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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2013 in all areas

  1.   In the past, I have actually discussed my views on just this sort of thing with Black friends and acquaintances of mine.  Keep in mind that this was while the Shrub was still in office, before Obama became POTUS and long before the nation had ever heard of a guy named George Zimmerman, etc.  I saw just such a thing coming even then.   What we discussed is the fact that I have more in common with the average Black man who goes to work on a daily basis and is just trying to live his life than either of us have in common with the George Bushes (and Barack Obamas) of the world.  Further, I believe that there are people 'in power' of all races, creeds and ethnicities who want to keep racial strife going because they know that if we ever stop hating each other long enough to look around we will realize that if there is 'oppression' going on it isn't the average White person oppressing Black people but, rather, that group of power brokers oppressing us all.  As long as they (the Obamas and Bushes and Cheneys and Gores and countless others whose names we will likely never know) can keep us at each others' throats - as long as they can use tools like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to perpetuate distrust, anger and hatred - then we won't have time to turn our eyes to them and maybe, just maybe, do something about the real problem.
    4 points
  2. scrolled down to the bottom of the TGO page and it said we now have 1 Million posts on the board... Not sure if that's since the most recent upgrade or for all time.  Either way, great accomplishment and a great resource!  Thanks to David and all of the other Admins that make this a great corner of the internet.
    3 points
  3. Based on you just wanting to buy one gun, let me throw out another less expensive option than buying a FS and using the compact for EDC.     Get the X-Grip mag extensions for the compact, which turns it into the FS capacity and use it for your house gun.  Buy the Shield for your EDC.   If you find yourself wanting a little more capacity than the Shield at times, use the compact with the normal compact mags.     
    3 points
  4.   To me, the double standard that exists re: White on Black crime vs. Black on White crime is no different from the double standard that used to say that Black folks had to sit at the back of the bus or drink from a different water fountain.  Black folks were right to point out and protest that double standard and it is just as 'right' to point out and protest the double standard that has now swung in the other direction.  To think otherwise or act as if race doesn't matter in such cases, to me, is basically sticking one's head in the sand and hoping that things won't get worse.
    3 points
  5.   This is a problem right here in TN, especially Clarksville.  We are up to at least one murder a week, sometimes more, and it's always someone who otherwise would have been incarcerated.  These slimy lawyers and pro-crime judges we have go for the plea deal every single effing time.  Spineless jellyfish... ALL OF THEM!  They are just as guilty of these crimes as the owner of viscious dog would be when he lets it roam free.  They pat themselves on their spineless backs when they get a conviction with a plea deal and don't care that the thug receives no punishment.  CONVICTION DOES NOT EQUAL PUNISHMENT!  These thugs look at a conviction as street cred.  They need to be kept in cages where they belong, and executed when they are guilty of 1st degree murder.    I'm gonna watch Law Abiding Citizen again and cheer every time a lawyer gets smoked.
    3 points
  6. You definitely need a reloading manual or three before proceeding any further.
    3 points
  7. We're talking about very different things. Jim Crow laws were self evident in their intent and executed by the state. A couple of black teenagers aren't. They could be perpetrating their crime for various reasons, not just because the victim happens to be white. The assumption that your skin color means you have to be an activist for or against something is racist. You don't know what that black guy over there thinks. He may agree with everything you say, but because he isn't loudly proclaiming it he is wrong? That's what we're talking about here. Read back to what I am responding to; a chorus of folks who say "it is the fault of all black people because they don't come out and condemn this." Well in that case it is the fault of all white people who don't condemn the things that white people do. Maybe I'm just an extremist here that believes the actions of a person who shares my skin color has no bearing on me, and I have no obligation to support or condemn their actions simply because of my skin color. So does the same apply to black people.
    2 points
  8. Think I'll abbreviate F#C#N-American and let them figure it out.       .
    2 points
  9. So having never seen one on a squirrel, I watched a video on removing botfly larvae. I'll wait until a frost.
    2 points
  10. My wife can't rack my G19 and ended up getting her a Sig P238 (.380). Nice shooting little gun.
    2 points
  11. Kinda like a black panther ?
    2 points
  12. I've bought a good bit over time from them at gunshows.   Only thing that didn't work out so well were some .38 and .357 cowboy loads. Couldn't hit crap with them from revolvers, but worked fine in my Marlin rifle. Finally decided powder was just too slow burning out of short barrel, acted like bottle rockets.   -OS
    2 points
  13. Most states won’t stand for disarming Americans…. It just won’t happen.
    2 points
  14. Thanks for the warning. This thing could have shot me in the a$$
    2 points
  15. Shoot I wish anyone but Oprah had Oprah's money...
    2 points
  16. I'll echo what most have said. When on the boat it's in a dry box on board. I almost never...ever...go anywhere without one of my weapons in reach.
    2 points
  17. Uninted Nations Police Taskforce = target rich environment and no moral objection to causing them to rapidly acclimate to room temperature.
    2 points
  18.   David ain't Oprah... thank God!
    2 points
  19. Alright everyone! Reach under your seats and pull out your brand new Glock 19! Free from TGO!   Wait...
    2 points
  20.   I think the sizing ring in that die really helps too. .45 bullets like to go in crooked a lot of times, and that really helps straighten them out. I won't load any pistol ammo without the Lee FCD.
    2 points
  21. When growing up, I usually didn't bother squirrel hunting until after the first killing frost-- I hated dealing with bot-fly maggots (aka "wolves".
    2 points
  22. I get sick and tired of the world standing and pointing at crap like this, turning to us and saying " DO SOMETHING...Don't just stand there."...let the other freeloading countries spend their money and shed their blood if they are so concerned. And another thing is this. These people and most of the middle east hate our guts and protest us in the streets and would kill Americans on sight given half a chance. Why get involved at all? We need to cut all aide to these people, use the money to develop our own oil reserves and make ourselves self reliant on oil and stay out of all Muslim countries is my line of thinking.
    2 points
  23. Pull the gun out, wave it around, and scream like a madman?? sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    2 points
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR3ChDXCv0I
    1 point
  25. Hmmm, think you may have missed the point of the story and the post.
    1 point
  26. Hmm..in my experience, RCBS are much better "finished" dies than the Lee's.  The only Lee dies I have left are 30-06 and the universal decapper.  Now the universal is a must, if you do batches of brass.  Just throw it in and decap everything and throw it in the tumbler.  The Lee's appear much less polished internally and with the 458 Socom, just plain didn't work.    Something isn't right here and I can't believe two sets of dies could have a problem but maybe you just won the lottery.   Just so we have all the info, what's the die set you have by part number?  They have a new set for "AR"s, did you get that set or the .223 Remington.  Two die or three die set?
    1 point
  27.     that confession tape was pure genius.
    1 point
  28. Unlike gasoline, alcohol, and tobacco; the SCOTUS has acknowledged an individual right to own a gun. I don’t think a tax aimed specifically at making guns and ammo affordable to only the wealthy would pass constitutional muster even if the law passed.
    1 point
  29.   Yeah, much too overt a statement, even though that's actual long term covert intent.   Will normal 5.56 and 7.62x39 ball ammo actually penetrate NATO helmets these days, or have they made them of some super duper alloy?   - OS
    1 point
  30. Haha. Really? Is it a message like in Charlotte's web? It sounds like an orb weaver of some sort. I've got 2 that come out on my deck and 1 by the mailbox. Wish the guy at the street would come closer. They're great at keeping bugs down. Like someone else mentioned, they eat the web and recycle it for the next night. Aren't you glad we don't have to "recycle" anything that comes out of us?!? Eww.
    1 point
  31. Always.  And some on some lakes I carry a carbine.
    1 point
  32. So there isn't much out on these yet as they are pretty new to the market. But I figured I would post up with my observations after picking one up. I wanted a fairly compact scope for my SCAR 17, which typically limits one to 1-4 power in a quality piece. Of course there have been a number of interesting 1-6 power scopes hitting the market, and I had looked at the Vortex Razor HD 2 and the Leupold Mark 6. Both are really nice. I nearly went with the Vortex, but I found the Bushnell and though 8.5 would be interesting. They are pricey. Most are listed for $2149 online...which is a lot to pay for anything, especially a Bushnell. Sportsman’s Guide has them listed for $2149 as well, but they offer their 10% discount if you are a club member. Well, they run double your discount from time to time, so I figured I could get one for $1725 or so shipped. The Vortex scopes typically run $1400, so I thought by spending the extra $325 I would get a FFP reticle, another 2x magnification, and a better reticle (I like the BTR-2 Mildot Bushell uses over the Miculek Ret of the Vortex...which is set for a 5.56). I also like that the Bushnell uses Mil clicks for adjustment instead of MOA. Anyway, it came in this week. First thing to note...CRAP! This thing is pretty big. It is a 34mm tube with HUGE target knobs. They are the push pull type and click extremely well. The glass looks good. I don't know that it looks better than the Vortex glass, but it is very clear. On 1x there is a little fish-eye effect, of course, but the relief is very good, (even on max power), and with both eyes open I had no trouble picking up my targets around the yard. There are several brightness settings with "off" spaced between each, and even 2 NV settings (useless to me). The reticle will go bright, but I have seen brighter. I have not had it in bright sunlight yet. I believe it will be plenty strong enough for daylight, but hope to prove it this weekend (assuming the sun comes out and I can get away from work before dark). I mounted it in a American Defense Recon mount. The package is a little heavier that it needs to be IMO. I think they could have gone with a 30mm tube and saved a lot of weight. I don't know how much adjustment you would lose with a 30mm tube, and how much FOV, but I don't think it would be enough to be a big hindrance. It LOOKS cool for what that is worth. I haven't shot it yet, but I assume it will hold zero. The Elite Tactical line gets great reviews generally, so hopefully this one won't disappoint. I will post more when I get it to the range. Here are some pics of it mounted up.
    1 point
  33.   So, if you were around in the 1960s and were asked as a white person to condemn 'Jim Crow' laws then you think that would be racist?    See, it isn't so much about individual crimes as it is about how the justice system - and, to a lesser extent - the media and even society treats such crimes.  As I said in another post, the FACT that black on white crimes are treated differently (never prosecuted under 'hate crime' laws, etc.) is no different than when things tended the other direction.  It was right for all people to recognize, point out and protest the inequalities, then and it is right to do so, now.
    1 point
  34. I'll take a stab.     Two family member have the Shield, one in 9 and one in 40.   If you already have the Compact and are comfortable with it, I probably wouldn't get the Shield unless funds aren't an issue.  If money isn't a problem then I would say sure get the Shield.  The Shield is thinner and shorter in length but not by a large amount.  I think the height is about the same with the extended mag on the Shield.   The Shield is not really a pocket gun for me unless I've got on cargo shorts for example.      Both calibers in the Shield are fine shooters and handle well for a small carry gun.     Regarding your grip question, you can't really compare it in size to the full size due to the width.  
    1 point
  35. Sure. Have you met some of the folks that hang out at the launching ramps?
    1 point
  36. I call your $190 MAK-90 and raise you a $98.50 R.B. Mark I anti tank rifle.
    1 point
  37. Once again I find myself at the nexus of things that shouldn't be joked about and things that I find funny, also know as, why I am going to hell. :lol:
    1 point
  38. Glad to hear it man. Now if you get tired of her I'll take her off your hands! Lol
    1 point
  39.   I say more like kid abuse.  Surely he didn't let her shoot it in that stance.  If he did, he needs a smack up side the head.  
    1 point
  40. I don't have serial numbers on ANY of my uppers. It's not trivial to do custom engraving on anything as cheap as an upper receiver. Just get one of their billet uppers and be done with it. 
    1 point
  41. All that cool weather we had earlier in the month, now we are back to heat and humidity. Even if my leg wasn't broken, I think I would be waiting till we had a frost. I know that it's safe to cut out the wolves and eat the meat, but I don't like the idea of doing that. So, I would rather wait till they are gone to get a mess of squirrels. 
    1 point
  42. I've heard the argument made before as to why the use if chemical weapons draws such a reaction from the international community rather than conventional munitions. I wish I could articulate it, as it was a compelling argument, but it signifies a change in the game. I think we'll be drawn into this by the international community due to our tech. I see us taking the Clinton approach by launching a few tomahawks and calling it a victory to appease the Europeans and the Gulf states. That's about as clean as I see us coming out of this. Worse case we conduct any incursions into Syria by foot or air. Once we do that it turns into a Chinese finger trap.
    1 point
  43. At which point did George Washington and his men cross the line from mere advocates for ones rights, to a full-blown extremists? And before he was elected as Commander in Chief, when each colony had their own militia? Is a second Revolutionary War completely out of the question, because we now have the right to vote? If not, which one of us has the authority to determine when and where that time has come? What if those of us on the right become so outnumbered by the leftists, voting no longer matters? Again, who makes the call? When and where? The term "extremists" gets thrown around a bit too loosely, in my humble opinion. As we've seen in these so-called "lists of extremists" published by the .gov, just about all of us on this forum have long been labled an extremist.
    1 point
  44. There will always be "lapdogs" in government willing to toady up to any regime; no matter how idiotic or despotic in order to curry favor and advancement within that regime.  In the east tennessee vernacular; "...they are anybody's ole dog that will pet them...".... .   That is the nature of the standing army and bureaucracy anywhere.  The military and the government cabin industry attracts the full spectrum of the society that it draws its recruits from; from left to right, mild to wild, from straight to gay, despotic to libertarian, patriot savior of the citizenry to potential murderer of the citizenry,  --- ya get the picture.     Remember this, service in the military does not equate to selfless patriotism; nor does "public service" in government equate to statesmanship and selfless "giving back" to the country.   There will always be some fraction of this bunch that will gladly do the bidding of their political masters in order to curry favor from them.     Take the time to google the details of the "Bonus March" of 1932 and take a look at some of the names of those who took action to suppress this "mob" of people.  My bet is that you will be dismayed and saddened.   You are what you are... .  Your deeds will surely follow you; be they good or evil... .   leroy the amateur philosopher and student of the human condition 
    1 point
  45. I haven't found a bad place in Tennessee, save for Memphis.   I'll give you a bit of advice. When you come here, forget everything you think you know as it relates to politics, religion, and "the way we do it in New York".   Also, do not comment on anyone's southern accent.   We don't like that here. If you insist on "doing it the way we did in New York", stay in New York.   Tennessee is a different place in every way imaginable.   I guess the area depends on whether you prefer mountains, hills, or billiard table flat land. We have it all from mountains in the east to flat land in the west.   If you enjoy sneezing and sweating in the summer and shoveling snow in the winter, Tennessee is for you.  
    1 point
  46. Well like I said, I did comply. However my bug never left my pocket :D   I think for my employer's sake I'll just keep the bug and leave the OWB in the truck. It's stupid since they are actually safer if I have it but be a dick and I won't worry about you, just me and mine.
    1 point
  47. It's amazing that some people think that carrying with an empty chamber is safer.   One in the pipe - always.
    1 point
  48. I always use http://handgunlaw.us when travelling out of state.   http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/florida.pdf
    1 point
  49. I will not judge another, If you drink, be smart. As I stopped drinking almost 25 years ago I do not have this worry.
    1 point
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