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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2013 in all areas

  1.   TMF hit the target below the line on this one.  In other words, I agree completely.  The complaint is stupid and baseless.  Learn to aim and hit what you aim at.   Thread closed.
    5 points
  2. To be fair, I heard this kid took performance enhancing supplements to achieve his record.  I think maybe the best solution to this problem is to "Tyler-proof" the contest by introducing certain criteria to make the challenge more "fair".  If he still continues to win the contest we launch an investigation into whether he took supplements to aid his accomplishment, such as ginkoba to help with concentration or candybars to keep him energized and awake.  Once we prove his guilt with our witch hu-- er, investigation, we can strip him of his previous titles and make him a pariah in the reading community.  Then we can retroactively award 1st place to all the runners up in the previous competitions, regardless of what means they used to achieve their status; even if they also used ginkoba and candy bars.... well, because we just don't like it when it's the same person winning.   Making things fair is awesome; I love me some fair.
    5 points
  3. Might I suggest... Great thing is they can be had on the cheap, cheaper than a Jeep anyways. :D
    4 points
  4. There's no doubt he's made some choice that I'm not likely to duplicate, but that doesn't negate or justify the .gov's abuse of powers, in my humble opinion. I've known of more than a few people who've pissed me off by doing something I'd consider stupid, but I wouldn't want the .gov resorting to the same shady tactics that could possibly be used against me for little more than doing something that someone else doesn't agree with. They have too much power as it is, and being OK with the abuse of said power for any reason should never be acceptable, in my humble opinion.
    4 points
  5. I'm sure they are tired of him, but I'm not fond of the .gov flexing their muscle to prove a point, all while it appears he didn't break any laws.
    4 points
  6.   MSNBC said it was a .223 military grade high capacity assault revolver.
    3 points
  7.   The MAJOR uprising will be in all of those Del Webb retirement communities across the South.    You know the ones.  Its the folks with the old, rusty Michigan front plates still on their cars, hogging all of the handicap parking spots at WalMart, and always telling us southern hicks how they did it up North.  :ugh:      
    3 points
  8. Runs on grass and the occasional carrot
    3 points
  9. The price is low enough that we need to work through how we're going to post it.   To the earlier thread, when it comes time for this one to go, we'll ask people to commit firmly at that time.
    3 points
  10. I see no reason to be pessimistic about Carr's chances to unseat that worthless RINO Alexander (in fact, Alexander is so worthless I don't even think he deserves the honor of being called a RINO; he's really just a progressive who wants to call himself a Republican).   The main hurdle Carr has to overcome right now is money and THAT can be taken care of if people just donate to his campaign...lot's of folks on this board have been complaining about Alexander for years; well, now it's time to put your money where your complaints have been...I don't care if its' $1, $5 or $5,000...it all helps.   I'll at least be donating $$$ by the end of the week and probably throughout the campaign and maybe try to find a way to help physically with his campaign...if you want Alexander out of there then you should do the same.
    3 points
  11. I'm no more a fan of lawyers than anyone else, but going to court without one is like going to a gunfight unarmed, naked and with a big "shoot me first" sign around your neck.
    3 points
  12.   If there was a book it would be called 50 Shades of Stupid.
    3 points
  13. Yankees. Swear to God, there is something wrong with them.
    3 points
  14. are you reffering to yourself here?   I dont think they'll miss you one bit.  Maybe they wont have to repair their system either.  You are being awful beligerant for someone who signed an agreement before entering the range.  You knew the agreement and failed to hold up your end.  Plus they are a paying sponser of TGO, they deserve a little respect.  If you dont agree with the $8, fine, shoot somewhere else, but your are crying over something that you admitadly did.  its like complaining about a speeding ticket by saying the speed limit was too low.  You kew the rules
    3 points
  15. I highly recommend Falcon too. I need to buy more, but new truck tires and some other bills take precedence over my reloading hobby....
    2 points
  16. You know what would have prevented this, if he was in prison for the felony he plead guilty to in march of this year.  He was arrested for terroristic threats in march of this year, negotiated a plea and sentence to 3 years probation.
    2 points
  17. If we are going the naturally fueled route then I'll be doing a lot of movement on Big John. Our plan is to bug in, but being able to move heavy loads like water, fire wood, large amounts of gear or food via horsepower will be invaluable. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  18. People will spend more money if you only show them the way...
    2 points
  19. I'm riding the mule in the farm next door ;)
    2 points
  20. With a couple of rounds of ammo you will be sighted in any way , I've never spent the money on one .
    2 points
  21. They won't allow me to serve on any juries anymore. Seems they don't like constant high-fiving & shouts of boooooyaahhh! Interupting the court proceedings *shrug*.
    2 points
  22. Man, this thread is making me jones for some good barbecue and now I am feeling the need to 'fight back'. I am off from work on Thursday and Friday (as well as my normal Saturday and Sunday) of next week. I considered going camping but then realized that it will be Labor Day weekend. I don't want to be within ten miles of the campgrounds on Labor Day weekend even if I thought I could find a spot. I am now thinking that firing the smoker would be a good plan. Now I just need to decide if I want to smoke pork ribs: Chicken breasts: Pork loin: Pork butt: A beef brisket: Or even some lamb ribs (honestly, these tasted great but - as you might expect - got a little dry) : Whatever I do will get one or another of the dry rubs I have come up with over the years but I still have to decide whether to just make one of my homemade sauces or go ahead and make two or three, different ones: Decisions, decisions.
    2 points
  23. At this point, they are merely flexing their authority. This case is a waste of time, and I'm certain the judge and DA know it. Wasting time and money just to prove a point. They are no better than he is.
    2 points
  24. That's why so many law enforcement agencies have adopted the XD line..... :whistle:
    2 points
  25.         I guess Lenny is gonna find out for us.  See, he is good for something!   The tax thing seems like a technicality though, and I think this whole thing was to get them in a catch-22, where they could arrest him for having a prohibited firearm, but it was not a prohibited firearm based on documentation he isn't required to show them, so they could not determine that the firearm was legal.  I mean, imagine tooling around with a .50 cal machine gun on your jeep and then telling the cop to pound sand when he asks for your FA paperwork on it.  I mean, I guess in a perfect system we wouldn't need such silly things as tax stamps in the first place, but we do and it is generally not a good idea to pick a fight with a cop using technicalities.
    2 points
  26. 91 ram and a 07 Honda element. I'm taking a lot of stuff... sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    2 points
  27. This guy could save a lot of time if he would just go set money on fire and subject himself to a violent gang rape.  Oh well, I guess he'll have to experience the extended version.
    2 points
  28.     Not bashing by any means but I fully agree with robtattoo.   A 700 yard ethical shot requires a high degree of certainty which is not the norm for any joe-bag-of-donuts shooter like myself.   A 300 yard shot is a quick clean kill with meat in the cooler and a BIG proud smile.  I have found over the years that losing a deer from a poorly placed shot is very upsetting.  I don't like that feeling and as you can tell, I don't want any of you to feel that either.  Just saying, be cautious with the long shots.  They are not for everyone.
    2 points
  29. Easy solution. Open your own range. Good target systems are only 10k or so per lane, plus backstop material at another 5k+ a lane. And since you don't mind people shooting high add another few thousand to expand your backstop higher. Generally for a mere 15-25k a lane you can make your own rules. I really hate listening to people whine about a charge that they new about and disregarded anyway. If you are unable to shoot below the line then either move the target closer or aim lower. Seems pretty easy to me. I would rather shoot at a clean well cared for range that had strict rules to keep it that way than at some of these poorly ventilated basement dumps that don't. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    2 points
  30. Take it with a grain of salt. I'm being honest when I say that I've fired more rounds through my issued M4s than 99% of the military. I have never had a malfunction caused by anything other than magazine failure, bolt breakage or a manufactured malfunction. If the weapon is properly maintained it will fire more ammo than you can carry. I've put thousands of rounds through one in a single day without relubing. It will work. The reason you see reports of widespread malfunction is due to operator error. I kid you not. Our military sucks when it comes to mentoring younger Servicemembers. For example, the story of Jessica Lynch's convoy has at least two of the weapons failing. I've seen more M16s fail than I can count. There is always a common denominator; no lube, and where there should be live there is dust... Lots of it. The problem is crappy NCOs not doing proper PCIs on their Soldiers. I'll use the M2 .50 cal as an example. It works great. I've used dozens of them over my military career. I've only come across one that had issues; it was a refurbish that was fresh. After a few thousand rounds it worked fine. All the rest worked so long as you knew how to properly head space and time it. Unfortunately, I see MOST convoys pull up to a test fire berm and experience multiple jams, because all they did was screw a barrel on, back off two and call it good. Then they call it a piece of 100 year old junk because it doesn't work. It does work. It's the operator that needs to be sent back to the assembly line. I get a little emotional about this one, because I know the truth and it pisses me off. It makes me mad that there are so many piss poor Soldiers and NCOs out there. When I hear a Servicemember who complains about his M16 (if it was issued after 1970, or whenever they fixed the issue with the chamber and the ammo) it tells me they were a substandard Soldier that did not properly maintain his equipment.
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. he has knowledge and skill but I really doubt how much surviving he does on that show.  There are youtube vid's some of you may allow yourself to watch ;) that show him surviving from a reverse angle as his camera and tourists and vehicles are clearly visible just yards away.   Survivorman would kick his ass in a survival showdown.
    2 points
  33. I'll have it Monday. Until then, stock photo below. I figured, might as well get a knife that goes on a gun. :) Once I placed the order, I had to face the harsh reality that it won't fit on ANY of my AR's. So, I decided to build an A2 to go along with it. Problem solved! The rifle should be done sometime this week if the barrel shows up.
    1 point
  34. They want to know what its like to watch someone die, string them up one by one.   When it comes to execution, I really feel old ways were better. 
    1 point
  35. Heck, you're a guy! You're supposed to like guy stuff.   I bought a new Stihl leaf blower last fall, and I've had nearly as much fun with it as most any gun.
    1 point
  36. And I was hoping it was my birthday present...
    1 point
  37.   Possession of unlicensed full auto, SBR, SBS, or suppressor is statutory violation under TN law also.   New headline on Kwik's FFL site:   "Sorry, I can't accept transfers due to a possible pending indictment."   I listened to whole audio while doing other stuff, and it's pretty obvious the judge is giving him as much grief as he can. Didn't accept any of the federal documents because they weren't certified, said could have been made up, etc. Final statement, "I don't think Mr. Embody is crazy, I think he's stupid."   That sort of sums up Kwik's history -- with the arguable exception of getting the archaic and unenforced ordinance removed in Belle Meade, none of his antics have in any way been helpful in expanding firearm rights in this state, and if anything contribute to more restriction.   - OS
    1 point
  38. A few years back I think we ran into some "glampers" in the real outdoors, made it really hard to keep a straight face. Coming off a few days on the AT at LeConte we were about 3/4 of a mile into the decent on the Alum Cave trail headed for the parking area at the base. It had been pouring rain and around 40 degrees all morning on the mountain. We were taking a break from our decent due to one of our group having a bum knee and I thought I was hallucinating. A family of four were wearing trash bags as raincoats and dragging rolling suitcases up the side of the mountain! I politely asked if they needed and help and the gentleman only asked if they were close to the LeConte lodge. I told him that it was only about another mile up the mountain you couldn't miss the signs after you pass the trail shelter.   For those who may not be familiar wit the lodge at LeConte the first paragraph from the lodge webpage "getting there" is below.   "Overnight guests at LeConte Lodge® are very special people. The only way to reach the facility is by taking hiking trails up and back. There are five trails to the lodge, the shortest and steepest being Alum Cave Trail at 5 1/2 miles, which a hiker in good condition can do in approximately four hours one way. None of these trails can be considered a stroll and you occasionally encounter ice and snow as late as May or as early as October. The other trails are Rainbow Falls and Trillium Gap, each 6.5 miles, a hike of about five hours; Bullhead at 7.2 miles and about five hours; and Boulevard, 8 miles and about 5 1/2 hours. Parking is available at the start of each trail."   http://www.lecontelodge.com/
    1 point
  39. It appears Embody has a fool for a client.
    1 point
  40. He refused to show the documentation. He’s making an argument that he doesn’t have to show it to cops; only IRS or BATF. I would guess it will boil down to whether or not he has so show it on demand. We will see.
    1 point
  41.   I hear the sound of thundering hooves!
    1 point
  42. Hey, hey hey.   Do you really think that is appropriate?             I mean why would you want to insult and innocent pig by associating it with Piers?
    1 point
  43. Were I a conspiracy theorist I would point out that Obama's twitter account began posting non-stop gun control tweets, out of nowhere, roughly 2-ish hours before the school shooting. But I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
    1 point
  44. A credible opponent could take this race regardless of dollars, IF we would do the Maggart thing and get enough people involved.   http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/08/18/Exclusive-Poll-Sen-Alexander-Trails-Generic-Conservative-by-5-Points   From the article:  
    1 point
  45. I doubt that anyone can "unseat" Alexander in a primary (...sadly...); but i do believe it's a good thing to send a message about the unhappiness of lots of us tennesseeans have for this voting record in congress; especially toading up to the dammed democrats on several of obama's appointees; and essentially nullifying several tennessee senatorial votes splitting "yeas" and "nays" with corker.   I can tell ya all that his August/September newsletter highlites this "conservative" positions; and i think that is a good thing.  Could it be that this little "dust up" with the more conservative wing of the libertarians, Tea Party, and Republican party factions have  anything to do with this?.... Yes, i think it, indeed, does; and that's a good thing.   leroy, radical isolationist libertarian
    1 point
  46. I pretty much had the same experience. Luckily I had a .410 Judge with me, which instantly vaporized him.
    1 point
  47. Larger pic here http://smopoim86.smugmug.com/Gear/Guns/i-7Md3crH/A Second Amendment Armory, SAA-15 billet lower with matching billet upper YHM Todd Jarrett 15" rail green mountain blank (8" twist) finished by Paladin Machine to 24", 3/4 gas block, threaded and fluted. Magpul PRS stock Armalite 2 stage lower parts kit KNS pins UTG grip. core 15 NiB BCG BCM Gunfighter charging handle Nikon m223 mount with Bushnell elite 10x42 mildot First time I had it out I was consistently hitting a 4" spinner at 200 yards with xm855. I'm definitely happy with it.
    1 point
  48. You wouldn't have to retake the class if you had a current Kentucky CCDW permit.  Kentucky and Tennessee have reciprocity.  I moved here from Kentucky in 1997 and simply paid the fee, got fingerprinted and waited for them to mail my HCP to me.     <-- I was wrong about this part.  Outdated info.  My age is showing.   By the way... the roads run both ways between Tennessee and Kentucky.  Since it's better up there and all that.
    1 point
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