and let loose a hushed round, Aarons body fell limp to the grass.
    1 point
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