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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2013 in all areas

  1. I grew tired of the bickering and petty nature of my business. Coming home every day stressed out. 34 years old and way to much gray hair to count. Life shouldn't be like that in my opinion. So I threw my resume off to a recruiter and PRESTO... less than three weeks later I've accepted an offer with a better title, pay, cheaper benefits.. and it's just right up the road!   Now, changing jobs as a family man is stressful in itself. It worries me that I'm leaving the enemy that I understand for the one that I don't. But honestly I feel like Peter from Office Space here with one week left to go. Think I'll leave early today and go clean my new gun :)   Fellow TGO'ers If you're overworked and overstressed, please don't drive yourself to an early grave. You weren't put on this planet to watch the bottom line of someone else's riches! At least not for someone who doesn't appreciate it. There's always something better out there, you just have to look.
    7 points
  2.      I guess I am kooky..and disgusting for sure..Our dog sleeps in bed with us..Oh the horror.. :rolleyes:    and I guess we are just ignorant and filthy...BUT..I rather be with my animals than a judgemental person..because my animals dont judge :)
    5 points
  3. You are an asshole.. seriously.. just take him back and shoot him?  Why would you even come on here and suggest that? he might be a dog and he might be a bit on the dumb side.. but he is OUR dog.. we  have an obligation to take care of him and care for him.. We love this dog and I would pay a helluva lot more to keep all our animals from suffereing... Now get out of this threat  if you cant be anything but nice.... jerk!!
    4 points
  4. Wow. What are you driving? j/k lol
    3 points
  5. Excuse me....but these things are very dangerous!  I felt something crawling on my leg one night, so I told my wife to turn on the light somethings crawling on my leg.  She turned on the light and I threw the covers back. There was a spider just like that sitting on my thigh.  My wife beat it to death with the alarm clock........I couldn't walk for 2 days and my thigh was bruised for over a week..!!!!
    3 points
  6.   The previous post is correct, the paste lasts a LONG time. I bought a small tub(2-3 ounces I think) probably a year ago. Since then I've used less than 15% of the container. It really doesn't take much. I followed their recommendation about heating up the metal of the guns before applying it. It's not required but they claim it helps. I recently bought the liquid to see if I like it better. I haven't had a chance to try it yet.    Again, I don't know if it's any better than other products on the market but it's made in the U.S.A by a veteran and I don't have to worry about it being full of carcinogens so I'll keep using it for now. I do know that in the past the barrels of my Glocks would have a lot grime and lead build up that would be difficult to remove. Since applying this stuff one swipe of the bore snake usually does the job.
    2 points
  7. BG scouting through your windows at night, sees those eyes glowing and would probably mess himself lol!
    2 points
  8. Leave is leave regardless of the reason. I can guarantee they do not get free or some special kind of leave because they are gay. They are getting the same kind of leave as any other service member.   What is wrong with this statement? "It is now the department's policy to treat all married military personnel equally," I see nothing wrong with the statement or the policy.
    2 points
  9. All BS aside the rifle that sonny has for sale is one fine clean rifle and it already has a brake on it . It is a tac driver I know he let me shoot it . Not one malfunction or jam or ftf , for the money that he is asking is one hell of a good price , put it this way you will prob never ever wear it out , far as weight it's not that mutch diff of weight on the front barrel that you would even notice , if you don't get it I prob will . I have a LWRCI M6A3 and wouldn't mind adding his sig piston to my collection , jest a heads up Sonny is a stand up guy . Piston ar-15 is the way to go I have over 9,000 rounds down mine not the first hiccup , and it is a tac driver and I really mean a tac driver if you don't believe me ask peace and sonny even after 9,000 rounds and hardly ever clean the bolt group , it jest runs clean .
    2 points
  10. Take it with a grain of salt. I'm being honest when I say that I've fired more rounds through my issued M4s than 99% of the military. I have never had a malfunction caused by anything other than magazine failure, bolt breakage or a manufactured malfunction. If the weapon is properly maintained it will fire more ammo than you can carry. I've put thousands of rounds through one in a single day without relubing. It will work. The reason you see reports of widespread malfunction is due to operator error. I kid you not. Our military sucks when it comes to mentoring younger Servicemembers. For example, the story of Jessica Lynch's convoy has at least two of the weapons failing. I've seen more M16s fail than I can count. There is always a common denominator; no lube, and where there should be live there is dust... Lots of it. The problem is crappy NCOs not doing proper PCIs on their Soldiers. I'll use the M2 .50 cal as an example. It works great. I've used dozens of them over my military career. I've only come across one that had issues; it was a refurbish that was fresh. After a few thousand rounds it worked fine. All the rest worked so long as you knew how to properly head space and time it. Unfortunately, I see MOST convoys pull up to a test fire berm and experience multiple jams, because all they did was screw a barrel on, back off two and call it good. Then they call it a piece of 100 year old junk because it doesn't work. It does work. It's the operator that needs to be sent back to the assembly line. I get a little emotional about this one, because I know the truth and it pisses me off. It makes me mad that there are so many piss poor Soldiers and NCOs out there. When I hear a Servicemember who complains about his M16 (if it was issued after 1970, or whenever they fixed the issue with the chamber and the ammo) it tells me they were a substandard Soldier that did not properly maintain his equipment.
    2 points
  11.   I caught a really bad case of the "chirpies" from our pet bird and it was really hard to tweet? The wife was madder than a wet hen and wouldn't stop clucking about it...
    2 points
  12. somebody is jonesing for a repr! 516 is great.
    2 points
  13. Your lucky it was on your thigh !!  :squint:
    2 points
  14. Excellent show I love this one and Mboro. Makes me feel stupid for ever spending more than a nickel on the nashville ass crack and bone handled knife, naZi junk gun show
    1 point
  15.   Does he/she bring the internet to the meeting?   http://youtu.be/UTBsm0LzSP0
    1 point
  16.   Six figure folks aren't IT though. They're IT "managers or" "architects" (which is latin for, "I haven't logged into a production box in 3 years"
    1 point
  17. Frivolous crap is how you catch people with drugs, warrants and revoked licenses. You said it yourself; you are being profiled because of your car. Time to trade. Could be worse; they could be writing you every time they stop you to look in your car.
    1 point
  18. Why DW (CZ) stopped making them I'll never understand.  One of the finest looking and shooting 1911's ever made, IMHO.
    1 point
  19. I have one and it will be one of the last pistols I ever sell. 
    1 point
  20. Only running DL gives automatic HCP status.   - OS
    1 point
  21. Walmart off gallaherview Knoxville has thunderbolt small boxes
    1 point
  22. Three years ago I walked out on a limb and took a new job. It has turned into one of the best things I've ever done. Best of luck to you! sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  23. Those ALS are unbelievable holsters. It's everything the Serpa should have been.
    1 point
  24.     Meh, lots of guys here support gay rights. Figured they might as well take a good look at the new military. I'm a pretty simple person. You keep it out of my face, I don't give a damn who your sleeping with. That goes for anybody, gay or straight. That shit has no place in the public eye.
    1 point
  25. Ted you are right the LWRC that you and i have are awsome rifles " goomer pile" you cant go wrong with them the only question is the price range - The LWRC's that some of us are talking about are much more expensive - around $2600 base but they are top of the line rifles- it all depends how much you are willing to spend my friend.   TED we have to go shoot again soon this beautifull weather is killing me.
    1 point
  26. Looks like it's extremely rare, at least in this country, thanks for the heads up though Tanker but at 2 cases per year I'm guessing that I'm more likely to be struck by a bus & lightning at the exact same time. Now I don't know about you folks, but one of the greatest joys in this world IMHO is "puppy kisses" I don't think they are gross or sick at all, not unless the owner is actually french kissing the dog ... Then again between myself & all of my kids we've kept all sorts of lizards, frogs, toads, snakes, turtles, aligators, chickens, ferrets, rabbits, parrots, etc all of which can pass salmonila &/or other infectious diseases if not handled properly. I do have to admit to being somewhat scared of feline aids after reading an article on it, when we took in a stray & starving preg female cat over the winter & I was forced to help deliver one of the kittens who had gotten stuck & she couldn't push out. I wore latex gloves during the delivery but I still washed & washed, used hand sanitizer, washed some more, more sanitizer, etc, all because I read a news article about feline aids LOL. Didn't know about goat herpies though .... think I should go get checked out? :)
    1 point
  27. Congrats. It's always a gamble between the devil you know and the devil you don't know. I've done well to leave a job in the past when you hit that wall where it just ain't worth it anymore. It still is scary having to start over though.
    1 point
  28. Whoops. Didnt mean to open a can of worms. I have been trying to read alot. I'm not against a DI gun, i just thought the pistons were cleaner, not sure if its needed or not. I did not realize they are so front heavy. I do want an ar based rifle, so the 556 is out. There are so many options out there it is hard to narrow it done. Every gun shop i go to recommends a piston rifle, thence my reason to enquire about them
    1 point
  29. I pretty much had the same experience. Luckily I had a .410 Judge with me, which instantly vaporized him. I didn't have a judge, but I did manage to sneak my Grandpa's M1 Garand in with me and killed them all with a single shot each from a little more than 1800 yds. That 30-06 is a hoss. I apoligize to the op, back to the topic at hand Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    1 point
  30. I pretty much had the same experience. Luckily I had a .410 Judge with me, which instantly vaporized him.
    1 point
  31. DI rifles don't work though. I heard they jam after the first round and Soldiers have to use the enemy's AKs they recover on the battlefield.
    1 point
  32. I was gonna say LWRC. The REPR is absolutely the way to go, but if you want 5.56, look at the LWRC SPR. Great rifles.
    1 point
  33. Again, Levin is not talking about a constitutional convention.  It's representatives of state legislatures convening to propose, debate, vote upon and approve or reject amendments which will have immediate effect upon the constitution.  Congress, the president or the Supreme Court have no jurisdiction in this matter.  It only requires notification to Congress that the states will convene.  If we can't find or trust anyone to assume a leadership position for the people's good, how will we stop this monstrous juggernaut of a socialistic government that we have now, short of rag-tag, disorganized squads of pseudo-militiamen going up against a highly trained, equipped and organized superior force?  And who are you going to trust as officers to lead this second revolution?   Americans were facing the same dilemma after the Revolutionary War.  Only 1/3 of the citizenry actually took part in the fight.  The rest were Tories or other sideline sitters.  But the framers of the Constitution and government got it done because it HAD to be done.  If we call ourselves constitutionalists, why don't we use the Constitution and every available provision left to us before we get into something that will be a lot harder to overcome?
    1 point
  34. -LWRC REPR. people who have shot them have been known to sell all manner of things (including 516s) to fund one. I was just messing with Sonny. again, the 516 is a great rifle. carry on-
    1 point
  35. Well, guys, something I have always want to do should be happening this year!  Elk hunting!  I should be going to Utah to go hunting with a new found friend.  He has been hunting public land for that last 13-20 years and has invited me to go camping and hunting for a week.  I have never been before, we are just going to camp and hunt on the public land.  I have never done that kind of thing and just wondering if someone on here has some experience elk hunting.  I have asked my new friend a lot of questions and don't want to get to the point where I annoy him.  How does elk hunting differ from deer hunting?  Do they have as good of a nose as a whitetail deer....?  If you have some advice let me know, I am very excited and I do realize that I may not come home with an elk, but know it will be a lot of fun either way.  planned hunt is the week of oct 5th, after the rut. 
    1 point
  36. If and when he runs for office again the RNC NeoCons will tout him as the savior of Conservatives and all of the Republicans will vote for him again. All of this will be touted by the GOP  as lies by the Liberal media and deny he ever said any of these things.   This is exactly what voting pure party line has gotten us. Living lies.   Democrats do the same thing. Both parties are  packs of liars and crooks.
    1 point
  37. This.   Also consider that these gatherings of the people's representatives rarely remain within the bounds set forth by the electorate.  During the French Revolution, for example, the people voted for representatives and sent them to voice their concerns to the king.  But when the representatives assembled, they sort of forgot the limited nature of their mission, and instead opted for creating a written constitution and instigating something that eventually morphed into the Terror.  My point is that, given the great liberties popular representatives take during tumultuous times, and given the average quality of modern American politicians, We the People might not get what we bargained for out of a constitutional convention.   This is not to say I'm opposed to holding one.  It's just a worry of mine that looms large any time I think about the possibility of actually accomplishing a CC.
    1 point
  38. Coming in from PA, give him some TN stuff... George Dickel & the other usual suspects made here in TN.   Sometimes you need to forgo the quality and do something with a little hometown flavor ;)
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. WooHoo! Looks like Dead Rising 2 is the next free game. I remember trying a demo to the first one and liked it.
    1 point
  41. Things you should never buy.... Half price surgery or legal advice
    1 point
  42. My truck I just bought has "roll up" windows. My daughter looked confused at the handles and asked what they were for. I explained that was how you roll down the windows. She asked where the buttons were. I told her the handles spun to let down the windows to which she replied " that's weird, I've never seen that before" sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  43. I'm not going to say right now because most anyone in Clarksville will figure it out and then I expect the Capitalists, 'er I mean looters, will likely arrange to strip the place like they do big box stores using shill purchasers, bribes and what have you. Nightrunner, all I can tell you that it isn't the Viola Valley Market on the way to the Viola Valley Shooting Range.
    1 point
  44.   Seriously?  If the OP wants to start a new thread about it, so be it.  We certainly didn't stop the other 38 threads.
    1 point
  45. Prices will come back down, but never as low as prepanic prices. 
    1 point
  46. That's a great looking rifle MrBrian, you should be proud. It's tedious work but feels so rewarding when you finish and it comes out that nice.
    1 point
  47. New here? Step up and tell us about yourself. A good format to follow would be your first name (if you care to share it), where you're from, what your interests are, what gun(s) you have, where you like to shoot, etc. It helps break the ice and you might just find new friends as a result.
    1 point
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