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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Yea I am a supporter of Black Power myself... it is called AR-15...
    6 points
  2. Race war? Humph. Sometimes I wish it would just come on and happen. Then the dust would settle and we'd know for sure just who the big boy on the playground is and get on with life. Race war, civil war, whatever, it's all a joke. The metrosexual man of Amerika has no testicles. What few men actually have a pair are dying out. Modern Amerikanism can be justly labeled 'testicular cancer'.
    5 points
  3. Guys, temper your expectations about things like matched uppers, sequential serial numbers, etc.  Those things all add excessive overhead to the logistics and were never promised.  Let's be glad we're getting a shot at some special commemorative lowers.  If we can do anything beyond that it's purely up to CMT.
    4 points
  4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/08/21/starbucks-boycott-gun-control-group/2681203/     I'm going to put a gun on and go buy a cup of Java to support Starbucks this Saturday. 
    3 points
  5. Couple real badasses to attack an 89 year old. Their mothers should be so proud of what they have become!
    3 points
  6. From Reddit: (Hopefully not a repost) A private school in Central Arkansas recently voted to allow the staff to have guns on campus. This is the sign they put up.
    3 points
  7. If its going to happen let's go ahead and get it over with so my kids won't have to worry with it.
    3 points
  8. “He told management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures,” the report said. “He called it simply WOH, never saying that WOH stood for War on the Horizon. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/22/dhs-employee-spends-spare-time-promoting-race-war-against-whites/#ixzz2cjkEXRLN     My wife just ran out to buy me more tin foil.
    3 points
  9. Obama; if you had a son, would he look like one of these guys? :huh:
    3 points
  10.   I don't know that it would make much difference in sentencing.  I also agree that the idea of 'hate crimes' is a bit ridiculous - 'hate crime' laws should be struck from the books.  That said, if 'hate crime' laws are going to remain on the books, I would at least like to see the powers that be admit that it is possible for a white person to be the victim of a hate crime simply because they are white (not because they are gay or some, other reason.)  I would also like to see an admission that it is possible for a non-white person to commit a 'hate crime'.  If these ridiculous laws are going to remain on the books then at the very least I would like to see the double standard that is applied to them go away.
    3 points
  11. I've been noticing some interestin stuff in the Kansas/Oklahoma territories.  Kansas City (...Kansas...) seems to be a hotbed of racial trouble (...about 29% black...).   Google a bit and you will be surprized (...and dismayed...).    I think it's very interesting that this sort of thing is popping up in unusual places.  The current bunch of politicos has done a lot to raise "racial tensions"; which i think, for the most part, is just a pretext to do heinous things to whitey under the pretext of "outrage and striking back" ALA the muslum brotherhood and south africa model.   This sort of thing is very dangerous.   I wonder if anyone in the political class at any level has the backbone to call it what it really could be??!... . Time will tell.   Be watchful and keep your powder dry. leroy
    3 points
  12. Or, maybe he'll find true love...
    3 points
  13. I could care less the color of anyone's skin or what their motive was for killing this guy. I just believe that if the races were reversed this would be a story about race instead the murder of a foreign national, and our president would somehow involve himself in it. Liberals just disgust me. Bunch of hypocrites and racists.
    3 points
  14.   And yet you never heard of anybody retiring to the North.   But I'm not kidding.  When those pension checks quit coming from Detroit those old union thugs will go crazy.   Wonder how they will blame it on Bush.
    3 points
  15.   The MAJOR uprising will be in all of those Del Webb retirement communities across the South.    You know the ones.  Its the folks with the old, rusty Michigan front plates still on their cars, hogging all of the handicap parking spots at WalMart, and always telling us southern hicks how they did it up North.  :ugh:      
    3 points
  16.   If there was a book it would be called 50 Shades of Stupid.
    3 points
  17.  Okay so State Rep. Joe Carr (for those that didn't already know) announced that he would be running against Jim Tracey to unseat incumbent Congressman Scott Desjarlais. Now in an effort to try to give Lamar Alexander the boot, Joe Carr has been solicited to abandon his effort to win a seat in the House of Representatives to instead take Lamar's senate seat. I'm not 100% certain on this but I was contacted by a mutual friend saying that there would most likely be an announcement tomorrow stating such. Lamar has managed to hold favorable standing in all hypothetical polls I have heard of but I believe that is mostly due to the almost total lack of a serious contender.. With the support of most Tea Party groups I hope and believe things will change ( I know, we've been burnt everytime hope and change shows up in the same sentence). This is exciting news to me because there is virtually a 100% chance that we will keep a Republican in the house seat anyways but stand to gain a true dyed in the wool Tea Party conservative in the senate which we are dying to have more of. I guess we will find out tomorrow whether or not this is actually whats going on but I for one have my fingers crossed.
    2 points
  18. Did some trading toward this unit and picked up scope today LWRC SPR 556 Vortex 1-4x24
    2 points
  19. When I got into firearms several years back, I was like a kid in a candy store when I came onto sites like TGO.  I saw so much stuff that needed (wanted).  Glocks - gotta have some of those, custom 1911/2011s - yep, high capacity semi-auto shotguns - alrighty, piston ARs - yeah buddy, fancy target 22s - you betcha.    After acquiring the firearms I needed (outside of one, and it is on the way), I transitioned into knives and other bladed tools.  Now that I have what I needed, things have sort of lost their luster.  I still enjoy shooting all of my guns, but I have finally got to the point of viewing them more as tools instead of fancy things that go bang.  Don't get me wrong, I still prefer a 1911/2011 to any other handgun, but my EDC is a G19.   After purchasing my house several months back, my interests have now changed to outdoor power equipment.  Wood chippers, pressure washers, chainsaws, pole saws, zero-turns, backpack blowers, tools/tool chests are what interest me.  I guess I am just following the advice a friend once gave me; get all the toys you want before you get married.  :)
    2 points
  20. "TMZ has learned.."   "We're told..."   "We were initially told that...."   Right.   - OS
    2 points
  21. There is a real cancer in this country,seems lately on a daily basis a person reads about this type of crime on innocent people.I think God needs to flush the toilet again.
    2 points
  22. If you ever find yourself needing to pistol whip someone, you'll be well prepared...
    2 points
  23. Welcome! :wave: Please report to Memphis for your series of injections / washings for liberal-ese decontamination. You've presented evidence (rifle collection, sarcastic jokes re: magazine capacity limits) that you're not infected with the disease, but we like to make sure you're not a "silent carrier." As long as everything goes smoothly, most people can avoid the cavity search; so please answer questions truthfully. You're allowed to bring your rifle, your wife and children, and other personal belongings; but by all means, leave the Weiner up north. [URL=http://s1298.photobucket.com/user/ldugsjr1986/media/anthony-weiner-weiner_zps6c7a4b1b.jpg.html][/URL]
    2 points
  24. I expect they're hiding as in Animal Farm, that "some animals are more equal than others" when it came to city pensions.   Within that vault - I expect is the evidence that's going to send a lot of administrators to jail - or the morgue once the unions and the workers at large find out just how royally they were being screwed by their leaders.  By locking it up and requiring NDAs they're hoping to squeeze through this bankruptcy without the truly damning stuff coming to light.   Problem is, they're finding out that their little ecosystem is a part of a much larger farm, and as important as they think they are, Obama has enough potential problems of his own to bother getting his shoes dirty cleaning up their mess.  Turns out there's someone "more equal" than them, too.   If they don't get a Federal bailout and the white glove ushering through bankruptcy court that goes along with it, we're looking at a really good comedy in the true Shakespearian sense.   Good times. 
    2 points
  25. maybe they're preparing for trouble with the mosque? :popcorn:
    2 points
  26. Ahhhhh! Looking at that picture makes me wanna make someone push the earth! Can't..... fight..... indoctrination.....
    2 points
  27. Lol, Ted.......don't clean your bolt everytime you shoot :up:   Carbon+lube = good to go.  I generally clean every couple thousand rounds...and that's mostly from guilt.
    2 points
  28. As far as storage: I've been using a vacuum-sealer of late (Food Saver), and have been VERY pleased.  The last brisket I smoked ended up supplying enough flat to put 3 meals worth sealed in meal-portion bags that went to the freezer.  Chopped the point and sealed in 1 lb portions to supply meat for BBQ beans when I want them.  Same deal with leftover pulled pork butt.   I tried and tried to get ribs et all the way I wanted them using my gas grill.  I fianlly purchased a Weber Smoky Mountain smoker back in January, and have been extraordinarily pleased.  Perhaps more importantly, so have my wife and family...purely coincidental, I'm sure, but it seems that most of my recent firearms purchases have come just a few days after cooking up a nice tender brisket or several slabs of ribs... 
    2 points
  29.   Oh, I don't see how he's not gonna get out from under the single current charge, but "win"? He's already lost job and FFL, maybe permanently, . hours in the slammer, and time in general over this one. And three bills in bail if he didn't have $3k in a lump handy to plunk down.   His only win would be a big payout in civil suit, and I've give ya some good odds that won't happen.   - OS
    2 points
  30. Well, keep in mind that not having a policy one way or the other doesn't make a company an activist or a supporter.  Starbucks doesn't have to pick a side on this.  They're strategy is to simply obey state law.  The liberals are claiming that by not coming up with their own policy they are somehow responsible.  Meanwhile, gun owners look at Starbucks as taking a stand against the hippies, when in fact they aren't doing that at all.  They could care less who carries or who doesn't.  They're just trying to sell coffee.   The only reason I'd OC into a Starbucks is to piss off the wannabe hippies.  Other than that, a cup of their coffee costs more than a pound of sirloin with my Kroger Plus Card.  That's why I don't go there.
    2 points
  31. This sounds like my in-laws. They go down to Florida for the winter then complain about how redneck the state is. Drives me nuts.
    2 points
  32. I already have a manual ammo counter. It is called a slide lock. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    2 points
  33. You know what would have prevented this, if he was in prison for the felony he plead guilty to in march of this year.  He was arrested for terroristic threats in march of this year, negotiated a plea and sentence to 3 years probation.
    2 points
  34.   They trust us with just about most stuff except the stuff that goes RATA-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT!!! or REALLY quiet, for that you need about $200 and six months of your time to wait for a lovely little tax stamp. ;)
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the post on this OP, I will look into these on my next order of 9mm, always glad to do business at home.
    1 point
  36.   He needs a court ordered frontal lobotomy
    1 point
  37. I also read that Manning wants to live as a woman named Chelsea.  Yeah, well, I want to live as a billionaire named 'Biggus Dickus' but that ain't likely to happen, now is it.
    1 point
  38. Ha, for some of us it isn't a hobby, it's a burden.
    1 point
  39. I'm not saying that beating Alexander for the nomination is or would be easy for anyone but it's hardly as impossible as your analogy puts forth s many an entrenched politician has discovered (including discovered in the not so distant past).  ;) Those who "always vote for Lamar" are a lost cause of course.  As usual, it will be those voters who are ready for a change who will make the difference and I think there are enough of them who find Lamar detestable that they'll gladly cast their vote for an alternative; especially a quality alternative which I believe Joe Carr is...all Carr really needs is campaign funds to that the people who don't know him can get to know him.
    1 point
  40. Welcome and come on down!  I lived for about 10 years in the Syracuse area.  It's beautiful country up that way.  I didn't care much for the winters there and I liked the NY state government even less.  I hope you're able to gain your freedom soon.
    1 point
  41. Welcome from the hills cousin, I have family in Rochester. Also, c'mon down and let that collection grow exponentially. :up:
    1 point
  42.   Probably.  My MIL isn't a bad person, but her pension is in jeopardy.  With all this, she still is rabidly union and Democrat.  She and my FIL blame all this on Republicans.  I find it difficult to feel bad for them, since they voted for the situation they are in.  They aren't bad people though, just incredibly ignorant that they are just pawns manipulated into believing in an alternate reality. 
    1 point
  43.   MSNBC said it was a .223 military grade high capacity assault revolver.
    1 point
  44. That's a pretty good price. Bought a 10 pack awhile back from PSA. Thought that price was great at 15 per. Thanks for the heads up!
    1 point
  45. G19. It is the AK of pistols.
    1 point
  46. Joe Carr is the best I've seen as a conservative alternative to Alexander the RINO.  He's got my vote. 
    1 point
  47. DI rifles don't work though. I heard they jam after the first round and Soldiers have to use the enemy's AKs they recover on the battlefield.
    1 point
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